Improving Your Conversion Reduces the Need to Cons

Improving Your Conversion Reduces the Need to Constantly Promote Your Sites

by: Jack Humphrey

I just got off the phone with Michael Fortin, one of the top copywriters and conversion experts on the web.

We were doing a teleseminar for our members on conversion and testing for website owners wanting more out of the traffic they already enjoy, rather than constantly having to promote their sites to support low conversion rates. Specifically, we were talking about all the things you can do to test different กcalls to action.ก

A call to action is anything you are trying to get people to do on any particular site or page of a site. It could be buying a product or service, getting people on an announcement list or newsletter, or getting people to click on your advertising links.

Most web publishers are so happy when they finally have a site up that they consider their work done and get right to marketing it. Once the traffic rolls in, they enjoy whatever sales or clicks they get and try to make more money by driving MORE traffic to the site.

Then they start building another site. And another. And another.

This is a disturbing trend that is creating a massive amount of waste. Both in resources and time. Especially when it comes to niche publishers who are building massive networks of sites on different topics in order to capture emails, generate advertising revenue, sell affiliated products and services, or to build their lists to generate backend sales to their subscribers.

The waste is generated when people are in too big a hurry to build more sites, add more products, and get more traffic to sites that can convert sometimes 1000% BETTER than they do now.

They are moving at a hectic pace, in this scenario, to build build build, when their income goals can most often easily be met without so much waste.

One example of waste is when someone builds a contentdry site that has nothing but Adsense and some links on it. People hit that kind of site and can’t wait to find a reason to leave. The thinking is, กGreat! My กclick thru ratioก is sky high! I am getting almost everyone to click on my ads!ก

But hereกs whatกs happening in reality: you are working VERY hard to get traffic to such a site, only to กburnก it on a 35 cent click! No email capture, no followup, and most importantly no desire on the part of the visitor to EVER see your site again!

Would you rather have someone come through your site and click immediately on an advertiserกs link, never to return? Or would you rather have someone come to your site, read some great content, sign up for your list and not click on ANY links that first time?

I will take scenario #2 any day of the week. And I won’t have made a single penny off of that person with that initial action. But I will in the future!

If you have a site that you constantly test and tweak for performance (beyond its ability to repulse your visitors into clicking on an advertisement just to get to a QUALITY site) then you have a real business.

You can test and track SO MANY variables to make a site more profitable than it is now. Every site on the web can perform better than it does right now. Every single one!

The people who understand this never stop testing their calls to action to get their visitors to do more than something that results in a onetime action.

Traffic is the most expensive thing on the web both in the time it takes to get it and the resources you have to use up for each and every hit.

The traffic you have now might be all the traffic you EVER need on a daily basis to make a killing with your site. You will never know until you test and track everything about your site.

The headlines, the offers, the optin forms, the guarantees, testimonials, bullets, adsense placement, followup… In short, every webmaster on the net has a lot of work to do on every site they own if they really want to reap the kinds of profits their sites are actually capable of pulling in.

Most people get a site up and are happy with the sales or clicks they get and move on. NO! You are leaving so much money on the table thinking you are done with a site right after you put it up.

That site is the worst it should ever be! Wasting another domain fee, hosting fee, bandwidth and the costs associated with getting traffic to a brand new site before you have optimized your current site for the very best conversion it can pull is NOT good business practice.

I know people who have literally thousands of domains. And one thing I can guarantee you is this: They are making a pittance, even if they are making $60,000 a DAY, in comparison to what they COULD be making with far fewer sites and more testing and tweaking of that smaller group!

And Fortin seems to agree. He is going to be at my seminar in New Orleans September 9th 11th to expose everyone who attends to just how much money they have left on the table over the years because they have never tested different aspects of their calls to action.

It is enlightening, as well as depressing to find out how much money you COULD have made all this time had you tested from the beginning!

But the point is, you cannot go back to get all those lost subscribers, sales, or clicks. You can only start testing today to capture more money from each site you own. Thereby alleviating the need to have a massive network of sites all performing at half their potential or much less!

Copyright 2005 Jack Humphrey

About The Author

Jack Humphrey is Managing Partner at Content Desk. He is also the author of Power Linking 2005, now in its 4th edition. To learn more about the profitable niche publishing industry, check out

This article was posted on August 09

by Jack Humphrey

Photo Plus 2005

Photo Plus 2005

by: The Digital Room Moderator

The Photo Plus Expo 2005 is sure to draw digital enthusiasts as once again new products are showcased and innovative technologies are demonstrated. This is an ideal venue for seasoned professionals and amateurs as well to discover new breakthroughs and ideas that will prove indispensable in their craft. Also, more than 100 photography and design seminars and handson workshops taught by worldrenowned experts with a focus on cuttingedge innovations in digital imaging products and techniques. You will learn new techniques and solutions while being inspired by the Masters of Photography.

What’s in Store?

Preview the products that will keep your vision and skills ahead of the curve.

Gain inspiration and knowledge from the greatest photographers and imaging experts by networking or attending our seminar series.

Get upclose and handson with thousands of products and solutions and make purchases directly from dealers on the Expo floor.

Visit with over 200 manufacturers and suppliers of photographic capture, storage, output and display equipment, services and more.

Discover the Expo floor photography galleries.

Connect with colleagues and the best in the industry at networking events… And so much more

The Expo will be held at Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York from October 2022. An advanced reservation would be advantageous since there is a limited number of space available for the participants.

Take advantage of this exciting program and learn all there is to know about new progressive technologies.

About The Author

For Comments and Questions about the article please contact the Digital room Moderator at 888 888 4211 or visit

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 18

by The Digital Room Moderator

2005 Enter the Laptop

2005 Enter the Laptop

by: Laptopical

Itกs a fact. Notebook computers have leapt into the global sales arena with the force and flexibility of Bruce Lee, effortlessly dispatching their desktop competitors with nothing more than a dynamic oneinch sonoma punch.

With wifi technology blossoming around us, the demand for laptops is only set to increase. The ability to play games, or casually surf the internet in wireless coffee shops and airports, will ensure that notebook computers remain incredibly popular.

Laptops, though, aren’t just utilized for leisure. Mobile technology is also beginning to dictate what happens in the classroom. This is especially true as notebooks are entering the educational arena in everincreasing numbers. Indeed, schools such as Framingham State College, and the Myron B. Thompson Academy have both decided to use laptops as teaching tools in class.

Thanks to the adaptability and portability of laptop computers, retailers enjoyed a bountiful sales year in 2004. Consequently, everyoneกs using notebooks these days, from sprightly seventh graders to zimmerwielding septegenarians.

But can this popularity and the incredible global sales figures be sustained?

Yes they can. Once you couldn’t find a notebook for under a thousand dollars, but now there are entry level selling for seven hundred dollars, and even lower with coupons and rebates. Recently, WalMart began to offer laptops with a linux operating systems, and 30GB hard drives for under 500 dollars.

So just how low can laptop prices go?

Can you say a hundred dollars?

If Nicholas Negroponte, founder of MITกs Media Lab gets his wish, wireless laptops for third world countries will soon be available for around 100 dollars.

2005 The Year of the Rooster?

Think again. This is most definitely the Year of the Laptop.

About The Author

Info about Laptopical Offers relevant news commentary on laptops and mobile computers.

More laptop news articles

About the folks at Laptopical

This article was posted on March 04

by Laptopical

New Website for Buying and Selling Almost Anything

New Website for Buying and Selling Almost Anything!

by: Paul Bryant

April 2005:

Letter from the Chairman

I’d like to welcome you to the world of Wamee™. The concept of Wamee was first instigated some two years ago, when I was considering forming a company which would be of use to the public at large, and on the leading edge of innovation. The challenge was to create a website that would appeal to people, both from an aesthetic, and user friendly aspect, and which would be economic to the end user. In considering the overall concept, I wanted Wamee to be professionally designed, and my demands on the web designers, has led them to working long, hard hours, to create, what I believe, is a website, which is both easy to browse, and totally clear and precise in its layout, whereby everything on the website is easy to find, and simple to navigate.

Furthermore, I wanted to add to the website, value for money, to our customers. To this aim, the prices for listing an advert, are very competitive, and more importantly, there are no ‘hidden’ costs involved, but rather, just one set of listing fees, and that’s it! I also want our customers to feel that they are being given the quality of service that they deserve. Together with the web designers, we have thought very carefully about what should, and what shouldn’t be included in the website, and apart from the overall design, and functionality of the website, we looked further and deeper into what our customers may want. To this aim, we decided that a system of archiving should be set in place, so that our customers could search the database for their past advertising listings, should they wish to reinsert them at a later date, without the need to rewrite the advert. Although a customer can renew their listing at any time, whilst it is still current, they can now also renew it at a later date, within a certain time period. Our intention is to appeal equally to both buyers and sellers, so that the success of the website will be measured by how comfortable our customers feel, in using it.

I sincerely hope that you, our customer, will enjoy Wamee™. We certainly enjoyed all the stages in putting it all together!

May I take this opportunity in thanking you for using Wamee, and may I express my sincere good wishes to all of our customers.

Yours sincerely

Paul Bryant

Chairman, Wamee Ltd.

About The Author

Paul Bryant

© Wamee Limited 2005 – we reserve all rights including copyright in relation to the content of this website on behalf of ourselves and our associates whose material may appear on the Website.

Wamee™ is the trademark of Wamee Limited

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 25

by Paul Bryant

Your Website on My Forehead

Your Website on My Forehead

by: Jon Castle

People are so focused on promoting their websites on the web nowadays that many are overlooking the original marketing medium—the offline world! Many tried and true methods of advertising exist for brick and mortar businesses that could just as easily be applied to online businesses. These methods have been developed over hundreds if not thousands of years—what cavemen used to sell I have no idea—but the point is still valid. Business promotion existed long before the internet. So what methods of marketing in the ขrealข world can an online business owner apply to the cyber world?

One extremely effective method is brand marketing through merchandise. Think about it—before the web existed, how did businesses like real estate companies market their brands? One way they did it was to give stuff away—a marketing trick that is still being applied effectively today. How many pens, pencils, and magnets do you have lying around the house, stuck to the refrigerator, placed behind your ear—wherever—that bear some company’s logo or name? If you have ever worked in an office environment doubtless you would have noticed several different slogans on a hodgepodge collection of pens (some that might even still work) and pencils collected over time from seminars, informational fairs, trade events, etc. Brick and mortar businesses are doing it, so why aren’t you?

If you don’t want to market your website on writing utensils or magnets you have several alternatives. Other products that work well for marketing include coffee mugs, travelandgo cups, mouse pads, bumper stickers, key tags, and stress balls. Let’s not forget another great place to show off your website—on your body! No, I’m not talking about taking drastic measures like tattooing your company URL on your forehead. Clothing advertisements are the name of the game. Clothing is a wonderful way to advertise your website, especially if you have a funny slogan or eyecatching logo. You can have your website address printed on hats, shirts, umbrellas, tote bags, and all sorts of wearable accessories. The best thing about advertising on clothing is that the advertisement is mobile—it goes wherever you go. The next time you get dressed to go out why not wear something that promotes your business? Don’t forget that you can give away things as well—imagine a hundred walking billboards for your website!

There are plenty of companies that will apply your brands to products. The cost is cheap and the rewards can be high, so what are you waiting for? Look through your local phonebook or do an internet search for companies that print to merchandise and then go get branding!

Copyright 2005 Jon Castle

About The Author

We are each a single drop of rain strafed by the wind to merge with other droplets and thereby form an ocean. For more unconventional home business wisdom, home business opportunities, and more please visit Jon Castle’s website

Copyright 2005 Jon Castle

This article can be reprinted freely as long as the author bylines are included and it is published in its entirety.

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 20

by Jon Castle

How to Use Foreign Currency Rate Fluctuations to Y

How to Use Foreign Currency Rate Fluctuations to Your Advantage as an Affiliate Marketer

by: Rosalind Gardner

When I started affiliate marketing back in early 1998, getting paid in U.S. Dollars was a huge bonus to me as a Canadian resident.

At that time, one US dollar was valued at $1.43 Canadian. By late 2001, the greenback translated into $1.60 Canadian.


Even if my merchantsก product prices and commission rates remained the same, I got a raise simply by virtue of fluctuating foreign currency rates.

For example, letกs say that one month I sold 100 dating service memberships at $29.95 for a 50% commission and earned $1497.50 US. In January 1998 that $1497.50 was worth $2141.42 Canadian, and by November 2001, it was worth $2396.00 Canadian dollars, or almost $255.00 CAD more than in 1998!

Unfortunately, the U.S. greenback has been slipping steadily against other currencies since early 2002, and on January 14th, it was worth $1.20 CAD.

Using the example above, my $1497.50 USD commission check is only worth $1797.00 CAD in January 2005 a whopping $599.00 LESS than it was worth in late 2001.

Affiliate marketers in many other parts of the world faced the same scenario.

Here are some examples of how the US dollar has been performing against various currencies since early 2002.

British Pound

January 2002 0.698241 GBP

January 2003 0.618284 GBP

January 2004 0.547846 GBP

January 14 0.53124 British Pound

Australian Dollar

January 2002 1.93418 AUD

January 2003 1.71592 AUD

January 2004 1.29591 AUD

January 14 1.30581 Australian Dollar


January 2002 1.13226 EUR

January 2003 0.941605 EUR

January 2004 0.791328 EUR

January 14 0.75643 Euro

Those are fairly sizeable drops across the board… and a pretty depressing situation for nonU.S.based affiliates who earn their incomes in US dollars.

However, there are a couple of things affiliate marketers can do to protect their affiliate income from these disastrous declines.

The first option is to work about 2535% harder to bolster revenues to 2001 equivalent values.

However, because Iกm basically lazy, working harder is never my first choice.

The second option involves using foreign exchange rate changes to your advantage by selling products offered by merchants located in your own country, priced in your own currency.

For example, although Canadians are less resistant to purchasing in U.S. dollars now that the Canadian dollar is so strong, they still hate to see a $120.00 charge on their credit card for a $100.00 item. Logic aside, something tells you that a buck should be a buck, and anything more feels like a ripoff.

The primary benefit of promoting กlocal merchantsก is to help your visitors save money by reducing shipping costs and eliminating customs duties on goods imported from the U.S. Basically, most of us prefer to shop locally if we can get the same product at the same or lower price.

Your task then is to find merchants that price products and pay their affiliates in your own currency.

That unfortunately is still easier said than done.

The pickings were pretty slim when I searched Google for กCanadianก กaffiliate programsก.

A site that listed itself as a directory of Canadian affiliate programs wasn’t.

Furthermore, most of the Canadian merchants that set Canadian dollar prices on their sites, either pay their affiliates in U.S. dollars, or are affiliated with networks that pay affiliates in US dollars.

U.K. affiliates will have an easier time finding U.K.based merchants that pay in Pounds Sterling.

Hereกs something to watch for if you decide to affiliate with merchants who work in your own currency.

At Commission Junction I discovered that if you promote the Canadian Shopping Channel which sells and pays commission in Canadian dollars, your commissions are first converted to U.S. dollars for CJ?s purposes, then back into to Canadian dollars when they deposit the commissions in your Canadian dollar bank account.

You?d lose money each time the commission went through the exchange process.

To avoid being penalized by currency exchanges before the commission hits your bank, I suggest setting up a separate Commission Junction account just for affiliations with your กlocal merchantsก. Be sure to set the กfunctional currencyก on that account to your countryกs currency.

U.S. affiliates can also take advantage of drops in the U.S. dollar by selling for foreignbased merchants. When or if the U.S. dollar drops, you will actually get a raise on each of those promotions.

Expand your reach by taking advantage of any and all opportunities at home and abroad. It is the WORLDWIDE web after all.

© Copyright Rosalind Gardner, All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the bestselling กSuper Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other Peopleกs Stuff Onlineก. To learn how you too can suceed in Internet and affiliate marketing, go to:

This article was posted on March 30

by Rosalind Gardner

5 Things to Keep an Eye on in the SEO World in 200

5 Things to Keep an Eye on in the SEO World in 2005….

by: Bobby Heard

After the latest PR update at Google and MSN’s beta search going live, there is one thing for certain in 2005: the world of search is in for some major changes. There has been growing speculation around the SEO world that reciprocal linking is a thing of the past. Rumors are abound that PR means less and less, if anything. Bill Gates came out of his cave to say that ขToday’s search is nothingข and that it won’t be that way for long. There are quiet rumblings in the SEO back alleys of a new, stateoftheart search engine currently indexing the internet. Websites are dropping off the face of the planet. And we’re all left to sit here and put together the pieces. So what is in store for 2005?

1) Reciprocal links, while not becoming totally dead, are decreasing in value, and there will most likely be an algorithm update to lessen their importance. The original thought process behind the importance of a link was that it was seen as a ขvoteข for the linkedto site. Now that reciprocal links are everywhere, it is hardly a great way to count ขvotesข for a website. Reciprocal linking will continue around the internet, although the amount of people who try to get away with oneway links (by never getting back to you once you’ve added their link) will increase significantly. This will, of course, be an attempt to acquire oneway links, which brings us to our next subject….

2) Oneway links and triangle linking, though already quite popular, should explode over the course of 2005. Both are much harder to control and acquire, which makes Google happy. The triangle link ขployข makes links look like oneway links even though ขSite Aข is returning the favor to ขSite Bข through ขSite Cข. There will be attempts to sell triangle linking programs and systems by SEO companies, however, the complexity, difficulty and time involved in this scheme will produce ridiculous prices.

3) What this about a new search engine that is going to index every site on the internet, EVERY 10 seconds? has turned a few heads with it’s claims. Site owners have reported Become Bots spidering ขlike crazyข. It’s all quite hush, hush, however and you need to have an invite in order to test it out. It should be interesting to see what they’re capable of if and when they decide to go live. I’ll go out on a limb and say that it’s a household name by this time next year.

4) MSN will scrap the ขbetaข tag on February 1st from it’s sparkling new search engine, which is currently live at and Bill Gates thinks it will rival Google. There is a lot of debate over this issue, but there is no denying that it is far better than the old chugger they were using before. Love him or hate him, Gates has most likely given a hard right to the chin of Yahoo!, which seems to be suffering from a magnitude of quality problems. MSN will be second to Google in total searches in 2005.

5) PR still has importance. However, it is also decreasing in value. PR is only based on the quantity and quality of links (both inbound and outbound) from the given web page. The most obvious reasoning for the declining importance theory is due to the fact that on any given search on Google, the PR of each page seems to have barely any correlation with it’s place in the rankings. For all you PR lovers out there, hold on to your toolbar’s tight, because this could be a bumpy ride.

About The Author

Bobby Heard is the VicePresident of Abalone Designs (, which offers great SEO results at affordable prices.

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 20

by Bobby Heard

Interactive MarketingYour Key to Success in 2005

Interactive MarketingYour Key to Success in 2005

by: A l Hanzal


You asked me the secret to marketing success in 2005. Here’s my reply.

If you are relying on traditional market thinking and advertising for your business, you are going to be in trouble in 2005. The markets have moved beyond traditional thinking. I am not sure when this occurred or why. Perhaps it’s the speed of today’s market place, the variety of customer options and business competition, or the need for instant gratification. The whys are not important. You only need to recognize that it has changed!

If you are going to make it in 2005, you must adopt an interactive mode of market thinking. Interactive market thinking will gives you a chance, not a guarantee. A rule of the new market place is ขthere are no guarantees!ข

The Traditional Market Thinking

Traditional marketing thinking is about passivity and waiting. You start with a widget you dearly love. You think everyone should buy your widget.

You start your business. You put an ad in the yellow pages. You print up business cards. Someone sells you on the need for a four color brochures that talks about your widget. You put some ads in the local newspaper.

You passively wait for customers to come in the door. Some do, but never enough. You try other advertising techniques. You create a flyer and coupons for Val Pac programs. You create a website. You join a networking group. You get a few more customers but still not enough. You even try good old fashion cold calling. You wait and pray for more business.

Joe, the traditional model is dead!

The Interactive Mode of Market Thinking

If you are going to have a chance in 2005, you must adopt an interactive mode of market thinking. What is this new mode of thinking? I will outline a set of four skills you need for interactive marketing.

1. You start with a position that the market will teach you. Your market is quicker, faster, smarter, and more diverse than you can ever be. If you think you know all of the answers your arrogance will kill you. You must start by believing the market will teach you what you need to know!

2. Second, you need to bring a different energy to your marketing activities. Do you remember the pitch men you see at the state fairs? They bring a special energy to their work. At the heart of a pitch man is the willingness to experiment, to change, to adapt, to be creative for the situation, to be a pragmatist. There is no need to be perfect, just good enough! Adopt the energy of a pitch man.

3. Interactive marketing demands work. Most small business owners do not want to do this work. You must test and test and test again. Find out what is working and what is not working with your marketing efforts. Find this out as quickly as possible and make the changes you need to make.

Try a bunch of marketing techniques and test them and retest them. When you find something that works run with it. It will work for a period of time. Then the market moves on and you must move on. The work of testing is the only way to succeed in today’s market place.

4. Have the mindset of an inventor. Thomas Edison did not have 9999 failures on his way to inventing the light bulb. He had 9999 ways the light bulb did not work. Interactive marketing is not a straight line. It zigs and zags. When you recognize this, you will not be frustrated by marketing efforts that do not produce the results you want. You realize you must try again to unlock the keys of your market.

An Example of Interactive Marketing

Everyone will agree that today’s markets demand more credibility, more proof. Look at any marketing manual and you will learn about the various forms of credibility. There are testimonials, written proof, expertise, guarantees, awards, credentials, etc. The critical question for interactive marketing is what proofs or credibility does my market need?

If your customer is a school system that wants you to teach a class, they may ask for a teaching certificate. They may even require the status of graduating from a certain university. If you are going into that same school to fix a water pipe, they may want to see your plumber’s license to see that if you have the expertise to do the job. In some schools, they may ask you for a union card because they will not accept just any plumber.

It makes little difference what you think is good proof or credibility. What your market place wants for proof and credibility is the only thing that really counts.

You identify what your market place wants by interacting with it, going back and forth, testing, asking, failing, succeeding, repackaging, experimenting, creating new offerings and making your pitch! When you use these skills with the market place it begins to teach you what you need to be successful with it.


Joe, interactive marketing is not a cute new phrase. It’s the way your business must relate with today’s market place if you want to get your business a chance for success in 2005.

Free Help to Grow Your Business

Interested in getting off of the small business merrygoround that is leading no where? Call my toll free number 18777145500 and listen to a prerecorded message about a free report that will push your business to the next level. It’s a free call, a free report, no sales pitch, so call any time. 18777145500.

Copyright Al Hanzal, 2004. All Rights Reserved

Hanzal Enterprises, Inc.

4191 Granite Court

Eagan, Minnesota 55123


About The Author

Business owners have been using Alกs materials to increase their profits and bring more customers to their businesses.

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 26

by A l Hanzal

Attention: You could loose your rudomain

Attention: You could loose your rudomain

by: Hans Peter Oswald

As RIPN, the Russian registry reports, RIPN stops to perform the duties of .RU Second Level Domain Names Registrar from 2005 January 01. But RIPN remains the operator of the ruregistry and continues to provide technical support of Domain Name Registration System and name servers of rudomains. It will stay also registrar concerning org.rudomains , net.rudomains , .pp.rudomains and com.rudomains Therefore all Second Level Domain NameRegistration Agreements between RIPN and persons or entities will be terminated from January 01.
It will be impossible to extend registration terms of rudomains sponsored by RIPN after the termination of the Second Level Domain Name Registration Agreements. All rudomains registered before January 01 will be supported by RIPN till expiration date. To maintain and renew the domain name registrations of existing rudomains it is necessary to transfer domains sponsorship to another active registrar.
If you do not want to loose your rudomain, you should transfer it before January 2005 to ICANN Registrar Secura.(
HansPeter Oswald

About The Author

HansPeter Oswald


ICANN accredited registrar Secura

[email protected]

This article was posted on July 28, 2004

by Hans Peter Oswald

Keyword Prices Decline 3.0% in the First Quarter o

Keyword Prices Decline 3.0% in the First Quarter of 2005

by: Tommy Maric

An analysis of web’s most popular 20,000 keywords by, found that keyword prices dropped 3.0% from January 2005 to April 2005 from an average bid price of 58.9 cents to an average bid price of 57.1 cents. The 20,000 most popular keywords are distributed in pricing as follows:

Keyword Price…# of Keywords


$10.00 $19.99…123

$5.00 $9.99…660

$3.00 $4.99…923

$1.00 $2.99…3,918

$0.50 $0.99…2,259

$0.25 $0.49…2,115

$0.15 $0.24…1,584

$0.10 $0.14…2,962

$0.05 $0.09…592

Note that there are 4,379 keywords in the Top 20,000 keywords which have either a zero price or do not have three active advertisers.

Keyword pricing is critical for internet advertisers and also webmasters as expensive keywords allow them to maximize their profits using Google’s Adsense™ program.

According to Dave Lavinsky, President of, ขWith the overall decrease in keyword prices this quarter, it is important to know which keywords remain profitable. What may not seem evident is that in fact many keywords enjoyed a large appreciation in value and now we have over 800 keywords in our database that are worth $5.00 or more.ข

There were many large increases in the value of certain keywords. The keyword ขshivaข for example, went up 935% from a price of just $0.17 to $1.76. ขMedifastข also made a giant leap in value increasing from $1.50 to $6.98. This surge in value is most likely due to increased consumer awareness of the Medifast brand and increasing competition among retailers.

With information changing so quickly it is important to keep abreast of the current value of keywords. The value of these keywords can change dramatically over a very short period of time making a once profitable website quickly unprofitable. For instance, the keyword ขVioxxข declined by 50% from $16 to $8 from January to April 2005 as the value of Vioxx litigation clients decreased. Keeping informed and up to date is of great importance to webmasters looking to turn a profit.

About The Author

Tommy Maric is the manager of is designed to help webmasters maximize their profits using Google’s Adsense™ program. Through extensive research, continues to develop up to date databases of the most popular keywords and their accompanying prices. For more information, please visit

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 08

by Tommy Maric

Managing Spam in 2005

Managing Spam in 2005

by: Scott Hendison

In 1998, nearly 10% of all email traffic on the internet was SPAM. By 2003 that number had climbed to 50%, and the problem had gotten so bad that Congress passed the CANSPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of NonSolicited Pornography and Marketing Act)

The specific requirements and penalties of that law, (which took effect in 2004) have done little to stem the tide of junk email we all receive. Today, in 2005, the percentage of unsolicited email is at an all time high of 87% (source – Wired Magazine July 2005)

How can we even stand to check our email? Well I can’t. That’s why I pay for a service to protect my entire domain name from all Spam. That’s a great solution for me, but it’s too expensive for a home or very small business user. How then can you protect yourself?

First, there are filtering options in Outlook and Outlook Express, and I encourage you to investigate them further. More details on this are in my article from May of 2000 called ขManaging your Email IIข here

After trying about 6 other programs, I found a free version of some software that I used for a long time called Mailwasher. This program was easily trained and configured to learn all of my preferences, and for free, there’s nothing better. However, you I still basically have to check mail twice, once in a clunky webinterface to sift through all the blocked SPAM. I prefer to just check my mail normally, not worrying about a missed message.

In 2003, a friend recommended a service called Knowspam. That was a great solution that blocked 100% of all SPAM through a ขpermission basedข system. A permission based system means that all new senders not on your list, will get a ขverificationข email, asking them ขAre you human?ข Well, if they are really human, then they take the simple instructed action, and you’ll get their email, as well as all future mail from them, unless you choose to block them later.

Many readers of my column tried Knowspam, and I got dozens of positive comments. That wasn’t enough for Knowspam though, because they still went out of business.

Well the good news is that there’s a replacement for Knowspam. It’s called Spam Arrest, and it’s under $3 a month. It does everything that Knowspam used to do, and then some. I’ve now set myself up with an affiliate account and arranged for you try it for free for 30 days.

First, you easily upload all of your contacts, and then follow their easy directions to change your system mail settings, and anyone on your list or anyone you ever send mail to is automatically approved.

The great news is that this works for up to 5 email accounts, and even works for AOL mail! If you want to see 100% of your spam get blocked, and not be embarrassed to let your kids see your inbox, then visit and sign up for your free 30 day trial.

About The Author

Scott Hendison is living in Oregon, and is the owner of Portland Technology Consultants. He is a computer and internet consultant, and has been in the industry since 1995. For over 75 other articles, visit his website at

This article was posted on August 27

by Scott Hendison

How To Stop Spam

How To Stop Spam

by: Gary Cain

Special Report: How to Stop Spam

I imagine you have seen, heard about, or already know what spam is. But just in case you don’t, it is unsolicited and unwanted emails that arrive in your email inbox from a person or company that you don’t know.

What you might not know, however, is that now there is a law in the USA designed to protect you from specific types of spam – yes, there is more than one type of spam the variety and methods used are shocking.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a law called The CANSPAM Act of 2003 to pursue, fine, and prosecute blatant and persistent ขspammersข.

Furthermore, the Department of Justice (DOJ) works actively to shutdown or fine offending web sites or emailers by enforcing this relatively new antispam law.

Unfortunately, the sheer volume and different types of spam require … …you, the reader, to have available in your hands, a proven solution for defending yourself and your computer from the onslaught of spam email. You might be asking yourself: But, Gary, how can I defend myself when there is so much spam everyday?ข

Well, I’m glad you asked.

The solution that I am talking about is new, really works, and is called …

…Internet Self Defense: How to Protect Yourself While On The Internet.

This wellwritten and informationfilled handbook provides no nonsense solutions that you can implement immediately to solve not only problems with spam but also problems that concern …

…ขPhishingข Scams,

Clone web sites

…Online Transaction Security,


Popup spam

Deceptive spam

Email address harvesting spam

Free ขantiemailข software

…Doing Business Online,


…Security Products, and

What they do

Where to find them

…Internet Fraud.

Plus this book shows ขrealข examples of the

…Department Of Justice Response, and ขhow toข

…File Complaints.

If you want to quickly and permanently stop these ขInternet Bad Guysข, then you need to get your personal copy of this unique handbook at an incredibly low introductory price – but only for a limited time. Get not only yourself a copy, but also a copy for those that you care about, as … …an excellent gift for –

Christmas 2004

New Year’s Day 2005

Valentine’s Day 2005

A Loved One’s Birthday, Now or in 2005

Mother’s Day 2005

Father’s Day 2005

Easter 2005

But remember, don’t wait, this price is introductory, so can get this great book now while the ขprice is rightข. Okay?

Enough said.

I would also like to invite you to subscribe ขdirectlyข to my newsletter, Dollarsforever Ezine at Subscribe

Dollarsforever ezine is designed to increase your financial literacy with respect to earning, saving, and investing your hardearned money. It is my hope that you will enjoy and use the practical information contained in each monthกs ezine. Finally, these ezines are kept as concise as possible out of respect for your busy lifestyle.

By Gary E. Cain

Author & Publisher

About The Author

© 2004 All rights reserved worldwide

Gary Cain is a business teacher and Internet marketer. He is the author of Stop the Grammar! as well as Internet Self Defense the only internet book of its kind designed to help fight spam, fraud, information theft, and clone web sites.

Both of these books can be found at …

Subscribe to Gary’s straight forward, easytounderstand Dollarsforever Ezine about financial literacy, saving, investing, and earning money.

***Webmasters: You may post this information on your web site, but you must keep this ขownershipข box and the information contained herein unchanged.

[email protected]

This article was posted on November 25, 2004

by Gary Cain