Easy Content Building For The Lazy Webmaster

Easy Content Building For The Lazy Webmaster

by: JP Lafferty

Free content builder.

Articles are the best way to add free content to your site. Thereกs hundreds if not thousands of article sites out there on the web that can be searched for free information.

The only problem I have with free articles is that you have to add the writers resource box to your site. Now this in itself is not a major problem. You could read several articles and then make your own in your own words.

This works well and is a quick and easy content building strategy that I would recommend to anybody. Also if you write your own content this way you should definitely consider posting a few of your own articles to the free article submission sites. This generates oneway links to your own site and over time can really build traffic to your site.

Just google กfree article submissionก or กarticlesก or anything of that nature to start building a list of article sites. The more you have the better.

Building content with ebooks

Free ebooks are a great source of free content and there is no shortage of them out there. Most free ebook sites have ebooks that were at one point being sold across the web. These are generally an excellent quality source of information.

To really benefit from ebooks you must first read them and take note of the main topics discussed. One way I find that works well is to write up a short report after reading the ebook and then building on that as I go through the ebook a second time. When I find something interesting I add it to the report in my own words. This is great for developing a better understanding of the material.

Of course after all this you may want to write a few articles about what you just read. As always you should share these articles with the rest of the web by submitting them to article sites.

This isn’t as tedious and time consuming as you might think. After your first or second go you will find yourself becoming more confident and this may well lead to you taking a more creative approach to your writing. In time you will be very efficient at writing your own reports and using them to create more articles and content for your websites.

I would advise you save every ounce of work you do. The more you write the more content and personal resources you have to pull from this makes it quicker and easier to create your own material. After a while you may realize you could put all your work into a ebook of your own and sell it:)

What should I write?

In short anything you want. Every human on this planet is a powerhouse of information. Even if your young you still have alot of experience to pull from.

Some people find that coming up with ideas of what to write about is quit easy but actualy writing it is the hard part. Others find the writing the easy part and the brainstorming the hard part.

If you fall into either camp then there is still hope for you, due to the fact that most humans will fall into either camp! Your not any different from me or anybody else out there. The best way to over come either problem is to get comfortable and just start writing. It is not hard!!

Pick something and start writing about it. What did you learn after a tragic event in your life is a great way to get your brain setup in the right direction. Pulling from personal experience realy helps to get you thinking and once that starts you will find it hard to turn your mind off.

Keeping it fresh.

The only way to keep information fresh is to write it in your own words. Add your persona to your material. Play with it before you publish it. Try to write as if you were explaining something to a friend. It comes across more respectful and easier to understand.

Also no matter what your writing about make sure you explain everything down to the letter. You may understand what your talking about but your reader wont always be as interested as you might think.

Always remember no matter where it is you can generaly go back and change it later. For instance if you have published a 5 page report to the web and your not happy with certain aspects of it well then you can take it down later and add in or delete whatever you want.

About The Author

JP Lafferty

To gain a helping hand in building content for your site head to http://imcontent.blogspot.com/

New content added daily. All content free of copyright.

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 12

by JP Lafferty

Is the noise surrounding John Reese just hype?

Is the noise surrounding John Reese just hype?

by: Per Strandberg

Never in the history of the Internet have anything like this happened!

On the 17th of august 2004 traffic secrets was launched. On That Day…Anybody interested in Internet marketing could not avoid being knocked down by the noise.

Like whenever there is a new major launch of an Internet product, Internet marketers with large lists all jump on the bandwagon touting the same product in unison.

Get kind of annoying, doesn’t it? Especially while in many instances some of the products or services that are marketed are of questionable nature! In my opinion.

This can be products or services for link schemes or traffic generating. Or it can be marketing information that is often overhyped by marketing gurus claiming to make you rich fast. I’m not an affiliate or have any vested interest in John Reese’s product.

But, I tell you this! Traffic secrets will be the first product I will try to get my hand on…period!

Why is that? Is it not all hype with the same information you find elsewhere? I haven’t seen the product or have inside information, but I have listen on the Internet to interviews made with him, seen his newsletters and sales page.

So here is why! Beside his track record which surpasses most competitors. This is the only product I know that is credible and shows convincingly how to market on the Internet full throttle. This is made by time saving market research and by effective web site promotion which get you on the right track for achieving web traffic avalanches.

Let’s look how!

Market research: The start must begin with market research, testing new business concept and evaluating the potential of different niche markets. The key here is that the faster and quicker you can test niche markets, ideas and get positive returns from them all, the better off you are. The positive result from each concept will have one of two possible outcomes.

Either you lose money or you make money!

You dump the loser and concentrate on the winners. He shows you how you are able do this real quick.

The mistake that most people make is that they build a site targeting a market and test it first when the site is built. In other words they do the market research only after they have made all the work.

Sadly, the time they spend until they realize that it will not work can be several months or even years.

Promoting: In order the make money on the internet you need to attract targeted visitors and make money from them. Thatกs a fact!

John Reese has dedicated his life to figure out and test which methods are really effective to attract visitors and how to convert them to customers. He has done this, กworking like a mad scientistก, testing and tracking.

That is what you also have to do! Testing and tracking your marketing effort!..By making gradual improvements. If you know which traffic building methods are working you can concentrate on the methods that work.

Avalanche building: Ultimate when building a profitable web business to make abundant sum of money you have to use the unique viral marketing effects which are unique to the Web. What I’m very interested in and what John is claiming to show you is how you make other web sites sending you their traffic.

Marketing by using snow ball effects and by building momentum is what it really is all about to succeed with your business on the Internet.

Most other marketing products will only show you one available technique to make more visitors or one technique to get a higher conversion. Some claim to show you the whole picture to make a successful Internet sites. But, lack the complete picture.

What John shows you are clear strategies that are fully tested and working. This includes traffic building, testing, conversion, tracking and effective leverage strategies mastered to perfection.

Copyright 2004 Per Strandberg

About The Author

Per Strandberg specializes in Internet marketing and web development!

Identify with precision profitable web Niche markets with the Niche Exploration Database ==> http://www.nicheexploration.com

Learn more about Niche marketing! Subscribe to The Niche Exploration Newsletter at ==> http://www.nicheexploration.com

This article was posted on August 26, 2004

by Per Strandberg

Stop trying to SELL and Start trying to HELP!

Stop trying to SELL and Start trying to HELP!

by: Corey Bachmeier

A New Mindset to Starting and Building a Home Based Business

One fatal flaw that I see when people begin a network marketing business is that their thoughts often focus on two concepts:

Who can I get to join my business?

Who can I get to buy my products?

Right from the start these people come across as being in a defensive and persuasive mode trying to get people to try their products and join their company. I know because when I first started my business I did the same thing! After a while I found that this method simply did not work, so after extensive research and experimenting I made a decision to change my thought process from a selling perspective to a teaching and educating perspective.

What am I teaching and educating you may ask?

I mentor and teach my team and prospects skills such as:

How to develop time and financial freedom.

How to set goals and achieve them.

How to successfully be the CEO of their own business from home.

How to become a successful business mentor to others.

How to easily spread the word about our company and its products.

You can see how people would be more responsive to what you have to say when they are not being sold something, but rather they are being shown how they will be mentored and helped in building a successful business.

I am going to help you vs. I am going to sell this to you. Which one would you be more comfortable with?

ขI have the vehicle for the success of hundreds and thousands of people worldwide who are looking for something better. I have the ability and tools to educate and mentor people to success that they never dreamed possible.ข

Stop trying to persuade people to join your company, teach them how you will help them succeed with their goals, and by doing so, YOU will be on your way to all of your goals!

About The Author

Do you need someone to mentor you in business success? Corey Bachmeier is looking to work with a group of motivated individuals who are interested in building a successful home based business. For a free introduction to his company check out his web site at: http://www.BodyExtreme2005.com, or he can be contacted by phone at 6123257773.

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 13

by Corey Bachmeier

I Once Feared The Internet

I Once Feared The Internet

by: Ralph Almeida

I always envied entrepreneurs who were making their fortune on the internet. After all the internet has created more millionaires than any other vessel in history, and I longed to be part of this elite group.

While I considered myself computer literate, all this html code gibberish left me feeling totally inadequate and afraid to pursue my dream. This little word called กfearก had held me back from becoming a millionaire ten years ago.

One day as I upgraded my personal computer I came across a website building software, and being the curious type of person that I am I decided to play around with it. Much to my amazement, this software required nothing more than some simple cut and paste skills. Within a few hours I had a one page website built.

Because of technological software advances these days, building a website has become almost as easy as typing a letter.

Next, I decided to do some reading on the internet and find out what steps that I needed to take to actually get this website published on the internet. I soon found out that every website needed a กdomain nameก, which is the actual website address that people will type into their browser or search engine to find your website. The domain name that I choose for my website was: webcocoshop.com

When directing visitors to my website, I give them this address: http://www.webcocoshop.com

Purchasing a domain name can be very inexpensive. Domain names can be purchased from http://www.godaddy.com for as little as $5.00 a year. (I am in no way affiliated with godaddy, but I find their services very economical.)

Next, I learned that the final step that I would need to take was finding someone to กhostก my website. This entails using their servers to upload your site to the internet. Again, I found the hosting prices at godaddy to be very economical also. You can get your site hosted for about $5$8.00 monthly.

And if you don’t have the software to build your website with, godaddy will let you purchase and download a website building software for $14.95.

So in order to build a website, you will need:

A website building software

A domain name

A hosting account

All this can be done for as little as 2025 dollars, and your website can be online within a few day! Easy huh?

So, if you have ever dreamed of getting your business on the internet, put those fears aside…ANYONE can build their own website.

Don’t have a product? No worries there either. I am a personal affiliate with a company called SFI marketing group who sells various products such as long distance plans, ispกs, magazines, books, domain names, etc. SFI is registered with the Better Business Bureau, and pays their affiliates an 80% commission on first time sales. This is the best commission plan on the internet that I know of, and the program is free to join. You can get more information or sign up here. http://www.quickinfo247.com/8304206/free

Best Wishes to you for your future prosperity!


Ralph Almeida

About The Author

Ralph Almeida is a successful network marketer who will help you establish an online presence and start generating income immediately. Visit him at: http://www.webcocoshop.com.

[email protected]

This article was posted on October 24, 2003

by Ralph Almeida

What is MLM ?

What is MLM ?

by: Fernando Soave

Multilevel Marketing is one of the fastest growing yet most misunderstood methods of moving products in use today. It has been termed by many as the Waveofthe Eighties.

But, it will go far beyond that. By the 90กs more than 100 billion dollars woth of products and services has been moved through Multilevel Marketing companies. As we are in the 21st century watch out !

What is MLM ?

This question is quite frequently in response to a button we often wear or we have seen wearing by others.

Letกs explain it .

1. Marketing simply means moving a product or service from the manufacturer or provider to the consumer.

2. Multilevel refers to the system of compensation provided to the persons who are causing the product to move or the service to be provided.

กMultiก means more than one.

กLevelก means generation.

There are really 5 basic methods of moving products :

1. Retailing.

ex. the drug store, the department store,….

You go into a store and buy something.

2. Direct Sales.

ex. Tupperware, Avon, …..

3. Multilevel Marketing.

This should not be confused with retailing and Direct Sales which commonly is.

4. Mail Order.

This can be an MLM but mostly is included in the Direct Sales category.

5. Pyramid Sales.

This type of Sales is to often confused with MLM.

The fact is, Pyramides are illegal. The main reasons they may be illegal is their failure to move a product or to provide a valid service.

If a product doesn’t move, how can you even call it กmarketingก, let alone กMultilevel Marketingก. Multilevel it may be, but Marketing they are not !!!

Now, most objections that people have about getting into Multilevel Marketing are due to not realising the difference between MLM, Pyramid Sales and the Direct Sales methods of marketing.

This is understandeble because most reputable MLM companies belong to the Direct Selling Association.

We have been conditioned to think of MLM as door to door direct sales programs because our first encounter with them was when a distributor knocked on our door to sell us something.

Anyway, there are some features that differentiate MLM from Retail and Direct Sales companies and on very significant difference is that in MLM you are in business for YOURSELF but not BY YOURSELF.

Being in business for yourself means you are buying the products WHOLESALE from the company you are representing. This means also that you can use these products for your own consumption at WHOLESALE PRICES.

Since we are buying products WHOLESALE we can, if we wish, sell these products at RETAIL and make a PROFIT.

The most common misunderstanding about MLM is the notion that you HAVE TO sell retail to be successful.

You may sell if you want to or have to due to your particulare program procedure, but in regard to making the larger sums of income, the real success is in building the organisation.

Let your sales come as the natural result of building the organization.

The word กsellingก triggers negative thoughts in the minds of about 95 % of the people.

In MLM you don’t need to กsellก the products in the traditional sense of the word.


When you build an organization, you are actually building a network through which to channel your producths or services.

Retailing is the foundation of Network Marketing. Sales in MLM or Network Marketing come from distributors SHARING with their friends, neighbours and relatives. They never have to talk to strangers. Network Marketing or MLM is building an organization in which a lot of distributors all retail a little.

So, you see, its not going door to door every day calling on strangers.

Another point that differentiates MLM from Direct Sales is the SPONSORING of other distributors. This is called RECRUITING.

When you SPONSOR someone, you are making a COMITMENT to TEACH them how to do what you are doing, building a BUSINESS OF THEIR OWN. Sponsoring is what makes a Multilevel Marketing business so different an makes it grow.

As your organization grows, you are building toward becoming an INDEPENDANT SUCCESFULL BUSINESS PERSON. You are your OWN BOSS.

With Direct Selling companies you work for the company. If you decide to quit that company and move to another area, you end up having to start all over again.

In almost all of the MLM Programs you can move to another area of the country and sponsor people without losing the volume generated by the group you left behind.

In MLM Programs you can make a lot of money by building an organization as your primary function.

A Multilevel Marketing Organization is not a pyramid scheme.

The pyramid is built from the top down and only those in at the very beginning can ever be near the top. And the pirce of the products or services get every step higher and higher, leaving the people at the bottom broke.

In the MLM Marketing everybody starts at the bottom and has the opportunity to build a large organisation, even larger than his sponsorกs organizationif he wants.

MLM Marketing is the solution to the distribution costs of the most companies because there will be nomore channels between the producer and the consumer. And the most part of the benefit can be paid to the distributors.

Fernando Soave

About The Author

Fernando Soave



Subscribe to my Free Newsletter !

[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on July 03, 2003

by Fernando Soave

Overcoming the Five Obstacles to Affiliate Success

Overcoming the Five Obstacles to Affiliate Success

by: Bill Platt

Nearly every mass marketable product or service available online sports an Affiliate Program or MLM matrix to encourage small business people to sell those products or services to others.

For beginners in the online marketplace and even some proกs, these programs offer the best opportunity for earning substantial incomes to their participants.

Yet, despite the promise of Affiliate Programs and MLMกs for making money online, fewer than 5% of all participants will ever be successful with them! Only one out of a hundred will ever earn more than $1000 per month from the programs!

There are several factors contributing to these dismal numbers:

Failure to try

Failure to learn

Building sales without any concern about building a network

Building a network without any concern for sales

Failure to duplicate


Many people will argue this point. They argue that they tried and the program failed them. Yet, if you were to persist in your queries, most peopleกs idea of trying is throwing a banner on their website or running one or two untested ads. Folks, that just does not cut it!

Being successful in an Affiliate Program, MLM program or anything else be it online or offline requires much more than a halfhearted, shortlived attempt at promoting a program.


Whatever endeavor is undertaken, success comes with knowledge. College is good at teaching folks the basics of hundreds of professions. Folks understand that in order to be a CPA, an attorney, a chemist, an engineer or any of a number of professions, they must learn a great deal of knowledge before they will be successful in the field.

Yet, the same people will come online and believe they can turn on the computer and already know everything there is to know about running a successful online business.

To be successful as an online marketer, it helps to at least become acquainted with web design, graphics design, copy writing, marketing research, promotion, advertising, customer service and many other areas. It also helps to know about areas specific to the Internet such as search engine optimization, web traffic patterns, direct email marketing, and networking with others.

As an online marketer, you should either have knowledge of these various disciplines or be prepared to hire on people who already possess these skills. Unless you have very deep pockets, you should be prepared to learn a few of these skills for yourself.


The largest advantage of the Affiliate Program or MLM program is the ability to grow a network of affiliates underneath of you.

While you are able to sell a certain amount of products or services to the consumer, a team of people who can sell just as many products or services as you can, will add to your full income potential. Due to the nature of the Affiliate Program and the MLM program, you will earn a small percentage from the sales of all of the people in your network of sellers.

As an affiliate without a network, your potential earnings are limited by the number of products and services you can sell by yourself.

With the average Affiliate Program or MLM, the first tier of your network will generally net you a 10% to 20% cut of all of the products and services your first tier people sell. With only five sellers underneath of you on your first tier, you are at the minimum capable of doubling your monthly income.


The most devastating cause for failure is building a network of people whose sole focus is building a network of affiliates!

Folks, no matter the size of your network, be advised. No income can be earned until someone sells a product or service!

What good is a network of thousand marketers whose only concern is building a network and not selling the products and services which are required to earn commissions?

A thousand affiliates with no sales adds up to a whopping zero dollar check for you!


The most important person in your network is YOU!

You begin by making an honest effort. You followup by building your knowledge base, continuing to learn always. You then focus on actually selling products and services. Always in the back of your mind, you are looking ahead to the day when you will begin building your network of affiliates.

The important thing to remember is that your network is always a mirror image of YOU and YOUR EFFORTS.

Duplication is the process of actually teaching someone else to do exactly as you do. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you are doing everything right, then those who look to you for guidance and leadership will be making a sincere effort, learning, selling products and services, then building their network, and leading their people to success, just as you are.

It is up to you and you alone to avoid the common pitfalls in Affiliate Programs and MLMกs. It is up to you to do what it takes to succeed in making money online. It is up to you to develop the skills necessary for success and to lead your team by example.

Keep things simple and manageable. Focus your attention to doing what it takes to be successful in whatever program you take on. Then find five good people to lead in the development of their online business and truly DUPLICATE YOURSELF with each of these five people.

You have what it takes to join the 5% who are successful with Affiliate Programs and MLM programs. It is now time to get to work and make your dreams of online marketing success a reality.

About The Author

Bill Platt is coowner of Double Eagle Business Center (DEBC).

By providing an honest and well thought out MLM Opportunity, DEBC meets all the legal requirements for an online MLM plus offers products and services which can support any online business, along with an innovative and a generous commission structure for Affiliates. http://PathTrax.com/x.pl/BP121,52

[email protected]

This article was posted on May 27, 2002

by Bill Platt

Quick Tactics To Brand Your Business And Make More

Quick Tactics To Brand Your Business And Make More Sales

by: Charles Kangethe

This may come as a surprise… to you, but Branding is more than just Logo and Business or Product Name recognition.

Branding is ‘the total emotional and intellectual involvement your prospects and customers have with your business and products.ก

This article addresses 5 basic problems and questions about Branding:

How Are Brands Created ?

=> Branding by กPersonal Experienceก

This creates the strongest bond between your customers and your business and products.

Your customer service, front and back end offers must be of high quality, in order to create exceptional กPersonal Experienceก. This starts a virtuous cycle.

Exceptional กPersonal Experiencesก lead to general public and market acclaim spread by word of mouth and other publicity. In turn, this feeds into a still stronger Brand, starting the cycle all over again.

However, always remember it is easier to create a negative Brand than it is to create a positive one, by offering low or poor quality and value products, services and customer support.

=> Branding by กIndirect Experienceก

For many direct marketers, กPersonal Experienceก Branding is difficult and not easily achieved because sales that lead to กPersonal Experienceก are not easily made !

The กIndirect Experienceก strategy relies on creating a consistent, repeating association to the product in your prospects mind.

Marketers use a variety of tactics to achieve this aim.

* Jingles in audio \ visual media

* Using Slogans

* Advertising through classifieds, display, press releases, and give away products and information.

* Sponsorship of media, cultural, sporting and other events

Brand Building On The Internet The Issues

The Internet has redefined Branding models of the past because it has levelled the playing field, for both consumers and businesses.

Prospects and customers are more involved with businesses and products than they were in the past.

Research of products and services, before purchase is easier.

Consumers have so much choice now they are no longer easily ‘taughtก loyalty to a particular Brand.

Consumers are less willing to form bonds or create กloyalก associations with products and businesses.

On the other side of the coin, businesses have much more competition and must be more customer focussed than ever before.

Companies that thrive and stay in business recognise building lasting relationships with existing customers is more profitable, than always trying to find new customers.

A World of stronger consumers who bypass your direct and indirect experiences with a click of the mouse, is difficult for Brand builders.

On the Internet those that succeed make profits, the rest fail.

The Cost And Value Of A Brand.

Brand building has a cost in time, money and effort.

The cost of Brand building is easily quantified in Dollar terms.

The value of a Brand is harder to establish because it involves measuring emotional and intellectual associations that might not necessarily translate into cash sales.

Not understanding the value, but clearly understanding the cost of Branding, some marketers decide to get round this problem by competing solely on price.

This is a short sighted tactic because it invites กprice warsก, and if you get involved in a กprice warก against an opponent with deeper pockets you are bound to loose.

A better strategy is to compete on high product value and build quality Brand recognition over time.

Brands Are Not Eternal

Brand building is an ongoing Business strategy.

The emotional and intellectual associations and recognition that together make up Brand loyalty wear off if not reenergised frequently.

Brands are subject to fashion, fads and change, and understand recognition is not the same as popularity.

Your market may recognise your Brand, but that may not translate into sales if the association is unfashionable.

The temptation, in such circumstances, is to spend less on Branding, cut prices, or , drop the business line altogether.

These are knee jerk reactions to uncontrollable events when taken in the short term. A measured initial response is to reinvent the Brand, freshen it up and market it to a new generation of consumers.

Many businesses reinvent, and rebrand themselves and go on to achieve new consumer acclaim.

Strategies For Brand Building

Here are a few short to medium term tactical measures you can start using today to kick start your Brand building program.

* Get a professional web site with customised headers, footers and logos Make your กvisitor experiencesก happy ones.

* Advertise regularly using paid channels where you can. If money is a problem, use f’ree advertising, but advertise regularly !

* Write useful articles and publish regularly. Invite visits to your site through your resource box.

* Syndicate your articles and build personal name recognition using a tool such as Name Branding Syndicator available from http://www.highprofitsoftware.com/syndicator/

Visit http://www.simplyeasier.com/mbd to see how you can get this tool for F’ree as part of a product bundle.

* Brand your business by associating and complimenting other succesful products Develop a quality reciprocal link and partnership strategy.

Try products like Zeus (http://www.cyberrobotics.com/) and Arelis (http://www.axandra.com/index.htm) for this tactic.

* Use a good autoresponder service and communicate frequently with your customers and prospects giving useful, and personal information.

There are many good tools for this tactic, but try Getresponse (http://www.getresponse.com) or Aweber (http://www.aweber.com) for a start.

* Use Zip Brander available from Russell Brunson of http://www.zipBrander.com/ to put your products, affiliate programs and other offers in front of your purchasers easily and frequently.

Branding your business and products is a key part of your success strategy.

You want people to associate your business name and products with high quality, and high value.

Successful Brands make money just ask Microsoft, Levi, Ford, Coke.

Start Branding your business and products today, and generate maximum lifetime customer values.

(c) 2004 Charles Kangethe

About The Author

Charles Kangethe of http://www.simplyeasier.com is a leading new wave Netpreneur and a published author from England. The กSimply Easierก brand name is your guarantee of high value, quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 02, 2004

by Charles Kangethe

Building Your Online Portfolio

Building Your Online Portfolio

by: Rachel Gawith

So you want to start earning online and have invested some of your hard earned cash in a couple of online programs but have you really thought about what you are investing in.

You wouldn’t simply roll off the street into a real estate agency and purchase a house to rent out without looking at the area first and seeing if there was a good rental market and similarly you wouldn’t invest all your money into shares in just one company before looking into it first.

As any financial advisor and in fact anyone with a little common sense will tell you you should spread the risk. You do not invest all your money into high risk new venture companies or put it all into property. Similarly, if you want to make a good return you don’t just leave it sitting in the bank.

Earning a living online or a little extra cash is no different. You must consider all the options carefully first and then only invest what you can afford to lose and SPREAD THE RISK.

You should look to put your money in a number of different online companies and investments. No I don’t mean join every opportunity going and spread yourself across so many different opportunities that you don’t know whether you are coming or going, but you should have a balanced portfolio of opportunities.

First you consider how much time you have to put into a new online venture. If you don’t have much spare time look to invest in passive programs that require no recruitment or downline building. And yes there are some of these that work and are stable and will be around for the long haul but you must be careful. Even if you are planning to promote another network marketing MLM or affiliate program you should have some form of passive program in your portfolio to build up funds.

Again when investing in passive programs spread the risk. For example I have invested money into 4 passive programs, 2 fairly low risk ones, one I would class as low to medium and a higher risk opportunity for quicker returns. Number one rule NEVER INVEST more than you can afford to lose, number two SET YOUR GOALS. If you want to earn an additional $500 a month, then invest enough to do this but ensure you withdraw the rest and do not be tempted to invest more for a bigger return. All these programs carry some risk and you should always aim to at least make your capital investment back and then just invest the profits.

As an example in my portfolio I have a weekly subscription to J3V (http://www.j3v.biz/index2.php?rgawith) and YMMSS (email me at [email protected] for details) in order to build up a good residual income in a couple of years time. These are both stable companies that have proven themselves and have a good track record. I therefore consider these low risk (and this is only my opinion) and I am using these to build up a residual income without the need to recruit. I have then invested in FundBiZGrowth (http://www.fundbizgrowth.com/SOSRGawith.html) which doubles your money every 6 weeks I consider this a slightly higher risk program but one in which their could be good returns. Finally I have invested in DollarMonster (http://easychairclub.com/dm/moreinfo.cgi?u=rgawith) this purely a double your money quickly program and I consider it a fairly high risk as it requires a constant flow of new people to pay out. I am using this program simply to make some quick cash to plough back into the other programs.

So whilst these passive programs are building you residual income you need your main affiliate or network marketing program which you will concentrate on promoting and which will give you a an immediate source of income. Now I actually own and run my own program at http://www.earnmoneyhere.com but I am also an affiliate of RecipeSwap (http://www.recipeswap.com/members/rgawith/) which I think is a goof stable and fun program to promote and make a good second income. However, it does not matter what your main affiliate or MLM program is so long as you concentrate on promoting it and building your affiliate team or downline.

Then as with any business you need to ensure you have the right tools and resources for the job. If you worked in an office, you require office equipment, if you have a shop you need display racks etc.. working online is no different…you need the right tools and resources. I use Isoregister ( http://www.isoregister.com/9810354341/rgawith ) as it gives me all the tools I need in one place such as autoresponders, ebooks, articles, advertising etc etc…but so long as you have a good resource suite you are all set to market online and start building your portfolio.

But remember the number one rule, is all online opportunities incur a certain amount of risk, but you can minimise your losses and maximise your profits by spreading the risk sensibly across a number of stable and profitable online ventures.

About The Author

Rachel Gawith (c) 2004

Rachel runs her own online program at http://www.earnmoneyhere.com and also a free weekly newsletter at http://www.freedailycash.com. Details of all the opportunities she has in her portfolio are listed at


[email protected]

This article was posted on August 01, 2004

by Rachel Gawith

Building A Business Relationship

Building A Business Relationship

by: John Kovacs

If you have an online business, you conduct your business through the modern technology of computers. Most of your business is most likely transacted from your website, email, or phone.

Since the majority of your business transactions are online, you’re not out meeting people oneonone developing business relationships. So you need to focus on building these relationships via the Internet. You need to communicate and establish trust with your customers or business associates, as it is a vital step to your business success.

Some people will start an online business and only focus on what services or products they can sell. They are not concerned about establishing a business relationship or even a simple ขthank youข when they do make a sale.

For those who use this methodology will eventually see a significant drop in their business over time. Ask yourself, if you dealt with a company that gave poor customer service, how quick would you go back to them for future business?

Think of relationship building as the foundation to your business. If you fail to establish business relationships with the people you do business with, the foundation of your business will begin to crumble.

Realize this for a moment, building relationships builds retention, retention builds sales, sales grows your business.

The logic is pure and simple, provide great customer service to the people you do business with, and you will get customers coming back to you.

With an Internet business, this is your only way to establish yourself as reputable, trust worthy and to build a business relationship.

Relationship Building:

Even if you have great products or services that you offer, most customers or business associates will rate their experience with you by how they are treated (before, during and after doing business with you).

The perfect way to start relationship building with your customer is being there before, during and most importantly, after the sale (or any other business transaction).

It’s important to understand and listen to your viewers needs by asking for feedback or suggestions you can implement. This will give you the added insight to better enhance your services.

You can do this by having a contacts page on your website with a comments or feedback form. If you publish a newsletter, you can also accomplish this by asking for feedback from your subscribers.

This is your way of letting your viewers know you care about what they have to say and how important they are to you. When you show interest in your customers you will build trust, credibility and loyalty.

When you receive a request (whether it be a question, concern or simply someone looking for more information) by all means answer them promptly. If all possible, answer their request within 24 hours.

This shows attentiveness to their concerns and gives them a feeling of support from you.

If you sell products on your website, sell quality products that have merit, plus offer a guarantee and stand behind it. One of the quickest ways to destroy a business relationship is selling poor quality products and not standing behind what you offer.

If you are promoting third party affiliate programs from your website, take the time to research the companies you recommend. Only represent companies that are of legitimate nature and have a solid Internet presence. Remember the companies you recommend will have an impact on your business reputation.

Copyright 20032004 © by John Kovacs

About The Author

John Kovacs is the CEO and founder of ขA Home Business Opportunityข. His main focus is supplying free marketing tips, resources and support for home startup businesses and Internet marketing. To get a stepbystep guide in building an online business, visit http://www.ahomebusinessopportunity.net.

This article was posted on October 22, 2004

by John Kovacs

Why Build Your Own Gaming Computer?

Why Build Your Own Gaming Computer?

by: Nathan Holsing

The best way to get the gaming computer that you want, that will provide optimum performance is to build your own computer. If you think you do not have the technical knowledge or are not capable of building a computer you are wrong. Iกm pretty certain that I could teach my mother (who has a hard time working a VCR) how to build a computer. If you can plug a sweeper into a wall outlet and use a screw driver, you too can build a computer.

What The Computer Manufacturers Don’t Want You to Know!

Manufacturers don’t want you to know how easy it is to build a computer because they make their living selling complete computers. The truth is that manufacturers focus on selling a computer with an overall low price tag to entice people to buy. They use the processor and software as the primary selling point. In most cases other than the processor and maybe the graphics card you have no idea what components they actually use. Alienware is one of the rare exceptions. They tell you for the most, part what components they are using. However, this doesn’t mean that these are the best components on the market. Every manufacturer gets regular visits from sales people convincing them that they should use their products. Just because a company gives them the best deal on a power supply that allows them to increase their profit margin on the computers they sell doesn’t make it the best power supply. This often leads to the use of inferior products for the sake of profit.

The Advantages To Building Your Own Computer

By building your own computer you are assured of getting the highest quality because you have painstakingly researched every component. If youกve ever wondered why your store bought gaming computer with the top of the line graphics card and ultra fast CPU is still having trouble running newer games, it is likely because they stuck you with an inferior power supply, cheap motherboard, inadequate RAM, and the list goes on. In my mind it makes sense to build your own computer.

Warranties and Technical Support

If you are worried about warranties, you need not be. In most cases you can get a manufacturers warranty on every component you buy. As for technical support, Iกve had much better luck with getting questions answered through friendly helpful forums on the internet than I ever have from technical support lines. Not to mention you don’t have to pay to sit on hold.

Upgrades Are Painless And Fast

When you build your own computer upgrades are a snap. Youกve already put it together so switching a hard drive or changing the graphics card is extremely easy. For instance I just upgraded my graphics card. It took me longer to unplug everything from the back of my tower than it did to swap the graphics card. All in all I was up and running with the new drivers installed in about 10 minutes. If you are impatient like I am taking your machine to a store to have it upgraded just isn’t worth the wait.

How To Build Your Own Computer

I hope Iกve convinced you to build your own computer. It is a very rewarding experience. As Iกve said it isn’t very difficult. I do however recommend that you do your research. There are several good books published on the topic such as กBuild Your Own PCก, by Morris Rosenthal. You can also find a great deal of information regarding building computers and computer hardware at my website GamingComputers.net. Good luck with your computer, and remember, if you ever run into problems building it there are thousands of people on the Net that are more than willing to help, and they won’t charge you a technicianกs service fee.

About The Author

Nathan Holsing is the editor of GamingComputers.net, a website that provides information on computer hardware, buying guides, and tutorial on how to build computers.

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 09

by Nathan Holsing

Build Your Business by Building Relationships

Build Your Business by Building Relationships

by: Charlotte Farrior

People do business with people that they know and trust. As a solo entrepreneur, your goals will be to make yourself known to your target market and then elevate the relationship to the trust level. This process of building relationships can take many forms. Take a few minutes to review what is working for you in this area. Then consider these ideas to add to your relationship building toolkit.

30 Second Introduction

Have you upgraded your 30 second introduction lately? If you haven’t revised it in the past year chances are the impact may be stale. A new introduction can spark your own energy which will show when you introduce yourself. Consider the use of powerful action words such as create, design, compose, organize, generate, solve, produce, and supply. Deliver it in front of a mirror and see what others see.

What do you have to give?

We often think of what we want to get from relationships. Things like a request for proposal, a new resource, a potential alliance, or a business contact or sale. Flip this over and consider what you are willing to GIVE to your network of potential customers. Do you offer sample products or trial services? Do you have free information that your target market can use? Can you provide a free evaluation of your client’s current service provider? Keep in mind that building relationships is a two way flow that begins with you. Approaching these relationships in a giving, proactive mode is a terrific beginning.

Follow up, Follow up

The simple act of following up with individuals that you meet for the first time will make you stand out. Very few people use a consistent follow up method over a period of time. You must have contact information in order to implement this step. Successful follow up actions include handwritten notes (they stand out), ezines, newsletters, holiday or birthday cards, an article of interest, and invitations to an event. Choose several actions that fit your personal style and do them consistently. Watch your network grow as you demonstrate an interest in building the relationship.

Tracking System

Consistency in building relationships will be difficult to maintain without a method to capture and maintain contact information in a practical way. This means being accessible and easily updated for changes. Contact software such as ACT, Goldmine, and Outlook were created for this purpose. Other options include business card files, Rolodex, Palm Pilots, and planner systems such as Daytimer or Franklin. Choose the system that fits your work style and schedule time for communication with your contacts and maintenance of the database. This nut and bolts step is an important part of building relationships over time.

Plant a Seed

Think of building relationships in the same way as planting seeds. In order for the seeds to grow, they need water, food, and sunlight over time. For relationships to grow, you provide opportunities for your network to get to know you, what you provide, and ultimately trust you with their business.

marketing, business development, networking, business relationships

About The Author

Charlotte Farrior is a coach who works with people willing to invest in themselves. Her specialty is supporting those who believe in possibilities and are willing to create an amazing future. Learn more about Charlotte at http://www.corporatecoaching101.com

Copyright 2004, Charlotte Farrior

This article was posted on October 31, 2004

by Charlotte Farrior

Resources for Starting an Online Business

Resources for Starting an Online Business

by: John Lynch

Anyone trying to start an Online business needs to have a number of resources before it is possible to build and promote a successful website. The following are essential tools that I have found very valuable.
1) Wordtracker
Before you build a website you must target the correct keywords, otherwise you will not have the necessary traffic to run a business. You may have a good niche but if you optimise your pages for the wrong keywords, you will attract little traffic.
And without traffic on the Net, you have no business! Wordtracker is an excellent tool that evaluates keywords for their profitability. A free trial version is available.
2) Ken Evoy’s Free Internet Marketing Ebooks
Ken Evoy of SiteSell has written some Free Ebooks which are essential for anyone contemplating an Online business. Topics covered include:

How to be a successful Affiliate marketer.
How to run a Net Auctions business without Ebay.
How to develop your own Information Product.
How to be a successful Service Seller on the Net.

2) Website Building Software
Unless you know HTML you will need to use a HTML editor such as Microsoft Frontpage, Hotdog, or Dreamweaver which is a bit more advanced.
Site Build It is a complete web building tool that includes web page building, web hosting, keyword research for your web pages, and continuous website submission to the search engines. Site Build It users usually get high search engine rankings.
Site Build It http://www.merchantaccountservice.com/sitebuildit.html
Hotdog http://www.sausage.com
Dreamweaver http://www.macromedia.com
Microsoft Frontpage http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage
3) Forums
Internet Marketing forums can be very useful for the beginner.
You can post questions and get swift replies from some very knowledgeable marketers including some of the big names.
Some of the most active are:


4) Article Submission
Articles are a good way to get free publicity for your business. A well written article can be published in ezines or on a website, thereby giving continuous targeted traffic.
Submit your article to article databanks where publishers and website owners can pick it up and publish it..
http://www.hugeaffiliates.com has a good list of article databanks where you can submit your articles.
5) Alexa.com
When your website is up and running, you need to check its ranking in the search engines and the number of sites that link to your site. Although it is not always up to date, it gives a good idea of the amount of traffic and links a site has.
6) Virus/Firewall Protection
You will need to install virus protection and keep it running in the background. If you have constant Internet connection, you’ll also need to run a firewall program to keep out hackers.
McAfee http://www.mcafee.com
Norton http://www.symantec.com
Firewall Protection http://www.tinysoftware.com
This is a personal choice of resources and may not be relevant to everyone’s needs. If you have a question about any aspect of building or marketing an online business, you can always post to one of the forums that I have listed above. In most cases, you will get an informative response quickly.
© John Lynch
(For a review of Site Build It – the leading website building software for small and home business go to : http://www.merchantaccountservice.com/sitebuildit.html )

About The Author

For a review of Site Build It the leading website building software for small and home business: http://www.merchantaccountservice.com/sitebuildit.html

This article was posted on June 03, 2004

by John Lynch