How To Get Qualified Visitors to Your Site

How To Get Qualified Visitors to Your Site

by: Denise Ryder

Having an eBusiness isn’t just about getting gobs of people to your site and hope that a number of them buy. Having your little web counter screaming 50,000 visitors a day doesn’t mean กjackก if no one buys from you. It isn’t about the quantity of your visitors itกs about the quality.

Steve Boutelle has realized this and it sparked this question from him…

Steve Boutelle here . . . LOVED the article on ethics! something thatกs definitely a major part of any truly successful business practice. Iกm sending in my Marketing question here it is:

What are your top proven recommendations for getting qualified, targeted visitor traffic to your site that will continue over the long term?

Great question and one that is on the mind of every eBusiness owner กout there.ก

I know you are probably looking more for the ‘tacticsก to put into place rather than going back and regrouping a bit and we will get to the tactics but first things first…

The main thing that has to be on your mind is to stay focused. When you first get into an eBusiness you have to do your homework. What I mean by that is find out what people want and need and then build a business around meeting those needs.

You CAN’t BE all things to EVERYONE. It just doesn’t work. What you need to be is the กexpertก per se in one or a group of related needs/wants and build your business around that.

When you are กfocusedก you will see that a great many things come together for you. You will find that you aren’t spending gobs of money on traffic generating systems, with the hopes of getting กsomeoneก to buy. You will have a better idea of where those people are and become more proactive in your marketing strategies and budget spending. There is a huge difference in terms of marketing dollars and success rates when you go from a mass marketing approach to a targeted approach ;o)

Go back and look at your web sites and look at it from the shoes of a visitor and see what they see. That little exercise will ALWAYS give you a lot of information in figuring out why people aren’t buying and what needs to be adjusted.

So…first thing in getting long term targeted traffic is to stay focused and try not to be everything to all people. Meet the needs and wants of a targeted market and not the masses. One you know your target market and what they want then the following kicks in for you as far as specific marketing tactics is concerned…

1. List building I have sprouted off here continually about the NEED to have a list (or several lists) of your own. A list that is separate from your affiliate programs so that it can follow you wherever you go. If you have a focus then of course your lists become more focused as well. You will have a list of people who have a want and need for your products/ services as opposed to just a bunch of tire kickers who aren’t really sure what they want or need. Does that make sense??

Your business should have more than just one list. You can have a general list (ie, a subscribers list for your newsletter perhaps), and it should also have specific lists built around sales of certain products and services you offer. If you are in the health and nutrition market and sell several different products in the line, then for each product your sell, those customers become targeted to that product. You can then look at that and make targeted lists from that and act accordingly.

List building, as I said above, is THE KEY. You have the ability through your lists to be specific and target only those who want and need your products/services.

2. Advertising once you know your market and who needs what you have, in the process you find out where they hang out. When you know what newsletters and forums they go to then it makes things easier for you. Again, you are focused with respect to your marketing and are going into newsletters that speak directly to your target as opposed to the masses. Prime example here…

ProfitSpace focuses on marketing and copywriting tactics for the eBusiness owner. My target market for ProfitSpace is eBusiness owners.I can’t tell you how many classified ads I receive from people who are selling health and nutritional products. A person who is selling H&R products specifically is targeting people with health issues. While yes I am sure that there are eBusiness owners with health issues, they aren’t in the frame of mind to read about it in a marketing newsletter. They are looking for business help. That person selling these products would have generated far better response by going to a newsletter which targets health related issues.

You NEED to target your advertising to fit the newsletter you are advertising in. If you are SELLING health products then go to a health related newsletter. If you are trying to build a downline for your mlm then fine, stick with a newsletter geared towards business.

Another thing about advertising that will certainly help you in building long term targeted traffic. DON’t SEND A PERSON TO YOUR SITE, send them instead to a no cost eReport, eBook or eCourse that ties in and relates to your target/focus. REMEMBER if you don’t have a list then you are basically shooting yourself in the foot. You WANT the email address and the name of the visitor…you DON’t WANT them to go to your site, see what you have, hope theyกll bookmark you and come back. They won’t do it.

Let me give you an example of what I mean…

In the case of Mariangie who is promoting telecommunication products. Instead of placing a typical classified that leads a person to her site, she writes a no cost eReport on, oh…say…how to save money on your monthly cell phone charges and writes a classified promoting that report. BINGO she has a name and email address of someone who has a need to save money on their cell phone. You can go much farther in terms of marketing with a warm body to market to as opposed to marketing to a ghost ;o)

See how that works??

So…look at the focus of the newsletter you are advertising in and make sure it reaches your target market…AND…lead a person to a report or some other list generating tool…NOT TO JUST your web site ;o)

3. Articles I can’t tell you how effective writing articles has been for my eBusiness (actually, yes I can!!). Articles RULE!! For one issue all eyes are on you, you take center stage. Writing articles as it relates to your business is a fantastic way of generating trust and rapport, and gives you credibility. We mentioned about about targeting your advertising and articles work in much the same way. Find those newsletters who reach your target market then write good, informative articles that ‘talk to them.ก Share your knowledge and they will come and see what you have to offer, sign up for your reports/courses and spread the word about you.

I know that many people will not write an article because they feel they aren’t writers. กDon’t eat that Martha, itกs ca ca!!ก Anyone can write a simple กhow toก article. Just do up an outline for yourself and use it as a guide to gather your thoughts and then just take your กhow toก process and put it into steps for people to follow.

Articles not only promote you and your site in a subtle way but the Resource Box provides you with the PRIMO classified ad spot there is in the newsletter. See people will read your article, understand what you are saying and THEN read who wrote the article. Thatกs where the resource box comes into play because that is essentially your ad. There they find who wrote the article, your site address and then of course an incentive to get them on YOUR LIST…by offering a them a no cost report ;o)

Keep in mind that that ONE ARTICLE can reach more people than you could ever possibly imagine. You aren’t limiting yourself to just one newsletter…you can send that very article to several publishers within your TARGET MARKET and reach tens of thousands of people all at the same time. The great thing about using articles is the fact that it doesn’t cost you a cent..just takes a little time in putting your knowledge to paper…oh, I mean to disk ;o)

4. Develop your own information products Why rent if you can own. What I mean by that is why use someone elseกs information products when you can quite capably write your own and use it to itกs full advantage. Developing your own eReport, eCourse, or eBook provides you with SUCH AN ADVANTAGE. You can use your own knowledge and create a product and then leverage your marketing through the efforts of others…AND like articles reach far more people than you can possibly imagine.

Now if the mere thought of developing your own info product really scares the heck out of you…well first off, don’t let it. If you are writing articles then you can do a little formatting change and turn a group of articles into a report or course very easily. However, if that STILL makes you feel like a deer caught in the headlights, then your have an alternative. In terms of using information products in your marketing…opt for the reprint or customization rights ALWAYS.


Well, because as I said above you use these products to leverage YOUR marketing efforts. Yup, you didn’t write the course youกre using but your links and advertising is weaved throughout the particular course. When people who subscribe via your web form for the course will always know who they received that course from because your advertising is throughout, NOT someone elseกs. It just doesn’t make sense to work hard at marketing a course and then NOT have your information somewhere inside. Why are you doing that to yourself?? If you are going to spend time and energy in marketing a product make sure that it leads to YOUR LIST and IT HAS YOUR INFO inside at least. If you are allowed within the confines of the license then let others give YOUR COPY of the product away and leverage your marketing through their efforts…but DON’t let someone else ride your coat tails without getting something out of it.

Do you see how that works???

I offer an eCourse and offer customization licenses, so people have an option. To me as the author it makes no difference if you opt for the license or not…it is still a win/win. The person gets to use my course to build their list so they are smiling. In that regard the win for me is that I am leveraging my marketing through their efforts and because they didn’t buy the customization license ALL MY ads and links remain in place. Now if they took the time to see just how this works and what they can do to change it around a little they would see that by spending the $6.95 in the long run that ecourse just turned the tables for them. They STILL get to use the course as a list building tool AND they also stand to get hits by being able to add their own offers each day for the duration of the course. PLUS, by offering THEIR CUSTOMIZED version of that course to others to use for their list building…they have just turned the tables again by using the efforts of those who are using that course.

I can totally appreciate the fact that eBusiness owners have been through hell and back and have been burned many times by products and/or services offering them the moon. I understand the reluctance to spend money…HOWEVER, in the case of purchasing an eCourse or eReport customization license that gives you such a winfall of potential…it just makes for smart business ;o)

Ok, we have gone over four tools for help you gain targeted traffic. Now the other part of Steveกs question involved กlong term.ก Well, it stands to reason that if you keep up with the article writing, developing new information products are at least using those that are out there to YOUR full advantage, and using classified advertising the right way…that the long term will follow. This isn’t rocket science and YOU DON’t need a degree in marketing to pull any of these off successfully. All you really need is to be persistent and consistent ;o)

Every eBusiness owner needs to start with some form of marketing strategy or foundation. These four tactics will certainly give you a good solid foundation. Once you have them in place and they are pulling for you, youกll then be able to look at the other tactics like paypeclick search engines and give that a shot. The point that I want to really stress is the fact that if you start with the four tactics I mentioned above and they will always be working. Then as you progress you add new tactics, test them and if they prove to be beneficial then you add them.

It does take a bit of time and effort to see the rewards, but they will happen…just stick with it and don’t give up ;o)

About The Author

Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home office in Northern Ontario (Canada). She is publisher of ProfitSpace Newsletter ( Download her no cost 7Day eCourse กHow to Guarantee eBusiness Success…Before You Even Get Startedก

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 19, 2004

by Denise Ryder

How To Reverse Engineer Your Success

How To Reverse Engineer Your Success

by: Michael Southon

The best and fastest way to learn how to make money on the Internet is to buy the marketing books of successful web marketers. You can find a selection of marketing books at these sites:

But thereกs also another way: study their web sites and reverse engineer their success.

The great thing about the Internet is that everything is visible nothing is hidden. If itกs working for them, you can find out exactly how they’re doing it by studying their site.

Subscribe to their Newsletter and examine their Welcome Message.

Analyze their Newsletter and see exactly how they use it to generate income.

Sign up for their free autoresponder course and find out why it produces sales.

Check out which affiliate programs they promote.

Read their free eBooks and discover how they bring in new customers.

Here are some examples:

Recently I signed up for the Newsletter of someone who makes $130,000 a year just from affiliate programs. I wanted to see how he was doing it. What I noticed was that he doesn’t even try to sell the affiliate products he tells his readers how much he makes from those programs. Naturally, they join (through his link). The result? He has an army of subaffiliates who do the selling for him.

In another Ezine I recently saw a 40 word ad that interested me. I clicked on the link, and instead of taking me to the home page of the product, it took me straight to the order form. Very clever, and very effective.

A few weeks ago I subscribed to a free autoresponder course 12 daily web marketing lessons. Many people never finish these free courses. They unsubscribe half way through.

But this marketer made sure that people finished his course he announced in the first lesson that the 12th lesson contained the download link for a very useful free eBook that I wanted. Naturally, I stayed with it till the last lesson.

Last week I signed up for a marketing guruกs 15day free autoresponder course and I was amazed to see how easily it had been put together. Each module was simply a freelyavailable article by a recognized web marketing expert, with a sprinkling of affiliate links.

To sum up, when you visit the website of a marketing expert, pay close attention to everything you see. Ask yourself กWhy is s/he doing that?ก. Everything is there for a reason.

If you make this a habit youกll quickly learn the art of making money on the Internet.

© 2001 by Michael Southon

About The Author

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find out more:

This article was posted on August 30, 2002

by Michael Southon

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

by: Larry Denis

When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right business for you. How to get the edge on your competitors? What to do first? How to really make money and escape that 95 job? These are just a few of the confusing questions that face the beginner. If you try to begin without help, you are setting yourself up for failure. Very few can succeed in business without someone to help you and steer you in the right direction. You are indeed like a ship without a captain when you try to start a business alone
Here are a few common mistakes made by ขnewbiesข when they first start a homebased business.
1. Starting a business without knowing who you should be marketing to. Without knowing how to target your market you can spend hours of wasted time and a lot of wasted dollars.
2. Getting into the wrong business, with too much competition supply and not enough demand. If you do not get into a specialized market with high demand and less supply you are setting yourself up for failure and you will never make a decent living.
3. Believing that a free program will make you money, these are some of the biggest scams on the Internet.
4. Joining one business opportunity failing after a month and then joining another and another. This is how many beginners loose tons of money and valuable time.
5. Thinking that money can be made in a short time with no work, this is another pitfall too many ขnewbiesข fall into.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal guidance, somebody who can work with you oneonone? Show you how to start right and save you all that time and money. Somebody who can help you ขcut a pathway through the trees.ข This is where a mentor will help you, and better still a course that comes with mentoring help.
There are very few true mentoring courses, where you can really get oneonone help. Usually you purchase your course and then have to work out the rest. However a mentoring course is different. When you purchase the course you will get oneonone help for your questions and any problems you may have. As you progress through the course your mentor will coach you on any problems you may have and show you how to overcome them. One of the main reasons for new Internet businesses failing is lack of guidance. There is just too much to know and do without someone to help you.
You can see how a mentoring course works and the obvious advantages, compared to trying to work out everything yourself. I speak from experience. When I first started my business, I had no idea what to do and where to go, until I finally stumbled upon a mentor course. After that there was no looking back, I cannot say that I did not make mistakes or come up with problems, but they were nothing that my mentor could not guide me through
Recently I came across a mentoring course that not only offers mentoring help but shows you how to start a very profitable home business, HomeBased Recruiting. Basically it is finding qualified candidates to fill job positions for different businesses, for which you will get a finders fee. When worked correctly, this is a very profitable business and one you can easily make a good living with.
However, as with any successful business, some help is very necessary. Larry Denis’s ขFast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข is the mentoring course that will guide you stepbystep, from start to success, and with his expert mentoring you cannot fail. Larry is a seasoned veteran in this field and very successful at what he does. His course will show you the tips and tricks that top recruiters use to make substantial profits. Find the businesses that are expanding and get ahead of your competition, with the true ขtricks of tradeข known only by experienced recruiters like Larry. Overcome the ขfear of telephoningข by learning how to call people the right way. The training and mentoring you will receive from this course will be your key to building a profitable home business.
A mentor course is your gateway to success. Unlock the business potential within you, and see how you can achieve what you never thought possible, with the help of individual coaching. Experience the satisfaction of starting and building a truly successful business with help and guidance from a mentor.

About The Author

Larry Denis is the successful author of ข Fast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข He is a seasoned homebased recruiter with 8 years of experience in his field for more information on homebased recruiting please visit him at

[email protected]

This article was posted on May 10, 2004

by Larry Denis

Google Adwords For Your Target Market

Google Adwords For Your Target Market

by: Bobby Walker

First off, let me tell you where most Internet Marketers make their mistake. You log on to the Internet, do a little surfing, when all of a sudden it hits you right in the face! The very product that you have been looking for! The perfect ขproductข as a matter of fact! You cannot use your paypal account fast enough, so you can start selling your ขproductข on the Internet like crazy!

Do you realize what you just did? You just combined two of the hardest industries there are to make money in, Internet Marketing and Gambling! That is exactly what you are doing by picking a product before you find out if people even want it.

A product is incapable of giving you money, only people can pay you, and a ขmarketข is made up of people. You must center your product around your market to be successful on the Internet.

So how do you uncover your target market? Easy, you just go to to use their keyword tool and type in what you want to search for and hit enter. It will tell you the most popular keywords for that particular word or phrase and it will also tell you how many people searched that word or phrase last month.

Typically, a good market will be between 40,000 to 100,000 searches for that particular month. Less than that may be a weak market, and more than that could be too competitive. To find out for sure use the overture bidding tool for a particular word or phrase, and look at the third bid, it should be at least .30 up to $2.00. Again, less than .30 could be weak and more than $2.00 could be too competitive.

With overture, you can basically be the highest bidder and get the first position, not too much guesswork involved there. But Google Adwords is a different story, there is definitely some skill involved in with this method.

However, with Google Adwords, you have the potential to bid as little as .05 and still be in first position! However, the problem is that most people do not want to take the time or put forth the effort to tweak out the perfect Google ad, myself included.

That is when I stumbled across a website, which has an excellent course called, The Definitive Google Adwords Course. The basic course is fairly cheap at $49 considering all the information you get. If you want some audio thrown in, it is only $97, and if you want the deluxe with hard case cover, you will pay about $197.

Obviously, the best part about the course is that they tell you some of the secrets that are in the course. You can enter your first name and valid email address and get a free 5 day course.

They give away some good secrets, just enough to get you wanting more. But hey, we all have to make money somehow, right?

Seriously, this is a great course, I personally bought the basic course, and I have already raised the visitors to my website by 20% within a week of reading the course. Not bad for a $49 investment, I have spent more than that buying visitors from traffic exchanges! Which you should never do, by the way.

Any and every business needs to have the knowledge that is in this course. The bottom line is, if you do not have traffic to your site, you do not produce income. So I highly, highly recommend the Google Adwords Course.

About The Author

Bobby Walker

Internet Marketer

Dallas, Texas

3 Easy Step To Online Success

Beat the Google Adwords System!

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 24

by Bobby Walker

IT Skills and Certification

IT Skills and Certification

by: Danny Taylor

With the ever increasingly changing IT workplace many IT managers are looking for more than certification from their prospective and current employees. However, we may not all like it, but it’s a sad fact that in today’s IT market, certification is still essential. Professionals with years of experience are failing to get their preferred jobs if they haven’t got the relevant qualifications. Obviously certification alone will not get and keep a job in the IT sector, but it’s undeniable that training that combines skills and qualification should be at the top of any IT worker list of priorities.

For some time now the ‘boot camp’ style of certification has been popular amongst industry professionals. Often theses boot camps will require a large amount of self study prior to attendance, followed by a condensed instructor led training course. Success is often varied, as students with different skill sets will be attending a course which, should really only be attempted by professionals with experience in the workplace. These courses should be for people solely looking for certification as they already hold the skills to perform the complex tasks required in their workplace.

The truth is that today’s training companies are in huge competition and presentation of company credentials is paramount. So you can end up with a scenario comprising of a class with beginners and experts being trained together, and the trainer under pressure to get as many pupils through as possible. Not an easy task by any means. Over threequarters of IT professionals (76%) believe that they digest the equivalent of a degree every six months, with the average contractor spending 45 days a year researching the latest news and views.

So is it really possible to gain all the skills and knowledge required in a condensed course?

One example is the widely respected MCSE qualification. The Microsoft Official Circular (MOC) recommends that instructor led courses should take six weeks, with a pre requisite of at least one year networking experience or A+ and Network+ Comptia exam. Can this really be substituted with 100 hours of selfstudy followed by three weeks of instructor led training? We spoke to a Microsoft trainer who suggested that beginners often end up reattending the course after failing their exams. Also, often they don’t have the appropriate knowledge required before attending the condensed course, and because less time is spent on each topic some skills will inevitably be overlooked with this teaching method.

However, following the MOC track will take longer, thus taking the student out of the workplace for more time. Fine, if you have enough IT staff and an unlimited budget, or you are training to break into the IT market where time scale is not as important.

Most of these problems can be easily corrected by being realistic with your learning capabilities and being honest with the people who are training you. If you are a beginner then an instructor led MOC course will contain the depth of knowledge required to pass the exam whilst imparting the skills needed in the workplace. If you have three or four years experience and are looking to update or simply certify in the quickest possible time then a condensed course would be more appropriate. The most important thing to remember though when looking for training is to be sure the training company is listening to your needs and shares your realistic point of view. Look for guarantees; so that if you do need more training then it won’t be at your expense.

Be wary of those selling the dream.

Article provided by

About The Author

Danny Taylor

C2U Solutions Leading the UK in IT Training.

This article was posted on March 02

by Danny Taylor

Virtual Marketing in a Tangible World

Virtual Marketing in a Tangible World

by: André Bell

One of the greatest challenges facing business owners and managers is finding a way to costeffectively communicate frequently and consistently with their target markets.

It is nearly impossible to remain profitable while employing enough people to maintain frequent contact with existing clients, let alone seek new clients.

And even for companies with deep pockets, hiring outside sales reps, trainers, and speakers to communicate monthly, weekly, and in some cases daily with all clients in the organization is just plain ludicrous.

The high cost of humantohuman contact makes it impractical to attempt to implement a steady stream of consistent communications with everyone.

A common solution is to regularly communicate with the companyกs ‘ideal client’ and neglect all others. It becomes agame of economics.

There is a better way.

A better solutions for maintaining regular communication with your clients and prospects while at the same offering a valuable service is to adopt Internet eCourses and eSeminars in place of inperson courses and seminars.

Electronic seminars (eSeminars) are similar to real seminars or real courses that you attend at a local college or meeting facility.

Just like real courses you have a fixed term or time period in which to complete the course, and a fixed subject to discuss.

For example letกs say you sell automobiles and you want to maintain regular communications with your automobile buyers.

What you could do is conduct an electronic seminar every month which discusses a new facet of maintaining the vehicle or informs the course participant of new developments in the industry that may affect them and that they may be concerned with.

The purpose of the eCourse is not only to provide a valuable service by keeping your clients educated, but to insure that they remember you now and into the future when they are ready to buy again or refer business to you.

The more contact you maintain the less likely they are to forget you. The less contact you maintain the more likely they are to forget you 🙁

A side benefit to regular communications is that within your course you can refer to other products or services that you offer, provided the discussion remains within the theme of the electronic course.

If your course drops into hard selling or hucksterism then most people will drop out of your course or add your email address to their spam filters.

That’s bad!

So keep the discussion centered on topics that are of real value to your course participants and they will remain with you for as long as the course continues.

These virtual seminars eliminate most, if not all, costs ordinarily associated with communicating with clients on a regular basis.

You can now afford to reach all clients, not only those considered to be ideal.

This is possible because your electronic messages will be available online 24 hours, seven days a weekwithout the need for any employees to maintain the contact.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that the Internet can completely replace people, especially in areas where high personal contact is necessary. I’d forego a virtual handshake for a real one any day.

However the strength of the Internet is such that it can decrease the common costs associated with communicating to large numbers of people on a consistent and regular basis.

This is important because the more frequently you communicate with your target market the greater the chance of their remembering you, and the greater chance of their buying from you again in the future.

Even if they don’t buy from you right away, communicating regularly helps maintain the relationship you worked so hard to build.

You are able to eliminate losing your clients to your competitors as a result of letting even one person slip through the cracks.

To keep things simple communicate your electronic course or electronic seminar via email. Though MS outlook or other email client could do the trick, I don’t recommend that.

The workload of conducting an eCourse with hundreds or thousands of clients via a normal email client would be tremendous. It could easily become a fulltime job to send messages, subscribe members, unsubscribe members, avoid sending duplicate messages, and so on.

All this is completely unnecessary.

There are several standalone programs that are designed specifically for electronic courses. However I do not recommend any of them right now.

This is because you can simply accomplish exactly the same thing by using an inexpensive autoresponder instead of spending several hundred dollars on a customize software program.

Autoresponders are ideal for conducting eCourses because once the autoresponder is setup it requires no daily maintenance from you. Ever.

Software that you run on your computer requires you to start the software daily, import and export contact info of subscribers, process subscribe requests, process unsubscribe requests and other general daily maintenance tasks. Yuck!

A real drag, which is truly unnecessary.

Just keep in mind that you can load a series of sequential lessons or messages into your autoresponder, set the frequency of communication whether that be daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly and sit back and let your messages get communicated to your market.

Your autoresponder handles all the tedious tasks for you.

The beauty of this is that whether you are communicating with one person or one million, the daily workload to communicate with the course participants is exactly the same.


Another way that you can implement eCourses or eSeminars is to tie your autoresponder messages in with multimedia formats like MP3 files, flash animation, and even live video.

You simply preload your autoresponder with instructions on where to access the next lesson, set it and forget it.

Each day, week, month, or quarter your course participants will receive instructions and you will maintain regular communications with them. All on autopilot.

This is a win/win for everyone.

The choice to use email, flash, streaming audio or video is best decided upon your circumstances and your technical ability.

I strongly recommend keeping things simple. Stick to email autoresponders. However if you hate typing then instead of typing your course materials you can record the information with an audio recorder such as All Sound Recorder.

That way you communicate the same information with less typing involved. The downside is that all multimedia files will increase your monthly bandwidth far in excess of what will be accomplished through using just email.

So if monthly bandwidth is an issue stay away from multimedia. Especially if your web provider charges a premium.

Stick to simple email eCourses and you will be able to provide valuable information to your market and remain in touch with them, all while keeping your life as simple and stressfree as possible.

For free autoresponders that you can run from your own hosted domain check out

He offers both free and paid versions of his autoresponders. If you use AOL or a web host that prohibits custom CGI scripts your next best bet is to use one of the remotely hosted autoresponders such as provided by and

Each of these solutions allows you to communicate as frequently as you wish and with very little administrative headache to all of your clients, not just those considered to be ideal.

And best of all this can be accomplished without the need to hire a fulltime staff, even if your clients number into the hundreds of thousands.

About The Author

André Bell is principal marketing consultant with André Bell Consulting Group. A free copy of his new book ก101 Marketing Secrets Revealedก is available through his site at

This article was posted on April 07, 2004

by André Bell

5 Powerful Ways To Reduce Your Learning Curve

5 Powerful Ways To Reduce Your Learning Curve

by: Al Martinovic

Itกs no secret that to succeed on the internet you have to learn as much as you can about internet marketing and marketing in general. Itกs an ongoing process.

Even the top marketers continually try to learn and or improve on their existing marketing methods. The day that you think you have nothing else to learn or กknow it allก is the day that you are finished in this business.

With that said, I would like to share with you my Top 5 knowledge resources and what has helped me in my 2 years online and I hope it can help you too!

#1 Corey Rudlกs The Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet

This is a huge 2 volume course that details everything Corey does that makes him millions online every year.

This is by far the best course I have ever bought. I would go as far as to say 85% of my internet marketing knowledge comes from this course alone.

The course doesn’t come cheap but with the information he shares, believe me, you will more than make up the money you spent for it. I highly recommend it.

And if you don’t buy it then do yourself a favor and sign up for his monthly newsletter. Itกs probably the best of the best information wise.

#2 Books

Thatกs right… books. If you don’t like reading then you are going to have a tough time being successful in this business.

Go to your local book store or to and you will see there are a ton of books from marketing to copywriting to selfimprovement… you get the idea.

Here are some books that I highly recommend:

‘think & Grow Richก by Napolean Hill

กConversations With Millionairesก by Mike Litman and Jason Oman

‘the Ultimate Sales Letterก by Dan S. Kennedy

กMind Control Marketing.comก by Mark Joyner

#3 Fr*e or Paid TeleSeminars

TeleSeminars are like mini marketing seminars done by phone. You can learn alot of great information by attending these seminars so if you come across one, take advantage of it.

You don’t even have to speak at these teleseminars, just listen in and take notes. It is a great way to shave off your กlearning curveก in a hurry whether you are new or experienced.

#4 Internet Marketing Forums

Forums are a great way to get knowledge. And youกll even noticed the กbigก marketers pop in on a few of them from time to time.

You can post any questions you have and there will people there who will genuinely try to help you out. Or just read the other posts and see what type of knowledge you can gain.

Here are a few forums that I check out from time to time:

#5 Ezines and Newsletter

What I do and recommend you do is to sign up for the newsletters of all the กbigก marketers out there. I won’t mention names…you know who they are. :^)

Study their websites and especially the emails they send you. Then ask yourself… What tactics or strategies are they using? How can I apply this to my business?

And if you ever find yourself wanting to buy something from them by all means go ahead but before you do…. stop and ask yourself why you wanted to buy.

The same tactic or strategy that they used can possibly work for your business as well. Don’t overlook this.

There you have it. My top 5 knowledge resources when it comes to internet marketing. I hope you take the time to make use of them.

About The Author

Al Martinovic publishes the Millenium Marketers Newsletter where you will find Powerful Internet Marketing Concepts, Killer Strategies, Useful Tips, No Bull Business Advice… Get your FR*E Subscription here:

mailto:[email protected]

This article was posted on July 16, 2003

by Al Martinovic

Why We Hate to Promote Ourselves

Why We Hate to Promote Ourselves

by: Suzanne FalterBarns

In the last week or so, Iกve begun enrolling people in the next session of my Platform Push Coaching Program on my other site, And boy, has that been interesting. In a few brief encounters, Iกve learned a lot about the power of permission.

The course is demanding; it requires these coaching students to really make a commitment to building their platform. Over six months they work on creating a brand phrase and identity, creating a branded website, setting up media kits, head shots, developing ezines and blogs, speaker materials and media mailings. The course requires a lot, but it promises a lot, too.

So I find myself speaking to many of my registrants as they make the decision whether or not to join the program. Some are on the fence for technical reasons that are hard to overcome, but many are simply on the fence. This is how these conversations go:

ME: กHi, itกs Suzanne calling about the Platform Push Coaching Program you were

interested in.ก

THEM: (Enthusiastically) Hi Suzanne!

ME: So how are your platform building efforts coming?

THEM: (Audible groan/sigh/exhalation of breath) Well… (another sigh) …. I

don’t know.

That audible groan comes up in nearly every phone call. Nearly every one! Rare is the person who simply says, กIกm not interested in promoting at the moment,ก or even กI haven’t made time to focus on it.ก Instead, thereกs just the groan.

What that groan says to me is that getting known by the public scares them. Even thinking about it makes them feel small and inadequate. And yet they know that they must if they want to reach the people they’re meant to. So they feel both guilty and annoyed with themselves at the same time. (Sound familiar?)

I can relate to this completely, which is why I developed this work in the first place. Itกs hard to do this stuff not for technical reasons, but simply because of what it portends. ‘theyก, the general public, may finally know us. They might love us. Or they could potentially kick sand in our faces. And thatกs scary.

Now, there are people out there who actually love promoting themselves, and God bless them. Most of us come from this small, shy place about blowing our own horn. Thatกs why I almost always find myself giving the people I speak to permission to go big. Hereกs how that part goes:

ME: So whatกs holding you back from doing this work?

THEM: I don’t have a website! I don’t have anything! I feel like a rank beginner.

ME: Thatกs why thereกs a course like this. So you don’t have to create this thing

alone in a dark corner.

THEM: But can I really do it? I mean, you think Iกd be able to?

ME: Sure! Why not?

THEM: Wow … really?

This is the most starting revelation of all in this process. Many of the people I speak with seem to need permission to become bigger and better known. Itกs as if we’re naturally programmed to stay small and circumspect. And yet, getting better known can only help our ability serve others and give us more credibility in the marketplace.

Of course, there are those who aren’t quite ready yet to move into a bigger arena. They may not know yet whom they’re supposed to work with or just what they’re hereto accomplish. Yet, most of us are truly stuck just short of this hurdle, waiting for someone, anyone, to give us the courage to get going.

If thatกs you, may I urge you to take the first step and give yourself permission to go big. You have everything you need, right now, to move forward and serve others. And if you happen to be waiting for permission to move ahead, well … here it is. Consider yourself booted ahead.

About The Author

The bi weekly ezine, The Joy Letter teaches anyone with a dream the secrets to living your joy. Sign up and receive our free report, ก35 Guaranteed Time Saversก right now at

To reprint this article, please use with this bio box intact.

Thanks! ©2005 Suzanne FalterBarns LLC.

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 16

by Suzanne FalterBarns

The Newest Marketing Course

The Newest Marketing Course

by: Llnado Ford

Certainly the newest earth quaking event in Internet Marketing insider circles is the release of John Reeseกs New, Traffic Secrets marketing course.

I say certainly because I suppose to know what for you as Small marketer is more important. The newest study made by about how much more considered and sophisticated people became in their online shopping behavior. Or the fact that John Reese just released his brand new marketing course which includes every single technique he has ever used in his highly successful campaigns.

For sure you find very useful articles, and Internet statistics at Double Click and I suggest you to go there very often because you should know about new trends and internet developments. But actually the greatest (direct) help for your online promotions is to learn กhow to do it on the right wayก from marketing courses of must successful guys just like John Reese.

Many of the Big Guys of Online marketing are not happy because John Is doing this. But with no reason. This won’t stop him to sell his marketing course. And don’t matter how many people will buy the course nobody will have to fight with a definitely higher competition in the future.

However there are very, powerful secrets exposed in this marketing course, and certainly the small group who will buy this not really cheap marketing course and will use the system, will definitely leave his competitors miles away behind, but: The aspect of Internet marketing won’t be changed, because the ratio of those who will turn their Marketing Efforts into Substantial income will remain the well known 10% .

Are you asking now why.

If you want to know my personal meaning than here it is:

Just walking in into a bank don’t makes you rich. As same You won’t be rich just by buying books and CDs or even the worldกs best marketing course

Statistics are showing that high percent of buyers don’t even read the marketing courses or ebooks they buy. And even if they read them there is a little bit more ‘to doก for generating Internet income. The big guys like John Reese, Corey Rudl, Shawn Casey and so on, are telling you how to do it. Let me mention here they are telling you damned well. If you own already one of this courses and you still don’t make money Iกm wondering if you have read it…

You on your turn have to กlearnก and กWorkก to apply what they say.

Many people are still thinking that creating an Internet income Has nothing to do with serious working. Marketers have realised this fact very early, thatกs why you will never find in a good sale copy the word กworkก. Making the failure to use this word in a sale copy would drastically decrease the amount of sales. But this is another story.

Now We all know that 90% of those who try to make money on the internet will never make a dime. They will buy great ebooks or marketing courses (good for the others) than when they realise that there is many hours, many weeks of work involved until they see incoming money, and they realise that it is impossible become rich over night they will give it up.

According to this fact nobody has to be afraid from a too high Competition, because this percentage mentioned above will not change. Some People simply don’t really want to become wealthy (they just think they want to…)

Internet marketing success requires hard work, however it is not a secret that it is still easier to be successful as in any business offline. Finally you need to invest only few per cent of that money what you would invest for an off line businesses, you can automate your online business you can reach much more prospects… But: you will always have to: Learn, to Work, to invest (time, Enthusiasm, money).

Are you ready to do all this three points than you will able To increase your sales to the levels that the big guys are promising to you.

I wish you fun and good luck!

For More information about the course click.

About The Author

Llando Ford Started The M. A. Newsletter in late 2003 with the goal to report about the latest Internet marketing news. On his website you will find a collection of marketing courses (some of them FREE), from the most reputed marketing gurus. To subscribe to The Marketing Advices Newsletter and get instantly your Free bonus Gary Shawkeyกs If I can Anybody can and Gary Shawkeyกs Secrets send an email to: mailto:[email protected]?subject=SUBSCRIBE&[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 26, 2004

by Llnado Ford

5 Tips To Create A KickButt MiniCourse That Pull

5 Tips To Create A KickButt MiniCourse That Pulls In Thousands of Rabid Subscribers… in a Flash!

by: Jim Edwards

One of the fastest ways to develop, build, and grow your own list of subscribers is to develop a กminiก course with an incredibly compelling promise.

I have personally used กminiก courses to build lists of several thousand subscribers in as little as a week.

A กminiก course is simply a series of emailกs where you teach people a specific skill, set of skills, or reveal other information they really want to know.

In the process of providing this focused, valuable information, you prove to your subscribers that you are THE expert in a particular area and, you also encourage people to pay you to get even BETTER information from ebooks and information products youกve either written or recommend.

An example of a กminiก course offer Iกve used with great success is the free mini course at that appears in the exit pop up window when you leave the site. The promise of this กminiก course is strong and compelling. Hereกs what it says…

FREE eBook MiniCourse

กHow to Write and Profit from your own eBook…

while you’re still young enough to enjoy it!ก

All the registration page asks for is first name and email address… and this minicourse has generated thousands of subscribers!

So hereกs the basic formula in a nutshell: Strong promise+ low risk+ high perceived reward= Subscribers

Now, if youกd like to build your own list of rabid subscribers, here are 5 surefire tips for creating a mini course that truly kicks butt!

Tip #1 The Promise

If you want to launch a successful minicourse, target an audience with a specific need and then make them the biggest possible promise you can deliver on.

People are pressed for time and rarely see as much value in something they get for free as opposed to something they pay a lot of money for.

Add to this the fact that the Internet gets more and more crowded everyday and you can see that the best offers are the ones that grab peopleกs attention by making a benefit driven promise they can’t resist.

Even though you offer your minicourse for free, you still must SELL people on WHY they should pay you with their time and attention.

Example: If you want to do a minicourse on real estate investing, look for the biggest and best promise you can make for people.

Letกs look at these various promises for identical mini course content:

Good: How to make a fortune in foreclosures.

Better: How to find and buy a profitable foreclosure within 2 weeks.

Best: How to find and buy a profitable foreclosure property in your area within 2 weeks using none of your own money!

** The promise you make has everything to do with whether or not people sign up. IMPORTANT: After they sign up, make sure you deliver on the promise.

Tip #2 Don’t reinvent the wheel

Look for existing content your own or other peopleกs you can adapt directly or indirectly into the minicourse.

Hey, I understand you’re busy… Iกm busy too!

Why would you want to spend 2 days coming up with all the content for your minicourse if you already have past information you can adapt!?

If you don’t have any existing material, then find someone else who has written an article and use that for part of your minicourse with their permission of course.

Youกd be surprised at all the pieces of the puzzle that are out there independently which you could combine into a great minicourse without nearly the mountain of effort you might expect.

Tip #3 Give yourself lots of chances to make money

One way to build more value into your minicourse and make sure people hang onto your messages instead of deleting them is to put lots of quality links into your minicourse.

This allows people to get additional information on specific aspects of the minicourse.

Some of those links can be to free resources, others to resources where you earn an affiliate commission, and still others to your own products and services.

The more links you have that actually contribute to your students learning the subject of your minicourse and fulfilling the promise you made to get them to sign up, the better your chances of them clicking those links.

If you create lessons people save for future reference because they have great links in them, youกll make more money!

For an example look no further than your กinboxก! Almost everybody has email messages theyกve saved from other people because they contain links to sites you want to use now or access in the future.

Tip #4 Build anticipation for the next message

If you’re going to take the time to put together the mini course, wouldn’t it be great of the majority of people who subscribed actually read your messages!?

If you want to launch a successful minicourse, youกve got to rise ABOVE the noise of all the other email messages people receive every single day.

One way to do this is to always end each lesson with a small กadก or excitement builder for the next message. You do this by really playing up a big benefit theyกll receive as a result of reading the next message you promise to send them.

Hereกs an example:

‘the next and final installment in this minicourse will give you five tips for how to get 10,000 visitors to your website without spending a dime on payperclick traffic! So stay tuned for the next lesson in 2 days…ก

Itกs a simple, yet very powerful way to build anticipation for the next message into EVERY message you send.

This simple step helps make them look forward to the next message so it gets read… not trashed!

Tip #5 Tell them what they don’t know!

If you’re using the minicourse to promote a product that covers a much กbigger pictureก of the topic as a whole, constantly remind people that the minicourse is just a ‘tiny pieceก of the whole product.

Remind them of what else they need to know and tell them if they buy the product then theyกll get this benefit, and that benefit, and even more specific information.

Remember, you didn’t publish this minicourse to practice your typing skills! You are in this to make money, to get subscribers, and to make sales!

Once you deliver quality content that gives people a real taste of whatกs in store when they actually purchase, then itกs time to close the sale… you deserve it!

About The Author

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the coauthor of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links…

Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? ‘turn Words Into Trafficก reveals the secrets for driving Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links… without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here>

This article was posted on August 10, 2004

by Jim Edwards

Autoresponder Course : The Automated Marketing Too

Autoresponder Course : The Automated Marketing Tool

by: David Bell

Autoresponders, also known as mailbots, automatic email and email on demand were derived from the very popular fax on demand and designed to automatically respond to any email message it receives with an automatic response. Autoresponder programs vary from software set up to run with your desktop email program and automatically answer your incoming email to a script that runs on your server. The script may run a Webbased autoresponder system that utilizes a web page form, or it may run with your pop email account on your server. It is programmed to automatically send out a predetermined message when a message is received to a specified script address or email address.

In addition to the standard autoresponder systems, there are also autoresponders that can send an unlimited amount of followup messages. These follow up messages can be set up to automatically be sent out at predetermined intervals. In other words, you can set up your autoresponder to automatically send out a new message each day for as many days as you would like.

This powerful technology is currently being used by some of the top online marketers to reach thousands of potential customers. As you may know, it may take up to seven contacts with a potential customer before closing a sale. By setting up an autoresponder and offering a free autoresponder course, you can completely automate a portion of your marketing efforts.

The first step in creating an autoresponder course is to decide upon a subject. Your course should focus on a subject in which you have a great deal of knowledge and target your potential customers.

Once you have selected your subject, youกll need to make a list of topics. Each topic will represent one lesson. If you have five topics, then you can offer your visitors a free 5day course. If you have ten topics, then you can offer your visitors a free 10day course and so on.

Separate each of your topics into course lessons. Your first lesson should welcome your subscriber to your course and explain a little bit about what they are going to learn, followed by the first lesson.

The key to creating a successful autoresponder course is to provide quality information that will be of interest to your target audience. Each daily topic must contain valuable information or your reader may decide to unsubscribe. In addition, make sure you include information in regard to your course such as the lesson number, lesson title, information about your products or services and highlights of the next lesson.

Your course should identify a problem, provide advice in regard to solving the problem and provide the solution with your products or services. Keep in mind, your course should not be written like a sales letter. It must provide quality information written to teach and inform.

After youกve written your course, youกll need to transfer your text into an autoresponder. You can find free followup autoresponders here: and

Sign up for a followup autoresponder and follow their instructions in regard to setting it up.

Once youกve gotten your autoresponder set up, your final step will be to place your course information on your web site. This will include a description of your course and a mailto link to your autoresponder.

By offering your visitors a free autoresponder course, you are not only providing them with a great service, but you are also automating a portion of your marketing efforts. This form of free advertising can increase your sales considerably.

I hope this helps in your future marketing decisions.

About The Author

David Bell

Advertising research and development center

This article was posted on April 06

by David Bell

Making Money in Your Underwear! The Jeff Paul Mark

Making Money in Your Underwear! The Jeff Paul Marketing System

by: Mufad Pac

No, no! I’m not talking about ขhow to make money by selling underwear’s o­n the Internetข I’m talking about Jeff Paul, the super marketing guru of 90’s who shouted ขHow I Earn $4,000 a Day Sitting at My Kitchen Table in My Underwear?ข But it’s a GONE story now. What happened to Jeff Paul, o­ne of the most successful students of ขDan Kennedy’sข the father of Marketing?

If you were a subscriber of ขEntrepreneur Successข or ขBusiness Opportunitiesข in the early 98, you might have noticed Jeff Paul’s catchy ads, depicting him sitting at his kitchen and in his underwear talking over the telephone and counting money and ads like ขHow I earn $4000 a day sitting at my kitchen table in my underwear?ข Jeff himself declared he makes 1000’s of dollars a day before his lunch! Those catchy, interesting and funny ads were run continuously for about 3 years in the early 98. But those ads were suddenly disappeared; Jeff Paul suddenly sunk somewhere in deep marketing competition.

When I started exploring information about Jeff Paul, I heard/read many interesting stories. Much information is not available about Jeff’s childhood or about his parents.

Jeff attended the University of Illinois where he studied anthropology. So I’m not sure of what direction he wanted to take in his life. He ended up dropping out of college and worked for his fatherกs retail store in Jackson Mississippi. He had problems with working for his father’s retail store and he was totally unhappy with his decision.

So Jeff decided that taking night school classes in accounting might lead him to a better career and income. After a year of classes he moved back to Chicago and purchased an accounting franchise for $15,000 and met his business partner. That was the first chapter of ขJoint Ventureข in Jeff’s life!

Unfortunately the accounting business didn’t last long because Jeffกs partner ended up stealing the company coffers. And the worst part is Jeff had naively cosigned an SBA loan which was being called due and payable in full, a whopping $204,000! That’s how destiny played in Jeff’s life.

Jeff was down o­n his luck and about to give up o­n his dream of financial independence. He found an opportunity to meet and work with Dan Kennedy. (Dan Kennedy is highest paid marketing consultant in America. Dan will give you at least 100 new ideas to improve your current business if you meet him!) Jeff had signed up for o­ne of Dan Kennedyกs seminars as a last bastion of hope.

Shortly thereafter, Jeff wrote his first successful direct marketing training course for Financial Planners and accountants. His company was called ขProfit Plan Systemsข. Jeff is more widely known for his mail order success course, How I Earn $4,000 a Day Sitting At My Kitchen Table in My Underwear.

Maybe you can still buy this particular course from classified ads and display ads in ขBiz Magazinesข like Business Opportunities and Entrepreneur. Jeff’s ads was selling teaser version of his course for 20 bucks. It was really a glorified sales letter masquerading as a product. Anyway, from there you could order the complete course for about 200 bucks!

Although ขHow I Earn $4,000 a Day Sitting at My Kitchen Table in My Underwearข does have some excellent gems of timeless direct marketing wisdom (like กSell them what they want. Give them what they need.ก), you are probably better served by getting your marketing education elsewhere! Why?

The main reason is the quality of the course presentation. Basically the course was a repurposed version of the marketing system he sold to Financial Planners. Ninety percent of the material was the same. This course was somewhat disorganized, was thrown together in a random manner! Pages were crooked (2nd & 3rd generation photocopies!) and had missing pages. The information presentation was disjointed. For example, it was hard to keep from getting distracted by the poor quality of the page copies.

Jeff probably sold resale rights of his marketing course to other marketers who are simply photocopying seminar book pages, popping them in a 3 ring binder; making bad dupes of cassette tapes; placing national ads; selling it as a COURSE! The same ขCopycat Marketingข formula!

Whatsoever, Jeff Paul is widely respected for his direct marketing expertise. And he had great mentor like Dan Kennedy. Dan used to introduce Jeff as his favorite and most successful students in BIG Seminars!

Jeff actually produced some NO BS great manuals, training videos, inspirations tapes etc. Some of Jeffกs books were actually pretty well written. Paul thinks that the internet is not a good place to market products because the average person o­nline is young and not financially qualified to buy much… but all that is constantly changing or changed now a days. Some marketers said Jeff Paul’s course is great and it really helped them. But the o­nly problem is that like many great systems, there are now far too many people doing what he teaches. So the system and techniques are saturated.

Some of Great stuffs of Jeff’s and their relevant Ad headings!

1> How to Make a Fortune with Joint Ventures: Value $397

กHow to Make Money Selling Products, Even If You Have No Products, No Customers…Or No Money!!ก

2> How to Make a Surgeonกs Income! Value: $297

กAt Last, The Totally Risk Free Way For Entrepreneurs Like You To Make Huge Sums of Money Without Ever Leaving Home!ก กHow to Make a Surgeonกs Income as A Home Based Business Consultant (After All Itกs Not Brain Surgery)ก Is The Easy Way To Enjoy The Totally Risk Free Satisfaction Of Making $500$1,000 An Hour, $10,000$20,000 A Month From The Comfort Of Your Own Home in Your Underwear!ก

3> Instant Profits Marketing: Value $497

ก101 Secrets to a Six Figure Income… How to Get More Customers, Clients or Patients in a Month than You Now Get All Year!ก Instant Profits Marketing! How To Use Little Known, Advertising And Selling Secrets Your Accountant, Advertising Agency Or Sales Manager, Can’t Tell You! กNo More Cold Prospecting Wasted Advertising, Begging For Referrals, Waiting For The Phone To Ring, Or Frustration! End The Stress INSTANTLY!ก

4> Jeff Paul’s Boot Camp: Value $997

กHear My Students And Me Reveal Every Detail About Making Money Quick And Easy, Sitting At Home In Our Underwear In The Complete, Unedited Tapes Of The Jeff Paul 2 Day Bootcamp!ก กRight From The Horses’ Mouths…How Both Myself And My MOST SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS Place Ads, Take Orders, Sit At Home And Make Thousands Of Dollars Each And Every Day In Our Underwear!ก

Jeff’s other Marketing Stuffs:

Video: กHow to Make Money Quick and Easy at Your Kitchen Table in Your Underwear.ก

Cassette Tape: ‘the Number o­ne Secret Direct Marketing Formula of Kitchen Table Millionaires.ก

Manual: Jealously Guarded Secrets, Formulas, Shortcuts, and Strategies for Instant Cash.

Manual: The TRUE Secrets of Making Money o­nLine Revealed. Even If You Know Nothing About Computers.

Manual: Jeff Paulกs Confidential Guide to Products o­nDemand.

Manual: Jeff Paulกs Confidential Directory of Hot Markets.

Manual: Jeff Paulกs The Beginnerกs Instant Start Direct Marketing Toolkit.

Manual: Jeff Paulกs 537 Ready to Sell Reports That Turn Pennies into Hundred Dollar Bills!

Jeff Paul is actually a student of the famous Dan Kennedy. Obviously Jeff was a very talented student because Dan took him under his wing and turned him into an advertising giant

Now what I believe is Jeff Paul’s Marketing System must be great. But the problem is that he told the whole world about it a long time ago. And now I heard he has several hundred students doing the exact same thing he does. And these students are now teaching and selling his old material to others by writing the same basic type of course they bought from Jeff Paul. You can actually buy Jeff’s products in ebay auctions at discounted rates. Will it work now? Don’t ask me!

Like I said, Jeff and his course are great, but just outdated in my opinion. I searched for Jeff’s products reviews at Amazon. But Amazon’s database contains no information about Jeff’s stuffs. The fun part is Amazon has recommended me to buy Dan Kennedy’s stuffs!

I recently heard that Mr. Fire Yanik Silver had an interview with Jeff Paul. I did not find more info o­n this interview.

I think Jeff Paul would have been a success either way just because he has true talent and dedication to his work within himself. Like many other marketing teachers, Jeff Paul is obsessed with marketing.

Anyway finally I wish all the best to Jeff Paul and his kitchen table, underwear marketing!

Copyright 2004 Mufad Pac

About The Author

Mufad and Mahesh Bhat have jointly authored this article. Mahesh Bhat the owner of is a regular contributer to the work at home community.

This article was posted on November 07, 2004

by Mufad Pac