Getting Started & Making Money on eBay!
by: Lynn Terry
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eBay receives over 1.5 billion page views per month! Over 9,000 new users register with eBay every day! This makes eBay one of the greatest moneymaking opportunities on the internet! Below youกll find Selling Tips & resources that will help you cash in on the eBay market!
Sure, I want to make money on eBay… but what would I sell??
You can sell virtually anything on eBay! From household items you would normally sell in a yard sale for pennies on the dollar, to informational products (advertising space, ebooks, books, publications, reports, etc) that don’t even require shipping!
Do some research! Choose an item (clothing, a book, electronics something specific), and see how well it has done on eBay in the past by searching similar completed auctions.
The same item may bring much higher bids in one auction than it does another… Pay close attention to the differences in their ads: Starting/Ending Time, Title or Headline, Description & Photos.
Some items, such as computers & electronics, tend to bring the highest bid when they end on Saturday night. Keep in mind the time zone differences, and try not to set auctions to end during church time or business hours on either the east coast or the west coast. Internet advertising, and informational products (which target the office worker or home business owner) might do best on a weekday in the afternoon hours. Get the idea?
Next you will want to line up the products you have chosen to sell…
Make that item SELL!
You must add good, clear pictures of your product to your auction listing! Using either a digital camera or scanner, make sure you take clear pictures that show detail.
Gain attention to your auction by making the most of the 45Character Title! For example, lets say you were selling a piece of unused software:
Accounting Software Program for sale
Obviously, the first title would get more clicks!
Next is your description… Include everything about your product size, dimensions, brand name, etc… any pertinent details. Add extra pictures without extra cost by using a free image hosting service and simple html tags.
If you don’t know HTML, you can use a program to create it for you… You can learn some basic commands at .
Tip: If you create your description in Frontpage, Dreamweaver, or any other web design program, you can simply copy the code and then paste it into the description field on the eBay form.
Your About Me Page
Once you sign up for your free eBay account, and get ready to sell, be sure to set up your About Me page! This is the one place that you can tell all of your potential bidders about yourself, your website, and your product line. What you aren’t allowed to include in your auction description… you CAN include here! A colorful กmeก image shows up beside your eBay user name on all pages & transactions, allowing viewers to click for more information.
See these examples:
Followup & Backend Sales
Be sure that you use a signature file in all email communication with bidders & auction winners. Include information about your website, your contact information, and include a PS if you would like to bring their attention to something else they may be interested in.
Follow up with your auction winners via email and make sure that they received the item and are happy with it. Encourage them to leave you feedback, and do the same for them. This promotes confidence in future potential bidders that you are a legitimate seller.
Questions? Join us at the Vision Possible Forum!
Join Lynn Terry, owner of Web Service Network, in the eBay & Other Online Auctions Forum: What to sell, how to sell, tips and tricks to increase bids. eBay as a fulltime biz? at
About The Author
Lynn Terry, owner of Web Service Network, brings you the full report online at . Like Lynnกs Tips? Get them by email every week! Self Starters Weekly Tips will put you ahead of the game in Online Business:
This article was posted on February 23, 2003
by Lynn Terry