1,001 Deals and Steals: A Guide To Online Classifi

1,001 Deals and Steals: A Guide To Online Classifieds

by: Donald Lee

Some naysayers way back in the 1990s predicted that online shopping wouldn’t last. Sure, and they said television was a passing fad, too! As we all know, just the opposite has occurred. There’s a television in every household, and more than likely, the homeowner bought their television online—along with his books, music CDs, clothes, and maybe even his home.

Internet shopping is bigger than ever. You can find anything and everything for sale online. Many times, you can find it cheaper online than anywhere else. Internet shopping offers so much more than a discounted price tag, though.

Imagine a shopping mall where there are no lines, where there are no jammed parking garages, and no pushy sales clerks. This is no land of make believe. It is the Internet, where you can discover unprecedented selection, convenience, and opportunities. Online shopping gives you the luxury of browsing hundreds of stores from your living room, while saving on time and frustration. It provides you the chance to compare prices to your heart’s delight on a near limitless selection of brands and models.

For even more benefits, try your hand at classifieds and auction Web sites. These sites are like yard sales and flea markets rolled into one. Unlike retail shopping sites, they offer:

Access to super secondary markets. Take your pick of secondhand or brandnew wholesale goods at steeply discounted prices. The vendors at classifieds sites can get away with it because they aren’t paying high rent for a storefront or a warehouse. And in many cases, you’re not paying taxes.

Tools to locate unique and rare collectibles. Imagine a classifieds site to be like a sunken pirate boat, laden with cultural artifacts, hardtofind heirlooms, and priceless antiques. The Internet is your deepsea vessel, sonar, and oxygen tank all in one.

Reach beyond your neighborhood. Search through the inventory of a vendor from your home town, or if you don’t find what you’re looking for there, try that fellow in California, Texas or Canada for that matter.

Close relationships with vendors. You deal with real people—not big, impersonal corporations—when you buy on classifieds sites. They can provide more details about the product, which you can then use to bargain for a reasonable price.

Despite this bounty of benefits, you might still be hesitant to dive into Internet shopping. Don’t be embarrassed. You have good reason to take your time and weigh your choices. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Internet fraud tops the list of the thousands of fraud cases that happen every year. In some ways, WWW could stand for the Wild West Web, in that anything goes. Vendors can be villains in disguise, and there aren’t any online Wyatt Earps to protect you from these bad guys. You’re on your own.

But give yourself some credit. You have the common sense it takes to survive the WWW. It is the same commonsense that helps you make the most of your money on your standard shopping trips. Become familiar and comfortable with an online vendor before jumping into a purchase. Ask questions and do a bit of research.

After doing your research, you’ll feel more confident in searching for your online booty. To refine your findings and whittle your list to only the exceptional sites, look for these additional qualities:

A focus on local shopping, so you can feel more confident buying from neighbors.

Free education and advice on safe purchasing.

Nocost and easy browsing through available merchandise.

Search tools that let you prioritize items by category, location, and distance.

A straightforward pricing system that avoids the haggling and risk of auction bidding.

Quick price comparisons among different vendors.

Unbelievably, a few trustworthy, practical, and exciting Web sites exist that have all of these features. To find these websites, simply browse through Yahoo’s directory under the classifieds category. The best of the online classified sites offer these services free to buyers such as you. Some of these sites can link you at no charge to your neighbor selling the antique lamp that you’ve been hunting for or that retiree looking to unload an incredible piece of real estate—or the cowboy looking to sell his bigscreen television.

Copyright 2004 Donald Lee

About The Author

Donald Lee is a public relations manager at BSCCOM Inc. BSCCOM Inc. provides free online advertisement services for Canadian and U.S. regions. For more information please visit: http://www.buysellcommunity.com.

This article was posted on November 25, 2004

by Donald Lee

Top Things You Must Realize When Searching

Top Things You Must Realize When Searching

by: Andrew Malek

For the uninitiated, searching for web pages can seem a slow, obscure process. Unless you have a highspeed Internet connection, web pages may seem to take days to load. And the searching itself – you have to admit it looks weird typing in bunches of plus signs, asterisks, parenthesis, and other funny symbols and operators to find what you want.

To help you in this process and show that you are not, I’ve compiled a top five list of things you must realize when searching the web for information. No pencils will fly, no drums will roll, but you just might learn something.

5. Search Engines Have to Make Money

Before you grumble over the growing number of advertisements and sponsored links that appear in search engine results page, remember that most search engines are free. You’re not paying anything for a very costly service. Thus, these sites have to earn income somehow to stay afloat (computing power and bandwidth isn’t cheap!) So, to put it bluntly… live with it.

(Yes, I know some types of advertising are much more obtrusive than others. Popup ads, dancing animations, and other larger advertisements may make it harder to use some search engines that support these types of ads. If you don’t like it, vote with your mouse clicks and move to another search engine).

4. Sites Go Down

Worse yet, you’ve entered in your perfect search query, looked at the results page, and the first site you see no longer exists!

The Internet changes all the time. Unfortunately, search engines and directories are not able to constantly query every site on the Internet to see if they are still online. Occasionally (in other words, probably frequently) you will find links to web sites that no longer exist. It is just a part of life. Especially with the dotcom bust, many web site owners can no longer afford to host free resources. If they could not convert their traffic to paying customers, they just took their sites down

So when you find a link that is dead, don’t pump your fist in anger … just go back to the results page and move along. Or, better yet, if you’re using a search engine that caches pages, such as Google, just look at the cached version of the now defunct pages and find the information contained therein. It’s like stepping through a time machine!

3. Your Web Browser Will Crash

On a related note, not only do web sites go down – but so may your web browser. Sometimes it will be due to visiting a multimediaintensive web site. Sometimes it will seem to happen for no reason. But it will happen, and when it does, don’t go blaming yourself saying that you did something wrong.

Web browsers, like just about any other type of computer software program available on the market, are not infallible. They can and usually do contain bugs. These may predictably rear their ugly heads when visiting sites containing a lot of multimedia and advanced interactive elements, or they may appear completely at random.

If your web browser crashes, do what I do. Just restart it. Don’t say you did something wrong. Don’t think that you must be so bad with computers that you crashed the Internet. Just restart your browser, and if you have to restart your computer to do so, then do it as well. Most likely the crash is not your fault.

2. The Internet Can Be Slow

No matter how fast your onramp to the Internet may be, there will be times where it seems to take forever to load a web page. This is just the nature of the beast.

As the Internet is a loosely connected network, if certain connections go down, computers may not always be able to route information via other networks. Thus access speed will suffer and your web browser will start to crawl. If this seems to be happening often, step away from the computer, go outside and take a nice, long walk (unless it’s 30 degrees below). You can run your search another time when the speed is back to normal.

And the #1 thing you must realize when searching…

1. The Best Result Just May Be On Page 10

Most people only look through the first page of search engine or directory results, usually the top ten listings. Others may visit the second page, but relatively very few people venture to the higher numbered pages.

This is a shame – sometimes the best results to a search engine query are not in the first ten listings as they may only contain links to commercially driven sites or sites run by web owners who know how to manipulate listings. In some cases web sites containing perfectly good information may not be listed in the top 10, 20, 50, or even top 100 results.

Obviously searching through the many pages and pages of resulting sites will take extra time, especially if you do not have a highspeed connection to the Internet. But, this time spent may well be worth it if you find some gems in the rough! So if you have the time, speed, and patience, browse through the deeper results pages. You never know what you may find!

And that’s it – my top five list of things you must realize when searching. This covers slow access time, results not on page 1, browser bugs, web sites popping up and down and changing management, and the need for sites to make money, causing advertisements to become more obtrusive. Gosh, that just makes you want to go out and search right now, doesn’t it? .

About The Author

This article was written by Andrew Malek, Internet Search Guru and author of Find Stuff On the Net, an ebook that can show even beginning computer users how to navigate the Internet without fear. Gain confidence using your web browser. Master search engines. And more! For further information and free snippets of the book, visit http://www.findstuffonthenet.com/

[email protected]

This article was posted on May 1, 2002

by Andrew Malek

Easy Content Building For The Lazy Webmaster

Easy Content Building For The Lazy Webmaster

by: JP Lafferty

Free content builder.

Articles are the best way to add free content to your site. Thereกs hundreds if not thousands of article sites out there on the web that can be searched for free information.

The only problem I have with free articles is that you have to add the writers resource box to your site. Now this in itself is not a major problem. You could read several articles and then make your own in your own words.

This works well and is a quick and easy content building strategy that I would recommend to anybody. Also if you write your own content this way you should definitely consider posting a few of your own articles to the free article submission sites. This generates oneway links to your own site and over time can really build traffic to your site.

Just google กfree article submissionก or กarticlesก or anything of that nature to start building a list of article sites. The more you have the better.

Building content with ebooks

Free ebooks are a great source of free content and there is no shortage of them out there. Most free ebook sites have ebooks that were at one point being sold across the web. These are generally an excellent quality source of information.

To really benefit from ebooks you must first read them and take note of the main topics discussed. One way I find that works well is to write up a short report after reading the ebook and then building on that as I go through the ebook a second time. When I find something interesting I add it to the report in my own words. This is great for developing a better understanding of the material.

Of course after all this you may want to write a few articles about what you just read. As always you should share these articles with the rest of the web by submitting them to article sites.

This isn’t as tedious and time consuming as you might think. After your first or second go you will find yourself becoming more confident and this may well lead to you taking a more creative approach to your writing. In time you will be very efficient at writing your own reports and using them to create more articles and content for your websites.

I would advise you save every ounce of work you do. The more you write the more content and personal resources you have to pull from this makes it quicker and easier to create your own material. After a while you may realize you could put all your work into a ebook of your own and sell it:)

What should I write?

In short anything you want. Every human on this planet is a powerhouse of information. Even if your young you still have alot of experience to pull from.

Some people find that coming up with ideas of what to write about is quit easy but actualy writing it is the hard part. Others find the writing the easy part and the brainstorming the hard part.

If you fall into either camp then there is still hope for you, due to the fact that most humans will fall into either camp! Your not any different from me or anybody else out there. The best way to over come either problem is to get comfortable and just start writing. It is not hard!!

Pick something and start writing about it. What did you learn after a tragic event in your life is a great way to get your brain setup in the right direction. Pulling from personal experience realy helps to get you thinking and once that starts you will find it hard to turn your mind off.

Keeping it fresh.

The only way to keep information fresh is to write it in your own words. Add your persona to your material. Play with it before you publish it. Try to write as if you were explaining something to a friend. It comes across more respectful and easier to understand.

Also no matter what your writing about make sure you explain everything down to the letter. You may understand what your talking about but your reader wont always be as interested as you might think.

Always remember no matter where it is you can generaly go back and change it later. For instance if you have published a 5 page report to the web and your not happy with certain aspects of it well then you can take it down later and add in or delete whatever you want.

About The Author

JP Lafferty

To gain a helping hand in building content for your site head to http://imcontent.blogspot.com/

New content added daily. All content free of copyright.

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 12

by JP Lafferty

Creating A Network That Works

Creating A Network That Works

by: Diane Hughes

Do you ever stand in awe of those people who seem to know everybody and everything? I know I do! Regardless of what you’re looking for, these people have their finger on the pulse of the กNet and know where to find it. Their network of resources and people is incredible! Yours can be, too. Itกs actually very simple to create a network that works to bring you business, offers feedback and provides those resources that we all need to have.
Make A Wish List
The first step in creating a network that works is making a list of what you want. Go ahead, think of the perfect situation where you would have anything you needed at your fingertips. For example, if you have a Web design business you might find it very helpful to create associations with people who offer services that compliment yours. Why? Because if these people are heavily involved with the process of getting a Webbased business up and going, they could send you many leads and that could turn into paying clients.
What else might you want? Perhaps free advertising or publicity to bring more business your way? Sure! Write it down on the wish list.
Making Wishes Come True
Now, the next step is to find the resources you need in order to make those wishes realities. Itกs not as difficult as it sounds. Just expand on your wish list a bit in the following way.
We mentioned needing associations with service providers that compliment our example of Web design. So write down companies that provide: Web hosting, merchant accounts, shopping carts, autoresponders, Internet checks, copywriting, graphic design and scripting/programming.
We also said we needed some advertising or publicity. So add to the list the following: ezine ad swaps, banner ad swaps, local newspapers, local TV and radio stations, Chambers of Commerce.
Finally, itกs time to go to work. The best way to start is to alert your friends and associates of what you are trying to accomplish. Itกs simple to send a quick email that states something to the effect of, กIกm in the process of expanding my resources and find Iกm in need of the following [provide the list]. If you know of anyone who you highly recommend in one of the above areas, please offer them my phone number and email address. I am interested in arranging a joint affiliation with them in order to increase both our businesses.ก
You can also send the same message to any lists or bulletin boards you frequent. Most people are more than happy to refer those they have had pleasant working relationships with.
Final Decisions
Lastly, once you get the results from your search back, contact the ones you feel most comfortable with. Again, honestly explain what you are doing and that you would like to create a joint partnership with them in order to exchange leads, prospects and services.
Even if someone does not suit your needs at the moment, enter them into your database for future reference. I once had a graphic designerกs email address and samples for 6 months before having a need for them. However, because I had already established contact, once my need arose it was smooth sailing!
When you are ready to begin your projects, just contact those on your list who can fill a need. Perhaps you want to advertise your Web design services. You can ask someone in your network (a Web host, a graphic artist, etc.) to participate in joint advertising with you. This will allow you to get excellent exposure for ½ the price because those costs are shared with your กpartnerก.
You can also set up a referral process. I have several arrangements with others in where we exchange referrals. Some do it for a fee, others just do it on a oneforone basis. You and your network member can decide what works best for you.
The results of this simple process are normally tremendous. The majority of small business owners are always looking for ways to expand their businesses. Exchanging leads with one another, creating joint affiliations and bartering are great ways to create a broad network that truly does work!
Copyright 2004 Diane Hughes

About The Author

Diane C. Hughes * ProBizTips.com

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>> http://madmarketer.com/diane

This article was posted on May 31, 2004

by Diane Hughes

Keywords are the ขKEYข to a Profitable Web Site

Keywords are the ขKEYข to a Profitable Web Site

by: Gail Kaufman

The only activity that should preface keyword research is the brainstorming you do to come up with list of potential themes for your web site. Think about things that you find interesting, are passionate about or that leverage your skills. Once this is done you are ready to find out which topic on your list will be the most profitable to pursue.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research will reveal answers to 3 critical questions:

1. Is there a demand for what your site offers? If not, you need to keep moving down your list until you find something that people are already looking for.

2. How are people searching for your topic? For example, if your theme is ขJapanese foodข how are people searching for information? Are they typing in ขJapanese recipesข, ขlow sodium miso soupข, ขhistory of Japanese foodข, ขJapanese food in NYCข, etc. This part of the search will allow you to build up good topics for your site pages and provide keywords that you will use to optimize your pages to become a search engine magnet.

3. How many sites will you be competing with – does demand outstrip supply or vice versa? Right now your job is to build huge lists of highdemand, lowcompetition keywords. Be thorough and exhaustive in looking for phrases that people might use to find your site.

You cannot cut corners at this stage of the process or your business will suffer. This can be slow, tedious work but fortunately there are some good tools to help you automate your keyword research and help find the most profitable keywords to build your content around. There are some good free tools to help you make light work of this including Search It! and Overture. More comprehensive tools that provide demand, supply and profitability data that help you find profitable niches include Brainstorm It! from Site Build It! and Wordtracker.

Keyword Optimization

You may have heard the terms ขsearch engine optimization (SEO)ข, ขkeyword optimizationข, ขpage optimizationข, etc. Basically, they all refer to the same thing – making sure your pages have the right amount of keywords, placed correctly, to effectively get your site ขspideredข or found by the search engines, such as Google.

Repeating keywords throughout a site is just as important as choosing the right keywords. If you use the keywords too often the search engines will ignore them; if you don’t use them enough the search engines will not find and index them properly.

The main keyword, in our example ขJapanese foodข, should be used as part of the domain name and in the title tag of the HTML code for the page. It should also be used in the heading of the page where you tell visitors what the page is about. Also, most SEO experts agree that it is best to put your keyword in the first and last sentences of your page.

As for the body copy, there are some good rulesofthumb that help you achieve the correct กkeyword densityก or keyword repetition. Many experts say you should use the 4% 7% rule (approx. 25 words in a 500 word document). However, don’t use a single keyword over and over or your copy will seem forced. Instead, weave in some variations of the keyword (e.g. plural forms, synonyms) to ensure your content flows well and makes sense! Simply filling up a site with your keywords will not fool the search engines; rather, it may be considered spamming and your site can get banned!

Many people say that content is king, but in fact, it’s content that is keyword rich that is king. It is absolutely critical to find your best keywords and use them in the right way to attract targeted traffic. It takes some time and practice but if you persevere your web site will be built on a strong foundation.

About The Author

Written by Gail Kaufman cofounder of http://www.websitedesigngenius.com

Visit her site for information, free valuable ebooks and practical tips on how to build an affordable and profitable web site with no technical skills.

This article was posted on August 24

by Gail Kaufman

Book Summary: Effective Networking For Professiona

Book Summary: Effective Networking For Professional Success

by: Regine Azurin

This article is based on the following book:

Effective Networking for Professional Success

กHow to Make the Most of Your Personal Contactsก

by Rupert Hart, Stirling Books, 1997

ISBN 0 949 142 09 3

125 pages

We are all ขselfemployedข now.Today there is absolutely no job security. We are living in an age of corporate downsizing, and freelance consultants, or selfemployed workers are growing by the day. Networking is one skill you need to practice to get ahead and survive these uncertain times.

Wisdom in a Nutshell:

1. Networking is essential for both new jobs and business contracts.

2. Effective networking is 12 times more effective than answering advertisements

3. Advertising is becoming ineffective except on a large scale.

4. Networking helps you find hidden opportunities and can set you apart from the competition.

5. An indirect approach is better than a direct one. Use someone you know to introduce you to your target contact. Never go straight to your target without a gobetween who will put in a good word for you.

6. You can overcome your natural shyness, your fear of using people, and your fear of rejection.

The 3 key networking techniques are:

1. Build a network of partners to keep an open eye and ear for new opportunities for You.

2. Reach targeted individuals in two ways: directly or indirectly.

3. Build visibility by raising your profile. Go to every social gathering you possibly can.

Building your network is an ongoing process. You need to increase your range of contacts constantly.

Planning your campaign:

1. Define your objective

2. Select the right technique

3. Understand that ขdeal flowข or your number of prospects must be great in order to bag one new business contract.

4. Identify your target

5. Work out your positioning. This is a short statement of what you are about, what you can offer.

6. Think about what you can do for your network partners in exchange for information and contacts.

Building Network partners:

1. Talk to everyone you know about opportunities

2. Clarify what network partners can and will do for you

3. Know which contacts to build into network partners

4. Find those friendly network spiders, those types of people who just seem to know everyone.

5. Use the telephone.

How to grow and refresh your network:

1. Go out of your way to be where people are.

2. Get into the habit of being talkative.

3. Get the contact details of people you meet. Not just exchanging business cards but stapling information like birthdays, anniversaries, hobby clubs, and key information onto their cards.

4. Choose the right method for the right person.

5. Warm up longcold contacts.

How to find targeted individuals:

1. Focus on what you want to achieve and how people can help you.

2. Use your network partners to find suitable companies.

3. Gather key information on these companies.

4. Figure out who is the one with the power to hire you.

5. Find people connections and common areas of interest.

Reaching targets through network partners:

1. Find and persuade the best partner for your targeted individual.

2. Engineer an introduction.

3. Build wordofmouth exchanges about yourself.

Reaching targets directly:

1. Decide if you should write a letter or not.

2. Be able to demonstrate your achievements.

3. Have a line ready to get you past the secretary.

4. Act as though you expect to be put through.

5. Be ready to leave a short, persuasive message for the decisionmaker.

Your opening line:

1. Be cheerful, confident and straightforward.

2. Exploit connections and recommendations.

3. Mention common interests.

4. Report news of interest to the target.

5. Wait for a response. Know when to shut up.

6. Write down your opening lines before picking up the phone.

How to be visible without really trying:

1. Ask a question at a conference.

2. Make a point in a meeting.

3. Write letters to your industry magazine.

4. Introduce yourself to lots of people at an industry show or ball.

5. Buy people a drink at the bar at a lecture.

6. Discuss a book with an industry leader.

7. Wear bright ties.

8. Make people laugh.

9. Have an opinion on everything. (But keep an open mind)

10. Hand out an unusual business card.

11. Recast your CV to be a little different.

12. Take up an unusual hobby. (But not too unusual)

13. Don’t overlook using the email and Internet to communicate your cause.

About The Author

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

Regine Azurin is the President of BusinessSummaries.com, a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.


กA Lot Of Great Books….Too Little Time To Readก

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[email protected]

This article was posted on March 22

by Regine Azurin

Why Search Engine Traffic Should be Your Top Prior

Why Search Engine Traffic Should be Your Top Priority

by: Richard Zwicky

Most Internet marketing methods are risky and many will not have any affect on traffic to a web site. Some online marketers will sell you anything from banner impressions, to mass email campaigns (spam), to popup ads. All these marketing tools can work, but they are also extremely risky. Some people I know find popups and spam so annoying that they will never purchase anything from a business that uses them. These plans are probably not the best customer acquisition strategies, and more likely they are a total waste of money. So why would anyone bother risking money on marketing strategies that probably will not increase traffic to your website? Why not concentrate on what does work? The search engines.

Have you ever been contacted by online marketers who promise to deliver a ‘ton of trafficก to your websiteก ? I get these emails every day. Hereกs a quote from one I used to get 10 times a day (until I automatically filtered it to trash):

กHi I visited www.metamend.com, and noticed that you’re not listed on some search engines! I think we can offer you a service which can help you increase traffic and the number of visitors to your website.

I would like to introduce you to thispromotioncompany.com. We offer a unique technology that will submit your website to over 300,000 search engines and directories every month.

Youกll be surprised by the low cost, and by how effective this website promotion method can be.

To find out more about thispromotioncompany and the cost for submitting your website to over 300,000 search engines and directories, visit www.thispromotioncompany.com. (…)ก

Have you ever received one, and wondered why they were contacting you? First off, how did they find your web site? What search engines are they referring to? If they really could deliver on their promise, then they would have so much repeat, and word of mouth business, that they wouldn’t have time to be calling or emailing you. Lastly, how many people actually believe that there are 300,000 search engines?

While itกs true you need traffic from the search engines, you don’t need to use spam techniques to get it. You need real results, and not false hope.

Increase Web Site Traffic,.. Naturally

It is true that the best way to obtain lots of targeted traffic (customers) is to acquire it based on relevance, via the search engines. Various studies show that anywhere from 83% to 92% of first time visitors to a web site find it through the search engines. Thatกs an incredible statistic. If you are not acquiring those customers as a result of a relevant query, then they will be disappointed. They may be disappointed with the search result, but more likely, they will be disappointed with your web site.

In the online world thatกs your first impression. We all know how important a first impression is. You can never get a bad one back, and a good one will carry you a long way. You have to make sure that the search engines are sending you visitors that are looking for your products or services. If your web site matches their interests, they will remember it, and come back, even if they do not make a purchase on that visit. If they find it irrelevant, they may have subconsciously formed a negative opinion of your online business, through no fault of your own.

Search engines provide a continuous stream of targeted visitors to your website, and for the most part, itกs free of charge. Some engines do charge a listing fee, but most do not. The only thing the search engine asks is that each web site operator makes an effort to provide relevant and good information to web surfers for a particular search phrase. If a web site does so, the search engines will reward the site with increased good quality traffic.

Search engine traffic is a winwin situation for any online business. It doesn’t take much to improve on most web siteกs search engine traffic it just takes optimization. Did you know that as of January 1 2002, there were 160,000,000 domain hosts in use worldwide? Did you know that 88% of the web pages worldwide are not indexed by the largest search engines? 88% of web pages are not optimized. How can any business survive on the Internet if it is not optimized for the search engines, and thus can never be found? How can they exist if over 83% of first time visitors never find their web site? How much more money could a web site operator earn if they ensured their web site was even partially visible?

If you have an informative web site, the search engines want to send you lots of customers. Thatกs because the more web surfers find what they want, the more theyกll use a particular search engine and recommend it to their friends. The search engine also benefits, as it becomes known as a resource that gets its clients the searchers to their destinations quickly and efficiently. The more people recognize how well the engine works as a resource, the more it gets recommended, and used. As the popularity increases, so do the engineกs revenues from advertising.

What Does Your Web Site Need To Receive Traffic From The Search Engines?

Small web sites with only 1 or 2 pages set themselves up for failure, simply because they usually don’t have enough content of interest. There are of course exceptions, where the 1 or 2 pages are each as long as a book. But these are awfully frustrating to read, and no one will be satisfied with them. Most often 1 or 2 page sites are simply too short to provide any useful information, so the search engines don’t take them seriously. Among other factors, the search engines examine how deep a site is. The more meaningful content present, the more weighty the site is viewed as, and the more importance it is given.

If you are wondering about whether to bother, ask yourself this: Why does your company have a web site? What does the company do with it? Think about it. Most companies today have web sites, and most market the web sites to facilitate customer acquisition, to increase their customer base, and to improve customer retention rates.

There are a number of reasons for having web sites. Many companies use theirs to enhance their customer service. Using a web site as a marketing vehicle is a great way for a company ‘to put the word outก about products, services, or offerings.

Most importantly, remember that your web site is an online resource that your clients can use to find answers to frequently asked questions, กhow toก tips, and to educate themselves. When including content on a web site, always remember that the knowledge shared may be common to you, but itกs likely that you are an expert in the eyes of your clients. People visit your web site for your product or service, but also for information. If they find useful, relevant, information, they will keep coming back, and will likely make purchases. People like to buy from experts.

Instead of thinking of your web site as nothing more than an online billboard or business card, think of it as an online menu, that lets people get an idea of what it is you do, and how you do it. Develop a content rich website, optimize it, and let the search engines increase your website traffic, naturally. If you optimize each major web page within your site, you will increase the rankings in the search engine results and therefore receive targeted traffic for each of those pages.

Doing each of the above ensuring relevant content is present, and optimizing the pages will ensure that the search engines have what they need so they can do their work. It will also ensure that they can send you targeted traffic (customers), so that you can get that 83% of first time visitors your online business needs to survive.

About The Author

Richard Zwicky is a founder and the CEO of Metamend Software, www.metamend.com, a Victoria B.C. based firm whose cutting edge Search Engine Optimization software is recognized as the world leader in its field. Employing a staff of 10, the firmกs business comes from around the world, with clients from every continent. Most recently the company was recognized for their geolocational, or GIS, and phraseology and context search technologies.

[email protected]

This article was posted on November 20, 2003

by Richard Zwicky

Tips and Tricks To Getting Top Money for your Doma

Tips and Tricks To Getting Top Money for your Domain Names

by: Dayne Herren

Would you like to be that lucky person who sells their domain for thousands or even a million dollars? It IS possible to find quality domains and resell them for huge amounts of money. The time is ripe for acquiring top domains and selling them. Now that the Internet Boom is behind us, valuable names expire everyday. The best way to find these domains is to use services on the Internet such as DomainsBot to weed out the bad names. Or just check out Hot Lists on sites like Namewinner or Pool.
So what makes a กgoodก domain name? Usually short, single word domains and 23 letter .coms, .nets, and .orgs are the best. The more specific the better. These can be hard to come by but when you find them, you can almost guarantee that you can make good money from them. Once you have purchased a nice domain name, get a good appraisal of the name to get an idea of the possible worth (see AppraisalBlast.com). In order to sell your newly appraised name, you have to find a buyer. Here are your basic options for selling your domain name in a nutshell:
1. Sell it on Ebay
This is the easiest and quickest way to sell your domain name. There are several tricks to landing a good sale at Ebay. One is, start your price low. People want a bargain. Once you have received an initial bid, it will draw peoples attention to your name and create more bids. You may want to set a reserve price if you want to make sure you get X amount of dollars. When selling your domain on Ebay, make sure your domain name is in the title of the description. Also, include an appraisal to show to possible buyers the value of the domain. Keep your description short, clean, and really emphasize how important and rare your domain is. For example, if your domain is 3 letters and ends in กIก, stress how most 3 letter domains that are highly valuable end in กIก because it usually stands for กIncorporatedก. If it ends in กEก it could stand for กEnterpriseก. A little bit of marketing saavy can go a long way. I once sold the domain 0pp.com for over $200. It even has a number in it making it worth very little. But I emphasize its possible uses and potential. Also, spend the extra $1 for the Bold Listing and make sure your auction ends on a Sunday afternoon or evening. This is when most people are browsing Ebay. It will make a big difference.
2. Sell it on Domain Sites
The only sites you should even consider putting your name up for sale is on ebay.com, Afternic, or Sedo. These are the most popular and where some huge sales have taken place. The only downside is that there are high numbers of domains already for sale and usually the site will get a commission of something around 10%. There also may be a small fee to join. Appraisal Blast charges a minimal fee but no commission. Your domain will get more exposure there just because there aren’t hundreds of domains for sale. You may also have luck selling it on forums such as DomainState. The prices of sales there seem to be lower.
3. Contact Large Businesses with Deep Pockets
This approach takes some time and patience. Letกs say you have acquired a great domain name that would work great for any business in the field of the stock market. You may want to locate some of the bigger sites or businesses and make an offer to sell your domain name. Make sure the name you own doens’t have any elements that are already trademarked because you may be forced to give up the name. You may want to go on the Internet and look up current websites that deal with stocks and find ones that don’t have the greatest domain names. Make offers to these sites stating how your domain is much better and will HELP them. If you get a company to bite, the rewards are usually very generous!
In summary, selling domains for high amounts of cash depends on two key elements. First you must have a quality domain, one that doesn’t have numbers or isn’t too long. It must be clear and easily recognizable. ก.comก is the best, but even domains such as the ก.usก are gaining popularity. The second key is Marketing, Marketing, Marketing! I can’t stress that enough. You have to create a good reason for someone to buy your domain. How can THEY benefit from it. When these two steps are fulfilled, a sale is almost guaranteed!

About The Author

Dayne Herren is a domain seller and buyer, web developer, and artist.
Professional Domain Name Appraisals http://www.appraisalblast.com

This article was posted on May 14, 2004

by Dayne Herren

How To Reverse Engineer Your Success

How To Reverse Engineer Your Success

by: Michael Southon

The best and fastest way to learn how to make money on the Internet is to buy the marketing books of successful web marketers. You can find a selection of marketing books at these sites:





But thereกs also another way: study their web sites and reverse engineer their success.

The great thing about the Internet is that everything is visible nothing is hidden. If itกs working for them, you can find out exactly how they’re doing it by studying their site.

Subscribe to their Newsletter and examine their Welcome Message.

Analyze their Newsletter and see exactly how they use it to generate income.

Sign up for their free autoresponder course and find out why it produces sales.

Check out which affiliate programs they promote.

Read their free eBooks and discover how they bring in new customers.

Here are some examples:

Recently I signed up for the Newsletter of someone who makes $130,000 a year just from affiliate programs. I wanted to see how he was doing it. What I noticed was that he doesn’t even try to sell the affiliate products he tells his readers how much he makes from those programs. Naturally, they join (through his link). The result? He has an army of subaffiliates who do the selling for him.

In another Ezine I recently saw a 40 word ad that interested me. I clicked on the link, and instead of taking me to the home page of the product, it took me straight to the order form. Very clever, and very effective.

A few weeks ago I subscribed to a free autoresponder course 12 daily web marketing lessons. Many people never finish these free courses. They unsubscribe half way through.

But this marketer made sure that people finished his course he announced in the first lesson that the 12th lesson contained the download link for a very useful free eBook that I wanted. Naturally, I stayed with it till the last lesson.

Last week I signed up for a marketing guruกs 15day free autoresponder course and I was amazed to see how easily it had been put together. Each module was simply a freelyavailable article by a recognized web marketing expert, with a sprinkling of affiliate links.

To sum up, when you visit the website of a marketing expert, pay close attention to everything you see. Ask yourself กWhy is s/he doing that?ก. Everything is there for a reason.

If you make this a habit youกll quickly learn the art of making money on the Internet.

© 2001 by Michael Southon

About The Author

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find out more: http://www.ezinewriter.com

This article was posted on August 30, 2002

by Michael Southon

Search the Web More Efficiently: Tips, Techniques

Search the Web More Efficiently: Tips, Techniques and Strategies

by: Daniel Bazac

Studies show that after email, searching the Web is the most popular activity on the Internet. Searching is easy; finding what you’re looking for can sometimes be difficult. Hopefully the advice below will make your next Web search a breeze.

Do you really need the Web?

Before using the Web to search for information, youกll have to ask yourself if the Web is the most appropriate medium to use to find your information. You can find a florist shop in your neighborhood faster by using the local, printed Yellow Pages instead of using the Web. And sometimes a library can give you better, more comprehensive answers than the Web.

However, in most of the cases, the best and fastest way to find information is… a Web search.

Obviously, the first thing you need to search the Web is a computer with Internet access.

Before really starting your search, youกll have to decide which browser you are going to use. As a reminder, a browser, according to WhatIs.com is a program ‘that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web.ก You can select a popular browser such as Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla or Opera or you can use an alternative browser. My favorite: Avant Browser. (I have NO connection with MyBookmarks.com) Keep in mind that some browsers are faster or have more options. You can download these browsers from their companiesก web sites.

Tools for searching the Web

There are many search tools available: search engines, subject directories / virtual libraries, invisible (deep) web databases, meta search engines, etc.

A search engine is a keyword searchable database of Internet files that uses a software program to continually scour the Web. The resulting information is then indexed and stored in its database.

My favorite search engines are:

Google™ [ http://www.google.com/ ]

AlltheWeb [ http://www.alltheweb.com/ ]

MSN [ http://www.msn.com/ ]

Teoma [ http://www.teoma.com/ ]

AltaVista [ http://www.altavista.com/ ]

WiseNut [ http://www.wisenut.com/ ]

A subject directory (web directory) is a searchable collection of Web pages gathered, selected and organized by human editors into hierarchically subject categories. A virtual library is a web directory that includes highly selective links, chosen mostly by librarians.

Web directories cover a much smaller proportion of the Web but using them will bring you more highly relevant results. The largest web directories index a few million pages compared with the billions of pages indexed by some major search engines.

Remember that the web directories like the search engines do not search the Web directly. Instead, they search their own databases of indexed Web pages. Also, be aware that directories might not be uptodate. Some search engines are in fact hybrid search tools because they are both search engines and web directories. (Google™, for example, has a search engine and a directory, powered by Open Directory Project)

Some widely used web directories are:

Google™ Directory [ http://directory.google.com/ ]

Open Directory Project (ODP) [ http://www.dmoz.org/ ]

Yahoo! [ http://www.yahoo.com/ ]

Zeal [ http://www.zeal.com/ ]

JoeAnt [ http://www.joeant.com/ ]

Gimpsy [ http://www.gimpsy.com/ ]

Popular virtual libraries include:

Librariansก Index to the Internet [ http://www.lii.org/ ]

Internet Public Library [ http://www.ipl.org/ ]

The WWW Virtual Library [ http://www.vlib.org/ ]

Internet Scout Project [ http://www.scout.wisc.edu/Archives/ ]

BUBL Link [ http://www.bubl.ac.uk/ ]

The socalled invisible (deep) web is a collection of online information stored in live databases accessible on the Web but not indexed by traditional search engines. Examples of excellent invisible web databases are:

ProFusion [ http://www.profusion.com/ ]

Invisibleweb.net [ http://www.invisibleweb.net/ ]

Complete Planet [ http://www.completeplanet.com/ ]

Resource Discovery Network [ http://www.rdn.ac.uk/ ]

direct search (Gary Price) [ http://www.freepint.com/gary/direct.htm ]

A meta search engine (also known as metacrawler or multithreaded engine) is a search tool that sends your query simultaneously to several search engines, web directories and sometimes to the socalled invisible (deep) web. After collecting the results, the meta search engine removes the duplicate links and according to its algorithm will combine and rank the results into a single merged list.

Because most of the meta search engines take only the top 10 or 20 from each search engine, you can expect excellent results, กla crème de la crème.ก

But be aware that because some search engines and web directories do not support advanced searching techniques such as quotation marks to enclose phrases or Boolean operators no results from those search engines will appear in the meta search enginesก results list when those techniques are used.

Remember, meta search engines do not maintain their own databases and therefore cannot accept web site submissions.

The best meta search engines are:

ez2Find [ http://www.ez2find.com/ ]

Vivisimo [ http://www.vivisimo.com/ ]

InfoGrid [ http://www.infogrid.com/ ]

Infonetware [ http://www.infonetware.com/ ]

iBoogie [ http://www.iboogie.com/ ]

A special kind of meta search engine is the search utility (also called desktop search programs or clientside search software). Unlike the webbased meta search engines listed above, search utilities are software programs that you download to your computer. The most popular are:

Copernic [ http://www.copernic.com/en/index.html ]

Arrow Search [ http://www.rtsoftware.co.uk/arrow_search/ ]

SearchRocket [ http://www.searchrocket.com/ ]

WebFerret [ http://www.ferretsoft.com/index.html ]

ProtoSearch [ http://www.npccenterprises.com/products.shtml ]

Meta search engines are excellent tools, but they do not eliminate the need for search engines.

For more about meta search engines, see my article: The Meta Search Engines: A Web Searcherกs Best Friends.

Which Search Tool Should You Choose?

If you’re looking for specific information use search engines.

If you’re looking for a unique or obscure search term or if you want to make an indepth analysis of whatกs out there on a specific subject, then use meta search engines.

If you’re looking for general information on popular topics, use subject (web) directories.

If you’re looking for scholarly information use virtual libraries.

If you’re looking for realtime information or for dynamically changing content such as the latest news, phone book listings, available airline flights, etc., then use specialized databases (invisible or deep web.)

There are thousands of search engines, hundreds of meta search engines and dozens of web directories and specialized databases. Choosing the right search tool from the start can make the difference between a successful search and a frustrating experience.

Before Starting the Search

The easiest way to find information is when you know a web page Internet address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator) such as Fortune Magazine at http://www.fortune.com. You can find these addresses on business cards, TV commercials or newspapers. Simply type the URL in the browserกs address box and hit the (PC) or (Mac) key.

Be aware that in most browsers, you do not have to type กhttp://ก or even กwwwก before the domain name. You can access a site simply typing the domain name such as กsony.com.ก

Special note: Be careful when you copy and paste a long URL from an email message or from some web sites. URLs that span two lines have a gap (space) between the last character of the first line and the first character on the second line. First, get rid of the gap and then paste it in the browserกs address line.

Other times you may not know the URL but… you can guess it. Often companies will use their name, acronym or abbreviated name followed by ก.comก, such as ibm.com or apple.com. The same thing is true for educational institutions (add the ก.eduก suffix) or government sites (add ก.govก) So, whenever you don’t know an URL, you can try to guess it.

If you do not know the URL, youกll have to find it by searching the Internet. In many cases, a simple search on the name of an organization within most search engines will return a direct hit on their web site.

Tips For Searching Smarter:

Read the search engineกs กsearch tipsก or กhelpก page before using a search tool. Strangely enough, most of the time youกll find the กsearch tipsก link on the กAdvanced Searchก page or on the ‘results page.ก Anyway, regularly check the search tips page because the rules often change.

Customize the output of the results. Use the search engineกs กpreferencesก page. Some search tools allow you to select the value for:

the total results per page; usually 10 by default (select

the maximum often 100)

the search toolกs timeout select the maximum

the search depth select maximum.

Be sure to save the new กsettingsก or กsearch preferencesก for the next time you use the search tools. Also, set the browser you use to accept cookies.

Tips To Make Your Search Faster:

If you’re searching for information and you are not interested in graphics on the pages you see, turn off or disable graphics. You can also turn off sounds, animation, Java, JavaScript, etc. See your browser documentation for instructions.

If you decide to keep the graphics, in the case of a กheavyก page, you can always press the button in the browser, immediately after you see the text and before the graphics are entirely loaded.

More Tips:

Most search tools are caseinsensitive which means that you can construct a query your search request by typing all the words even proper names in lower case text.

If you type a long query, most of the search toolsก search boxes are not very wide so you cannot see the entire query. Write the query in a word processor and then กcopy and pasteก into the search box. Be aware that Google™ only allows 10 words in the search box.

Some search tools offer an option called กsimilar pagesก (Google™) or ‘related pagesก (AltaVista and Teoma.) Clicking on that option will show you relevant results for the page you’re interested in.

Some search engines have a function called กsee more hits/results/pages from the same domain.ก Sometimes it can be useful.

Also, some search tools, such as Google™, allow you to see an English translation for a results page that is written in a foreign language. If you want to translate a web page and you have the URL, you can also use these sites:

Systran [ http://www.systransoft.com/ ]

Fagan Finder [ http://www.faganfinder.com/translate/ ]

AltaVistaก Babel Fish [ http://babelfish.altavista.com/ ]

alphaWorks (IBM) [ http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/aw.nsf/html/mt ]

Remember, don’t expect perfect translations because that seldom happens.

Looking for pages in a specific language? Some search engines (Google™, AlltheWeb, etc.) have an advanced search page that allows you to select the language from the pulldown menu.

If your search terms contain letters not present in the English alphabet such as กéก or กüก (example fiancé or München), use Fagan Finderกs (Search Engine Ultimate Interface) which allows you to use these special letters in many major search engines. It makes a big difference. A search for Munchen in Google™ gives 570,000 results while for München กuก with umlaut gives 51,700,000 almost 10 times more.

So, letกs start searching!

Most of the search tools can be searched using keywords. Web directories and the invisible web databases can also be searched by browsing categories and subcategories.

Start with a popular search engine such as Google™, for example.

Before typing the keywords, take your time and brainstorm relevant words. Create a list of search terms. Write them down. A few seconds of brainstorming could save you minutes or hours of retrieving irrelevant results.

Advice for Searching Better:

Select the most descriptive words. Brainstorm thoroughly.

Use at least two keywords.

Place the most important words or phrases first. Whenever two or more words can appear in exact order, enclose the words with double quotation marks (กword 1 word 2ก.) Example: กUnited States.ก If you use a longer phrase, you will achieve more precise results. With a very long phrase, however, you may get zero results. Some search engines allow you to select the กphraseก option in the pulldown menu on their advanced search page or you can type it in special phrase search box, so you don’t have to use quotes.

When possible, use unique, rare or unusual keywords. The more uncommon / obscure or less frequent the keywords you use are, the fewer and more relevant results you will get.

Use nouns and objects as keywords. Do not use the socalled กstop wordsก such as กwhat,ก กwhere,ก ‘the,ก กin,ก กand,ก etc. Many search tools ignore them. If you need a stop word to appear in the results, place the implied Boolean operator ก+ ก in front of that word. The standard Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT (or AND NOT), NEAR, BEFORE, AFTER and the Boolean logic ก(parenthesis)ก, are used to construct complicated queries. The implied Boolean operators ก+ก and กก can replace the AND and NOT respectively. An example of Boolean logic is (tips OR tricks) AND (กsearch enginesก OR กweb directoriesก). It will find tips or tricks for search engines or web directories. Check the search toolกs tips to see if they accept Boolean operators. For example Google™ does not support full Boolean logic.

Do not use common terms such as Internet, Web, etc. except for cases that it is necessary. (For example, the query is กsearching the webก with quotes.)

Avoid redundant terms and complicated query structures.

Choosing the right words for your query is the most important part of web searching. The more specific the search term, the more relevant your results will be and the more likely it is that you will find what you seek. Remember, work smarter not harder.

The secret to constructing a professional query is to type words you expect to find in the matches.

Note: Some search tools, such as Ask Jeeves allow you to use the socalled กnatural language.ก This means that you can construct a query as a question in plain English, such as กWhatกs the weather in LA?ก When you have a specific question in mind, these tools can be helpful.

Checking the Results:

After typing your keywords into the search box press either the กenterก key on the keyboard or, click on the กsearch,ก กfindก or กgoก button on the search toolกs homepage. You will receive a list of documents that hopefully match your query. If you do not, it may be because some unscrupulous webmasters use unethical methods to cheat the search engines and achieve undeserved, top rankings for their sites. To learn more about this topic, please read my article, กSearch Engine Spamming Sucks!ก

The results returned, also called กmatchesก or กhitsก will be web pages related to the subject you’re searching for, ranked in order of relevancy according to the search toolกs algorithm or by date, URL, title, etc.

Each result will contain information such as the title of the page, a short description, the pageกs URL and the size of the page.

Now you have a tough job. You have to decide which of the search results will take you to the most informative site. Your best bet is to take a look at the title and description of the page. Are they relevant to your search? If yes, open the page. If not, check the next result, by scrolling down on the right side of the browser.

To view a page you have two options:

Click on the title of the page even if says กNo titleก or ก?????ก. Place the cursor on the page title and the cursor will change to the picture of a hand. Usually the links are in blue and underlined, but often they are not. You can find links in any color, including black, which makes it difficult to recognize a link in text of the same color.

The second method is to open the page in a new browser window. Rightclick over the title of the result. This produces a popup menu. Select กopen (link) in new window.ก After checking the result, close the new browser window. You will still have the first window browser with your search. Some search tools have an option that allows you to open the result in a new window. Don’t get used to that, do the right thing: open a new browser window by using the mouseกs rightclick.

If you use the first method most likely you will not use the back button to go back to the results page, but instead you will simply close the window, losing the search page altogether.

Criteria for Evaluating a Web Resource:

First of all, don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Recently I found a page where it stated that Google™ has about one billion web pages indexed. Well, according to Google™, it indexes 3,307,998,701 web pages. Be careful what you believe. Governmental agencies, educational institutions, libraries and prestigious publications are the most reliable sources of information. Be circumspect with information found on personal sites stored in free hosts.

Six Tips For Evaluating A Site:

Is the web site published by an authoritative source? Is the author a recognized expert in the field or subject area?

Is the information relevant, credible and accurate? It doesn’t hurt to cross check two to three additional, reliable sources.

Is the site current and recently updated?

Does the site have a professional กlook and feelก: structure, layout, color scheme, navigation menu(s), etc.?

Are there spelling, grammar or punctuation errors?

Does the site have contact information such as a postal address, phone or email?

Four Additional Tips:

Don’t look only at the top ten listings. Excellent results can be found on the top 20, or even top 50 results. This is why customizing the result output at 100 results per page is handy. You don’t have to open a next tenresultsperpage page. If you don’t find relevant results in the first 20 to 50, reformulate your query or try another search tool a meta search engine, for example.

Check only results that truly looks relevant.

Be aware that many search tools list กsponsored linksก at the top of their results page. These are not results from the search toolกs database. Instead these results are paid listings from corporations that have an interest in providing you with information about their products or services. Studies show that searchers find it hard to distinguish between regular and paid results, so be aware that these exist.

To quickly discover if a result is relevant, use the กFind (on This Page)ก command of the browser (in the Edit menu) or simultaneously press CTRL and F keys then type one of your important words and press กFind nextก. You will find the location of that word, and you can see if the page is really relevant or not.

What To Do When You Get TOO MANY Results:

Itกs common to receive millions of results, often unrelated to the search. To receive more relevant results youกll have to refine or even rethink the search. Here are some ideas to help you refine your search:

Add one or more descriptive words to your query.

Use phrases. Enclose two or more words that can appear in exact order within double quotation marks.

Exclude words you don’t want in the results by using the implied Boolean operator กก. Example: the query ‘red applesก กyellow applesก will find pages that contain ‘red applesก in that order and will not include pages that contain กyellow apples. ก As you see, there is no space between the กก sign and the word or phrase you want to exclude. There is, however, a space between the กก sign and the previous word.

Use the search toolกs กadvanced searchก functions. Limit your search by language, date or by field searching: title, URL, link etc. See the search toolกs กsearch tipsก for details.

What To Do When You Get Too Few Or Irrelevant Results:

Sometimes you will get messages like กYour search did not match any documentsก or กNo pages were found containing your queryก or กNo results.ก Other times you may get few or irrelevant results.

What You Should Do:

Check the spelling of the query. Some search engines automatically detect misspelled words and will show the correct spelling. Just click on the suggested word or words.

Delete the least important word from the query.

If you used a search phrases try eliminating the double quotes.

Use more general terms, alternate spellings, plural forms or synonyms. Recently, กGoogle™ introduced a new advanced search feature that allows you to not only search for a particular keyword but also for its synonyms. Just place the ก~ก (tilde) diacritical mark directly in front of the keyword in your search query. For example, กbrowser ~helpก not only searches for กbrowser helpก, but also for กbrowser supportก, กbrowser tipsก and กbrowser tutorials.ก

You can also check the spelling of the Web pageกs URL if you typed it directly into the address field of the browser.

If all the above strategies fail, switch to another search tool, preferably a meta search engine such as ez2Find (formerly ez2www.)

Remember: if you’re doing a serious research, consider asking a professional Web searcher to do the job. In a few hours, he may find information that would have taken you days to find.

If you receive the message ‘the page cannot be displayedก or กNot foundก the page has been discontinued.

What you can do:

If a page that doesn’t display is not the siteกs home page you can use the following trick. Cut the Web address of the page starting on the righthand side and stopping at every forward slash (/). Letกs say that the URL of a dead link is www.domainname/archive/article_1.html. First delete กarticle_1.htmlก and click กenter.ก Hopefully you will see the กarchiveก page and the กarticle 1.ก If not, also delete กarchiveก and click กenter.ก Hopefully you will get the home page and there will still be an option กarchive.ก

When you cannot see a page, use the กcachedก function of some search engines, such as Google™. Go back to the results list and click on the กcachedก link near the result. You will get a snapshot of the page stored in Google™กs index. Keep in mind that Google™ does not cache all the Web pages in its index and cached pages are often not uptodate. Wayback Machine can also show you previous versions of a Web page. Simply type the URL and than select a date in the results list. Keep in mind that there are a limited number of URLs indexed in the Wayback Machineกs database. Be aware that sometimes receiving few results means that ONLY a few results matched your query. Switch to a meta search engine and I guarantee you will receive better results.

Sometimes a search tool simply will not work. Why? Because it may be disabled or undergoing changes. Try again later. Other times you might receive messages like ก503 Server is busyก or ‘too many users. ก Check back later. For U.S. residents, early morning and late night are the least busy times.

Qualities Of A Good Web Searcher:

Patience. You can find what you’re looking for in ten seconds, ten minutes or never. Keep in mind that searching the Web can be a very time consuming operation.

Persistence. Don’t be scared of millions of results. Don’t give up too fast. Searching the Web is a process of trial and error.

Good memory. When conducting extensive research, youกll have to remember all your previous search queries so you know what terms you have already tried. Write them down itกs easier.

Good organizational skills. Plan your strategy ahead of time and stick with the plan.

Creativity. Select the best words for your query.

Decisiveness. Learn to quickly recognize relevant results in the search engineกs result page. Don’t waste your time with search tools or strategies that don’t work.

Learn and accept the Webกs limitations. Sometimes you cannot find the information because there is no information available on the Web related to your search. But this happens very rarely. Most of the time, the problem is not a lack of information but rather being overwhelmed by relevant results. That is if you know where and how to search.

And yes, practice, practice, practice. The more you search, the more youกll know and soon you will be scoring the most relevant results in the timeliest manner.

A final piece of advice: use bookmarks or favorites.

When visiting a page that you think you might want to visit again, itกs wise to save its web address (URL) in your กbookmarksก or กfavoritesก folder in your browser or much better in a Webbased bookmarks manager such as MyBookmarks.com which allows you to access your bookmarks from any computer at any location. (I have NO connection with MyBookmarks.com)

The next time you want to visit that page, you simply open the saved bookmark instead of searching again or typing the pageกs URL.

Be aware that in time you can collect thousands of bookmarks. Be smart and organize them in thoughtfully labeled categories and subcategories.

Last but not least, backup your bookmarks just like all the other important information you backup from your computer.

Rest assured that finding information on the Web is never a question of luck. Instead it is the result of a thorough understanding of how search tools work, combined with mastering the art of creating a targeted search query. Searching the Web is not difficult. Like any task, you simply must press the right buttons.

Good luck with your searches!

Note: Google™ is a trademark of Google Inc.

Do you have searching tips not listed above? Please send them to mailto:[email protected]. Thank you.

About The Author

Daniel Bazac is the Search Engine Marketer for Web Design in New York [ http://www.webdesigninnewyork.com ], a site design, search engine optimization and promotion company. He also maintains Bazac Weblog [ http://www.bazac.blogspot.com/ ] a blog about the search engines and search engine marketing news and articles. He can be reached at [email protected].

This article was posted on November 07, 2003

by Daniel Bazac

What You Know Can Work Just As Well As Who You Kno

What You Know Can Work Just As Well As Who You Know

by: Carolyn Moncel

We all know the saying in business, กItกs not what you know but who you knowก, right? This saying is definitely true when it comes to small business and on occasion, the same can be said in media relations. However, what you know can sometimes get you just as far especially if you’re trying to tell your story to the local press.

Some time ago, a smallbusiness client approached me about handling public relations for her firm. She had been writing her own press releases and submitting them to the press but all of her efforts had generated no press. She asked me to critique her work to discover what she might be doing wrong. Upon reviewing her press releases, I found that her writing skills were outstanding but the problem came when I began to investigate the methods by which she was submitting her releases. The five rules below illustrate the lessons that she learned about distributing press releases to the media.

Rule #1: Do your homework on reporters. You can start with the Baconsก Media Directory, which serves as the public relations practionerกs Bible. If you don’t know what it is, basically it lists the name, address, phone number, fax number, email, beat (issue or specific type of story to cover), deadlines, and story preferences and angles for most every reporter and news producer anywhere in the world. There are five volumes of books: Newspapers, Magazines, TV/Cable, Radio and International. You can purchase the books or get the same information from Baconsก in CDRom format or through an online subscription. These books are invaluable but unfortunately are also very expensive. Hereกs a tip: You can access them for free usually at your local public library or a college library. Use these books to help you narrow down the reporters that you think would be helpful for launching your story. If Baconกs is completely out of your budget, just follow your favorite local newspaper to determine which reporters cover which stories.

Rule #2: Verify your sources. Just because you found information on reporters in Baconsก doesn’t mean that your work is done. Most reporters are assigned a beat but those beats change from time to time and as a result, reporters tend to move around a lot. Because the Baconsก books and their competitors are only published once per year with occasional updates, itกs very important that you call media outlets and verify that you can still reach the reporter you would like to talk to. More importantly, find out if the reporter still covers the beat that is important to your story. If for some reason there is a new reporter covering that beat, make note of those changes in a database or spreadsheet, and always call before sending out a new release.

Rules #3: Know where to call for information. Most people are afraid to just call up a reporter (they can be scary people) to find out this information, however if you want to avoid that aspect of the job, then simply call the News Assignment Desk the nerve center of news operation. It is here that you can verify the reporter information and also get a sense for the types of stories that an editor might find interesting enough to assign to an individual reporter.

Rules #4: Know how a reporter likes to receive information. When it comes to distributing press releases or letters, all reporters are different. Itกs your job to find out how a reporter wants to receive his or her information on a potential story. For example, some reporters only read faxes while others only look at releases sent by mail. Still others will only read email, and yet others will only accept a story idea over the phone. This is important because if you violate the reporterกs rule for receiving information, then your release likely will never be read. It will get a oneway trip to the trashcan.

Rules #5: Adhere to a reporterกs deadline. Just as you can find out the name and email address of a specific reporter, you can also find out their writing deadline. This is very important because the last thing anyone wants to experience is being on the line with a reporter when he or she is on deadline. Hereกs another tip: Most daily newspapers are put to bed at 5pm. Call the reporter between 8am and 9am because you might catch them before they go their morning editorial meeting. When calling up a reporter directly, always asks the reporter if he or she is currently on deadline as a courtesy. They will respect you for it and this will give you an indication as to how long you have to speak with that particular reporter on the phone. If you’re nervous about speaking with the reporter, then create a short script that you can state comfortably in 60 seconds.

While itกs always great to know a reporter personally, few smallbusiness owners will ever have that luxury. However, if you know what to do and whom to contact when the time comes to tell your story, your chances of coverage are just as good as anyone elseกs. After all when it comes to media relations, itกs not just who you know but what you know plus a little luck never hurts either.

About The Author

Carolyn DavenportMoncel is president and founder of Mondave Communications, a global marketing and communications firm based in Chicago and Paris, and a subsidiary of MotionTemps, LLC. Contact her at [email protected] or by phone in the United States at 877.815.0167 or 011.331.4997.9059 in France.

This article was posted on May 07, 2003

by Carolyn Moncel

Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy

Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy

by: Hirini Reedy

Many internet entrepreneurs need to often stop and reflect on their results. A bit like an engineer checking your energy circuits. Finding where the most flow and resistance occurs. Replenishing your batteries so that you have more energy to input into your internet marketing. So take some time now to rest and ask the question, กwhat is my energy level right now?ก If your eyes, neck and brain ache then it is time to replenish your batteries. Get up, walk and stretch your body. Yet what if you are feeling disillusioned? Spending long hours on the internet but still lacking results. You write great salescopy but still no sales. You need to look at the energy vibrations you are subconsciously sending out.

Here are some ways to input more energy into your internet marketing efforts.

1. Get Rid Of The Mosquito Mind

The mosquito mind is the annoying negative mindset that we all have. It whines and bites when we are uncertain, scared and frustrated. Being bitten once by a mosquito is OK. Same with a negative thought. Yet being bitten all night by a mosquito makes you grumpy and tired. Same with continual negative thinking. It drains you and makes you grumpy. So it is time to swat that annoying mosquito and rub on repellent. So when you feel a negative thought start to bite, just give your forehead a good slap. It will help get rid of the whining negative thought.

2. Reverse The Energy Polarity.

We can transform negative actions by reversing their polarity. Find their positive equivalents. Everything in nature has a negative and positive polarity that creates both balance and flow. Find the positive equivalents in your life negatives. Here is an example based around two work negatives relating to a struggling internet entrepreneur.


My desk is a mess and I cannot find important documents. I stress out.

Positive Reversal

My work space is organised with a good filing system that I enjoy using.


Worried about paying bills, always struggling to keep ahead.

Positive Reversal.

My bills are easily paid on time. I enjoy peace of mind.

By adding these positives together, we start to create a positive energy flow around workspace and money. For example, Positive1 + Positive2 = กa organised workspace with a good filing system I enjoy using. My bills are easily paid on time. I enjoy peace of mindก. This looks more exciting then focusing on the negative equivalents. This positive statement forms part of your new desired outcome. It adds voltage to your energy levels.

3. Programme Your Subconscious With Positive Outcomes.

Get very clear on your desired outcome first. Describe it. Picture it. Fill in the details. Then instruct your subconscious mind to find ways to manifest this desired outcome. For example: กMy desired outcome is to have an organised workspace with a good filing system I enjoy. My bills are easily paid on time and I enjoy peace of mind. Subconscious mind, find me ways to fulfil this desire. Thank youก. Then just carry on with the rest of your day. Your mind will start to work behind the scenes to fulfil your order.

So start making a list of all your negatives. Find their positive equivalents. Then start to create business changes based around these positives. Become the change you desire.

Copyright 2005 Hirini Reedy

About The Author

Hirini Reedy is a native author, civil engineer, retired military officer, martial arts black belt, NLP master practitioner and internet entrepreneur. He uses native wisdom combined with modern psychology to create SIMPLE solutions. Visit http://www.maorisecrets.com.

This article was posted on March 19

by Hirini Reedy