Do You Have More Time Than Money

Do You Have More Time Than Money

by: Laurie Meade

Do You Have More Free Time Than Money? Are You Determined to Make a Living from Home Working Online?

Many of you are looking for free information.You want easy ways to learn how to begin an online business.

You love searching online and are amazed by all the incredible free information out there. If other people claim to be doing so well, working from home, why can’t I?

This is the question many of you are asking yourselves?

Did you know it is possible to master the techniques and get an online business up and going without having to spend a huge amount of money?

Did you know that one simple little trick, when searching from a search engine, can narrow your results in an amazing incredible way.

Did you know that you have the power, the tool, to master and uncover the shocking simple secrets that the guruกs use to profit so well.

Several years ago, I worked in a sewing factory. I listened to a walkman while I worked. I checked out success motivation tapes from the library and listened to them. This motivated me to go back to college at the age of 35. I graduated with my two year associates degree with the 4th highest gpa of the graduating class. I did this despite the obstacles of being a single parent and having major surgery on my head only two weeks before starting school.

All of the success tapes followed the same basic theme. They just had different ways of getting this message accross. That message is กIf you can believe it, you can achieve it.ก You first have to have a belief in your head as if you have already accomplished what you are setting for your goals.

The same holds true with the principles of online marketing. Everybody is basically promoting the same information. They are taking there own unique approach. The difference of the experts and those not succeeding are the advertising skills they use to get these messages sold.

It is possible to put extra cash in your pockets. The money is being made online. And all the information being sold follows a basic theme. There are free ways to ultimately discover these secrets.

But, it isn’t simple, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, committment and determination. You also have to learn how to weed out the scams.

YOu need to figure out where to spend the little bit of money you will have set aside to reinvest into your growing business. A good place to start are private forums where all the big time moneymakers share there secrets and help out beginners.

You also need your own domain name. This is a must if you want people to take you seriously. You need it for credibil ity and trust.

Giving information away freely is a first step as well. What goes around comes around. I truely believe this.

Okay, that simple little trick mentioned above for narrowing a search, is to put quotations around your phrase. Now some of you already do this, Iกm sure. There are even instructions telling you not to do this. Many of you will have never uncovered this little discovery. You can also check a box for exact words, instead of any word.

My favorite tool for searching is WebFerret. I get results on the free version and I am always pleased with the list. Depending on my search I can get a tightly targeted keyword list of as few as 19. A popular widely used keyword brings up 500. I have the option to save the list. This list does not contain web page ads and items I don’t want cluttering up my hard drive.

Now the real key in searching is to know what terms to use as keywords in your search. You can find these hidden jewels, listed on a website at the push of a button.

There is nothing really scientific about what you need to do to guarantee success as a work from home online business.

Letกs say you find an ad for a product you are really enticed to buy. But you tell yourself, you really can’t afford to part with your cash, your hard earned money.

Take the authorกs name, put it in the WebFerret search box, with quotes around it and see what comes up. I learned this while reading an ad. The ad copy suggested it. He said, Go to Google, type in my name and see what you find.ก

I found tonกs of free articles this guy had wrote to promote his business. Do you realize how much of the content in those articles are probably the same content as what is in the ebook he promotes.

This is where the more time than money comes in to play. If you have the time, determination and committment, you can make money selling information online.

Here are more ways:

Subscribe to free ezines.

Find article banks and file info in a folder.

Start collecting links of good free resource sites.

Compare the competition.

Read free ebooks, think on how to improve on that topic.

There are many little secrets I have mastered to discover the tricks of the trade for making money online.

All rights reserved. Copyright Laurie Meade 2002

Would you like to learn more of the shocking secrets and uncover how you can master the hidden, proven successful ways to make a living online? Subscribe to my free ezine, THE NoBrainer Way You 2 Can Sell Online Free Ezine. When you subscribe, I will send you a link, where you can download, several free ebooks to get you started. Send a blank email to [email protected]

About The Author

Laurie Meade has experience has an Online Ezine Editor. She was Editor in Journalism in college, with an Associate of Arts Degree. Currently she is a WAHM and editor of A No Brainer Way Free Ezine. Send a blank email to: [email protected]

This article was posted on March 10, 2002

by Laurie Meade

How To Use the Multiplier Effect in Web Marketing

How To Use the Multiplier Effect in Web Marketing

by: Michael Southon

One of the most exciting things about doing business online is the Multiplier Effect. Itกs the principal factor behind some of the fortunes that have been made on the Internet.

How does it work?

The Multiplier Effect occurs when your marketing technique either:

A) replicates itself over and over again, or B) feeds into other marketing techniques

A classic example of the first kind of Multiplier Effect is the Free EBook.

Ten people download your Free Ebook and offer it from their websites. Those ten people each get downloads and itกs now being offered on 100 websites, and so on.

The second type of Multiplier Effect occurs when one marketing technique results in benefits from another marketing technique.

A good example of this is Link Exchange.

Letกs say you get links on 100 different websites. When the Search Engines spider those websites, they find your link. Your กlink popularityก then increases and as a result, your ranking in the Search Engines goes up.

This kind of Multiplier Effect often results in a กfeedback loopก.

Because your website now ranks higher in the Search Engines, more people want to exchange links with you. You now have links on 300 different websites. This in turn gives you an even higher ranking in the Search Engines, and so on.

Some marketing techniques have no Multiplier Effect. For example, posting to FFA sites after only a few hours your ad drops off the FFA site and you have to start again.

One of the most powerful Multiplier Effects I know of occurs when you write Ezine Articles.

The main purpose in writing Ezine Articles is to get them published in Ezines. And that on its own will bring you a lot of highly targeted traffic. But the benefits don’t stop there.

When your Articles are posted on other peopleกs websites you get free links (from your Resource Box) back to your website more traffic. This increases your link popularity and so your ranking in the Search Engines goes up more traffic. Eventually youกll find your Articles appearing in Free EBooks even more traffic.

As you can see, this kind of Multiplier Effect rapidly builds up its own momentum after a certain point itกs virtually unstoppable.

Here are 2 ways you could start using the Multiplier Effect:

1) Launch a Free EBook

Start collecting Ezine Articles on a particular topic. The topic could be กSearch Engine Positioningก, กWebsite Designก, กAffiliate Programsก, กAd Writingก, กChoosing a Web Hostก, or it could be on กParentingก, กGardeningก etc.

When you have about 25 good Articles on your chosen topic, contact the Authors and ask their permission to include their Articles in your Free EBook (with the Authorกs Resource Box).

Make sure your free EBook has plenty of links back to your website.

The secret to making this technique work is to ensure that your Free EBook is closely related to the theme of your website. For example, if you market กSearch Engine Submissionก tools from your website, an excellent topic for your Free EBook would be กSearch Engine Positioningก.

Hereกs a tip that will help you find out exactly how much traffic you’re getting from your Free EBook.

Make a copy of your index page and rename it something else, such as:

In your Free EBook, instead of linking to your home page (index.html), link to the duplicate home page (freeebook.html). This way, youกll be able to check in your webstats exactly how many visitors are coming to your website from your Free EBook.

Include a short note on the index page of your Free EBook telling people that they are welcome to give away your EBook from their website.

Then submit your Free EBook to these directories:

2) Write Ezine Articles

Whatever you do on the Web, you must have picked up dozens of tips along the way tips that would be very useful to other people who are just starting out.

Turn those tips into a series of articles, give them catchy titles and submit them to these กarticle announcement listsก (youกll have to subscribe first):

mailto:[email protected]

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Then put your articles on autoresponder and submit them to these กonline article archivesก:

Think of your Articles and Free EBooks as seeds scatter them around and then watch them bear fruit and multiply.

(c) 2000 by Michael Southon

About The Author

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find out more:

This article was posted on August 30, 2002

by Michael Southon

A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines

A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines

by: Edward Green

I am going to let you in on a secret? The successful entrepreneurs are not successful because they know things that you don’t know. They are successful because they TEST every advertising campaign they embark on first before they start spending กbigก money on effective forms of newsletter and ezine ads.

Ezine Ads

Placing ezine ads is one of the most effective form of advertising on the Internet today purely because you can advertise/market exactly to your target groups.

But if you don’t know which of your headlines, your benefits and your offers are the ones that will make you money, you will probably not even be able to get the money back that you have to spend on your ezine ads.

8 Easy Steps To More Effective Headlines

To be capable of determining the most effective adverts, you need a system. I will show you one system how it can be easily done. Of course, there are literally thousands of different systems that could do the task as well. But if you want to analysis without spending too much money, then my way of testing will be an invaluable help for you.

The structure Consists Of 8 Easy Steps :

1.) Write down the benefits of your product and contemplate the advantages for your target group, not yourself. A bit of brainstorming is required here to see which ones immediately come to mind.

2.) Turn them into a set of 10 different headlines. If you sell an ebook about Dog Training and one of your ebooks benefits is that even first time dog owners can understand how to do it, then tell them about it in the headline

e.g. :

กA StepByStep Guide Teaches You Everything You Need To Know About Training Your Dog If You Can Read, You Can Implement A Quick and Easy Dog Training Routine ! ก

3.) Write 23 different versions of your ad copy. Focus on one or two other essential benefits. Get the reader curious and excited about your offer. Your aim is to make the prospect click on your link !

4.) Create a few different tracking links (that lead to your sales letter) for each ezine you want to submit your ad to. You must be able to decide exactly which ads and more importantly headlines are successful, and where the responses are coming from or you will be shooting in the dark.

You can use these 2 free services for this : and they are both outstanding free services.

5.) Use one and the same headline for all your free ezine ad sub missions and send out your free ezine ads to at least 10 ezines.

There are plenty of free well established ezines which give you free subscriber ads if you join their mailing list. You need publications with at least 1000 subscribers for a decent test of your ad.

6.) Look for the ezines with the most number of clicks. Only choose the most successful ezines. Now send 10 different headlines to be published in the next issue and one and the same ad copy to these ezines.

7.) By now, you should be familiar with which headlines work and you can change over to paid forms of ezine advertising in the knowledge that the ad you use with give it your best shot. Order Top Sponsor Ads and Solos in ezines with high circulation 10000 + subscribers.

If you get an acceptable amount of clicks but little sales, try changing your copy in the body of the ad and maybe your price as well. Is it too cheap or too expensive. Selling cheap don’t work.

You can find out if you :

8.) TEST, TEST and, you guessed it : TEST…!

About The Author

Edward Green is the owner and operator of a successful online business. Ed has over 15 years in corporate business operations which include guerrilla marketing skills, customer service and Professional networking capabilities.

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your web site as long as the byline is included and the article is included in itกs entirety. I also ask that you activate any html links found in the article and in the byline. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to: [email protected]

This article was posted on March 14

by Edward Green

6 Good Reasons For Writing An eBook

6 Good Reasons For Writing An eBook

by: Jean Lam

Electronic books also known as ebooks for short are one of the hottest properties on the Internet. The benefits of writing an ebook are enormous.

As an Internet business owner, ebooks are powerful tools that you can use to grow your business. Here are 6 good reasons for writing an ebook:

(1) Easy to create

Ebooks are fairly easy to create and don’t require any special knowledge. Basically you can create ebooks in two different formats ie .exe and .pdf. Ebooks in .exe format can be read by Window users but not Macintosh computers whereas .pdf formats can be read by both. You just need Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to open pdf files which you can download free at

There are a list of ebook compilers available on the market that you can use to create .exe ebooks and .pdf ebooks.

(2) No big investment needed

Creating an ebook does not require a big investment. I make use of Activ eBook Compiler to create .exe ebooks. You can try the software free at but there will be ads in your ebook front page when you build it. For an activation fee, the ads will be removed. This is a nice piece of software. I really like it and itกs fairly easy to use when you get accustomed to the software.

To create pdf ebooks, you can go to This is a free web based service that you can use to convert your word documents and other file formats to pdf documents.

(3) Developing your own paid product

If you know how to build your own ebook, you can easily create your own product to make real money. You just need to write what you know about. The Internet is a highway of information and you need to create a product which focus on a specific topic. Basically there is a huge potential for creating your own information products and there is an infinite number of topics you can write about.

Not just topics related to internet marketing and online business but other themes like cooking, gardening, pets etc. Now these are niche topics and if you have knowledge in these areas, you can easily create an info product in a digital format like an ebook talking about this.

(4) Fast and instant delivery

A big advantage with ebooks is that the delivery process is fast and instant. You don’t need product shipping for you don’t have any physical inventory due to the fact that an ebook is purely digital. You can give an unlimited number of copies to your customers.

(5) Subscriber generation

If you can create your own ebooks, why not create a useful ebook packed with quality information, then offer it as a bonus or gift to generate new subscribers to your newsletter. This is an attractive incentive to gain new subscribers.

(6) Viral Marketing Effects

Good ebooks can become your own traffic machine and it can has a viral marketing effect. By viral, I mean it can propagate across the Internet, hence your business can get big exposure for your ebook contains links to your websites.

Say you create an ebook packed with great articles that youกve written and you allow others to distribute it freely to their own susbcribers to give them quality information, or to get new subscribers, your ebook and business will have great exposure. If you have a quality ebook, some product owners might even use it as a bonus to add more value to their offer.

Ebooks are becoming more and more popular on the Internet these days for there is a huge potential to build a successful online business around them. So go ahead and start creating your own ebooks be it free or paid.

About The Author

Jean Lam is the editor of Web Biz Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe today for powerful marketing tips and receive a special report of netpreneurs earning $100,000+ per year PLUS his new PDF eBook ก3 SureFire Ways To Start An Internet Business And Strategies To Promote Itก Visit his website at

This article was posted on March 16

by Jean Lam