Three Steps To Building A 50K Email List In Less T

Three Steps To Building A 50K Email List In Less Than 90 Days

by: Melvin Perry

One major asset that every internet or affiliate marketer needs is a big email list. There is a saying in the marketing world that states that ขthe money is in the listข. This is very true because the bigger the list, the greater the potential income. But a common concern amongst many people marketing online is:

ขHow can I grow a huge gurutype email list and how long will it take?ข

What many of us know in the internet marketing world is that it can take a very long time to build a list of 10,000 subscribers. And building a list to this size is a lot more complicated than sending hundreds of visitors to your website. I currently have a website that averages over 500 visitors a day. Out of those 500 visits, I will be lucky to get at least 15 subscribers per day to my list. With these statistics it will take me about 2 years to build an email list to 10,000 subscribers.

So what can you do in order to get 10,000 subscribers very quickly?

Well, the focus of this article is to show you how to easily build a 50,000 subscriber opt in list in less than 90 days. What I am about to show you really works, and if you follow these steps precisely, you will see tremendous results.

Step 1: Get a Virus To Build Your List

In order for you to build a 50k opt in email list in 90 days, you need to spread your marketing message over the internet like a wild fire. The method that is best capable of doing this is known as viral marketing. Viral marketing, in its simplest meaning, is getting others to market your product or service for you and spreading it to others so that they can do the same also. I also call this wild fire marketing because as soon as your marketing message starts, it will be very difficult to stop it and to keep it from spreading across the internet like a wild forest fire. This is the type of response you want when you begin to grow your email list. And the only way for you to generate this type of response is to partner up with hundreds of other marketers that will help you promote your email list in return for something. This is known as joint venturing and it is one of the better strategies for building a huge email list. Located below is a free service that will help you combine the viral marketing component with the joint venture marketing component in order to rapidly grow your email opt in list.


Step 2: Start Promoting Your Viral List Building Machine

The next step is to promote your viral list builder so that you generate a minimum of 50 partners and fellow subscribers. There are multiple ways of promoting your viral list tool, but the easiest way to do this is through ezine solo ads. I know from experience that sending solo ads is a sure way to jumpstart any internet business. Just one solo ad mailing to a good newsletter or ezine can easily generate up to 85 partners and fellow subscribers that will help you promote your email list. Listed below is a series of ezines that provide excellent results every time I use them.

As soon as you receive your 50 partners that will help promote your email list for you, you will slowly begin to see your list virally grow on its own. But the growth that will be taking place is not rapid enough to generate the 50k subscribers in 90 days. You need to create tremendous momentum in the beginning in order to see rapid, exponential growth of your email list. This is where step 3 comes in.

Step 3: The KEY To It All

The last and final step for creating a large email list in a short amount of time is the most important step out of all the 3 steps. In this step, it is crucial that you motivate and train your partners/subscribers to do the very same things you are doing to build your email list. Out of all the people marketing on the internet, less than 3% of them know how to market properly and build a nice subscriber base. The key to getting around this problem is to show them the exact steps you took to promote your very own list. This is known as duplication. This concept is so powerful that it is the key for experiencing exponential growth with any online business. The reason why most online businesses fail is because they do not know how to train their partners to market effectively online. If you do this, you will gain the trust of your partners and you will grow your list exponentially.


Building a 50,000 subscriber opt in email list can take a very long time if you do not know what you are doing. As revealed, you can actually generate a 50k email list in less than 90 days by following steps 1 3. Step 1 explains how you must build your list virally by allowing hundreds of other marketers to help you build your list. Step 2 shows you a very easy way to get your first 50 partners/subscribers to help you build your email list for you. This is done through solo email ads. The final and most critical step is to motivate and train your partners to actively do the very same steps you are doing to build your email list. If you follow these steps precisely, you will build a 50k subscriber email list in less than 3 months. So you should really start on this as soon as possible. Here is a free resource that will help you get started:


About The Author

Melvin Perry is an internet entrepreneur whose been marketing online since mid 2002. During his marketing journey online, he has created various ways of sending tons of targeted traffic to websites. To find out more about his traffic generation methods, visit

This article was posted on October 13, 2004

by Melvin Perry

Maps of Cyberspace

Maps of Cyberspace

by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

กCyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts…A graphical representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkablecomplexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding…ก (WilliamGibson, กNeuromancerก, 1984, page 51)

At first sight, it appears to be a static, cluttered diagram with multicoloured, overlapping squares. Really, it is an extremely powerfulway of presenting the dynamics of the emerging epublishing industry. R2 Consulting has constructed these eBook Industry Maps to ‘reflect the evolving business models among publishers, conversion houses, digital distribution companies, eBook vendors, online retailers, libraries, library vendors, authors, and many others. These maps are 3dimensionaloffering viewers both a highlevel orientation to the eBook landscape and an indepth look at multiple eBook models and the partnerships thathave formed within each one.ก Pass your mouse over any of the squaresand a virtual floodgate opens a universe of interconnected and hyperlinked names, a detailed atlas of who does what to whom. is one example of a relatively novel approach to databases and web indexing. The metaphor of cyberspace comes alive in spatial, two and three dimensional maplike representations of the world of knowledge in Cybergeographyกs online กAtlasก. Instead of endless, static and bichromatic lists of links Cybergeography catalogues visual,recombinant vistas with a stunning palette, internal dynamics and an intuitively conveyed sense of interrelatedness. Hyperlinks are incorporated in the topography and topology of these almostneural maps.

‘these maps of Cyberspaces cybermaps help us visualise and comprehend the new digital landscapes beyond our computer screen, in the wires of the global communications networks and vast online information resources. The cybermaps, like maps of the realworld, help us navigate the new information landscapes, as well being objects of aesthetic interest. They have been created by กcyberexplorersก of many different disciplines, and from all corners of the world. Some of the maps … in the Atlas of Cyberspaces … appear familiar, using the cartographicconventions of realworld maps, however, many of the maps are much more abstract representations of electronic spaces, using new metrics and grids.ก

Navigating these maps is like navigating an inner, familiar, territory.

They come in all shapes and modes: flow charts, quasigeographical maps, 3d simulatorlike terrains and many others. The กweb Stalkerก is an experimental web browser which is equipped with mapping functions. The range of applicability is mind boggling.

A (very) partial list:

The Internet Genome Project กopensource map of the major conceptual components of the Internet and how they relate to each otherก

Anatomy of a Linux System Aimed to ก…give viewers a concise and comprehensive look at the Linux universeก and at the heart of the poster is a gravity well graphic showing the core software components,surrounded by explanatory textก

NewMedia 500 The financial, strategic, and other interrelationshipsand interactions between the leading 500 new (web) media firms

Internet Industry Map Ownership and alliances determine status, control, and access in the Internet industry. A revealing organizational chart.

The Internet Weather Report measures Internet performance, latency periods and downtime based on a sample of 4000 domains.

Real Time Geographic Visualization of WWW Traffic a stunning, 3d representation of web usage and traffic statistics the world over.

WebBrain and provide a graphic rendition of the Open Directory Project. The thematic structure of the ODP is instantly discernible.

The WebMap is a visual, multicategory directory which contains 2,000,000 web sites. The user can zoom in and out of subcategories and กunlockก their contents.

Maps help write fiction, trace a userกs clickpath (replete with clickable web sites), capture Usenet and chat interactions (threads), plot search results (though Alta Vista discontinued its mapping service and Yahoo!3D is no more), bookmark web destinations, and navigate through complex sites.

Different metaphors are used as interface. Web sites are represented as plots of land, stars (whose brightness corresponds to the web siteกs popularity ranking), aminoacids in DNAlike constellations,topographical maps of the ocean depths, buildings in an urban landscape, or other objects in a pastoral setting. Virtual Reality (VR) maps allow information to be simultaneously browsed by teams of collaborators, sometimes represented as avatars in a fully immersive environment. In many applications, the user is expected to fly amongst the data items invirtual landscapes. With the advent of sophisticated GUIกs (Graphic UserInterfaces) and VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) these maps may well show us the way to a more colourful and userfriendly future.

About The Author

Sam Vaknin is the author of กMalignant Self Love Narcissism Revisitedก and กAfter the Rain How the West Lost the Eastก. He is a columnist in กCentral Europe Reviewก, United Press International (UPI) and and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory, Suite101 and Until recently, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia.

His web site:

This article was posted on February 2, 2002

by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

Keywords are the ขKEYข to a Profitable Web Site

Keywords are the ขKEYข to a Profitable Web Site

by: Gail Kaufman

The only activity that should preface keyword research is the brainstorming you do to come up with list of potential themes for your web site. Think about things that you find interesting, are passionate about or that leverage your skills. Once this is done you are ready to find out which topic on your list will be the most profitable to pursue.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research will reveal answers to 3 critical questions:

1. Is there a demand for what your site offers? If not, you need to keep moving down your list until you find something that people are already looking for.

2. How are people searching for your topic? For example, if your theme is ขJapanese foodข how are people searching for information? Are they typing in ขJapanese recipesข, ขlow sodium miso soupข, ขhistory of Japanese foodข, ขJapanese food in NYCข, etc. This part of the search will allow you to build up good topics for your site pages and provide keywords that you will use to optimize your pages to become a search engine magnet.

3. How many sites will you be competing with – does demand outstrip supply or vice versa? Right now your job is to build huge lists of highdemand, lowcompetition keywords. Be thorough and exhaustive in looking for phrases that people might use to find your site.

You cannot cut corners at this stage of the process or your business will suffer. This can be slow, tedious work but fortunately there are some good tools to help you automate your keyword research and help find the most profitable keywords to build your content around. There are some good free tools to help you make light work of this including Search It! and Overture. More comprehensive tools that provide demand, supply and profitability data that help you find profitable niches include Brainstorm It! from Site Build It! and Wordtracker.

Keyword Optimization

You may have heard the terms ขsearch engine optimization (SEO)ข, ขkeyword optimizationข, ขpage optimizationข, etc. Basically, they all refer to the same thing – making sure your pages have the right amount of keywords, placed correctly, to effectively get your site ขspideredข or found by the search engines, such as Google.

Repeating keywords throughout a site is just as important as choosing the right keywords. If you use the keywords too often the search engines will ignore them; if you don’t use them enough the search engines will not find and index them properly.

The main keyword, in our example ขJapanese foodข, should be used as part of the domain name and in the title tag of the HTML code for the page. It should also be used in the heading of the page where you tell visitors what the page is about. Also, most SEO experts agree that it is best to put your keyword in the first and last sentences of your page.

As for the body copy, there are some good rulesofthumb that help you achieve the correct กkeyword densityก or keyword repetition. Many experts say you should use the 4% 7% rule (approx. 25 words in a 500 word document). However, don’t use a single keyword over and over or your copy will seem forced. Instead, weave in some variations of the keyword (e.g. plural forms, synonyms) to ensure your content flows well and makes sense! Simply filling up a site with your keywords will not fool the search engines; rather, it may be considered spamming and your site can get banned!

Many people say that content is king, but in fact, it’s content that is keyword rich that is king. It is absolutely critical to find your best keywords and use them in the right way to attract targeted traffic. It takes some time and practice but if you persevere your web site will be built on a strong foundation.

About The Author

Written by Gail Kaufman cofounder of

Visit her site for information, free valuable ebooks and practical tips on how to build an affordable and profitable web site with no technical skills.

This article was posted on August 24

by Gail Kaufman

Hereกs Exactly What Makes Web Audio So Powerful

Hereกs Exactly What Makes Web Audio So Powerful

by: Nick James

Have you ever tried to communicate with another person using just actions and sign language? It gets pretty frustrating, doesn’t it? Especially when you know that if you could just SAY a few words, theyกd get the picture, almost instantly.

Well, imagine if the website youกve put up on show… could กspeakก. If it could sparkle with the spoken word. What do you think the effect could be?

You see, what the smart website marketers have realised, is that they need to move beyond just written words and striking graphics. They’re looking to giving their website… a กpersonalityก.

BUT… in the cold hearted, faceless world of the internet, being able to reach the audience you want, with sincerity, warmth and with a กfaceก, doesn’t come easily to most.

That is unless you happen to have the skilful knack of knowing what to write, when to write it and are able to string words together to help paint a strong emotional picture in readers minds for your product, service or idea.

Getting all the help we can via other means is crucial in giving us that slight edge.

Thereกs possibly nothing more intimate, more convincing, more realistic for the reader, than to hear a กvoiceก behind the website. What it adds, is satisfying helpings of…


Imagine being able to connect at regular intervals with your customers and clients! How do you think theyกll feel when you’re able to inform them that thereกs an exciting offer about to happen and you make sure the message reaches both their eyes, and their ears!

What about using this simple technology to help create a stampede of sales, an abundance of new subscribers, a fleet of qualified prospects, a herd of new referrals!

What about being able to tell your customers that you messed up on the last bit of information you gave them and that you’re really sorry. Won’t you be able to convey this message better using real live words, than by using written text?

Won’t your sincerity, conviction and heartfelt emotion, reach them INSTANTLY, where it matters most… THEIR HEARTS!

Copyright 2004 Nick James

About The Author

Nick James is a UK based direct marketer and product developer. During the last 3 years Nick has sold in excess of £1 Million of products and sevices. Subscribe to his Free Tip Of The Week at: New Product:

This article was posted on November 17, 2004

by Nick James

Give An Entrepreneur A Break

Give An Entrepreneur A Break

by: Cathy Bryant

Why do any of us choose to work from home? The answer to that question is as diverse as the individuals who call home their workplace.

For those of us who have chosen to market online, this question has many answers. But ultimately, everyone who works at home online or off has the same goal.

To make money.

For some reason, however, those of us who choose to do it online are often perceived as being greedy.

Let me elaborate.

Over the last few weeks, Iกve corresponded with several online colleagues who have indicated that theyกve actually been questioned or even criticized by individuals who feel itกs somehow กunfairก for them to ask for money in exchange for their information product.

As if that was some sort of crime.

Now, I suppose that the proliferation of scamsters online can indeed make people somewhat skeptical. Thatกs the reason that having a mailing list or newsletter is so important. Thereกs no question that marketing online does have an impersonal nature to it. And, if a consumer isn’t careful, he or she can be taken.

Another reason for this attitude, however, is that the internet is still perceived by some as a great gift that they are entitled to. That any information they want should be handed over to them without question and without any compensation on their part.

Well, certainly a lot of information is online if you are willing to spend months and even years (not to mention cold hard cash) to accumulate the knowledge and experience that those who have put these products together have done.

So why shouldn’t they be compensated for it?

If someone were to walk into a bookstore, stroll up to the checkout counter with a stack of books, and tell the clerk, กI want to get all these books, but I don’t want to pay for any of them,ก youกd think they were nuts.

So I ask you whatกs the difference online?

Hereกs one big difference and one not at all favorable for the muchmaligned online information marketer. Keep in mind that these same honest, reputable marketers who have put tremendous effort into producing their own products have offered their products with an unconditional moneyback guarantee as well.

And when people ask for their money back (unlike in the offline world) they can get it WITHOUT RETURNING THE PRODUCT.

So whoกs being scammed now???

I see changes lots of changes on the horizon for those who provide information products online. More and more of these individuals have their products on a secure site that denies continued access should the purchaser request a refund. I even purchased an ebook recently that uses a system which กlocksก the book when a refund is given.

This is just as it should be.

Why should someone who has invested the time to create an information product and invested money to market it NOT be expected to be compensated for it?

No reason at all.

About The Author

Cathy Bryant wants to help you discover the home business that is perfect for you. Her newsletter and website features many resources and ideas to help you generate a homebased income. Her newsletter is adfree and full of useful information to help you succeed.

This article was posted on March 22, 2003

by Cathy Bryant

5 Simple Ways To Promote

5 Simple Ways To Promote

by: Larry Johnson

Learning to promote your business online is one of the most important steps in being successful.

Otherwise your site may as well be in some dark closet, because no one is going to stumble over it.

Here are 5 simple ways to promote your site and gain some needed traffic for your business.


As much as possible you should automate your promotion efforts. One of the easiest and quickest ways to do this is the use of autoresponders.

There are many paid ones available and they okay for the most part. Personally, I like to use a fr*ee one you can find here:

It comes without any types of ads, and I have found it to be very dependable and useful.


There are always those online who are willing to swap ads, bannners or links in order to gain some additional fr*ee exposure.

Search for them in your email messages and in a variety of directories related to your type of business.

For example, here is one that is not fr*ee, but it is wellestablished as a great resource for locating reputable ezines in which to advertise:


Directories can also provide a wealth of contacts for potential Joint Ventures.

For a small percentage of your profits you can enlist the help of other sites and publishers to promote your offer.

One simple way is to use which has a builtin affiliate program to help you with just this type of thing.


Yes, it takes a little effort, but writing articles to promote your site does pay off.

Sharing a little bit of information in the form of articles with others has many rewards.

Hey, we are working in an information media type of are here, right ? Everyone is looking for the answer to some problem. Help them find it with a wellwritten article and get some deserved promotion when it is published in otherกs newsletters or ezines.


Online promotion is a slow learning curve for most folks, but it is one that has many rewards in terms of traffic and sales for your online business.

While this list is not inclusive, it does give you a starting point to begin your online efforts at building traffic and gaining some needed exposure.

Remember, กRunning a business without advertising is like winking in the dark. You know what you are doing, but no one else. does.ก

Larry Johnson, author

Biz Site Biz Ezine

About The Author

GET A QUICK START in this FR*E, weekly promotional marketing ezine. Each issue offers powerful marketing tips, resources, fresh ideas and original articles on how to create, promote and market your own business. You will discover information with a กHowtodoitก approach. Join us now for the full scoop. Mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 24, 2004

by Larry Johnson

The Legal Way to Make Money: The Start of Affiliat

The Legal Way to Make Money: The Start of Affiliates

by: Adam Espiritu

The Legal way. How? Affiliates and Ebooks

I hate writing this message because it makes me look like a sellout, but Iกm not.

I just want to help out my friends and make some money doing it. Also, I am broke as hell! The coffee house only does so much.

There are two ways of making quick and continuous (they keep paying you) money on the net. Refer something (affiliate) or make something from your ideas (ebooks)

What are Affiliates? Companies pays for telling others about their products, but only if someone buys something from them. Just check the bottom of any online store or dealer that you like and see if they have a referral or affiliate program. If you can’t find a good affiliate program try

Then check out this site

The Secret to A Steady Income Online Without Creating Your Own Product!

Do you need a webpage? No, but it would help. Just get the link and post or send it to your friends. All a webpage does is get you more people to see your site and hopefully more sales and return sales. Don’t get a free webpage space. No search engine or business will take you seriously. Spend the $ 9 to get a space.

Discover the Way of the Tortoise and Leave the Rat Race behind.

And win an amazing prize

Now ebooks are just your ideas put into a readable form. They are sold or given away. Most people I know have blogs now or some kind of hobby. It really is easy to get money from your rants or obsessions. Writing an ebook is not hard. Here are a few ways to do it without that much money.

33 Days to Online Profits

Or you could use

How to write and publish your own outrageously profitable ebook… in as little as 7 days!

Since I am a lazy as hell I like this one

กGive me 5 minutes and Iกll show you how a กlazy personก can make more money, work fewer hours and have a lot more fun than any กhard workerก youกll ever meet Guaranteed!ก

Most people I know are struggling to get by or thousands in debt due to student loans or car loans. These links will not make you rich overnight, but they could help with any of those payments. They are helping me right now as you read this message.

You can get up to 50% profit if someone buys these products! Don’t believe me. Just check it out.

Have fun and get money with these links. Email me if you have any question. Thanks

Adam [email protected]

About The Author

Adam Espiritu is the Author and CEO of Practical Time Management

He has inspired and help hundreds toward their success and goals.

Learn How to Gain More Time Through Time Management and Networking

This article was posted on August 14

by Adam Espiritu

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

by: Larry Denis

When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right business for you. How to get the edge on your competitors? What to do first? How to really make money and escape that 95 job? These are just a few of the confusing questions that face the beginner. If you try to begin without help, you are setting yourself up for failure. Very few can succeed in business without someone to help you and steer you in the right direction. You are indeed like a ship without a captain when you try to start a business alone
Here are a few common mistakes made by ขnewbiesข when they first start a homebased business.
1. Starting a business without knowing who you should be marketing to. Without knowing how to target your market you can spend hours of wasted time and a lot of wasted dollars.
2. Getting into the wrong business, with too much competition supply and not enough demand. If you do not get into a specialized market with high demand and less supply you are setting yourself up for failure and you will never make a decent living.
3. Believing that a free program will make you money, these are some of the biggest scams on the Internet.
4. Joining one business opportunity failing after a month and then joining another and another. This is how many beginners loose tons of money and valuable time.
5. Thinking that money can be made in a short time with no work, this is another pitfall too many ขnewbiesข fall into.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal guidance, somebody who can work with you oneonone? Show you how to start right and save you all that time and money. Somebody who can help you ขcut a pathway through the trees.ข This is where a mentor will help you, and better still a course that comes with mentoring help.
There are very few true mentoring courses, where you can really get oneonone help. Usually you purchase your course and then have to work out the rest. However a mentoring course is different. When you purchase the course you will get oneonone help for your questions and any problems you may have. As you progress through the course your mentor will coach you on any problems you may have and show you how to overcome them. One of the main reasons for new Internet businesses failing is lack of guidance. There is just too much to know and do without someone to help you.
You can see how a mentoring course works and the obvious advantages, compared to trying to work out everything yourself. I speak from experience. When I first started my business, I had no idea what to do and where to go, until I finally stumbled upon a mentor course. After that there was no looking back, I cannot say that I did not make mistakes or come up with problems, but they were nothing that my mentor could not guide me through
Recently I came across a mentoring course that not only offers mentoring help but shows you how to start a very profitable home business, HomeBased Recruiting. Basically it is finding qualified candidates to fill job positions for different businesses, for which you will get a finders fee. When worked correctly, this is a very profitable business and one you can easily make a good living with.
However, as with any successful business, some help is very necessary. Larry Denis’s ขFast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข is the mentoring course that will guide you stepbystep, from start to success, and with his expert mentoring you cannot fail. Larry is a seasoned veteran in this field and very successful at what he does. His course will show you the tips and tricks that top recruiters use to make substantial profits. Find the businesses that are expanding and get ahead of your competition, with the true ขtricks of tradeข known only by experienced recruiters like Larry. Overcome the ขfear of telephoningข by learning how to call people the right way. The training and mentoring you will receive from this course will be your key to building a profitable home business.
A mentor course is your gateway to success. Unlock the business potential within you, and see how you can achieve what you never thought possible, with the help of individual coaching. Experience the satisfaction of starting and building a truly successful business with help and guidance from a mentor.

About The Author

Larry Denis is the successful author of ข Fast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข He is a seasoned homebased recruiter with 8 years of experience in his field for more information on homebased recruiting please visit him at

[email protected]

This article was posted on May 10, 2004

by Larry Denis

Selecting Your Work At Home Business Opportunity

Selecting Your Work At Home Business Opportunity

by: Kirk Bannerman

I started looking for viable work at home opportunities back in 2001. It was a time consuming process, but in retrospect, I give myself a pat on the back every month when I cash the check from my home based business. The purpose of this article is to perhaps help others make their selection with a little less time and effort than I had to expend.

Having spent many years running traditional กbricks and mortarก type businesses, I didn’t buy for one second the numerous heavily hyped, or worse yet, scam operations that touted the instant and fantastic riches that could be achieved (often with little or no effort required). While doing my research as to which business I would eventually pursue, this type of claim became an instant trigger for me to move on to check out some other กopportunityก.

I mean, give me a break, if those claims were close to being true, why would they share their กsecretก with anyone else? They would just execute their กmagic systemก and in short order would have made all the money that exists in the world…yeah, right!

In the course of my investigations, a few other natural filters surfaced to help me narrow down the realistic and legitimate opportunities from among the far too numerous unfounded offers. Early on, I determined that the กget in on the ground floorก offers were essentially smoke. After all, if I wanted to take a chance on the lottery, I would have purchased a ticket. Because of my business management experience, it soon became clear to me that three of the primary factors that would influence my choice would be:

* successful longevity (how long has this particular company been successfully doing business?)

* reasonable income expectations touted by the top management of the company offering the opportunity.

* support systems and training resources available to help the participants succeed.

One thing that really struck home with me was a statement made by the founder of the company that I eventually selected for my home based business. It went something like the following:

กHardly a day goes by that I don’t hear from an affiliate questioning why he or she is not seeing a big check yet. More times than not, the person asking hasn’t even been involved for more than 90 days and is only barely beginning to even understand how the whole system works. And frankly, even if the number was six months, it’s still much too early to be expecting a significant income stream to have developed.

I always say that if you’re not willing to give a business at least a year, don’t even bother getting involved. You need to understand that it takes time to get to know all the nuances of the compensation plan. It takes time to determine which products you want to lead with. It takes time to develop a game plan. It takes time to figure out what marketing activities deliver the biggest bang for the buck. Anything worthwhile takes sustained effort. If you’re not thinking long term, you’ve set yourself up for failure.ก

To sum it up, the selection process should focus on reality (there is no กmagicก in home based businesses) and reject any socalled กopportunitiesก that seem too good to be true.

About The Author

Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and resides in California. For more details, visit his website at

This article was posted on January 02, 2004

by Kirk Bannerman

Become a More Creative Person

Become a More Creative Person

by: Granny’s Mettle

Used to be when we talk about generation gap, it almost always applies to the difference in thinking between the supposedly adult generation and the younger ones. Then, it was easier to understand because our parents used to say that itกs all about difficult teenagers. Period.

However, the principle of generation gap has evolved in a different meaning particularly in the workplace. The trend nowadays is to have a more vibrant and creative staff working for companies. And who best exemplifies creativity and fun? The young, fine arts degree holders, who else.

A person with a fine arts degree used to have trouble in getting himself employed. But now, itกs the companies who are getting as much as they can; recruiting young people with a fine arts background, believing that with creative staff aboard, they become more creative and innovative themselves. Especially that thereกs a growing belief nowadays that to stay ahead, companies should become more inventive, innovative and creative.

Nevertheless, you don’t need to be a fine arts graduate to get inside the best companies. Or you get your own fine arts staff for your own company. You just need to enhance your creativity to get a crack of the business you have chosen. As the author of Vivation said, the idea that a few people are creative and the rest are not is definitely a myth. All we need is to let some of our infinite creative power leak through from the unconscious so we can apply it to our conscious state.

Or, we could always rely on software and programs available in the market to help us produce a creative and innovative environment for our company and business.

There is a barrage of applications from Adobe, Microsoft, and other software developers, to help us create better and vivid media materials that enhance our corporate identity.

At the TypoTechnica 2005 conference, Quark Inc. introduced QuarkXPress 7, an updated version of their page layout program. The program fully supports both Unicode and OpenType. With QuarkXPress7กs support for Unicode, it provides a new feature called Font Fallback that allows users to specify a fall back and alternative fonts when a specified font does not contain a full set of glyphs for nonRoman characters. Furthermore, the program will support a total of around 23 OpenType features, including standard and discretionary ligatures and swashes.

On the other hand, Adobeกs Creative Suite boasts having a complete design environment for print and Web publishing. They add that users will be able to create and publish content for print and the Web faster, more easily, and more affordably. The application has tools for creating artwork, editing images, creating photo compositions, and drawing vector graphics.

Then thereกs Microsoftกs Digital Image Suite 9 and Digital Image Pro 9 that comes with wizards and tutorials that walk you through the process and help you get started right away. The software includes thousands of design templates to help you create projects not only for your business, but also for the home.

There are a lot of ways and means to let our creativity flow. We just have to use our minds to imagine fresh ways or put together already existing ideas and innovate, to make our company click with our target clients. And with new technology to help us, business life is simpler and easier.

About The Author

Grannyกs Mettle is a 30something, professional web content writer. She has created various web content on a diverse range of topics, which includes digital printing topics, medical news, as well as legal issues. Her articles are composed of reviews, suggestions, tips and more for the printing and designing industry.

Her thoughts on writing: กWriting gives me pleasure… pleasure and excitement that you have created something to share with others. And with the wide world of the Internet, it gives me great satisfaction that my articles reach more people in the quickest time you could imagine.ก

On her spare time, she loves to stay at home, reading books on just about any topic she fancies, cooking a great meal, and taking care of her husband and kids.

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This article was posted on March 07

by Granny’s Mettle

Selling Yourself to Reach Online Success

Selling Yourself to Reach Online Success

by: Brian Moore

Usually, success in an online business depends upon selling outstanding products or representing really good affiliate plans. But just as important in getting people to buy from you is your business image. In this article we will look at how to define that image and sell yourself to help your potential customers decide to buy your products.
There are several things to think about when developing your online image. But itกs no different from preparing a resume or a personal history. Youกll want to look at your education or training, work experience, and your life experiences, and how all of this defines you as an individual in such a large marketplace.
We start with education, because thatกs the point where our lives began to take a definite shape. Think about what part of your education relates to who you are. Is it the favorite grade school teacher who unlocked your ambition to learn? Or is it special talents your high school studies or extra curricular activities revealed?
Remember, your personal level of education not so important. Itกs how your educational background helps define who you are and how well you can help others online.
Next, start thinking about your life experiences. What large events in your life like being married or single, raising children, and maintaining longtime friendships helped shape you? What would you change or keep the same assuming youกd have control over such matters? What have you gained from your experiences in life?
Then examine your work history. What occupation did you start out in? (This includes what has been traditionally known as "home maker", or household manager, if you will.) What various skills did you obtain? What other occupations have you had? What things about traditional employment brought you to the Internet looking for income?
Now try to decide how your education, life experiences, and work experience translate into your online goals. In general, how much income do you expect to replace with income from online? What do you think your niche market is? (This is defined by what type of customer you focus your business on.) How does your business fit into the large scheme of Internet marketing?
Okay, you say, now I have a handle on who I am. I have an image. What do I do with it? How is it going to help me sell products?
Well, announce it to the world. * Tell * people who you are.
Work up an online resume or an "About Us" page for your site. Include key points from your selfsearching. Make yourself into a real, live human being with whom your customers can do business and enjoy visiting again and again.
Publish your name, address, phone number, and email address. You needn’t worry about being swamped by phone calls and letters. In five years online Iกve had one customer ever call me, and it was not to complain. Iกve had one letter, and it was for more information. Emailing is so much easier and it saves long distance rates and postage. (I don’t have a toll free number yet, so itกs their nickel to call me.)
Provide a selfphoto. Without undue cost, "put your best foot forward" by having it taken professionally. It should be the "real you", not some computer enhanced alter ego that portrays you better than you actually are. Don’t be afraid to update the photo regularly to show you developing in your career.
Finally, letกs talk a little about being professional. Iกm not referring to how you phrase your sentences or how fancy your vocabulary is. Instead, Iกm recommending you try to be realistic confident without hype and humble without putting yourself down. In short, be yourself.
In your comments and publications avoid sarcasm. Some people may catch the humor while others may be offended by it. Don’t issue ultimatums like, "If you’re not willing to [so and so], then you don’t belong in this business." These folks are your prospects or have signed up under you. They are expecting your help and example, and you wouldn’t want to push them away from making a decision to buy.
When all is said and done, what you say and do online brands you to those with whom you come in contact. It would be far better to take time to brand yourself in a positive light than to leave your image to chance by neglecting your online presence.

About The Author

Brian Moore publishes กBizOps Secretsก, a complete ezine resource for online success. Subscribe and receive a free 5 line classified ad. AllPro BizOps, Proven Business Secrets That Work Online

This article was posted on January 16, 2002

by Brian Moore

Writing a Business Plan After You Buy a Business

Writing a Business Plan After You Buy a Business

by: Sandi Schneider

Business plans are usually written when you want to start a new business; however, writing a business plan is an excellent way for you to lay out on paper exactly what the company is about, and understand what it does best, what its weak points are, etc. This will prove very helpful when you’re trying to work out how to go about adding a new service. Be open to advice from anyone in your company who might have a good idea.

How well does the service you want to add fit in with the current functioning of the company? If it’s an extension of areas the company is already involved in, is it a service that existing customers will need? Or will you need to spend money to market the new facets of the company?

If you’re venturing into an entirely new area of business, do you have the workforce and infrastructure in place to handle the changes, or will you need to hire new talent, purchase new equipment etc.?

Share your thoughts with your employees and take their feedback very seriously. They are the ones who will ultimately execute your ideas and make them work.

What Do the Customers Want?

Your business sense aside, the customers’ ideas are easily your most valuable pointers to what your business needs. If you find several customers asking you whether you offer a particular service, that’s a clear indication of the natural direction in which the company can grow. Your existing customer base will provide sufficient momentum to your initiatives to ensure that they get a fair chance. If you please your existing customers, wordofmouth referral alone will help the new areas of your business grow and you may find that you don’t need to market yourself aggressively at all.

Share Your Enthusiasm

Being a new boss, it’s important that your first few big ideas don’t fall flat, so err on the side of caution. Be a dynamic communicator so that you have the support of your employees and customers. Set realistic goals and motivate your employees into attaining them. Constantly revise progress with your team members, so that they feel that they’re a part of the change, and have a stake in making it work. The company’s enthusiasm will be passed onto the customers, giving any sensible business plan a good chance of success.

Timing is of the utmost importance, so be prepared to put your plans on hold until the company is ready to go through a change. When you buy a business, the period of transition can be somewhat unstable so any changes you plan need to be planned out to the smallest detail possible.

About The Author

Sandi Schneider

Get help from experienced business brokers to help turn your business dreams into reality. At Vested Business Brokers we have enough experience in putting together successful deals. Our web page is

This article was posted on September 08

by Sandi Schneider