Getting Noticed!

Getting Noticed!

by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore

One of the best ways to get your name out in your local community is to become a sponsor. A few hundred dollars gets your company name on little League caps; a little more, perhaps an ad at a roller rink. Donate money or materials to the local parade or a float. This buys goodwill and is great selfpromotion. If you provide a service donate that. For example, when we operated a word processing business we offered to do resumes for free for those out of work. If you are a hair stylist, offer to cut hair free to senior homes, or for children. If you run a pet related business offer some free products or service. Every business has something they can provide for free,even if it is only your time.

Be sure when you do something of this type to alert the local media. They love talking about what local businesses are doing for the community. However, do this sparingly. Don’t over use it or it loses its effectiveness.

In todayกs business arena setting up a web site is a must. For most businesses you don’t need anything fancy just a couple of pages which includes contact information, location and what your company policies are. For example, some background information on you (associations you belong to, educational background, qualifications). If you have some testimonials, this helps also. If you provide a newsletter, let folks know how they can receive it. You can also provide directions to your business, put specials on your website that you are running for the month, week or any time period you choose.

Brochures are another excellent way to get your name out there. Highlight your businessกs benefits to create copy that sells. Be sure however to make the content interesting and draw the reader in and motivate them to do business with you.

When you combine effective content with an easytoread, eyecatching design, your brochure will become a hardworking partner that will help you win the customers you need to start your company out right.

Another great way to get your name out and to tell your customers what you do is to use a Newsletter. Newsletters can be wonderful tools for communicating with your customers or prospects. Because of their format, they’re often infused with more credibility than traditional brochures. If your newsletter is little more than blatant selfpromotion, however, itกs likely to hit the wastebasket before it hits your targetกs desk.

We have given you a number of ways to get your name out there so start promoting yourself!

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2002

About The Author

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our FREE กhow toก Home Business Solutions Digest, itกs like having your own personal coach: mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on September 09, 2003

by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

You Must Learn For Your Business To Earn

You Must Learn For Your Business To Earn

by: Arun Pal Singh

Are you aware of the reason why most people fail in their online ventures? It is because most of them don’t know and more importantly are reluctant to command the language and gadgets of the web. Put it simply, they are uncomfortable with the technology the internet uses.

Just floating a website and starting a business is not enough. This is crucial first step, no doubt. One has to work further on his business to succeed. The lack of web knowledge might prove to be a handicap.

Please allow me to be clear. Let me be heard loudly and oppose those who say the opposite. To succeed online one must equip himself with technical knowhow.

If one does not know the technological part experts can be hired but they come at a price which is almost always unaffordable by a starter of the small business. So this choice is always out. There is no other option left than to know how to do it yourself. Earlier you realize it better it would be.

When I started my online home based business I was a novice on the net. Plethora of new terms like HTML, FTP, POP3, email aliases, bandwidth, cgi, php etc. etc. etc. did not make any sense at all.

I tried working by approximation but that made me uncomfortable. I could not make the small change in my site that I always wanted to. Every now and then a new or old term would appear again and I was left in a state of confusion.

Because I was uncomfortable I could not concentrate on my business. I could not focus where I should have been. Lack of vocabulary and technical knowledge always held me back. I was a businessman who was not confident of what he was doing. I kept incurring losses until my slumber was broken.

Then I realized I got to learn my basics. I could not always bother others about ขhow to do this and how could I do thatข. Even if somebody is kind enough to reply, the fear of unknown always diminishes the confidence to take the bold step.

Moreover when you get over one, there is something waiting again to be stumbled upon.

Earlier you know your gadgets, better it is. Especially the ones which will be needed frequently. Among these the most important is HTML. It is easy to learn and makes you confident enough to bring those small changes in your site or putting up additional by yourself.

So is setting up of auto responders or email aliases, how to transfer files between your computer and website server, how to use soft wares for making extra profit.

Sooner or later you would need to put your business on autopilot. Knowledge of knowhow would make it much easier

You are the master of your ship. To sail smoothly you must know the tools. Get a fair idea of how the internet works. For example what happen behind those graphics when you click or type a URL? It is not necessary to master everything but having an idea is must

Get a good grasp over the web vocabulary. You will emerge more powerful, more confident.

It calls for some work but time spent on this would bring rewards in future. There are many good books available. Internet is itself a good source to search for everything. Programmes or softwares also come with inbuilt help. That too enhances the working knowledge. Find ‘the how to’ wherever you can get.

By and by you will find that you have accumulated a wealth called knowledge which gives you a cutting edge of many others who don’t possess it.

Copyright 2004 Arun Pal Singh

About The Author

Arun Pal Singh runs a successful business from home at He is also publisher and editor of Home for profits’ income course, a free newsletter with hundreds of tips for home business which can be subscribed by mailing to [email protected]

This article was posted on December 21, 2004

by Arun Pal Singh

The Mountain Highs & The Valley Lows When Starting

The Mountain Highs & The Valley Lows When Starting A Home Based Business

by: Kirk Bannerman

The emotional aspects of starting a home business can have you experiencing high highs and low lows. In addition to the immediate luxuries of being your own boss, setting your own working hours, and avoiding a stressful commute, there are also significant things on the other side of the ledger…starting and building a home business is not just an automatic trip to the promised land. The need for self discipline is important…since you don’t have a boss and a place to report for work, it is now up to you to schedule your time and perform productive tasks on your own.

Set actual work hours. Decide what hours you are going to work each day and stick to it as much as possible. This is one of the beautiful things about a home based business…you get to make this choice based upon your own personal situation for that particular day. Make ‘to doก lists for each day. Then, as you complete the items, check them off the list. You can transfer anything you don’t get done on a particular day to the next days list and make some notation so that you can see that it is a carryover from the previous day…however, remain constantly aware of the procrastination trap which leads you to keep putting things off until tomorrow. Hopefully, this will help you to stay organized and on task and allow you to make some real progress in developing your home based business.

In the early going, one of the most difficult things about developing a new home based business is dealing with the emotional roller coaster that can result from the highs (successes) and lows (temporary setbacks) you are almost certain to experience. Once you have done the research and decided on a particular home based business opportunity, you really need to focus on PERSISTENCE and realize that any real business will not just automatically become successful in days or weeks…you should be prepared to give it your best effort for at least 6 to 12 months in order to begin to build a solid income base.

Highs and lows were something that I began to notice when I first started a home based business. I have many years of top level management experience in ขtraditionalข corporations and have experienced lots of business cycles (corporate ขups and downsข), but the natural ขups and downsข that occur in a home business (particularly in the early stages) can be emotionally brutal if you don’t prepare yourself in advance for the fact that it is a basic law of nature…it will be a rocky road until you have spent enough time and effort to build your business to a level that sort of smoothes out the peaks and valleys.

The impact of the high and lows you will probably experience in developing your home based business is amplified by the fact that you are now in business on your own You are the boss and get to make all the decisions, but you are also on your own in dealing with the frustrations that will occur along the way while you are developing your business.

About The Author

Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and resides in California. For more details, visit his website at

This article was posted on September 25, 2003

by Kirk Bannerman

Home Based Business; Quick, Easy Money…And Pigs

Home Based Business; Quick, Easy Money…And Pigs Will Fly

by: Kirk Bannerman

Here come those flying pigs!

Does it ever end? Iกve been involved with Internetbased home businesses for some time and I continue to be exposed to a seemingly endless barrage of offers (all costing me money, of course) claiming to be ‘the secretก for making a fantastic income, in a very short time, and with very little effort involved.

I must admit that I may have a slightly selfserving reason for addressing this topic. My articles are published on my homebased business websites for the purpose of trying to give prospective team members a true sense of what is really involved with starting and developing a successful home based business. The selfserving part, I suppose, is that I want people joining my team to have the straight scoop going in so that we don’t waste each otherกs time. I admit to being selfish in this regard (I don’t want to waste time working with people that have unrealistic expectations), but it is also very efficient for both parties involved, so it is not a totally oneway thing.

Now, back to the topic at hand. Thereกs no magic here, folks. Once you have selected the home business that you are going to pursue, there are no substitutes for time and effort in developing your business. A dream of being an กovernight successก is just that, a dream.

I can tell you from personal experience, that once you กpay your duesก and begin to have real success with a home based business, it is really terrific. Think about Nirvana or Valhalla, take your pick, but in any event itกs really sweet.

When I started developing a home based business, making a good income was obviously an objective, but I also had other subobjectives. One of the most important things was to have nearly total time flexibility (I mean, if I was willing to continue to wear the 95 MonFri collar I could just have just stayed in the previously ‘traditionalก work force).

Time flexibility was (and still is) a กbiggieก for me. Many people working at home have the same need for various reasons. For work at home moms, a home business can be a real godsend to accommodate the hectic time pressures, particularly when the kids are quite young and mom is also spelled ‘transportationก.

In my own particular case, the reason is not quite so noble…I just want (need?) to be able to pick up my fly rod and go fishing at a moments notice (sometimes Iกll be gone for a week or two at a time, but now the business has enough momentum that it keeps on operating just as well as if I were here tending to it on a daily basis).

Bear in mind, I am only able do the breakaway thing now that I have put in all the upfront time and effort and now have developed enough kinetic energy in my homebased Internet business to be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

About The Author

Kirk Bannerman operates his own successful home based business and also coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. For more information visit his website at

This article was posted on March 22

by Kirk Bannerman

Home Based Business Success and the Power of Belie

Home Based Business Success and the Power of Belief

by: Nick A. James

There was well over one million searches last month on the internet for home businesses. This means numerous people either aren’t happy where they’re at – they need more money or they want to be home raising their kids.

Think about it – people are either working so hard to pay the bills that they can’t slow down and enjoy life or they struggle to pay the bills and thus their life is stress and endless worry. Look at all the home foreclosures each month – it’s unbelievable.

However, while most people really want what a successful home business has to offer they usually aren’t prepared to make that a reality.

Let’s talk here about belief – all great accomplishments start with a seed of belief. But for that seed of belief to grow into a great accomplishment it needs a lot of water and nourishment – especially at first.

The key is to nourish that seed of belief so it grows – that seed of belief is very vulnerable at first – it can easily die as it has no roots.

Right after someone has started a home business is when it’s most vulnerable. Your brother in law Butch will say – are you some kind of moron – those home business things don’t work – my cousins Clem and Jethro didn’t make a dime in the entire 2 hours they spent working. Of course who’s to doubt a business giant like Butch – after all he just advanced to the rank of assistant night supervisor at the Quickmart after 7 short years.

Are you on fire? I heard a preacher once say – are you on fire? Or are you trying to put out someone else’s fire.

If you’re not on fire – I mean a raging fire what happens to a tiny flicker of flame – it easily goes out with the first wind.

However, a raging fire doesn’t go out with the first wind – actually when the winds blow it just serves to make the fire grow even hotter. You can go away and that fire will continue to burn where you planted it.

Actually we are all one of the following three types of people, which one of these are you.

People that make things happen People that get on board with those who make things happen and People like Butch that wonder – what happened.

As a kid why did you never have trouble getting up on Christmas morning? Two reasons really – because you knew that something really good was going to happen to you. But two you had an unshakeable belief that there would be presents under the tree. Hence the great excitement and anticipation thus creating a great positive attitude.

The secret is extraordinary people are excited to get up everyday and so should we. By believing something great will happen each day we bring together unseen forces to help us. Plus this attitude attracts the right people to aid us in accomplishing great things.

Anybody can get excited over something good that’s a sure deal – like Christmas. However, what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary are those who have the vision to see what others can’t see in the future and take action.

There are two roads in life. One is a very broad and paved road and the amazing thing about this road is that you don’t have to look for it or have directions to find it. By simply doing nothing it will find you and in 40 years or less on this giant freeway it will take you to the twin overpopulated cities of Regret and Failure.

On the other hand there is another much harder to find road as it’s simply a bare unmarked trail at the beginning and many people walk past it everyday without noticing. But once in a while to the weary, searching traveler it opens up a glimpse of the great vision it contains waiting at trails end.

The great thing about being on this second road is you meet other travelers who make traveling easier and considerably much more fun.

Everyone on this road sees something fascinatingly different ขon down the road.ข Walt Disney saw Disneyland and Epcot Center on this road. Orville and Wilbur Wright could see the future of air travel. Henry Ford could see a nation of automobiles. Our founding fathers could see a land of free men in a country that was the greatest land of freedom of opportunity the world had ever known.

So if you dare we invite you to take this path on the ขJourney of No Regrets.ข Where the hardest step is always the first.

About The Author

Nick A. James offers informative tips and information on nutrition, health and working from home. His many years of Internet Marketing expertise puts him in unique postion to help others starting a home business ( For free newsletter, free reports and amazing info contact him at:

This article was posted on April 09

by Nick A. James

Children in the Home Business Environment

Children in the Home Business Environment

by: Stone Evans

Operating a home business is seldom easy and interruptions come in all shapes, sizes and forms.

Between the family, friends and neighbors who call or come by, and the telemarketers who insist on ringing your number off the hook, getting through the workday can be a real challenge.

When you introduce children into the home office environment, your productivity and patience can be seriously tested.

For example, right now my threeyear old daughter is pulling on my shirt and begging me to read her a story. Clearly, Im in the middle of something important here, but how can I say no to those eyes? Ill be right back…

Ok, that wasnt so bad was it? Shes happy, Im happy (having bonded with my daughter) and now Im back to continue my conversation with you 🙂 Whats the lesson here? Flexibility is a major key to balancing your home business priorities with your familys needs.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that maintaining a deep level of concentration on work in a home business for long periods of time is next to impossible. Naptime does offer some reprieve, but any break from the kids is usually short lived.

Even with older children, summertime introduces new challenges with kids running in and out of the house all throughout the day.

I would like to share with you some of the tips I have discovered to help manage your home office with children in your midst. Since children of different ages pose different challenges, I will present my tips in terms of age groups.


We will look at older children first since they pose the least challenge to our work productivity.

Children, who are old enough to understand the idea of schedules and chores, are old enough to understand the needs of your home business. Explain to your children that you do your work at home so that you can be near them when they need you. But also be sure they understand that you must do your work so that you will have the money necessary to keep your house, feed the family and to provide them with money for entertainment.

Once your children understand the necessity of your work, then outline a work schedule and explain it to them. Do make sure they understand that emergencies are definitely an acceptable reason to interrupt your work. Then make sure they understand that between hours x and y, you will be doing work and then hold them to respecting your schedule.


Infants will never understand your needs for work. But fortunately, babies do well under a schedule or routine. Instead of expecting your child to work around your schedule, schedule your work around the needs of your baby.

It is simple. Babies eat, sleep and poop. Sometimes they play. Fortunately, babies sleep more than they do anything else.

Naptime offers the best advantage for getting your work done. Get your baby into a routine of eat, sleep and play, and you will experience unexpected levels of productivity.


If you have a toddler running around the house while you are operating your home business, then you may find that your hair turning gray or disappearing altogether. But, gray hair is a sign of character, right. 😉

I am venturing to guess that the person who devised the door lock for the inside of the house did so because he had toddlers in his own home. Inside door locks should only be utilized when you are making that important phone call and your toddler is screaming for your attention. At all other times, your door should remain unlocked with your door open.

Develop a routine with your children for meal times, naptimes, and play times. Work these times into your work schedule and adhere to them. If you fail to keep appointments with your children, your children will have less respect for your work and do more to prevent you from the completion of your work.

Don’t be afraid to let your children sit in your lap while you are working. It helps them to feel wanted and it helps them to be a part of your daily life. There are times when it is okay for them to be sitting in your lap while you work, and at other times you need them out of your lap. Don’t be afraid to tell them to get down and go play or read a book so that you can resume your work.

Permit your children to have their toys in your office. Often they will sit contently and play while you work. Just knowing you are near is enough to keep them happy.

Be prepared to take an hourly break to deal with your toddler. Try to do potty breaks at your hourly break and to do drink refills. This can help your child grow into a routine that will work well with your home business. At each break, spend a few minutes with your child giving hugs and kisses and talking with your child about what he or she wants to talk about.

Toddlers don’t always do well with the routine, so be prepared to take a few minutes when needed to give the attention that your child so desperately needs in the moment.


I hope these tips serve to help you in the challenge of operating a successful home business.

My home business permits me to fulfill my financial obligations *AND* see my children grow up. I would never contemplate trading my home business for another kind of business. Even with the added challenges of dealing with toddlers in my home office, the upsides far outweigh the downsides.

Growing my own home business with children around has definitely given me a new respect for all people who successfully run a home business with kids in the work environment. I tip my hat to you… You deserve it!

About The Author

Stone Evans owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything youกll ever need to start, run and grow a home based business at:

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 19, 2004

by Stone Evans

Home Based Business Opportunity: How to select an

Home Based Business Opportunity: How to select an Online Business Opportunity to Work from Home?

by: Lakshmi

Home Based Business Opportunity: How to select an Online Business Opportunity to Work from Home?

You a housewife getting bored with daily routine?

You are tired of working in jobs and desire your own business?

You have retired and looking for some business opportunity to earn money?

You are a student and looking forward to earn some quick bucks without missing out your studies?

You are working and just looking for an opportunity to earn extra income?

Well! these are some of the reasons why people opt for various home based business opportunities.

There are lot very good home based business opportunites, business opportunity, home business opportunity, work at home business opportunity, Internet opportunities, Online business opportunity on Internet, but it is important for you to find the business opportunity program who you like to work with, and understand and would give time and efforts to work within years to come.

Running a business form home is fun, being your own boss, setting your own business hour, but be aware of people around you! Its easy to forget time and surroundings, make your working hours clear, and dont let your family and friends suffer from your business, rather show them that this can be done from home in a normal matter of efforts and time..

And opting for doing business online gives you chance to work from anywhere anytime. You have the comfort and freedom of working from your home. All you require is an Internet connection.

One such wellliked upcoming business opportunity is selling Prepaid calling cards Online.

Statistics of PREPAID CALLING CARD INDUSTRY have been very impressive:

Prepaid calling card industry is a $5.6 Billion industry and growing at 10% per annum (over a half a billion dollar annual growth) in USA

Online sales of prepaid calling card industry products are growing at over 230% per annum

This enormous online growth attributes to the fact that prepaid calling cards are the perfect กedeliverableก service with customer fulfillment within seconds!

The use of prepaid calling card products crosses all socioeconomic and ethnic groups which means a broadbased income opportunity for people doing this business online.

Prepaid calling cards being a Web based business opportunity, so before you venture into it, remember following things which you will require:

Ecommerce website which has to be 128 bit SSL secured

Web hosting and site maintenance

Order processing facility

Real Time Sales Reporting

Product line

Inventory management

Customer Care

Take a look at an online business opportunity program which iกve opted at . Its a prepaid calling card business partnership opportunity in USA which i found to be very good and reliable, and they have show me that this business is for real. Earning upto 18% on every sale generated from my website.

They provide everything needed to run a sucessfull online ecommerce business. Their Managed services include operations, administration and accounting. So you can focus on Selling!

Further youกll have access to everything you need to maintain your online store, generate sales, and monitor your progress 24 hours a day via your online administration console.

Also provides 24/7 Live chat customer support services, Fraud management services etc.

These are some of the reasons why I believe that doing prepaid calling card business is the best home based business opportunity in USA.

May these home based business opportunity insights help you start your own web based business and achieve objectives interms of money and success.

Warm Regards,


About The Author

Lakshmi, a beneficiary from Nimbustel Partner program, A unique online business opportunity to start web based home business in Prepaid calling cards with just $99 having high growth and practically no risks.

You get EVERYTHING you need to sell phone cards online with Nimbustel Partner Program including ecommerce website & fully managed services and Earn Recurring Revenues.

Sign up with and become a partner with Nimbustel and Reap benefits!!!


[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 02

by Lakshmi

Marketing Your Website Inexpensively

Marketing Your Website Inexpensively

by: A.M. Wilmot

There are a number ways you can go about marketing your website, many of which are quite inexpensive. Effectively marketing your Home website is vital to your ultimate success. In fact, the key to growing a business, and particularly a new Home Business, is marketing. Once you have a domain name (which can be bought for as little as $7 these days) and a reliable host (as little as $5 a month for reasonable one), you can get going on promoting your business on the Net. This can be done for free in some cases if you are willing to spend the extra time on the project. If you are unwilling to do this, you can pay someone to optimize your site and promote it for you, which is generally cost effective.

It is possible, however to promote your business online with no marketing budget. The key is to market it aggressively, guerilla marketing style. This means using every free marketing resource at your disposal, such as free classifieds, newsgroups, search engine promotion, niche directories, freeforalls, blogs, email signature lines, message and bulletin boards and free mailing optin lists and ezines, to name just a few. Just don’t spam, whatever you do. There are many free resources throughout the web covering these free methods. You can sign up for their free newsletters or look for their websites using your favorite search engine. Speaking of search engines, most of the traffic on the internet still comes from the free engines such as Google, despite a recent influx of pay per click or pay per performance search engines such as Overture.

Offline methods includes distributing newsletters with your product or service and contact number listed inside, trade shows, brochures, flyers, stationary, advertising in either local or regional newspapers and/or กfree shoppersก, and passing out audio cassetes about your product or business to others who might be interested. The potential marketing techniques are almost limitless and it may be best to look to your กstarter kitก or starter guide as it will probably go into great detail about which offline marketing methods have been proven to work best in that particular product or line of business. The bottom line is, action always beats inaction, as you gain experience and create a synergy that push your Home Business to your goals.

About The Author

A.M Wilmot is a writer and researcher on a number of topics and has been marketing on the internet since 1996. For information on a quality home business go to

This article was posted on October 26, 2004

by A.M. Wilmot

Marketing Tips Advertising

Marketing Tips Advertising

by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Typical methods of advertisingnewspapers, radio and television are effective if used properly, but there are other, less expensive ways to get your companyกs name out.

Local or cable television is an inexpensive alternative to the traditional forms of advertising. Even if you have no experience advertising in this medium, there are companies who specialize in lending a helping hand. Even if finances are a concern (as they are for most of us), youกll be surprised to discover a 30 second spot television ad can cost as little as a few hundred dollars.

Many areas have public auctions on local stations that will advertise your product, if you donate up to a certain dollar amount. The number of advertising spots will depend on how much you donate.

Remember also to send press releases to your local television and radio stations. Many times they will come out and do a story on you, if it is of interest to the public.

We volunteered to do resumes for people out of work and sent releases to all the radio and television stations. One of the three major networks in our area, sent someone out to interview us, and we were on the 6 and 11 oกclock news.

As for radio advertising, check your local stations for rates. Youกll be surprised at how low some of them are. Again, if you send press releases to the stations, sometimes they will call you as an expert in your area, or for an interview. We sent releases to all the stations in our area when we started our support group, and this generated three times the number of people we expected for our first meeting.

Since most major newspapers are expensive to advertise in, check with the smaller local papers. You can advertise in many of these for as little as $25 a month. You could also offer to write a column for these publications, as an expert in the area, if appropriate.

We all need to advertise in one way or another. Which medium you choose will depend on your particular business.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2000

About The Author

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our กhow toก Home Business Solutions Digest, itกs like having your own personal coach: mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 17, 2004

by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Wealth is in the Eyes of the Prospect

Wealth is in the Eyes of the Prospect

by: Craig Friesen

If you do any browsing of online home business sites or Internet marketing, you will surely have seen this message is some shape or form: กquit your job and become wealthy working from home…let us show you how!ก In fact, most of the people who will read this article may have promoted a product or home business opportunity with a similar sales line or a variation.

What many do not understand is that wealth can be defined in different ways. A dictionary definition of wealth is: 1. riches; large amounts of money or worldly possessions; 2. an abundance of anything.

Your typical advertisement promoting an online moneymaking opportunity focuses mostly on the first definition a large bank account and luxury items to your heartกs content.

Home business opportunities, on the other hand, tend to focus more on the 2nd definition. Here are several examples of how wealth is used as กan abundance of everythingก in online marketing:

quit your job / fire your boss (wealth = more independence and control)

work at home / work from home (wealth = more time for family and self, with flexibility of schedule)

earn extra income / need help paying the bills? (wealth = more discretionary income).

The implications of this observation for us marketers are that you can promote the same opportunity in different ways and by doing so expand your market. Letกs say you have a home business opportunity that involves selling a health product. The 2 most obvious ways to market the opportunity is to interest persons who use the product as well as those people just looking for some kind of home business. Your promotional material will be different for the 2 types of recruits one that promotes the opportunity primarily, and the other that says, กyou use the product, why not earn some money selling it to your friends?ก You could also promote the opportunity as a means to luxury the first definition of wealth. Design your promotional material to highlight the possibilities of residual income.

The point is, no matter what the opportunity, you can widen your prospective market by designing variations to your promotional material. Splash pages are a great way to accomplish this. Optimize the keywords and graphics to focus on one segment of your marketing instead of trying to attract them all. You might also want to prepare matching landing pages so tha tyour prospect doesn’t think they ended up in the wrong place.

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then wealth is in the eyes of the prospective recruit. Understand what your prospects are looking for and promote your business opportunity accordingly.

Copyright 2005 Craig Friesen

About The Author

Craig Friesen is a freelance writer and Internet marketer, living in rural Saskatchewan. Visit for business opportunities, webmaster resources and to sign up for the free business newsletter.

This article was posted on March 09

by Craig Friesen

Offline Promotions For Your Home Business

Offline Promotions For Your Home Business

by: Dirk Wagner

Promoting your home business is obviously one of the most important aspects in terms of becoming successful. The internet is full of opportunities where you can advertise your business. But, what about offline advertising?

Offline advertising is often one of the most overlooked ways of advertising for internet based home businesses. Let’s examine some ways you can use offline promotions to better advertise your home business.

Create Flyers

This is a great way to get the family involved in your home business! Using your computer, you can create attractive looking flyers that you can get your kids or spouse to help you hand out at the local mall, post on billboards at the shopping market or place on car windshields in parking lots. You just have to be creative. This is a very inexpensive form of advertising for your home business, and can be fun when you get the family involved.

Business Cards

This is a relatively cheap way of promoting your home business. You can find companies that can make your custom business cards for you, for very little money. Some companies I have dealt with will give as many as 250 free (excluding shipping charges), the only draw backs are they use the back of your cards to put there own business logo and usually the selection is limited compared to paid or premium business cards. Still a very good way to promote. You can leave your business cards around for people to find, leave a stack by payphones, in restaurants, in mailings to your customers. You can even save more money creating your own business cards with your home computer.

Bumper stickers/TShirts

Another very inexpensive way to promote your home business offline is by making up bumper stickers and/or tshirts. This is a great way to get the word out about your product and/or service. Just give them away to everyone that wants one.


These are great to give away as free gifts to potential customers. Other promotional items may include coffee mugs, key chains, magnets, pens, etc.


Sponsor a youth athletic team, or give away free prizes at a golf tournament. Every organization is looking for sponsorship of some sort, create a plan of what you are willing to do to sponsor a organization.


Using the media is a great way to promote. If you can afford it, doing a radio or television spot can bring in a ton of potential clients to your product and/or service. Classified ads in your daily newspaper is also a great way to promote your business. You may also consider sending out a press release to the editor of your newspaper about your home business.

Direct Mail

You can purchase or rent mailing lists to send out promotional material about your product and/or service.


Unless you never leave the house, networking within your community is a great way to let other’s know about your business. You can join in community groups, chamber of commerce, kids school functions etc.

Word of Mouth

Still one of the best ways to let it be known that you have your own business. Talk about your business and website as often as you can. Encourage other family members and clients to do the same.

There are many ways to advertise your home business both online and off. For best results you really should be using both forms to advertising.

Copyright 2004 Dirk Wagner

About The Author

Dirk Wagner is CEO and owner of and the free, easy to install #1 home business toolbar with automated updates. A website dedicated to helping the homebased business entrepreneur start and succeed with tthere very own homebased business.

This article was posted on March 20, 2004

by Dirk Wagner

Give An Entrepreneur A Break

Give An Entrepreneur A Break

by: Cathy Bryant

Why do any of us choose to work from home? The answer to that question is as diverse as the individuals who call home their workplace.

For those of us who have chosen to market online, this question has many answers. But ultimately, everyone who works at home online or off has the same goal.

To make money.

For some reason, however, those of us who choose to do it online are often perceived as being greedy.

Let me elaborate.

Over the last few weeks, Iกve corresponded with several online colleagues who have indicated that theyกve actually been questioned or even criticized by individuals who feel itกs somehow กunfairก for them to ask for money in exchange for their information product.

As if that was some sort of crime.

Now, I suppose that the proliferation of scamsters online can indeed make people somewhat skeptical. Thatกs the reason that having a mailing list or newsletter is so important. Thereกs no question that marketing online does have an impersonal nature to it. And, if a consumer isn’t careful, he or she can be taken.

Another reason for this attitude, however, is that the internet is still perceived by some as a great gift that they are entitled to. That any information they want should be handed over to them without question and without any compensation on their part.

Well, certainly a lot of information is online if you are willing to spend months and even years (not to mention cold hard cash) to accumulate the knowledge and experience that those who have put these products together have done.

So why shouldn’t they be compensated for it?

If someone were to walk into a bookstore, stroll up to the checkout counter with a stack of books, and tell the clerk, กI want to get all these books, but I don’t want to pay for any of them,ก youกd think they were nuts.

So I ask you whatกs the difference online?

Hereกs one big difference and one not at all favorable for the muchmaligned online information marketer. Keep in mind that these same honest, reputable marketers who have put tremendous effort into producing their own products have offered their products with an unconditional moneyback guarantee as well.

And when people ask for their money back (unlike in the offline world) they can get it WITHOUT RETURNING THE PRODUCT.

So whoกs being scammed now???

I see changes lots of changes on the horizon for those who provide information products online. More and more of these individuals have their products on a secure site that denies continued access should the purchaser request a refund. I even purchased an ebook recently that uses a system which กlocksก the book when a refund is given.

This is just as it should be.

Why should someone who has invested the time to create an information product and invested money to market it NOT be expected to be compensated for it?

No reason at all.

About The Author

Cathy Bryant wants to help you discover the home business that is perfect for you. Her newsletter and website features many resources and ideas to help you generate a homebased income. Her newsletter is adfree and full of useful information to help you succeed.

This article was posted on March 22, 2003

by Cathy Bryant