10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers

10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers

by: Ken Hill

1. Place testimonials for your ezine on your site.
Your testimonials will help you to increase your circulation by showing your visitors how your ezine has helped your subscribers.
2. Give your visitors the chance to see what your ezine is all about before subscribing.
For instance, you could provide an archive of your past issues on your site or you could make a sample issue available by autoresponder.
3. Write articles.
Your articles will increase your subscriptions by showing people that are unfamiliar with your ezine what kind of valuable content they can expect from you.
Promote your articles by submitting them to article directories, article announcement lists, and also to ezine publishers directly.
4. Swap articles with other ezine publishers and webmasters.
Publish other ezine publishersก articles in your ezine in exchange for those publishers running your articles in their ezines.
This can help you to successfully increase your subs by getting your articles run in targeted ezines on a regular basis.
You can also participate in ad swaps where you post other publishersก or webmasters articles on your site in exchange for them doing the same for you.
In addition, to helping you get more subscribers, these swaps can help you to keep your site updated with new content and increase your search engine rankings by increasing the number of reciprocal links you have.
5. Add bonuses for subscribing to your ezine.
Your bonuses will help you to successfully get more subscribers by giving your visitors an incentive for joining your ezine.
Increase the value your visitors place on your bonuses by adding an honest dollar amount to them, by telling your visitors the benefits they provide, or by telling your visitors how many people have already received them.
6. Swap advertising space with other ezine publishers.
Your ad swaps will give you an excellent way to increase your subscriptions at no cost. When possible, swap your ads for at least three issues in a row to maximize the number of new subscribers you get.
7. Swap ‘thank youก page ads.
Promote other related but non competing ezines on the page your new subscribers are taken to after subscribing to your ezine in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
This will give you a powerful way to continue to increase your subscriptions for as long as the other ezines are published.
8. Swap welcome message ads.
Like your ‘thank youก page ads, this type of swap can give you very good ongoing promotion of your ezine. The main difference is that not everyone that subscribes to your ezine will read your welcome email while all your new subscribers will be directed to your ‘thank youก page.
9. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.
You could recommend another publisherกs ezine within your ezine in your own words in exchange for that publisher doing the same for you.
You could also swap recommendations in your welcome message or on your ‘thank youก page.
In addition, you could run a recommended ezines section in every issue where you recommend a few or several other ezines in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
10. Submit your ezine to ezine announcement lists and ezine directories.
Your submissions will provide you with an easy way to start getting more new subscribers.
Getting your ezine listed in ezine directories can also help you to find more people who would like to purchase advertising in your ezine as well as more publishers who would like to do a joint venture with you.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Would You Like To Publish Your Own Successful Ezine? Get Affordable Email List Hosting at: http://www.netpromarketer.com/sf.html FREE 30 day trial. For more articles by Ken Hill visit: http://www.netpromarketer.com

This article was posted on July 16, 2004

by Ken Hill

10 Great Ezine Content Tips To Increase Your Sales

10 Great Ezine Content Tips To Increase Your Sales And Readership

by: Ken Hill

1. Write articles that provide your readers with a list of tips.

Depending on the topics your ezine covers, your tips could be on customer service, autoresponders, or you could provide your subscribers with a list of tips that help them to increase their sales or market their businesses more successfully.

You could also provide your readers with a list of your top tips on a specific subject such as ‘top 7 Ways To Promote Your Websiteก or ‘top Ten Ways To Promote Your Ezine.ก

2. Write กhow toก articles.

This type of article shows your reader step by step how to reach an objective such as how to write effective ad copy, get repeat traffic, or how to write effective metatags.

3. Publish interviews.

Contact experts on the topic your ezine covers and request interviews. Most people will agree as it provides them with promotion of their businesses at no cost. Publish your interviews in article format or use the popular Q&A formula.

4. Write articles that focus on a current hot topic, trend or that are กseasonalก in nature such as how to increase sales during the holidays.

5. Provide polls for your subscribers to partake in.

Publishing polls will help you to increase the number of people that read your ezine because your subscribers will be interested in seeing the results.

Your polls can also be used to help you decide on changes in your content, publishing schedule, or to decide on new things to add to your ezine.

6. Provide your subscribers with resources related to your ezineกs topic such as places to promote their businesses, ezines, etc.,

You could add these in a recommended resources section. You could also provide a list of your favorite resources such as your top 5 books/ebooks on ezine publishing, marketing or web design with a brief description of each of your resources.

7. Publish an editorกs note at the beginning of each issue.

Use your editorกs note to increase your profit by announcing any new sales or discounts you have on your products or services.

Also use your editorกs note to increase your credibility by providing tips on the topic your ezine covers and by telling your subscribers how youกve helped your clients or customers.

8. Provide endorsements within your ezine for your products from respected experts in your field or list testimonials from your satisfied customers.

9. Add an กAsk The Editorก section.

Write out thorough, detailed answers to your subscribersก questions within this section.

This will increase your status as an expert in your field, which will lead to more sales of your products.

You can also use questions you get from your subscribers to get ideas for articles that your subscribers will enjoy and that will keep them reading your ezine.

10. At the end of each issue, tell your readers what your next issue is going to be about such as the title and description of your feature article or anything new that you have planned.

This will help you to increase your readership by getting your subscribers to look forward to your next issue.

About The Author

Article by Ken Hill. Pick up Kenกs new informative course on ezine publishing. Discover tips to successfully promoting your ezine including ways to increase your subscriptions by participating in successful joint ventures with other ezine publishers. Pick up your free course today at: mailto:[email protected]

This article was posted on April 22, 2004

by Ken Hill

7 Simple Ways To Boost Your EBook Sales

7 Simple Ways To Boost Your EBook Sales

by: Michael Southon

You can often dramatically increase your EBook sales by making a few minor adjustments to your sales page. Here are 7 ways to increase your EBook sales:

(1) Make sure your กOrderก link appears at least 3 times on your sales page.

(2) If your link currently says กOrder!ก, change it to กOrder via Secure SSL Serverก (if that is the case). I made this change about a month ago, and I noticed an immediate increase in sales.

(3) Offer a moneyback guarantee that makes it clear that you don’t mind refunding purchases.

(4) Add a กguaranteeก logo or icon to your sales page. You can find a variety กguaranteeก graphics at AltaVistaกs MediaSearch:


Click on the กradio buttonก that says กImagesก and then type กguaranteeก into the search box. AltaVista will return 20 pages of กguarantee iconsก.

(Before placing one of these graphics on your website, make sure it is not covered by copyright).

(5) Offer 2 or 3 chapters of your book free (in the form of a downloadable Trial version of your EBook). You could also allow people to read those same chapters online.

(6) Include a ‘table of Contentsก so that your visitors can see what your EBook contains.

(7) Keep your sales copy to one page. People are spending less and less time surfing the Web if your sales message is more than one page, your visitors will probably move on before reaching the end.

(c) 2001 by Michael Southon

About The Author

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find out more: http://www.ezinewriter.com

This article was posted on August 30, 2002

by Michael Southon

5 Free Ways to Increase Traffic to your Online Sto

5 Free Ways to Increase Traffic to your Online Store

by: Scott Patterson

So you’ve finally created a website for your small online store! Now you think, ขHow do I get people to visit my site?ข If you’re like most new website owners, you wonder how to bring potential customers to your site without spending lots of money on expensive advertising. In order to help you, I’ve compiled a small list of five methods that I have used to drastically increase traffic to my own site. I’ve also listed two websites under each tip that will help you get started implementing these suggestions.

1. Offer a freebie or a contest for your items: One of main reasons that people use the Internet is to find free (or cheaper) stuff. If you offer a freebie or contest for one of your items, then you are likely to attract potential customers. To get maximum exposure for your freebie or contest, you should register with as many ขfree stuff sitesข as possible. Here are a couple of sites which would be a good starting point: http://www.thefreesitecom and http://www.realfreesite.com.

2. Link to similar websites: A popular method used by webmasters to increase web traffic is to swap links with comparable websites. However, the trick to maximizing the effectiveness of linking is to find sites with a minimum Google PageRank, which is a system which Google uses to judge the importance of each webpage, of 3 or 4. To find out more information about PageRank, click here: http://toolbar.google.com/ . To find good linking partners, check out these two link partner directories: http://www.linkspal.com/ and http://www.gotop.com/.

3. Join an internet discussion group: People also frequently use the Internet to find places where they share common interests with other individuals, which has led to the creation of Internet discussion groups. You can use discussion groups to introduce yourself and your product. Find a group that is related to your store or personal interest, and make sure any topic that you post is tied into a current discussion. Don’t SPAM any discussion group with an obvious sales pitch. Simply write comments applicable to both the group and your product; people will naturally want to know more about you! Two great listings of potential starting points for discussion groups are: http://groups.yahoo.com/ and http://topica.com/.

4. Post your product or service on a free classified ad page: Although many websites only have paid inclusion into their classified ads, many offer a free place where you are allowed to advertise your merchandise. If you spend time developing an interesting headline or ad, you can bring in a steady amount of traffic from these sites. To get started on free classifieds, you can use my own free service http://www.mizambar.com/classified.html . In addition, the following link has a directory of tons of free classified services: http://www.ecki.com/links/.

5. Write an article related to your website and submit it to ezines: By writing an article about your service or a topic related to your website, you instantly become an authority on your issue. Although you might have some apprehension about writing, if you have a website, then you probably have something to talk about. Two great directories on ezines are: http://freezineweb.com/ and http://www.ezinelocater.com .

By following these steps, you should see a dramatic increase in your web traffic. The key is to always think about website promotionif you spend a little time each day following one of these steps, you will be rewarded with more visitors and hopefully more customers. Good luck, and happy advertising!

P.S. Stay tuned for more free ways to increase traffic to your website!

About The Author

Scott Patterson is the owner and webmaster of http://www.mizambar.com, a retail site of Evil Eye Jewelry, and http://www.onlinestoreexchange.com, a directory of tips and advice to help you with website design and website promotion for your online store. For more information, email him at [email protected].

This article was posted on January 28, 2004

by Scott Patterson

The Ways To Reach your Dream

The Ways To Reach your Dream

by: Odilia Paula

Several days ago, I wrote an article to show you what you need to do, if you decide that you want to have your own money making site, if you haven’t read that or you want to read that, please look at that article in this site the title is ขDo You Love Money?ข If you don’t find it here, you may check it at my site at http://www.MakingMoneyGetRetire.com/article2.htm

One of the most important things to guarantee your success in online business is advertising.

The formula is:

Advertising = traffic = subscriber = loyal subscriber = buyer

There are a lot of ways to promote your home business in the internet, some of them need a great amount of money to investment, some need a less more to investment, some need 0 (zero) or FREE.

If you have money to spend on promotion, you can do payperclick advertising and google ad words campaigns eventually. This is a much targeted way to build your business, but should not be attempted by newbie with limited budget.

There are several ways to promote your home business with zero investment or little investment that will actually move your online business forward on limited budget and have you making more money that you spend.

1. Maximize your autoresponder – Do you have an autoresponder? If you have already your own online business, I assumed that you have already have one of that, because we wont doubt anymore how important to have at least one autoresponder to increase your profit, if you have one, did you already make your own enzine? Your enzine can be a series of informative articles and special offers for your product; this is a proven ways to generated sales online.

2. Submitting your enzine to enzine directories – this technique will help you to increase your subscriber list to your enzine, plus because many directories will ask for your domain name and post it live on their site, it will increase your ขlink popularityข which will ultimately improve your search engine ranking in Google and other major search engine.

You can do this by visit Google or Yahoo, or other, search for ขenzine directoriesข, when you visited each site look for a link that sound like ขSubmit your Enzineข to start the process.

3. Write an Article – Research and write an article on a topic related to your business, that will allows the people who read your article to find out and learn more about your business, when other enzine and website publish your article (and they will!), your resource box will be include which will help you to increase traffic, gain subscriber and improve your link popularity.

4. Submitting your article to article directories – the way you can do this is the same way to do this in no.2, the difference is just you seach for ข article directories ข

5. Link Exchange – it’s very powerful ways to increase traffic to your site, the bottom line is if you place your link on other website it’s possible when they got visitor, some of their visitor will see and interesting with your link, and they can click that.

Most of the website will require a link back to their site when you put your link on their site, it’s very easy to do, just logging into your website hosting account and setting up a new links page to begin adding links for your new partners.

6. Participate at Forum – This is one of the easy and FREE ways to promote your business.

When you set up your account, you can create a ขsignature fileข which you can add a short description about your business and link back to your website or newsletter, that will be automatically add to every post that you make, it’s just like that you make a conversation with new people and you give them your own business card

7. The enzine solo ad – It may need an investment to do this , but it’s one of the best ways to promote your website and have an online selling, right now there a lot of enzine publisher have a lot of subscriber list, from few hundred until a few hundred thousand people on their mailing list, with reasonable fee, many of this publisher will allow you to send your ad to their mailing list, and because you can identify who like to be their mailing list, your add post to targeted list and make percentage of your possible selling become higher.

There are several ways that you can use to reach your dream to become a successful online marketing, it’s not so hard like you always imagine right? All you need just do all of this continuously and don’t give up! Your dream may become reality if you stick to it.

Have a great life.

About The Author

Odilia Paula is the owner and founder of http://www.MakingMoneyGetRetire.com

Claim your FREE newsletter! Visit our site or Send a blank email to : [email protected]

Visit http://www.makingmoneygetretire.com/pips.html to get your own Plugin Profit Site set up for free.

Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY money WORKING FROM HOME on the Internet!

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 25

by Odilia Paula

7 Killer Ways To Increase Your Online Sales

7 Killer Ways To Increase Your Online Sales

by: Tony L. Callahan

Every online entrepreneur I talk to is asking the same question, กHow do I increase my online sales, NOW?ก

Online selling is essentially a numbers game. The more visitors to a site, the more sales that site will make. The number of sales made divided by the total number of visitors to a site is called the conversion rate. A typical site will have a conversion rate of between 1 and 2 percent, or 1 to 2 sales per 100 visitors.

It is obvious that if the number of visitors increases, and the conversion rate remains the same, then sales will increase. Traffic is the first variable that most online marketers attempt to influence when they begin their online marketing campaigns.

There are two basic problems with the increase traffic method. The first is that it is expensive to run advertising and improve a siteกs ranking in the search engines. The second, and subtler issue is that there is no guarantee that the conversion rate will remain constant.

So what about increasing the conversion rate? Using the example above, if the number of buyers could be increased from 1 or 2 per hundred visitors to 2 to 4, sales will have doubled! So what can be done to increase a web siteกs conversion rate? Below I list 7 techniques designed to accomplish this goal:

Provide plenty of testimonials

These testimonials should be from previous customers and should include specifics as to how the product or service helped them solve a problem.

Obtaining testimonials is no problem, just ask. People love to be asked what they think; most will be willing to share their thoughts on your product or service. Implement a process of following up with your customers with a questionnaire. Leave plenty of room for their comments and make it clear that their comments may be used in your advertising.

Improve your follow up

Many people will not buy the first time they see your product. In fact, some experts claim that people must see your message seven times before they are ready to buy. Autoresponder courses are a great way to follow up with the potential customer. There are many free autoresponder services on the web. I use FreeAutoBot.com.

Give away free samples

By letting your customers try before they buy, you can significantly increase your sales. If you sell an information product, provide a few paragraphs or even the first chapter by autoresponder. This technique also helps to improve follow up by guaranteeing you obtain contact information.

Give a bonus product

Everyone likes to get something for nothing, especially if that something is perceived as valuable. Ebooks make a great bonus, especially if they contain original content. If you are unable to create your own ebook, you could give away someone elseกs. FreeeBooks.net is a good resource for finding Ebooks to give away.

Focus the web site

Use the Direct Response Site model. A direct response site is one where the customerกs choices are very limited. Essentially they can buy the product, bookmark the page, subscribe to your ezine, or leave the site. The more options a visitor has, the less likely they are to make a purchase.

Follow on sales are crucial

It is well known that successful businesses make 75% of their sales to repeat customers. Start a free ezine and get your customers to subscribe. Get their permission to send them information on upgrades and new products. On their receipt, mention a product that compliments their purchase. Don’t have a product to offer for follow on sales? Find and join an affiliate program offering products of interest to your target market.

Change the web site copy

Appeal to target emotion rather than reason. People respond more intensely to emotional appeals than to intellectual discussion. Design your copy to focus on the visitorกs dreams, desires, fears or goals. Position your product to appeal to their emotional needs.

Implement these seven tips, and watch your online sales increase.

About The Author

Copyright 2002 Tony L. Callahan, All Rights Reserved Tony L. Callahan is president of his own Internet marketing company, LinkPromote.com. He also publishes WebLinks Monthly, a newsletter full of tips, tricks, tools and techniques for successful web site promotions. http://www.linkpromote.com/wlmonth/subscribe/index.html.

This article was posted on September 04, 2002

by Tony L. Callahan

Ways to Promote your Website

Ways to Promote your Website

by: Anton Ferraris

Now a days thier are many ways to promote your Website. Knowing your target is very important in promoting your website.

What are the ways to increase your traffic?

1. You need a very interesting content and also update your content. Search engine loves to spider website that updates itกs content.

2. increase your content and number of pages. The pages will act as small gates way to your website.

3. Offer free or prizes for the visitors. This would make the visitor to advertise your website and make them return to your site.

4. Free link exchange with other website. Better if you exchange with similar website.The most popular way to increase traffic.

5. Pay for one way links to your website. One way is better than exchange link. Search engine recognize the one way link as special.

6. Creating Articles and submit it to other website. It would also work as a one way Link.

7. Post your website to Classified Ads. Some are still free.

Don’t also forget offline advertising cause it is still very important.

This are ways i used to increase my traffic. If you follow my steps then it would greatly help you and increase the traffic in your webiste.

About The Author

Anton Ferraris is a successful Network Marketer on the Internet as Group Leader of SFI Marketing Group. And webmaster of www.therichandhappy.com. Your free to post my article for free as long as you don’t change the content, keeping the links, and also include the info about the author

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 25

by Anton Ferraris

The Magic Of Exponential Business Growth

The Magic Of Exponential Business Growth

by: Ewen Chia

Is there a กmagicalก way to exponentially grow your business?

Itกs about the timeless business principle known as ‘reinvestmentก.

Look, one of the most exciting times for any new business is the time when effort begins to pay off. Finally, the sales are coming in and you have profit to show for all your hard work. It is very tempting during this time to splurge those profits…

But youกve to resist this urge and stop!

You do deserve a reward. You deserve the greatest reward of all: a highly profitable, growing and thriving business with LONGTERM stability. You deserve to take your business from where it is to where you dream it to be.

Again, one quick and easy way to close that gap between reality and desire is simply by reinvesting a potion of your profits back into your business.

Itกs the same for any business offline, and itกll be the same for any successful business online.

Letกs look at why this is so.

Every business requires a minimum budget to get off the ground. Likewise, every business requires an expanded budget in order to grow and increase profitability. Remember that your budget covers more than กoperating expensesก and advertising. It is also there to cover the purchase of new software, fund new projects or your continuing education.

Keeping this in mind, what are some areas you can reinvest in:

* Increased Reach and Exposure

When you begin with a small budget, your advertising options are naturally somewhat limited. Once you have the money to reinvest you can begin testing new channels to deliver your message. This may mean placing an ad in an ezine you couldn’t afford to before, or even taking your efforts offline to print and radio advertising.

* Expanded Tactics and Improved Testing

You have the opportunity to try out new approaches. You also have the opportunity to increase your current ad spend in existing campaigns and test the results. This is critical especially in pay per click advertising. For example, your minimum daily budget for a Google Adwords campaign affects the number of times your ad is seen and clicked on. A simple increase in your daily budget may turn a mediocre campaign into a winner.

* Rapid Growth Through Efficiency

There are any number of tools you can invest in to improve how you organize your business, how you manage customer service and even how much tracking of sales and traffic you can accomplish.

Anything which shortens the time you spend on the detail work of your business means more time to focus on the activities which improve your bottom line.

* Improved Products

You must constantly strive to create new products and improve on existing ones in order to remain competitive. Perhaps your first product didn’t quite fit your vision? Perhaps your web page could use a tune up? You can reinvest in improved graphics, improved design and other multimedia enhancements. This not only makes your product more attractive, it also increases its value and what you can charge for it.

The principle of business reinvestment is really about profitable growth through momentum and careful planning.

A business is very much like a seedling you want to grow into a tree. It requires air, sunlight, water and food. You tend to it and nurture, even when the immediate benefits aren’t obvious.

This is because you know the tree WILL one day bear fruit all year round.

When you tend to your business with the same care, every cent you invest will return to you tenfold and bear profit for years to come.

If youกve been doing this, great…

If not, maybe itกs something to think about, starting right now.

Copyright 2004 Ewen Chia

About The Author

Ewen Chia is the CEO of Instant Marketing Secrets Inc, delivering realtime uncensored marketing content to help marketers skyrocket their traffic, sales and profits. Sign up for more profitpulling marketing letters, tips and strategies instantly here:


This article was posted on October 10, 2004

by Ewen Chia

The Mathematical Formula For Making Money

The Mathematical Formula For Making Money

by: Angelo Ioanides

No matter what markets you serve; what products you sell; or what marketing tools you use, in business thereกs one truth you cannot escape.

Embrace this truth and profits will flood your business.

Disregard this truth and financialcancer will eat you.

What is this truth?

Quite simply, the size and speed of your entrepreneurial success is directly proportional to your understanding of The Mathematical Formula For Making Money.

Despite serving as the corner stone of every single commercial success since the dawn of commerce most businesses neglect its power. Being so familiar with the diluted version of the formula these businesses overlook the enormous profitpotential held within.

The Formula

Mindful of this blindspot, letกs now take a close look at the Mathematical Formula For Making Money:

Leads x Conversion Rate = Customers

Customers x Average Dollar Sale x Sales Per Customer = Gross Profits

Gross Profits x Profit Margin = Net Profits

Please pay close attention to what I am about to tell you: your number of customers; your gross profits; and your net profits are the least important figures in this formula.


Because they merely represent outcomes. They tell you how good or bad you’re doing without telling you why. And without knowing why you’re doing so well (or so bad) you are in no position to fix the cause with speed and accuracy. All you can do is guess and implement random strategies in the hope that one day your results will improve.

The real power of this formula is stored within the five highlighted variables (a.k.a. levers).

A Demonstration Of Power

Quite literally, when you apply these levers to your business your profits will increase exponentially.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Assume for the moment that your business currently operates under these circumstances:

Leads Per Annum = 10,000

Conversion Rate = 0.1 (10%)

Av. Dollar Sale = $50

Sales / Customer = 2 per annum

Profit Margin = 0.2 (20%)

Plugging these into the formula gives you a net profit of $20,000 per annum.

Letกs now demonstrate the impact of improving progressively more levers without increasing your overall effort:

Case #1: Improve leads by 100%

Net profit = $40,000

Profit to Effort ratio = 1:1

I.e. for every % increase in effort you get the same % increase in profit.

Case #2: Improve leads and conversion rate by 50% each.

Net profit = $45,000

Profit to Effort ratio = 1.25:1

I.e. for every % increase in effort you get a 1.25% increase in profit.

Case #3: Improve your leads, conversion rate and average dollar sale by 33% each.

Net profit = $47,052

Profit to Effort ratio = 1.35:1

I.e. for every % increase in effort you get a 1.35% increase in profit.

Case#4: Improve all levers except profit margin by 25% each.

Net profit = $48,828

Profit to Effort ratio = 1.44:1

I.e. for every % increase in effort you a 1.44% increase in profit.

Case #5: Improve all five levers by 20% each.

Net profit = $49,766

Profit to Effort ratio = 1.49:1

I.e. for every % increase in effort you get a 1.49% increase in profit.

Observation: By simply increasing the number of levers you improve you magnify your leverage. In other words, for the same amount of effort, the more levers you improve the more your profits improve.

In this example we see that by spreading your effort over all five levers you increased your net profits by $29,766. Compared to the $20,000 increase gained from improving only one variable we see that your profit growth is almost 50% greater for doing nothing more than spreading your resources over all five levers. Imagine all the extra money you could be generating right now without any extra effort. All it takes is a simple change in focus.

Conclusion: To leverage your efforts for maximum returns you must focus on improving all five levers in your business.

An Even More Powerful Demonstration

Next, letกs demonstrate the impact of improving all five variables by progressively larger amounts:

Case #1: Improve all 5 levers by 10% each.

Net profit = $32,210

Profit to Effort ratio = 1.22:1

N.B. Hereกs how to work out the Profit to Effort ratio. First of all work out the % increase in profit. This is derived by taking the original profit of $20,000 away from the new Net Profit and dividing the result by $20,000. In this instance our $12,210 increase in profit represents a 61% growth. Next, determine the relative effort by simply adding the % increases in each lever. In this example our relative effort is 50% (i.e. 5 x 10%). Finally, divide the % increase in profit by the % relative effort and youกll have the Profit to Effort ratio.

Case #2: Improve all 5 levers by 25% each.

Net profit = $61,035

Profit to Effort ratio = 1.64:1

Case #3: Improve all five levers by 50% each.

Net profit = $151,875

Profit to Effort ratio = 2.64:1

Case #4: Improve all 5 levers by 100% each.

Net profit = $640,000

Profit to Effort ratio = 6.20:1

Observation: As you continue to improve all five levers the magnification factor on your net profit increases at an exponential rate.

In this example we see that when we doubled our effort from case #2 to case #3 our leverage increased by 61% (i.e. ((2.64 1.64) ÷ 1.64) x 100). But when we doubled our efforts once more from Case #3 to case #4 our leverage increased by 135%

This has to be one of the most magnificent realisations you could ever make in business.

Conclusion: Never stop improving all five levers of your business.

A Tragic Habit And How To Fix It

Clearly these two examples demonstrate the power of leveraging all five variables in your business.

Tragically, most businesses seem to care about only one of these levers the number of leads. To make matters worse, of all the levers this one will cost you the most to improve!

So if you’re stuck in the กdrivemoretraffictomybusinessก trap STOP! Instead, harness the multiplying power of all five levers and youกll find that your profit to effort ratio will skyrocket.

Or to put it another way, by applying all five levers to your business (instead of only one) you will make more money with less effort.

Right about now you may be thinking to yourself, ‘thatกs all well and good in theory but how could I possibly increase all five levers by such large amounts?ก

Although there are over 200 ways to amplify these levers space restrictions preclude me from discussing the howtoกs here. Whatกs important for now is that you understand the magnifying potential stored within this formula. With this understanding achieving a 100%, a 200% or even a 1000% increase in profit is well within your grasp.

About The Author

Learn how to systematically amplify all five levers of the Mathematical Formula For Making Money quickly and easily.

Enrol in the FREE Web Baron EClass now: http://www.outrageousprofit.com/minicourse/af.asp?id=108

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 24, 2003

by Angelo Ioanides

Five Revenue Boosting Web Marketing Strategies

Five Revenue Boosting Web Marketing Strategies

by: Abe Cherian

To maximize the selling power of your web site you need more than just a professional web site and great products you must implement strategies that produce more dollar revenue per customer.

Here are five strategies that you can use to boost sales from your web site.

1) Upsell at point of sale:

The easiest time to sell more is at the point of sale, when your customer has already decided to purchase your main product. This is when your customer is in a purchase mode. The customer has already opened his wallet and is ready to pay you.

You can ethically capitalize on this by offering your customer more products that will compliment the product that he/she is about to purchase. Make sure that you offer the special product for a cheaper price than what it normally sells.

Upselling is the easiest way to increase your profits. Youกll see that 25% to 40% of your customers will take advantage of your special offer.

2) Present higher packages before less expensive packages:

If you are selling multiple products or services, present the higher package before your less expensive package. Itกs a proven fact the if you present your higher packages before the less expensive packages, more customers will go for your higher package.

3) Add an interactive Communication Platform:

Initiating interaction with visitors and customers and supplying helpful information before they leave your site you can dramatically reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase average order size.

www.liveperson.com chat service is a good service where your visitors can chat with you if they have questions.

4) Use a leadcapture landing page:

Most people just send visitors to their main splash page, which is probably not the most effective way to market if you want more conversion. A better way to get more out of your visitors would be to use a leadcapture landing page instead of your splash page.

A leadcapture page is a single web page that highlights the main benefits of your product without giving any more information other than creating interest in your product. It then prompts your visitors to type in their contact information to proceed further. Your visitors are then redirected to your main web site.

You can now followup with qualified prospects and convert more visitors into paying customers. Using a leadcapture page has proven to increase conversion rates by up to 35%.

You can create a leadcapture page or use a third party service to create and manage all your leads. One major advantage of third party services like www.imediatools.com is that you can manage and followup with your prospects automatically.

5) Add a comparison chart:

You will close more sales quickly by showing your visitors how your product stands out from your competitorกs.

There are many strategies that you can use to increase sales and conversions, but you can be sure to increase revenue from your web site by using the five strategies above.

About The Author

Abe Cherian is the owner of Multiple Stream Media, a company that helps online businesses find new prospects and clients, who are anxious to grow their business fast, and without spending a fortune in advertising and automation.

www.multiplestreammktg.com www.imediatools.com

This article was posted on February 11

by Abe Cherian

10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets

10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets

by: Greg Johnson

1. Use a hand written letter on your ad copy instead of text. Write the ad on a piece of paper, scan it and publish the ad on your web page. Adding a personal touch will always increase your sales.

2. Publish a list of famous and respected customers who have bought from you on your a copy. People will think that if these people bought from you, they should also trust your business and purchase your products. Make sure to get their permission first.

3. Show before and after photos for your products on your web page copy. Show the problem picture and then beside it, show the picture of the resolution to the problem when they use your product.

4. Include an article or review that has been written about you or your business with your ad copy. This will show people that your business is respected and will increase your credibility.

5. When you offer free bonuses in your ad copy, also list the dollar value beside each bonus. People will feel they’re getting a good deal and it will increase the value of your product.

6. Hire a famous person to endorse your product or service. Make sure the person is well known to your target audience. Include their picture and statements on your ad copy.

7. Include your own picture on your ad copy. This will show people that you’re not hiding behind your ad copy and will increase their trust. Also, include your contact information below the picture and a brief statement or quote.

8. Tell your potential customers on your ad copy that you will donate a percentage of their purchase price to specific charity. This will show them you really care about the people. They may just buy your product to donate to the charity.

9. Ask your potential customers plenty of yes and no questions in your ad copy. The questions should remind them of their problem and make them think about what will happen if they don’t purchase your product.

10. Tell your potential customers they will receive a free prize if they find the five words in your ad copy that are misspelled or spelled backwards. The longer you can keep someone reading your copy the greater chance of them purchasing.

About The Author

Greg Johnson a marketer and webmaster for Instant Visitor Surge, where you can discover the time tested, proven formula for getting lasertargeted free website traffic. Check it out: http://www.instantvisitorsurge.com/main.php

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 11, 2004

by Greg Johnson

5 Ways To Increase Website Traffic To Your Website

5 Ways To Increase Website Traffic To Your Website.

by: Fayola Peters

Millions of websites online can be placed in their own special category of ขDeserted Townข. The only life you can find there are those of the webmasters who created them. This is because they get very few, if any, targeted visitors. For these website owners, there are simple techniques they can use to increase website traffic.
Read on and I will give you five ways to increase website traffic to your website. These aren’t hidden secrets and they won’t give you millions of hits per month for just $ 9.99. (I’m sure you know what I mean). However they are effective and using them will increase website traffic to your website. And the visitors that you get will be more profitable because they will be targeted.
Increase Website Traffic
You can pay to increase website traffic. (I’ve decided to get the money spending out of the way first). There are many ways you can pay to increase website traffic; here are three (3) popular ones.

ezine ads
website ads

Before you use any of these paying methods to increase website traffic to your website, I want you to first examine your website with your ideal customer in mind. What keywords will they use to find your website in the search engines? Write them down.
Increase Website Traffic technique 1
Now you’re ready to increase website traffic with payperclick search engines. Start by using the keywords you have written down, go to the free keyword suggestion tool at digitalpoint.com and type in the search box one keyword at a time and press the ‘suggest’ button.
The results will show you how many people search for your keyword each day and also suggests other keywords you can use and the number of visits they get each day. Write down this information or create a spreadsheet with the headings ‘keyword’, ‘visits per day’, and ‘payperclick cost’. Your pay per click cost depends on which payperclick search engine you use, the competition for your keywords and on how much you’re willing to pay for a click.
Once you’ve finished the spreadsheet, sign up for an account with the payperclicksearch engine of your choice and bid on your keywords.
You will notice that the keywords with the most visits per day cost more per click than those with less. To get more clicks for your money the trick is to bid on those keywords with have a few visitors a day. There is less competition for these keywords so your bid price should be low.
Increase Website Traffic technique 2
Ezine Ads
When using ezine ads place them in ezines which are related to your market, which have subscribers who would be interested in your product or service. You can find ezines in ezine directories and you should be subscribed to a few of them already, start with these.
Increase Website Traffic technique 3
Website Ads
For website ads, use the keyword list you made for your payperclick marketing. Starting with the keyword that gets the most visits per day, do a search at a search engine. Research the first ten (10) to twenty (20) websites looking for any information which indicates that they sell advertising space on their website, like ‘Advertise With Us’. If you don’t see any advertising information look for a ‘Contact’ page or email address and send a message asking if advertising is sold on their website and if so then what’s the cost. Once you’ve finished this research, choose where to place your ads.
Increase Website Traffic technique 4
Search Engine Optimization
To find information online most people go to are the search engines first. If you’re not list in at least the first two pages of search engine results for your keywords, then you’re missing out on a lot of free targeted website traffic.
To increase website traffic for your website using this technique here is a free resource for you to help optimize your website so that you can access this free website traffic source.
Click=> http://affmasters.sitesell.com/home21.html
Increase Website Traffic technique 5
Article Writing
Another way to increase website traffic is by writing articles for your niche market and submitting them to article directories and ezine editors. Your increased website traffic will come from the resource box at the end of your articles. The resource box is like a 4 to 6 line ad telling your readers who you are and to encourage them to seek more information on your website by clicking on your website link, which you will provide.
One advantage of article writing, beside the free increased website traffic, is that it will make you an expert in the eyes of your readers. This will increase your credibility and your readers trust in you causing them to open their minds and wallets to your recommendations.
Like I said earlier the five (5) techniques I’ve written about here to increase website traffic to your website are not hidden secrets, they’re nothing new. They are used everyday by website owners whose websites are far from deserted. So start using one of the techniques today and see how it goes, then try another.

About The Author

Fayola Peters is a member of the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs


[email protected]
Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? ‘turn Words Into Trafficก reveals the secrets for using FREE articles to drive Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links… without spending a dime on advertising! Click=> http://hop.clickbank.net/?petes2/ezarticles

This article was posted on June 09, 2004

by Fayola Peters