Getting Started to Get Started

Getting Started to Get Started

by: Alan Huff

So you want to make it BIG online? You want to start an internet business. You register your domain, sign up with a hosting company, design or pay to have a website designed, go live online, and bingo, the money will soon start rolling in, right? Wrong (unless you have a ‘lucky’ horseshoe  ).
That’s basically how I started my own internet business but, I soon realized that much more is involved if you want to stand a chance at succeeding online. There are no ‘secret’ formulas to success. If you know of one which really works, please send it to me .
You must know how to do business online., and in order to that, you need to learn how. I know you don’t have time to learn, however, if really want to do it right, you’ll take the time.
Do yourself a favor. Before you start an internet business, read articles, ezines, ebooks, etc., written by those who have already made it. Write a marketing plan (sound familiar?), plan your website design and layout and content.
Bottom line; before you start an internet business, learn how to. You don’t have to do it the ‘hard’ way.
Focus on getting started to get started.

About The Author

Alan Huff is the founder and president of

You can contact Alan at [email protected]

This article was posted on July 03, 2004

by Alan Huff

Are You Made To Run An Internet Business

Are You Made To Run An Internet Business

by: Michel Richer

Many people would like to have their own internet business. They like the idea of being their own boss. They like the idea to work from their home office. They like the idea of making a substancial income of around $10 000 + a month.

Does this sound tempting to you ?

If yes, it is important to ask yourself some though question before thinking about running an internet business.

Do you really want to work from your home office ?

Many like the benefits of an internet business, but few take into account the hard work that must be made to succeed with a business. Please don’t make this mistake yourself.

Are you able and willing to invest time and effort even when you don’t see direct result for maybe some months? Are you the type to discipline yourself to work every day ? Are you willing to learn and to follow training? Can you motivate yourself every day for month and years to come ?


You need to possess the ability to push yourself ahead. Your drive and determination will be reinforced with every new sale.

To really succeed with your internet business you need to have clear goals and a business plan. You need to know where your business is going. You also need to put lotกs of time and effort to excelerate your business growth.

Running an internet business demand a lot of skills like computer knowledge of course. Marketing (copywriting, advertising). Website design & development etc.

By learning and experimenting you will gain lotกs of experience. When you have a lotกs of experience you become an expert in your field, wich is a great thing for your business.


Isn’t it great to be your own boss ? Working for yourself and taking all the decision. You are the master now.

You have the drive, you have the determination. You have the patience to see your business grow day by day, month after month.

If something bad happen, you have the humility to see whatกs wrong and learn from your error. You are the only one now responsible for your self.

Treat your business as a serious, fulltime business, and it will become one.


Think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don’t expect large earnings until after youกve educated yourself.

Don’t be a negative thinker and don’t let the negative attitudes of others (even if they’re family members, friends, or peers) influence you.

All the great men and women in history had to overcome the naysayers who said it couldn’t be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself!

As long as you think positive and focused on your business target you’re on the right way to a rich life, which is directed by you and it will lead you to tremendous success.

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author’s resource box with live website link.

Courtesy of:

About The Author

Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of

With over 10 years experience in home based internet business and a SOLID REPUTATION in the industry. He is dedicated to helping you SUCCEED on the Internet.

You can take a look at his website at: for Your HOME BUSINESS SUCCESS !!!

This article was posted on February 05

by Michel Richer

11 Success Tips to Home Based Internet Business

11 Success Tips to Home Based Internet Business

by: Michel Richer

Letกs face it everyone wants to succeed with their home based internet business ? But what does it takes to really succeed in cyberspace ?

1. Your first ultimate start must include written goals and plans. Formulate a plan of weekly activity and be persistent in following it—if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Sticking to your plan is essential for success.

2.Don’t wait for everything to be exactly right to start…THERE WILL NEVER BE A กPERFECTก TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal. You cannot become successful in anything when you’re trying to do too many things at once.

3. Treat your business as a serious, fulltime business, and it will become one. Think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don’t expect large earnings until after youกve educated yourself.

4. Be patient. Youกll work the hardest your first six months or so and get compensated the least. Big incomes never happen overnight. They only come after youกve properly shown your affiliates how to duplicate your efforts. Always be ENTHUSIASTIC!! Don’t give yourself unrealistic expectations.

5. Don’t complain to your upline leaders. Realize that what you accomplish is mainly in your hands, no one elseกs. Also realize that, when you see a problem, 95% of the time there are factors you are unaware of. Don’t jump to conclusions. When you have a problem, present it in a concise letter as positive, constructive criticism. Offer solutions if possible, too. Not only will this approach get you better results, but youกll be building your relationship with your upline instead of tearing it down.

6. Be organized, but don’t allow the act of organizing keep you from the most important element of a successful business: MARKETING. Market and promote your business EVERY DAY! Don’t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the many positives…and the กbig picture.ก

7. Always remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes. Don’t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes and other obstacles, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible.

8. Don’t be a negative thinker and don’t let the negative attitudes of others (even if they’re family members, friends, or peers) influence you. All the great men and women in history had to overcome the naysayers who said it couldn’t be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself!

9. Don’t be derailed by กperfection paralysis.ก Realize that you won’t be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can, then move on to the next project. Keep learning and keep moving ahead.

10. Read books (such as Napoleon Hillกs classic, ‘think And Grow Richก) that will convince you how powerful your mind really is. Develop the tremendous potential in you (that we all have) that has never been tapped!

11. Don’t quit. The only way to fail is if you give up. Remember always…กYou are what you think you areก

Copyright © Michel Richer

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author’s resource box with live website link.

About The Author

Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of

With over 10 years experience in home based internet business and a solid reputation in the industry. He is dedicated to helping you succeed on the Internet.

You can take a look at his website at: for Your Home Business Success !!!

This article was posted on September 06, 2004

by Michel Richer

Building a Home Internet Business

Building a Home Internet Business

by: Adrian Austin

Building a home internet business can be daunting, but with the right effort, it can be done. Developing a marketing plan will help your business grow. Itกs not hard to create or utilize. Yet it does need to be used regularly for it to be effective.

In building a home internet business, your advertising strategies need to be planned every week. To start with, advertise in the same areas all the time and record your responses. Find out where and when your ads were, and how many people looked at them. Doing this online is easy with กad trackersก and กwebsite statistics trackersก.

After you find out how your first ads did, branch out to other kinds of advertising both online and offline. You can start with free ads and maybe even to go to กpay per clickก submission servicesก after earning some money. Research has indicated that a customer may have to view an ad five or six times before making a response. You may have to place ads for weeks before you see results.

To help determine a marketing plan for building a home internet business, ask the following questions:

Who would be my customers and potential customers?

What characteristics would they have?

Where would they live?

How much spending power do they have?

Is my product the best it can be?

Would my prices be considered right by potential customers?

What is my businessก reputation?

How does my business compare to businesses in the same field?

The answers to these questions would help you devise a marketing plan. In answer to the first question, you can find out who your audience is by making a profile of your ideal customer. In answer to the last question, study your competition. Find out their strengths and weaknesses. Can you do something that they can’t? Can they do things you don’t or can’t do?

Advertising is a crucial factor in building a home internet business. Advertising can inform customers of the benefits of your product, give you an identity and reputation, and lure new customers and replace lost ones. You can do cheap advertising research by going to the library. Sources you might want consider in a library are Gales directory, Bureau of Labor Statistics, economic statistics and research, and population and demographic research.

Emarketing is viable in building a home internet business. Itกs much cheaper than direct mail and can be as effective. Studies have shown that emarketing response rates are higher than direct mailกs5% to 35% compared to 1% to 3%.

If you offer an email newsletter, you can gather demographic information of customers such as age, gender, income, and hobbies which can help you target your advertising. With careful research, you can use advertising to your advantage in your home internet business.

About The Author

Adrian Austin is a respected internet marketing expert, and the founder of a leading home business and numerous marketing websites.

This article was posted on November 21, 2004

by Adrian Austin

Comparison Shopping and Starting an Internet Busin

Comparison Shopping and Starting an Internet Business

by: Don Berthiaume

Stop for a minute and think about how much we are, by nature, comparison shoppers. How many times a day do we compare things and make a decision based upon this comparison? It is so much part of our daily lives that we tend to overlook it or not really think about it.

When we shop for groceries, clothing, computers, vacations, hotels, airfare, automobiles, gas stations, insurance and investments. Where we eat out, when eat in, watch TV, go see a movie – and all those choices lined up along the wall at the local video store!

And it really doesn’t stop there, does it? Think about if you have ever had to hire someone or promote someone to work for you or with you. Didn’t you have to ขcomparison shopข then as well?

The list goes on and on – we are faced and expect numerous choices. Sometimes our decision is a ขnobrainerข and sometimes it may be among the most important decisions of our life.

Aren’t we always looking for the best value for our money, the best look, the best feel, the best taste, the best experience, the best person, the best enjoyment, the best…whatever?

We want what we want

And why is that? We could sit here and rattle off a number of reasons. But it comes down to one thing – perceived value; how it looks to us, how it feels to us, how it tastes to us, how it fits, how it rides, how much we enjoy it, how much money it will make for us, what we want to do at that very moment.

This perceived value is the result of the comparison of more than one product, service, or professional against another. A choice we make based upon our individual tastes, desires, moods, feelings and expectations. Is it what we want?

If we only had one choice there would be no decision other than yes or no.

Good, best, better

It’s as simple as a product or service claiming to have a specific set of features or benefits over another and each of us having a sense of what it is we feel fulfill our needs and desires.

Yet it’s as complicated as a trying to match the features and benefits offered by one party, with the needs and expectations of another; to find the right fit between what is being offered and what is needed.

Information overload – too many choices

We have 4,952 channels on television and nothing on! We have 24 varieties of peanut butter, 57 versions of the ขsame productข; low sodium, no sodium, low fat, no fat, regular, lite, ultra; 14 aisles of breakfast cereal. We have junk mail, we have SPAM, and as of my last check 7,930,000 search results in Google for ขstart internet businessข (but it only took 0.36 seconds to compile this list – impressive!).

The power of persuasion

Let’s face it, most of us still work hard for our money and we don’t want to see it go to waste. When we know we have a choice, we often take advantage of these choices and choose what we feel is right based upon the information we have at hand, or our knowledge base.

It is only when we are afforded no choices, given the impression or made to believe there can be no other product that would benefit us more, made to believe time is of the essence we will lose out if we don’t act immediately – we abandon our ขcomparison shoppingข.

It is then we can be more easily persuaded into believing what it is we ขthinkข we want or need.

Seek advice

Sometimes we relinquish the responsibility of ขcomparison shoppingข to others; a committee, a professional in the field, or someone who has done the necessary research to help us decide. We ask the waitperson what they recommend, we look for specials, we employ brokers, and we send someone else to the grocery store!

Sometimes we gladly pay to be able to be advised ขwhat we wantข or at least have the field narrowed down so we don’t have to spend as much time choosing.

Your Internet business

Here you are today, wanting to start an online business or make an existing one more profitable. But perhaps you lack the specific knowledge on how to do it. So your first step and every step thereafter is to seek out the knowledge that you lack.

Your decision to start an Internet business is not of the ขnobrainerข variety. It is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. It is one that will cost you time and money.

The averages predict it is unlikely you will score the big one on your first attempt or any subsequent attempt. Sobering as it is, less than 5% of all Internet businesses survive.

ขBut to try when there is little hope is to risk failure. Not to try at all is to guarantee it.ข (Anonymous quote – not mine!)

I would say a success rate of less than 5% qualifies as ขlittle hopeข. But it doesn’t say ขno hopeข does it? And even if it did, to change your way of thinking, I recommend you pick up a copy of Napoleon Hill’s timeless treasure, ขThink and Grow Richข.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it

Experts and socalled experts abound and are more than willing to get you to spend your hardearned cash on their advice, their solutions. So what do you do?

With 7,930,000 search results with Google on ขstart internet businessข you need to somehow narrow down those choices and select from a smaller field of proven and profitable ways to start or expand your internet business.

You need to narrow down your selection to a smaller field of experts who are included within the less than 5% who have actually succeeded with their Internet business.

There is not one expert out there that, on their ขsales pageข, offers comparison information for other, competing programs. Their ad copy is intentionally made to make you believe you have no other choice and you need to purchase their plan and do it NOW, or at least before Midnight tonight!

But you can wait. You don’t have to fall for the sales hype or sense of urgency. That is what the ad copy is intended to do, and that’s OK. You will find there are people out there who earn a sixfigure income coming up with this ad copy and you will be using it yourself with your Internet business.

The point is, in all likelihood the same offer will be there tomorrow, you do have more time than Midnight tonight!

So, in order to narrow down your selection, you need to maximize your efforts – your time and your money. You need to ขcomparison shopข.

Selecting an expert you can trust

No, you don’t have to click on each of the 7,930,000 links that Google provides! Just make up your ขlong listข. Make a list of 75100 ขexpertsข that are out there promoting their strategies and solutions and visit and read each of their websites.

Then, once you’ve visited each site, your task is to keep narrowing the field. After visiting the sites, many of the socalled experts will become apparent and can be taken off your ขlong listข.

Here is a partial list of what I recommend you check out with your long list:

Understand the topics of information covered

How informed does the expert really seem to be on his / her ขexpertiseข

What is the expert’s background

Program cost


Affiliations / Commissions

Provision for customer assistance / support

And finally, learn to read ขbetween the linesข of the ad copy.

Once you have the field narrowed down, come up with your short list. Revisit the sites of your short list and review the information provided on the sites once again.

Think about the different expertise each expert possesses. Not all of the strategies and techniques will be used in the early stages of your Internet business, but rather later on as you grow it. Keep these experts in mind as resources for your growth.

If you have questions or concerns, I recommend you email the expert to see if you get any type of personal reply, and not just one from an autoresponder! Make sure your questions and concerns are addressed.

Do realize, however, many of the true experts have busy schedules and may not get back to you within 2436 hours…but despite how busy they may be, the good ones WILL get back to you! They have learned well, the value of a lead and potential customer.

Your goal is to narrow down your long list of 75100 to a short list of 1015.

Will it be time consuming? Yes it will but it will be time well spent. This list of 1015 experts will be your Internet business shopping list and the list from which you will have all of the resources to have the potential to make your Internet business a success.

The final key will be your desire, your willingness and most of all your commitment.

About The Author

Don Berthiaume is the owner/webmaster of ขInternet Marketing Plans – A Beginner’s Guideข and publisher of the ขInternet Business Start Guideก. He spent many years as a multimedia developer and has designed and developed numerous websites. If your swimming in a sea of กInformation Overloadก and arenกt quite sure where to turn to learn the fundamentals of Internet marketing, visit his website at

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 16, 2004

by Don Berthiaume

Planning To Get Rich With Your Internet Business?

Planning To Get Rich With Your Internet Business?

by: Michel Richer

The web is a great opportunities. Imagine millions of customer. Its a huge cybermarket ! Itกs a trillion millions dollars market waiting for you !

Letกs face it everyone wants to succeed with their internet business ? Iv been in business since 1995 ive spend thousand upon thousand of hours on the web searching for the ultimate web business. Not counting the thousand hours spent on reading and experimenting those offer.

Letกs talk face to face there is no easy way to succeed. Talk to people who succeed like George Walton of walmart or other like Donald Trump. They will tell you that it takes determination and a good ideas. You have to be a man of action to really succeed.

Like i said there is no easy road. But of course you can succeed like me. You have to be persistant.

You have to build your business brick by brick. One step at a time. You start at the base of the ladder first. Everyone who as succeeded in life have start at the base. Thats a fact of life. Like the man you are today start as a baby.

Is your business still in its infancy ? Your business is gonna grow day by day. It takes approximatively 5 years to grow a business.

Like an infant you have to learn and experiment every day and be persistent. Don’t do like me and buy every ebbook and books on the web from unknow author who sells you books for 97$ or 47$.Thats creazy. Buy real books in library or at amazon or at my site

Like any business a web business is the same. But of course its a global market you can reach easily millions of people.

To reach those people you have to distinguish yourself.

You have to be professionnal.

1. You need a real domain name. (keep your name as short and simple as possible).

2. You need a real email. give your name or your email have to be the same as you domain name ex: my email is [email protected]

3.You have to advertise like in google adwords and put yourselk in good position in search engine.

4.Have a good product and affiliate program.

5.Be honest and honest again

6.Become an expert in your field.

7.Have a good business plan.

8.Keep asking yourself everyday how you can do better and better.

9.Think of your sucess and the success of other.

10.Have small goal everyday. The small goal become big goal.

Everyone want to succeed but not everyone will. The difference between your success and you non success is your belief and commitment to truly succeed.

Are you a real business man or just a daydreamer ?


My name is Michel Richer. You can reprint this article freely on your site. You just have to put this link with this article.

Courtesy of

About The Author

Michel Richer is the business manager and webmaster of He is dedicated to helping you succeed on the Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid reputation in the industry. You can take a look at his website at:

This article was posted on February 06, 2004

by Michel Richer

Comparison Shopping and Starting an Internet Busin

Comparison Shopping and Starting an Internet Business

by: Don Berthiaume

Stop for a minute and think about how much we are, by nature, comparison shoppers. How many times a day do we compare things and make a decision based upon this comparison?

And why is that? We could sit here and rattle off a number of reasons. But it comes down to one thing – perceived value. This perceived value is based upon our individual tastes, desires, moods, feelings and expectations. Is it what we want?

Information overload – too many choices

We have 4,952 channels on television and nothing on! We have 24 varieties of peanut butter, 57 versions of the ขsame productข; low sodium, no sodium, low fat, no fat, regular, lite, ultra; 14 aisles of breakfast cereal. And, as of my last check 7,930,000 search results in Google for ขstart internet businessข.

The power of persuasion

Most of us still work hard for our money and we don’t want to see it go to waste. We often take advantage of choices and choose what we feel is right based upon the information we have at hand, or our knowledge base.

It is only when we are afforded no choices, given the impression or made to believe there can be no other product that would benefit us more, made to believe time is of the essence we will lose out if we don’t act immediately – we abandon our ขcomparison shoppingข.

It is then we can be more easily persuaded into believing what it is we ขthinkข we want or need.

Seek advice

Sometimes we relinquish the responsibility of ขcomparison shoppingข to others; a committee, a professional in the field, or someone who has done the necessary research to help us decide. Sometimes we gladly pay to be able to be advised ขwhat we wantข or at least have the field narrowed down so we don’t have to spend as much time choosing.

Your Internet business

Here you are today, wanting to start an online business or make an existing one more profitable. But perhaps you lack the specific knowledge on how to do it. So your first step and every step thereafter is to seek out the knowledge that you lack.

The averages predict it is unlikely you will กscore the big oneก on your first attempt or any subsequent attempt. Sobering as it is, less than 5% of all Internet businesses survive.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it

Experts and socalled experts abound and are more than willing to get you to spend your hardearned cash on their advice, their solutions. So what do you do?

You need to narrow down your selection to a smaller field of experts who are included within the less than 5% who have actually succeeded with their Internet business.

There is not one expert out there that, on their ขsales pageข, offers comparison information for other, competing programs. Their ad copy is intentionally made to make you believe you have no other choice and you need to purchase their plan and do it NOW, or at least before Midnight tonight!

But you can wait. You don’t have to fall for the sales hype or sense of urgency. That is what the ad copy is intended to do, and that’s OK. You will find there are people out there who earn a sixfigure income coming up with this ad copy and you will be using it yourself with your Internet business.

The point is, in all likelihood the same offer will be there tomorrow, you do have more time than Midnight tonight!

So, in order to narrow down your selection, you need to maximize your efforts – your time and your money. You need to ขcomparison shopข.

Selecting an expert you can trust

Just make up your ขlong listข. Make a list of 75100 ขexpertsข that are out there promoting their strategies and solutions and visit and read each of their websites.

Then, once you’ve visited each site, your task is to keep narrowing the field. After visiting the sites, many of the socalled experts will become apparent and can be taken off your ขlong listข.

Here is a partial list of what I recommend you check out with your long list:

Understand the topics of information covered

How informed does the expert really seem to be on his / her ขexpertiseข

What is the expert’s background

Program cost


Affiliations / Commissions

Provision for customer assistance / support

And finally, learn to read ขbetween the linesข of the ad copy.

Once you have the field narrowed down, come up with your short list. Revisit the sites of your short list and review the information provided on the sites once again.

Think about the different expertise each expert possesses. Not all of the strategies and techniques will be used in the early stages of your Internet business, but rather later on as you grow it. Keep these experts in mind as resources for your growth. If you have questions or concerns, email them and ask your question. Make sure your questions and concerns are addressed.

Your goal is to narrow down your long list of 75100 to a short list of 1015.

Will it be time consuming? Yes it will but it will be time well spent. This list of 1015 experts will be your Internet business shopping list and the list from which you will have all of the resources to have the potential to make your Internet business a success.

The final key will be your desire, your willingness and most of all your commitment.

Copyright 2004 Don Berthiaume

About The Author

Don Berthiaume is the owner/webmaster of ขInternet Marketing Plans – A Beginner’s Guideข and publisher of the ขInternet Business Start Guideก. He spent many years as a multimedia developer and has designed and developed numerous websites.

His website can be found at:

This article was posted on March 19, 2004

by Don Berthiaume

How My New Internet Business Achieved Truly Explos

How My New Internet Business Achieved Truly Explosive Growth From A Standing Start in Less Than 6 Weeks!!

by: Chris Billington

I don’t know about you but personally I always fancied the idea of getting in on some of that internet action. I was often in awe of some of those sites I discovered when I was browsing, you know the ones how to gain your own independence, run your own internet business, be your own boss. These people were living their dream, working from home, carving out their own piece of the internet but I soon found that they all had one thing in common. They never really gave away how they were doing what they were doing; they never revealed their ขreal secrets to successข. Sure they wanted to sell me something but they didn’t really want to help me.

OK, I did find a solution, hire a website designer, marketing consultant and copywriter to design an internet based business from scratch for me. After four weeks of making enquiries, gathering quotes – a lot of companies did not even bother to respond – I soon realised that some of the rates they wanted to charge me would have sent the cost spiralling. I could easily have spent $1000’s and to me, and a lot of other people I am sure, this was ridiculous. Also the hassle factor of trying to get all the individuals to work on the same project would have been a logistical nightmare, and the results would have been far from guaranteed.

There was another alternative of course, I could build my own website, learn some copywriting techniques, embark on some fastback study course in marketing…… don’t get me wrong, I am all for self learning and doing things myself but to be honest this stuff takes many months and sometimes even years to master, years that I would rather be ขearning while learningข.

So what did I do? Well, completely by accident I stumbled across somebody offering a website building service based around a proven online money making system. Furthermore this website runs on autopilot and it is working right now 24 hours a day seven days a week pulling in profits and, even more incredibly, the person behind the concept is always on hand to help me.

At 49 years old, and being fortunate enough to have retired twice in my forties I know a good thing when I see it. I carried out an initial evaluation and soon realised that what was on offer was a real chance, to make real money and all with unparalleled support from the business originator. I fully understand the power of following a successful formula so I immediately set the wheels in motion.

During the last week in August I set off into the World Wide Web with no previous internet business or marketing experience but full of expectation and here I am writing this on October 3rd because I just had to let you all know how it’s going.

Now look at this Truly Explosive Growth!!

During that last week in August I was really pleased to say that my new project received 13 hits from 10 unique visitors, boy was I pleased to see it working and what a great feeling it is to know that visitors are coming to your website. But wait, it gets better, during the month of September my site had received 9,920 hits from 1651 visits, whew! But look at this in the first two days of October my website has seen 8,389 hits from 1414 visitors – yes you read that right, that’s 8,389 hits in two days!!!!!!!! This breakthrough has been achieved in less than 6 weeks and all from a standing start.

Do I sound thrilled, you bet I am, wouldn’t you be thrilled if you were in my shoes? Well the good news is you can be.

Sometimes some things are hard to believe and this may seem like one of them but trust me these results go way, way beyond my wildest dreams.

Why am I telling you? Because I have discovered that the easiest way in the world to earn a full time monthly income on the internet is from affiliate programs. I was offered the chance to copy a simple system that helps me to produce as much income as possible as quickly as possible in multiple affiliate programs at one time by becoming a ขsuperaffiliateข. Now that I have proof that it works I am sharing this great opportunity with you.

Click the link to see how easy it to become a ขsuperaffiliateข with your own powerful, profit generating high traffic content site;

One final point, you will be amazed when you see how much it costs to have your own personal website built – absolutely nothing – it’s free!!

Get one for yourself and then drop me a line in a few weeks, once you start pulling in those massive residual profits, I would love you to share your success story with me,

About The Author

Chris Billington, cornwall, uk

[email protected]

MSN Messenger: [email protected]

Yahoo Messenger: ChrisBillingtonGB

Successful entrepreneur, twice retired before age 49 now personally helping ordinary people to make EXTRAORDINARY money WORKING FROM HOME on the internet at Get FREE info by email.Send your request to: [email protected].

This article was posted on October 17, 2004

by Chris Billington

Internet Business Benifits

Internet Business Benifits

by: Michel Richer

Working at home on your internet business is very gratifying. You are now the captain of your ship. You are the one who is steering the wheel. You can use your full creative capacity to bring your business to be a mega success.

The advantages of an internet business is that you don’t need a physical location. You don’t need to rent or buy a place to start your business. Imagine how much it will cost you to do such thing. It can cost you thousand of dollards per month to have such business.

On the internet you need a location. But it is a domain name, like you know. It can cost between $5 to $25 per year to have an internet domain name. At $25 you can even have free web hosting. So it is really cheap to do business on the internet.

Of course you need a website. You can create one if you have some web development knowledge. Or you can have one free with an affiliate program or other home business opportunity. Or you can have website template for a low investment and some are even free.

On the internet you can advertise for free. This is another benefit of the internet. You can write article like this one and publish it in ezine, website, etc. This is call viral marketing. Or you can advertise for a really low investment, like with overture or Google Adword. You pay only when someone click on your Ad. This is called Pay Per Click. You can have good traffic and good sales using PPC campaign. You can bid as low as 10 cents per click.

With an internet business you don’t need no inventory unless you have youre own product that you ship by yourself. Most business opportunity ship the product for you and you keep the profits.

Imagine you don’t need to keep an inventory, you don’t need a cash register, you don’t need credit card processing etc.etc. All this is done for you if you sales for another business opportunity. You don’t need employee to train and pay. You don’t need to pay for vacation, insurance, benefices etc.

An Internet home business, have many tax advantages. You can deduct your home, spouse and children (if you employ them),busines vacations, cars, and business meals. Plus, any losses you incur can be tax deductible and may even be refunded by your income tax agency.

By working in youre sweet home you don’t have to get up at 6 AM in the morning to prepare yourself to go to work. You can start working whenever you want and like you want it. You can work part time like 4 or 5 hours a day and still make a decent income on the internet.

Or you can keep your current job if you are just starting your internet business and make an extra income. Or wait until youre business is running at full speed and you don’t need youre job security anymore.

With an internet business you are your own boss. By being your own boss and being able to schedule your own work hours you NOW have the freedom to do what you want when you want to with whom you want at anytime. Itกs a great feeling to be in control of your own life and do what you want when you want.

You are an internet Entrepreneur NOW. You are the chief of your entreprise. You are the master of your destiny.

Remember your internet business should be treated as a real business. This is your new job. You are the one who takes the decisions for now on. You can manage your time without someone else telling you when you should work and take care of your business.

Starting an internet business have many advantages, but be sure you have the time and effort to give to your internet business so that youกll enjoy the financial and personal freedom you are searching for.

As long as you think positive and focused on your business target you’re on the right way to a rich life, which is directed by you and it will lead you to tremendous success.

Copyright © Michel Richer

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and authorกs resource box with live website link.

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About The Author

Michel Richer, The Internet Business Specialist Can Help You Build A Successfull Internet Business That Can Generate Massive Profit !!! So Start Your Own Internet Business for FREE >> Visit Now ::­­.htm

This article was posted on April 06

by Michel Richer

A Peep Into Senze’s MiniEncyclopedia

A Peep Into Senze’s MiniEncyclopedia

by: Adwin Ang

From the laptop of Adwin


I am Adwin. Nice meeting you. Thank you for taking your time to read this personal review by me on Senze’s latest miniencyclopedia.

Believe me, this is the hottest cake now in internet marketing arena. I have read through most of the chapters and have implemented some of the business models. The result is fantastic.

I hope you would finish reading this review as there is a surprise on how you can make this miniencyclopedia generate passive income for you.

Isn’t it what you always have been thinking?

Ha, ha. Me too all the time.

Well, the following review which you are going to read is base on my own personal view and does not represent any other person input or idea.

Overview on the Table of Content

Most of the ebook which you have bought does not have a action packed content. Until this miniencyclopedia is born. Thanks to Senze.

You will discover :

Top 8 Lowcost, High profit Internet Business Model. What is comprehensive catalog model, killer sales letter model, membership site model, expert model, super affiliated model, eBay Power Seller Model, InterNetwork Marketing Model and Automated Service Model.

Another 11 LowCost, HighProfit Internet Business Models which are gaining popularity in the recent years. They are: Paid Ezine model, Virus Model, Community Model, Comprehensive Resource Center Model, Free Functional Tool Model, Free Tip of the Day Model, Directory/Guide Model, Domain Name Trader Model, Packaged Residual Income Model, Free/Cheap Software Download Model and the Thank You Page Model.

Power packed Summary for you and the step by step activities to set up your own Internet Business. Plus understanding what are the basic free Internet Marketing Activities Matrix and Basic Paid Internet Marketing Activities all consolidated for you in a form of a Matrix Table. This is for your cross reference. You need to understand not all activities are suitable for the model you have chosen. Indirectly save you money and time.

Last part is to discover how the backend program built into this encyclopedia which you can earn passive income with minimal effort. Just in case you want to be in business within 1 week, there is a special arrangement to a member website. You will be amazed by the free but expensive marketing tools and good customer service provided by this website.

Sample Model Extracted from Minie: Internet Business Model No.16

In this model, you will have product to call your own but you don/t have to create and yet can provide you with both upfront and residual income for a long time.

An example of this model is the MiniEncyclopedia which you are going to purchase. Some of the links within will lead to highlyrecommended products of which you are an associate or affiliate.

Youกll be earning directly upfront income through the sale of the ebook, plus all income directly from any sale that resulted from your associate/affiliate links!

All Profits goes to you. Isn’t it Great!

What you need to get started

A HighQuality emanual/ebook/ereport

Resell Rights


Domain Name


Marketing Materials

Followup autoresponders

Realtime credit card processing system

Associate/Affilate Programs

Mailing list

Building your credibility

Professional Website

Wellwritten Killer Sales Letter & Followup autoresponder messages

Killer Product Cover

Making Your Money

UpFront (you earn 100% of the Selling Price)

BackEnd ( Recurring, Residual income in the form of Recurring Commissions,2tier affiliated programs which give you overriding commissions on sales of associates sign up under you)

Well, the above is just an extraction form the miniencyclopedia. The detailed would be much explained in page 187, Model 16.

There are many other models highlighted in this ebook which you could choose from.

This book is packed with action YOU must TAKE to ensure your SUCCESS in Internet Business world. You can get a copy at

Your success depends on your action taken NOW!

I can guarantee you I am experiencing the power of Internet Business and potential passive income I would receive.

Thank you and hope you would enjoy your freedom of work and play brought about by the Internet world.

Best Regards

Adwin Ang

Get Master Resell Rights To A HOT Product Now Right Here:

About The Author

Adwin Ang

Author of กIf I were Senzeก

my email : [email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 13

by Adwin Ang

Starting your Internet Business

Starting your Internet Business

by: Rebecca Gilbert

Starting your Internet Home Business isn’t hard, but it isn’t easy either. (Aren’t you glad I cleared that up?)
What I mean to say is that if you have a product or opportunity that the public is interested in, it isn’t hard to start an internet business and get your product or opportunity noticed.
First of all you will need to build a website. Although, you will go through your headaches with your website building adventure, it’s fairly easy, ultra cheap, and these days you can even build a website without any knowledge of html.
After your website is built, you will have to work on getting traffic to your website. Without traffic you will not make any sales and your internet business is sure to fail. It would be like your website sitting in a dark closet, because no one knows it’s there.
So, you go through the long hard task of linking to other webmasters, submitting your site to the search engines and directories, because this process of getting links to your website is what drives traffic to your site, both from your link partners and a vast number of link partners is what moves your website to the top of the search engines.
This isn’t a hard process, it just takes time and that is the hardest thing about starting your own Internet Business. It takes time, but in the end it’s worth every hour that you have invested. A top listing on any search engine or directory is sure to bring any website enough traffic to sustain a business.
When I built my first website, I exchanged links with other webmasters and spent long hours submitting to directories, writing articles and all the things that you do to create traffic, and after about 16 weeks of doing nothing else and starting to have doubts on whether this was ever going to happen for me…it happened. My website got listed on the first two pages of the major search engines for a few low traffic keywords.
Little by little, I was able to procure links from some very popular websites because my website was becoming more popular. Directories were starting to pick up my website, and I was slowly moving to the top of the search engines for various high traffic keywords.
So as you can see, starting an Internet Business is not hard, it does take an incredible amount of time and patience, and that is a hard thing for most people. Most people who fail on the internet may give it a try for a couple of weeks or even a month. When they don’t see any benefits from their work, they will give up.
It’s sad really, little did they know they were within months of creating a successful Internet business that would have provided for their family and loved ones beyond their wildest dreams.
If your just starting out with your own internet business. Be sure that you don’t set your expectation too high. It will take at least six months of hard work before you start to see a dime for your time invested.
ขWe reap what we sow, but the harvest is never in the same season as the planting! Today you are planting…and will be at least for the next few months. Your harvest will come in time. Be persistent. Be patientข Gary Carson SFI
Rebecca Gilbert

About The Author

Rebecca Gilbert has been a successful Internet entrepreneur since July, 2002. Visit her at: for the best Internet ideas available.

This article was posted on June 03, 2004

by Rebecca Gilbert

Realistic Expectations When Starting a Home Based

Realistic Expectations When Starting a Home Based Business

by: Rebecca Gilbert

Working out of your home with an internet business can be the most rewarding experience, both personally and financially, that a person can undertake. The internet has made more millionaires than any other vessel in history, and you don’t have to any education or experience to obtain the riches that the internet has to offer. We all want to make more money, spend time with our family, and these are only a few of the fringe benefits that owning an internet business can provide. However, individuals that have made their fortune on the internet have certain characteristics about them that have allowed them to be successful. These riches were not obtained overnight, and they were not obtained without realistic expectations.
Lets look at some of the things that would prohibit you from being successful online…
Are you currently unemployed?
I see so many people sign up for internet programs these days that are not currently employed and expect that an internet business will provide for their families right off the bat.
Businesses on the internet are not 95 jobs that pay by the hour, they are กbusinessesก, and most pay by commission. As with most businesses, there are things that have to be set in place before you are going to start attracting customers. This does not happen overnight, this is something that you will put in place over time. When this is done over time, your commissions will grow and grow to the point that an internet business will replace your current income or career.
Are you unwilling to invest your money?
Many programs on the internet offer free signups, free products, and free websites to help an individual get started in a internet home business. This is fantastic, because in order to make money on the internet, you have to have a product to sell, and your going to need a website to enable your customers with a place to go to purchase your products. However, visitors won’t know that your website exist unless you advertise it. Many high traffic sites on the internet will allow you to advertise your products on their site for a fee.
Getting your website listing on the search engines is free and will supply you with a never ending traffic stream. But many search engines are unwilling to list free affiliate websites. The way that we overcome this is to build our own sites and link them to our affiliate websites. Building your own website will cost you around $25. So as you can see, if you cannot initially invest at least $25 $50 a month on your internet business, your probably not going to succeed.
Are you unwilling to invest your time?
I spend about 2 hours a day online through the week working on my business. I am advertising and submitting my website to various search engines, directories, and other high traffic sites. I am critiquing my website, sending emails to my affiliates in training, making deals with other webmasters, etc.
I also do an enormous amount of reading. I have found that entrepreneurs who have made a fortune on the internet are only too happy to share their knowledge on how they got there. Some days I put in more time and some dayกs I don’t work at all. But, I know that every hour I spend on setting my business up is just one step closer to reaching my financial goals. If you are unwilling to invest your time…your probably not going to succeed.
Are you unwilling to give up your skepticism?
Many times I have an affiliate sign up for my program, and the first thing I hear is how they have been burned by another internet business. While Iกm sure there are millions of internet scams out there, I see a common characteristic that all these people seem to have…they don’t DO ANYTHING!
When people sign up for my program, the first thing that I do is suggest that they complete a short online training on how our program works and the compensation plan. I have a statistics page that will tell me when the affiliates in my down line complete the training, I can see when they have made a sale or signed up an affiliate of their own. All these people that claim to be scammed in the past never even get past the online training. Then oddly enough, they will have enough gall to email me the next month and ask where their paycheck is?
Do people actually believe that they will earn a paycheck just because they signed up? Is this why so many believe that they have been scammed in the past? Are they so naïve that they think a company will pay them when they have made no sales? If any of these things sound remotely familiar…your probably not going to succeed.
In closing, operating an internet business is not a getrich quick program, nor can you be successful if you are unwilling to invest some time and money. You must have some realistic expectations and stay focused on the goal at hand. If you are capable of doing these things, you can expect many handsome rewards in the future for your time and effort.
Best wishes for your future success and prosperity!
Rebecca Gilbert

About The Author

Rebecca Gilbert is the owner of a successful internet business located at:
For more tips and articles written by Rebecca, please visit:

This article was posted on June 09, 2004

by Rebecca Gilbert