Starting an OnLine Home Business

Starting an OnLine Home Business

by: John Baker

When looking for a business on the internet you should consider a number of things. One thing is stability with many scams on the internet you should look for a business that has been around a few years. Another is to see how many members they have. Is it free to join, or how much to join, before you invest to much time and money? Also will they offer free support and training?

Next, you will want to invest in your own website. There are many businesses that offer domain names, websites, and hosting accounts free, or for a small fee. Once you have your site up and running, you will want to submit your website to a search engine.

Then you will want to add link pages to your site, this will help your rank with the searchengines. This will take some time, but it is free. You will want to exchange links with at least 100 sites that are similar or related to your site. This will help you move up the searchengine page ranking, giving you more traffic, which equals more signups and more sells. Most websites have a link to us or similar page making it fairly easy to do. Also articles like this, related to your business, will add content to your site. The search engines love content, thus sending visitors directly to your article pages. Those visitors may then visit the rest of your site that makes you money.

You may then want to signup with an affiliate program, like ClickBank or Commission Junction, so that you have more than one source of revenue. Be careful to balance the affiliate programs without taking away from your main initial business. Be patient. Youกll work the hardest the first few months. Nothing great happens overnight! With some work, planning, and learning, you are on your way to success.

This article may be reprinted providing it is published in itกs entirety, including the authorกs bio and link to the URL below.

About The Author

The author, John Baker, is the editor/owner of A website dedicated to making money and starting a home business. For more free info please visit:

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 06, 2004

by John Baker

Is the noise surrounding John Reese just hype?

Is the noise surrounding John Reese just hype?

by: Per Strandberg

Never in the history of the Internet have anything like this happened!

On the 17th of august 2004 traffic secrets was launched. On That Day…Anybody interested in Internet marketing could not avoid being knocked down by the noise.

Like whenever there is a new major launch of an Internet product, Internet marketers with large lists all jump on the bandwagon touting the same product in unison.

Get kind of annoying, doesn’t it? Especially while in many instances some of the products or services that are marketed are of questionable nature! In my opinion.

This can be products or services for link schemes or traffic generating. Or it can be marketing information that is often overhyped by marketing gurus claiming to make you rich fast. I’m not an affiliate or have any vested interest in John Reese’s product.

But, I tell you this! Traffic secrets will be the first product I will try to get my hand on…period!

Why is that? Is it not all hype with the same information you find elsewhere? I haven’t seen the product or have inside information, but I have listen on the Internet to interviews made with him, seen his newsletters and sales page.

So here is why! Beside his track record which surpasses most competitors. This is the only product I know that is credible and shows convincingly how to market on the Internet full throttle. This is made by time saving market research and by effective web site promotion which get you on the right track for achieving web traffic avalanches.

Let’s look how!

Market research: The start must begin with market research, testing new business concept and evaluating the potential of different niche markets. The key here is that the faster and quicker you can test niche markets, ideas and get positive returns from them all, the better off you are. The positive result from each concept will have one of two possible outcomes.

Either you lose money or you make money!

You dump the loser and concentrate on the winners. He shows you how you are able do this real quick.

The mistake that most people make is that they build a site targeting a market and test it first when the site is built. In other words they do the market research only after they have made all the work.

Sadly, the time they spend until they realize that it will not work can be several months or even years.

Promoting: In order the make money on the internet you need to attract targeted visitors and make money from them. Thatกs a fact!

John Reese has dedicated his life to figure out and test which methods are really effective to attract visitors and how to convert them to customers. He has done this, กworking like a mad scientistก, testing and tracking.

That is what you also have to do! Testing and tracking your marketing effort!..By making gradual improvements. If you know which traffic building methods are working you can concentrate on the methods that work.

Avalanche building: Ultimate when building a profitable web business to make abundant sum of money you have to use the unique viral marketing effects which are unique to the Web. What I’m very interested in and what John is claiming to show you is how you make other web sites sending you their traffic.

Marketing by using snow ball effects and by building momentum is what it really is all about to succeed with your business on the Internet.

Most other marketing products will only show you one available technique to make more visitors or one technique to get a higher conversion. Some claim to show you the whole picture to make a successful Internet sites. But, lack the complete picture.

What John shows you are clear strategies that are fully tested and working. This includes traffic building, testing, conversion, tracking and effective leverage strategies mastered to perfection.

Copyright 2004 Per Strandberg

About The Author

Per Strandberg specializes in Internet marketing and web development!

Identify with precision profitable web Niche markets with the Niche Exploration Database ==>

Learn more about Niche marketing! Subscribe to The Niche Exploration Newsletter at ==>

This article was posted on August 26, 2004

by Per Strandberg

The Newest Marketing Course

The Newest Marketing Course

by: Llnado Ford

Certainly the newest earth quaking event in Internet Marketing insider circles is the release of John Reeseกs New, Traffic Secrets marketing course.

I say certainly because I suppose to know what for you as Small marketer is more important. The newest study made by about how much more considered and sophisticated people became in their online shopping behavior. Or the fact that John Reese just released his brand new marketing course which includes every single technique he has ever used in his highly successful campaigns.

For sure you find very useful articles, and Internet statistics at Double Click and I suggest you to go there very often because you should know about new trends and internet developments. But actually the greatest (direct) help for your online promotions is to learn กhow to do it on the right wayก from marketing courses of must successful guys just like John Reese.

Many of the Big Guys of Online marketing are not happy because John Is doing this. But with no reason. This won’t stop him to sell his marketing course. And don’t matter how many people will buy the course nobody will have to fight with a definitely higher competition in the future.

However there are very, powerful secrets exposed in this marketing course, and certainly the small group who will buy this not really cheap marketing course and will use the system, will definitely leave his competitors miles away behind, but: The aspect of Internet marketing won’t be changed, because the ratio of those who will turn their Marketing Efforts into Substantial income will remain the well known 10% .

Are you asking now why.

If you want to know my personal meaning than here it is:

Just walking in into a bank don’t makes you rich. As same You won’t be rich just by buying books and CDs or even the worldกs best marketing course

Statistics are showing that high percent of buyers don’t even read the marketing courses or ebooks they buy. And even if they read them there is a little bit more ‘to doก for generating Internet income. The big guys like John Reese, Corey Rudl, Shawn Casey and so on, are telling you how to do it. Let me mention here they are telling you damned well. If you own already one of this courses and you still don’t make money Iกm wondering if you have read it…

You on your turn have to กlearnก and กWorkก to apply what they say.

Many people are still thinking that creating an Internet income Has nothing to do with serious working. Marketers have realised this fact very early, thatกs why you will never find in a good sale copy the word กworkก. Making the failure to use this word in a sale copy would drastically decrease the amount of sales. But this is another story.

Now We all know that 90% of those who try to make money on the internet will never make a dime. They will buy great ebooks or marketing courses (good for the others) than when they realise that there is many hours, many weeks of work involved until they see incoming money, and they realise that it is impossible become rich over night they will give it up.

According to this fact nobody has to be afraid from a too high Competition, because this percentage mentioned above will not change. Some People simply don’t really want to become wealthy (they just think they want to…)

Internet marketing success requires hard work, however it is not a secret that it is still easier to be successful as in any business offline. Finally you need to invest only few per cent of that money what you would invest for an off line businesses, you can automate your online business you can reach much more prospects… But: you will always have to: Learn, to Work, to invest (time, Enthusiasm, money).

Are you ready to do all this three points than you will able To increase your sales to the levels that the big guys are promising to you.

I wish you fun and good luck!

For More information about the course click.

About The Author

Llando Ford Started The M. A. Newsletter in late 2003 with the goal to report about the latest Internet marketing news. On his website you will find a collection of marketing courses (some of them FREE), from the most reputed marketing gurus. To subscribe to The Marketing Advices Newsletter and get instantly your Free bonus Gary Shawkeyกs If I can Anybody can and Gary Shawkeyกs Secrets send an email to: mailto:[email protected]?subject=SUBSCRIBE&[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 26, 2004

by Llnado Ford

Internet Marketers: How To Solve Any Problem In Th

Internet Marketers: How To Solve Any Problem In Three Minutes Flat

by: Rick Miller

Being an Internet entrepreneur running your own business comes with a whole list of problems: How do I get my sales page to convert? How do I get traffic to my site? How do I optimize my site for the search engines? How do I convince joint venture partners to work with me?

Then you have life’s problems on top of that: How do I keep my spouse or lover happy? How do I meet the bills? How do I keep healthy and fit with all the demands on me? How do I keep my employers happy while I try to break free by starting my own business?

Well, good news! You can begin to reduce the negative effects of stress and live a happier, more enjoyable life by using a revolutionary new problemsolving technique.

Can you solve any problem in three minutes? Is it possible?

According to John Harricharan, awardwinning bestselling author of กWhen You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat,ก the answer is ขAbsolutely, yes!ข

John recently spoke with Tellman Knudson, as part of the List Crusade program, a series of audio lessons from over 52 leading Internet marketing and selfhelp experts. In the interview, he revealed a few of the secrets from ขPower Pauseข, a groundbreaking course that has changed the lives of thousands.

The program is a simple quick 3step formula to solve any problem in your life. Amazingly, the entire process only takes about three minutes.

(Note: To access John Harricharan’s complete audio interview for fre^e, see end of article)

As a successful businessman and speaker, John studied many selfhelp systems, and he made an amazing discovery. Even though most systems produced astounding results for some individuals, he found that most selfhelp systems rarely work for the majority of users.


These systems are often complicated and timeconsuming.

John says, ขWe have to get back to simplicity. We don’t have time to sit under a tree and meditate for hours, or ‘Om’ until the cows come home, or go through every 15step and 40step program.ข

So John decided to distill the core principles of all his success training …

He took ขancient truths and combined them with modern psychological principlesข to produce a system that is simple, quick, and powerful.

According to John, there are only three basic problems in life … Money, Health, and Relationships. Every problem relates to these three areas or a combination of them.

By understanding this, we get a much clearer picture of what we must do to solve the problem.

Here’s a summary of the three steps, which are covered in greater detail in the interview and the ebook ขPower Pause.ข

1) Break your focus on the problem—Oftentimes, we are so caught up in the emotions of the problem that we overlook simple solutions. Disconnecting from the problem also allows the most powerful part of our mind, the subconscious, to begin a massive search for answers. We need to let our conscious mind get out of the way. Many of the geniuses in the past made great discoveries when they took a break from the problem, some even by taking naps.

2) Imagine how you would feel if the desired outcome really happened—By projecting yourself into the future and actually feeling the emotions of success, you point your brain into focusing on the solution and not the problem. It has been said that what your mind attends to … it eventually achieves—so if you constantly dwell on your problems, you’ll get really good at getting more problems.

3) Say thank you and let the problem go—Your act of gratitude signals a conclusion and release. You’ve let go of the problem and all the worries along with it. When you no longer struggle with the problem, the things you want seem to come to you effortlessly. You’ll see answers you’ve never seen before. Things will fall into place.

I urge you to listen to John Harricharan’s interview and get his complete Power Pause ebook.

John’s book is entertaining and thoughtprovoking, presented in story form telling the story of his mysterious mentor who revealed the secret 3step formula to him.

Use these three simple steps today to immediately begin to improve your health, wealth, and happiness.

Copyright 2005 Rick Miller

About The Author

Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and cofounder of List Crusade. For fre^e access to John Harricharan’s entire interview, along with 51 other audio lessons from top Internet Marketing and Self Help Gurusgo to: ==>

This article was posted on March 03

by Rick Miller

Interviews with WellKnown Ezine Writers #2: Joh

Interviews with WellKnown Ezine Writers #2: John Colanzi

by: Michael Southon

MS: John, you must be one of the most prolific Ezine Writers on the Web I see your articles nearly everyday in the article lists and in dozens of Newsletters. How long have you been writing Ezine Articles?

JC: I first started writing ezine articles around 1999.

MS: What are the main topics that you write about in your Ezine Articles?

JC: I mainly write two types of articles, (i) Marketing and promotion, (ii) Success and motivation.

MS: John, how important have Ezine articles been in promoting your website?

JC: I sometimes use paid advertising, but my main method of promotion is writing and submitting articles.

MS: John, what sort of Articles have you had most success with? In your experience, what kind of Articles are most in demand?

JC: I get the most feedback on articles about success and motivation

MS: Some Ezine Writers promote a product or service in their Resource Box, while others aim only to get a subscription to their free Newsletter. What would your advice be for getting maximum results from your Resource Box?

JC: I usually promote my newsletter and free ebook in the resource box. Sometimes I promote a product, but mainly the newsletter.

MS: What have you found to be the most effective ways of getting your Articles published?

JC: Persistence. Iกve set up a weekly mailing to publishers. Most publishers get a lot of submissions, so getting them to notice you article will take some time. Once they start using your articles, they are more likely to start reading your submissions.

MS: Apart from getting your Articles published in Newsletters, are there any other ways you use your Articles to promote your website? (such as turning them into a free EBook)?

JC: I created my free ebook Street Smart Secrets Of Success from a collection of my success and motivation articles: I was also contacted by a publisher who read the free ebook to create a free ecourse for his ebook Autoresponder Gold. So from the articles Iกve created my ebook and the 7 Days To A Turbo Charged Mind email course: [email protected]

MS: Some people are discouraged from writing Ezine articles because it seems that everything has already been written about. Whatกs your view on that?

JC: Every writer brings their own style to a subject. You may read about it 100 times, but a certain writerกs way of presenting the information, may be the article that gets you to take action.

MS: Yes, thatกs an important point. Whatกs the single most important style tip for writing a good Ezine Article?

JC: Write to one person. Make the ideas personal to the reader.

MS: How important have Ezine Articles been in achieving your success in online business?

JC: Every good thing thatกs happened to me online has been a result of someone seeing an article.

MS: And finally John, what would be your advice to someone who wants to write Ezine Articles but has never written for the Internet before?

JC: Write the same way you would explain something to your best friend. Write to inform, don’t write a sales letter and try to pass it off as an article.

MS: Thank you John.

(c) 2002 by Michael Southon

About The Author

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find out more:

This Article may be freely published in its entirety exactly as it appears above. No alterations or changes to the Article are allowed, without the express permission of the Author. The Resource Box must remain with the Article just as it appears.

This article was posted on July 31, 2002

by Michael Southon

Worn Out Brochure Design Is Keeping Small Business

Worn Out Brochure Design Is Keeping Small Business Owners Down

by: John Jantsch

I got another one of those calls the other day…Can you make me a brochure?ก Many business owners have been sold on the notion that they need a trifold brochure or they are not in business. Forget it…everybodyกs got one and no one uses it.

Your potential clients need an education. They need to know how you are different. (The typical trifold brochure simply confirms that you are the same.)

Every small business should create the following pieces of information and format them in a way that allows them be printed inexpensively and updated often. I like to call this approach, the Marketing Kit. Your marketing kit starts with several professionally printed pieces that are the framework for up to 10 or 12 different educational documents. The core components are:

1. A pocket folder A multiuse workhorse, this piece alone, if designed well, can send the message that you are in business to stay. (This one will cost a little but it has many uses)

2. A marketing template This should be a professionally printed piece that carries your logo and contact information but is different than your letterhead. This is the base piece then for the following pages that insert into your pocket folder. Your actual marketing files can be MSWord type documents that are laser printed. This gives you the ability to change and update your content and also allows you to tailor your marketing kit content to specific prospects.

Some combination of the following pages should be created for your marketing kit.

+ The Difference Page Hit them with how you are different and shower them with benefits of doing business with you. Don’t tell them what you do. I like to keep this one to the top 3 or 4 things that you do that your target market will value. Think benefits that are unique

+ A list of services Okay, now tell them what you do or what you offer.

+ Case Studies Pick representative clients or industries and outline how your product or service solved someone elseกs challenge. People learn in different ways and case studies allow them to see themselves getting relief. I think this format works well. State the situation, the problem, your solution, the result. Over time you can collect more and more of these and draw upon the ones that fit an industry or problem that in relevant to your prospect.

+ Testimonials Get quotes from real live clients and create a page titled กSee what others have to say about us.ก These quotes can be some of the strongest selling tools you have. New technologies make it easy to create audio and video testimonials too.

+ Process Description Show them how you do what you do. Create detailed checklist and flow charts that show them how you keep your promise. In many cases you have these anyway but by making them part of your marketing you can demonstrate how much more professional your organization is. These also help you justify why you charge a premium for your services. Many people underestimate how much really goes into delivering a quality product or service. So show them.

+ Your Story Many companies have interesting or even gut wrenching histories. Tell them your story in an open, honest, and entertaining way and you will win their hearts as well as their heads.

All of the above pieces can, in many cases, be word processed files that are laser printed onto the template I described above. You can learn even more about how to use this unique tool here

This format allow for very inexpensive printing and a great deal of flexibility when you need to update, change or even personalize your magnificent marketing materials.

Want to quickly create your own magnificent marketing materials. Join me as I coach up to 10 other small business owners through the process of creating marketing materials that educate and sell. Once a week for 4 weeks we will meet via teleconference to create and critique your written marketing kit content based on the above article. Each participant will also receive a workbook, feedback and reallife example marketing kits produced by John Jantsch for his clients. Find out more by sending an email to mailto:[email protected]?subject=Marketing_Kit

Copyright 2004 John Jantsch

About The Author

John Jantsch is a marketing coach and creator of the Duct Tape Marketing System. You can get more information about the Duct Tape System and download your free copy of ขHow To Create the Ultimate Small Business Marketing System in 7 Simple Stepsข by visiting

This article was posted on December 02, 2004

by John Jantsch

A Proven Link Building Strategy To Boost Your Site

A Proven Link Building Strategy To Boost Your Siteกs Popularity

by: John Taylor

Step One: Create a content rich niche web site, narrow in scope with less than ten high potential keywords and with around twenty to thirty relevant secondary keywords.

Step Two: Locate and make contact with other site owners whoกs site has the same theme as your site, and ask them for a reciprocal link having already placed a link to their site, of course! If you build a site that is tightly focused on one theme, content rich, informative, and above all else has unique content, then all your peers will beat a path to your door, asking you for a link!

Step Three: Get your site listed in all the top directories and especially the specialist directories that closely match your theme. Do the necessary research to find the most appropriate category and spend time on creating attention grabbing copy for your title and description.

Step Four: Write a series of content rich articles that focus on your top keywords and submit them to the popular article directories and submit them to the top ezines in your niche. Writing and distributing one or two articles a week will build you a lot of permanent incoming links.

Step Five: Locate and register with the popular forums within your niche market and ensure that you include a link to your site in each forum post you make.

Step Six: Take each of your most popular keywords and create another content rich web site. Repeat steps one through to five for each keyword and place links on these กfeeder sitesก to your main web site.

Copyright John Taylor PhD August 2005 All rights reserved.

About The Author

John Taylor

To learn more information about Link Building I strongly recommend that you visit

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 11

by John Taylor

Why Authors Should Blog

Why Authors Should Blog

by: John Colanzi

While watching the presidential conventions I was struck by the fact that blogs had totally revolutionized the publishing industry. Sitting right alongside the major news agencies were the bloggers frantically typing on their laptops. Even seasoned veterans who had covered past conventions mentioned the power of this new media.

Due to the dynamic nature of blogs, the bloggers with their laptops could report in real time, thus getting their stories online long before the morning newspapers would hit the streets. Commentators even mentioned that many of the breaking news stories had been reported first by bloggers.

Think about this for a minute. Gutenberg revolutionized the publishing industry by letting writers mass produce their work.

The next phase of growth was the Internet. Finally anyone could publish their work and have it sent around the globe in seconds. When the digital publishing revolution hit, it seemed too good to be true.

With the digital revolution anyone and everyone could now spread their message. Writers could bypass the traditional publishing industry and save time in getting their work to the public.

They no longer had to fear that dreaded rejection slip. They could succeed or fail on their own merit. No one had control over how or what he or she could write.

The Internet was a writer’s paradise.

It seemed as good as it could get.

Well, we hadn’t seen anything. Web logs, or blogs as they are called, have propelled publishing to the next level.

Not only could writers publish in real time, they could have it online instantly.

As powerful as that may be, the real power lies in the ability to syndicate your writing by plugging your content into an RSS feed.

Imagine the possibilities. You can now become a part of a targeted network of likeminded blogs and have your content spread through the entire network in the twinkling of an eye.

You’ve got the ability to tap into the ultimate in viral marketing and branding. You can build an audience overnight.

So, how can you get started?

The first thing you’ll need is a blog. Don’t let the concept of a blog intimidate you. I’ve got a blog and trust me; I’m not the sharpest axe in the shed when it comes to technology.

To get started you’ll need a blog. Here are a few sites youกll find helpful.

FactoSystem Weblog (ASP based)



GeekLog The Ultimate Weblog System


Your goal when creating content for you blog, is the same as it would be when creating a website. Your content will be designed to attract the audience that would be interested in your books.

The same idea applies when adding your blog to an RSS feed. You want to have your content syndicated to individuals that have an interest in your writings and are willing to buy your books.

Your content gives them a taste of your writing style and expertise. The feed makes sure you get maximum exposure.

An added benefit is most blogs allow visitors to post comments about your site. By posting their comments and having you reply, they get to know you are a real person.

The ability to have a give and take with your visitors is an extremely powerful tool. Your readers will feel comfortable doing business with someone they know.

Your next step is to plug into an RSS feed. Your goal when syndicating your content, is the same goal you would have when building the traditional ezine list.

The feed will drive targeted traffic to your blog, but it’s your ability to provide quality content that will keep them coming back.

So where can you learn more about RSS feeds? An excellent place to start is RSSTop55 Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites.

This site is just what the name implies. The top 55 blog directory and submission sites. You can find a feed for any subject.

If you’re serious about you writing, grab your blog. Plug into an RSS feed and become an expert overnight.

Wishing You Success,

John Colanzi

About The Author

Copyright (c) John Colanzi.

John has been writing on the Internet for 5 years and has a special gift for you. Sign up for your complementary eCourse กHow To Build Your Business With Free Advertising.ก Visit:

This article was posted on October 06, 2004

by John Colanzi

How To Increase Your Profits Without Spending A Di

How To Increase Your Profits Without Spending A Dime!

by: John Taylor

Whatever the purpose of your web site you have to pay for certain services. As a bare minimum you will need to pay for hosting, for traffic and for an autoresponder account. The costs of these services are fixed irrespective of the number of sales that you can make.

Letกs say that your total fixed costs for these services are $500 a year and that you sell 50 eBooks a year at $27. That means that your income is $1350 and, after paying your fixed costs you are making $850 profit each year. So your profit represents about 63% of your sales income.

Now, letกs say your current conversion rate of unique visitors to sales is about average at 2%. So to get 50 sales you need 2,500 unique visitors.

To boost their sales income, most people will try to increase the traffic to their web site by spending money on Pay Per Click campaigns, advertising in ezines or by investing in banner adverts. If you don’t want to spend your hard earned cash, then you will need to invest a lot of time on article writing and other กdo it yourselfก promotional activities.

What if you could nearly double your profit in a few easy steps?

It is very easy. You simply have to closely examine your web site and look for ways of improving the impact that you are having on your customer.

Look at your headline, does it really grab the attention of your visitors?

Do the first few paragraphs of your sales copy draw in your visitor and encourage them to read further?

Are your testimonials conveying a strong and powerful endorsement of your product?

Are you making good use of text colour to emphasise the important trigger words in your copy?

Did you know that there are over 21 critical elements within a typical sales letter page?

When I first launched my web site ( my conversion rate was less than 1%. Since then, I have tested and tweaked every key element of the entire sales process and my conversion rate is now over 3.5%. Oh, by the way, I am still working on it!

Letกs look at the bottom line. If you can implement a few simple improvements to your web site and increase your sales conversion rate to just 3%, you will make an additional 25 sales without increasing your costs. 25 sales at $27 will put an additional $675 in your pocket. Your fixed costs are still the same so it is all pure profit!

Can you afford to leave that money on the table?

Copyright 2005 John Taylor

About The Author

John Taylor is the author of กLearn over Twenty ways To Improve Your Conversion Rate and Multiply Your Profitsก A Special Report that contains a wealth of information on professional testing and tracking techniques that can boost your conversion rate and generate increased profits. To learn how testing and tracking can boost your profits click this link now:

This article was posted on January 18

by John Taylor

The Unsung Heroes Of Internet Marketing.

The Unsung Heroes Of Internet Marketing.

by: Tim Spencer

One of the reasons that people fail to earn anything close to a living on the Internet is that they fail to take the time to learn how to do it!

This may sound crazy, but itกs true. People want results yesterday, not tomorrow, not a few months down the line, but yesterday.

But how can you get results if you don’t learn the กhow toกsก of anything in life?

One of the best ways to learn how to market is to find yourself a mentor, a person who has been there and done it, walked the walk and talked the talk.

How do you find a mentor? Simple, read ezine articles, surf web sites and soon you will notice that some names will become very familiar to you. After a while you will get a feel for people integrity, whether what they are telling you is good advise or just a load of hype.

When you feel that a particular person gives you good advise, follow that persons teachings. If the advice is good, two thing will happen:

1) You will have yourself a mentor.

2) You will start making money using their strategies.

Does you mentor need to know you?

No, not really, you just need to follow their teachings.

There may come a point that you may want to contact your mentor directly and introduce yourself. If your mentor has the integrity that you felt they should have, they will respond and hey, a new relationship is born.

Personally, I have been following the teachings of an online marketer for some time now. I visit his web site regularly and he has given me much inspiration. I don’t know him personally, and he doesn’t know me, but he has helped me a lot.

Who is the Sage? His name is John Olson of I กmetก him when I joined FreeNetLeads. I signed up through a person in his downline.

John is one of those unsung heroes, he writes a weekly กsermonก to his FreeNetLeads downline, and expects nothing in return.

He is one of those people who quietly sits in the background making money on the Internet without having to ram his sales message down your throat, like some of the socalled Gurus do.

To me, John is a Guru (Iกm sure he wouldn’t like to be called that though!), as a former doortodoor salesman, John knows how to sell.

John is a lesson to all Internet Marketers. Why? because he isn’t overtly trying to sell anything to his downline, he is just providing good solid marketing advice and inspiration.

And his reward? The knowledge that he is helping people succeed, is his reward.

If this article has taught you nothing else, I hope it has taught you to learn and to help others.

Copyright © Tim Spencer all rights reserved.

About The Author

Tim Spencer is the owner of To receive Johns กsermonsก and to build an UNLIMITED list of Business Opportunity Leads 100% No Cost, No Spam GUARANTEED

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 01, 2004

by Tim Spencer

Which Guru Should You Back?

Which Guru Should You Back?

by: AnneMarie Killer

Iกve got many friends who are looking for business ideas weกve all heard the concept of กmultiple streams of incomeก.

Itกs human nature to want to กget rich quickก. Maybe one can on the internet maybe, I don’t know about the กquickก and Iกm also not sure about the กrichก but Iกm convinced one can make a decent living.

Iกve started looking for the กnamesก the กgurusก who have made it. And are still making it on the internet. I think I can learn a lot from them. Iกve found this website ranking the gurus. Very interesting indeed.

The top 5 (as at todayกs last calculation) are:

 Guru Share Price 1 Ken Evoy $279.41 2 Correy Rudl $85.11 3 Dr Ralph Wilson $37.04 4 John Reese $29.52 5 Jim Daniels $24.59 

Don’t be fooled by these กshare pricesก John Reese, the number 4 recently (in August 2004) made more than a million dollars in 24 hours!! You can download his report on how he did it at this website. Very interesting reading indeed. And you can buy his กfull houseก for a กmereก $997 don’t rush off and buy yet I suggest you wait until youกve read all of this.

Have you noticed how big the gap is between the number 1 and 2 spot? HUGE, isn’t it? And compare the number 1 spot to John Reese in number 4. So, if number 4 can make a million in 24 hours and he is only the number 4 then surely number 1 must be doing something กmoreก or what do you think?

The number 1, Ken Evoy is well worth checking out. Notice that he hasn’t made a million dollars in 24 hours or has he and heกs not telling? What he is ‘tellingก is case study after case study of everyday people who are successful using his system.

Do you get it?

Heกs not focusing on his millions heกs focusing on how he has helped THOUSANDS of people like you and me to make, well maybe not a million, but a decent few thousand dollars a month.

Heกs very clear that this is not a กget rich quick schemeก. This is about building a business one tortoise step after another. But, you have a กguru in your earก whispering to you every step of the way, guiding, encouraging, explaining strategies and even scolding you if necessary.

This is worth investing in. This is worth every grain of energy and effort you can muster. If youกve ever wanted to back a winner, this is your opportunity.

About The Author

AnneMarie Killer is the owner and webmaster of

Read her blog at

This article was posted on December 30, 2004

by AnneMarie Killer

Resell Rights Cash Flow System

Resell Rights Cash Flow System

by: John Taylor

For the life of me I don’t know why more people don’t use this technique that could literally blow their sales through the roof.
This tip can be as complex or as simple as you want to make it. In a nutshell, one way to differentiate your product is to offer unique bonuses that no one else has. This simple technique can make the difference between you getting the sale or someone else getting the sale.
By creating your own bonuses you create more value so you could even charge more for the exact same product that others may even be giving away!
Letกs say I wanted to really push sales of the Link Check Generator. Hereกs exactly how I would do it:
1. Go to and find every possible article about link popularity, how search engines like incoming links, increasing your Google Page Rank, etc. Copy those articles into a document or if you have it you could use the full version of Adobe Acrobat ( to automatically download the articles into PDF format.
2. Visit the sites of the article authors. See if they have an affiliate program and if you can put your affiliate link in the resource box at the bottom of their article. You might need to ask permission to use the article in association with a for pay product or to combine the articles with others in your little special report.
3. Read the article thoroughly and make sure you understand the concepts involved. Start putting the advice into practice on your own site so you aren’t faking knowledge of the techniques.
4. Make notes that show you are knowledgeable at the bottom of the article after the resource box or on another กeditorial pageก. For example if I were making an editorial comment about this article I might write: กJohn really seems to know what it takes to really make big sales with ebooks. I tried this little tactic and found that not only was it easy to implement, I made 4 more sales the next day. One other thing that I think would go good with this technique is to do audio tutorials. ก. But whatever you do don’t lie.
Now youกve added unique content to a freely available article. Of course you can write much more if you are so inclined to add even more value.
5. Add other useful content like reviews of other software or ebooks related to linking matters including your affiliate link of course.
6. Use an ebook compiler like Armand Morinกs eBook Generator ( or Adobe Acrobat ( and organize the articles to create an ebook.
7. Although not necessary, you can make a cover for your bonus report. One of the best cover makers Iกve used is Ecover Generator ( but you can create your own if you’re not graphically challenged.
8. Do it all over again for the same product or other products you have resell rights to. You could add checklists, tutorials with screen shots, lists of useful resources, other reviews and recommendations, etc. There really is no limit to how you can apply this.
Thatกs it. Now get going!
Copyright 2004 John Taylor

About The Author

John Taylor is a writer and publisher and his work includes The ‘testing & Trackingก Special Report that explains what to test and how to test it ( He is Webmaster for the Amazing Marketing Tools web site where you will find an incredible range of resources to help you to develop the knowledge and skills to become a successful marketer.( John also publishes the weblog and operates and

This article was posted on May 12, 2004

by John Taylor