

by: John Gibb

Do you feel overwhelmed when buying a computer or a new printer?

You are not alone. With so many products to choose from I know exactly how you feel. The best approach when buying a computer related product is to educate your self. This way you are making your own decisions from your own selfjudgment. That’s go to be more powerful than listening to a sales guy, who is more concerned about getting commission than you the customer, obtaining the right product for your needs. How do you educate yourself? Start of slowly, most people don’t want to become experts, they just want a computer or printer to do what is expected. Learn the basics of what computers and printers can offer you at

Not only will you find reviews guides and here. You will also find how to fix printers yourself. Learn how to set up your firewall correctly knowing you are safe from intruders. Never feel as frustrated as you once did, knowing the truth about computers and printers. Be sure to check out

Learn the difference between LaserJet and inkjet printers. Learn what the advantages are from certain computer products. With the wealth of information here, you will know other people are willing to help you and can understand where you are coming from. Don’t forget everyone has computer and printer problems. The good news is, what ever your budget is, there is always a solution. Remember if you intend to phone a computer support line, seek a plan of action. Don’t let them fob you off with technical meaningless babble!

About The Author

John Gibb is currently the webmaster of several support and guide sites for various specialized topics. His latest addition is

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 27, 2004

by John Gibb

Discover How To Attract The Help You Need To Build

Discover How To Attract The Help You Need To Build Your Network Marketing Business

by: Fernando Soave

Positive thinkers dare to believe that the biggest and best men or woman in the world can be attracted to their cause or project. Try for the best man or woman in the world and you can secure his help.

How do you attract the help of the best man or woman you need ?

1. Be prepared to pay for the help you need.

Watch out for that negative money trap : ขYou probably can’t afford not to spend the money to hire the help.ข Be prepared to pay top price for the top man or woman. The best man or woman are usually worth more then they are getting. It almost always pays to hire the best.

2. Be a team builder, not an empire founder.

Successful man or woman are those who have a ขteam complexข, not a ขstar complexข. Positiv thinkers are team builders, not empire founders.

3. Forget about ขstatusข, credit and glory.

Statusseeking, creditgrabling and gloryhunting executers generate unimaginable jealousy. Instead of inspiring their associates to really produce, they stimulate negative emotions that contribute to a terrible letdown. The smart and successful men or woman finds joy in watching his associates get ahead. They never allow themselves to view their associates as threats to their own proud position. They know that this very thought will be the beginning of their downfall. You can surround yourself with skilled specialists if you will establish a ขsharethecreditplanข. As the proverb says : ขTake good care of your people and your people will take good care of you.ข

4. Offer your people a unique pacesetting challenge.

Promise them the chance to join in creating something bigger and better than has ever been done before. Great men or woman are attracted to great challenges.

5. Give your teammates great freedom.

The greatest men or woman are attracted by a great challenge coupled with the promise of great freedom. Promise them freedom :

to plan

to dream

to imagine.

Great freedom generates maximum energy and extracts unbelievable dedication.

6. Make up your mind not to lose a good man or woman once you have him on your team.

Any man or woman you hire will have his weaknesses. Try to strenghten them where they are weak. If that fails, fill the gap in the job by rearranging and reorganizing.

7. Learn to live with difficult people.

Learn from them and learn to work with them. Some of the people you may need to help solve you problems or develop your dreams may be the kind of people who are not always easy to go along with. These are people who seem to like to argue. Try to keep your differences with them on the plane of disagreement. Try to prevent these disagreements from becoming violent arguments.

Find and hire people who are smarter then you are. Whether your business is building a business empire, your success will be enhanced if you learn how to be a team builder.

Fernando Soave


Free Cutting Edge MLM Newsletter.

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About The Author

Fernando Soave is the author of กCutting Edge MLM News.ก He has been in marketing for 20 years and is helping individuals succeed online. Visit his site to find out how you can get free reports. or Subscribe to the Free Cutting Edge MLM Newsletter and receive your +$585 MLM Value Pack. mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on September 18, 2003

by Fernando Soave

How To Help Your Kids Learn Important Life Skills

How To Help Your Kids Learn Important Life Skills Through Your Home Business

by: Henri Schauffler

Would you like to find a willing, enthusiastic source of free or very inexpensive labor for your Internet Home Business? Would you like to find a fantastic way to help your children learn things like self discipline, goal setting, integrity, financial management and communication skills? Then read on, dear reader!

What Iกm getting at is, of course, the idea of involving your kids in your Internet home business, or helping them start one of their own. Instead of having them be a source of distraction and/or trouble as you labor to build your business, try a new approach consider your children your potential allies and even potential employees.

Also, consider the many character building benefits of involving kids in your home business. Steve Mariotti, Founder and President of The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE started a ground breaking program over two decades ago that set up disadvantaged New York City youth in modest businesses of their own, such as Manhattan hot dog carts. Here is their mission tatement:

กNFTEกs mission is to teach entrepreneurship to lowincome young people, ages 11 through 18, so they can become economically productive members of society by improving their academic, business, technology and life skills.ก To say the least, this program has been *extremely* successful.

Wouldn’t you like your children to learn some of these life skills and help you out as well? The question, of course, is,กPractically speaking, what can my kids do in my Internet home business?ก Iกm glad you asked! Letกs look at preteens and then teens.


Your 1113 year olds are just beginning to get old enough to begin learning about business. Talk to them oneonone about their interests. See if you can find a connection with what you are doing in your business. Here are some examples of what I mean:

If your child plays or is interested in sports, encourage him or her to begin going to sites on the Web that talk about sports or sell sports gear. Start to ask them questions about the sites กDo you like this part; do you see how they are trying to get you to buy something here; do you see this banner ad there?ก Youกll begin to get them engaged, and soon, you can start to show them how you are doing the same things in your familyกs business.

Another way to involve your kids is to get them actually doing some work for you even pay them a little bit! Most kids these days are itching for a chance to earn extra money. If we pay them to do the lawn and help with chores, why not hire them for helping in our home business? As they work, of course, theyกll begin to be involved in the business! I did this with my then 13 year old a few years back, and guess what? He now has a thriving EBay business of his own! More on EBay in a moment.

The main point with preteens is to engage them in some way with your Internet business and/or other Internet businesses. For some children, this is just the spark they need. Don’t forget they’re always going to learn important life skills as they work in a business environment.


If you don’t get your preteens too excited, don’t worry just be patient for a couple of years. When they become 14 and older, youกll have a whole new set of opportunities…

By now, their computer and Internet skills should be fairly well developed most kids learn with their friends and at school these days. And, their desire to make money has intensified as well! Use this desire to get them involved with Internet business.

Here are two ways:

As with preteens, you can hire them to do some of your administrative chores so you can concentrate on the single most important part of your business: *marketing*! You can get your teens doing data input, getting stats from adtrackers, doing research, and even search engine submission and other tedious marketing tasks. Believe me; theyกll be well worth the money.

And even more important for teens, they’re going to be developing those ever important life skills!

The *best* way to get teens involved with Internet home business is to do what Steve Mariotti does get them set up in their own business! My son Ted has a thriving EBay business. He buys damaged DVD players very inexpensively on EBay, fixes them, and sells them for a sizeable profit, again on EBay. EBay is a *fantastic* place for kids to learn business and make money. Hereกs a link to a useful free ebook on how to do business on EBay for you and your teen to look over. Hereกs the link:

Another good idea for teens: you might help your teen sign up for and begin to market an affiliate program. These are strong, established businesses that sign you up for free, give you your own premade websites and even free learning programs. Here are several sites with good resources and freebies you or your teen should check out:

Family Biz Builder.Com (yep, thatกs my site!)

Push Button Publishing

Plug In Profits

Hereกs a company that will give you a great free กbundleก of books and CDกs, just for dropping by. Itกll be very educational for your teen (maybe even you!) Hereกs the link:

Weกve covered a lot of ground here. The next thing to do is act! If you act on even *one* of the suggestions herein, I guarante things will start happening with you and your child. Talk with them about their interests, get them working in your business, download the ebook, visit some websites. Take action now and the rest will begin to unfold.

Hereกs to you, your kids and your Internet family business!

About The Author

Henri Schauffler publishes Family Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you’re looking for familyfriendly *best rated* home business opportunities, the latest free and lowcost tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and grab a FREE subscription today at:

This article was posted on September 29, 2003

by Henri Schauffler

Why You Should Use (Not Abuse) Forums to Increase

Why You Should Use (Not Abuse) Forums to Increase Your Traffic

by: Tinu AbayomiPaul

There are dozens of reasons why you should look up the forums that are related to your market and post to them often. Here are 3 to get you started.

1 Get to Know Your Market as both an Associate and An Expert

The research alone is a good enough reason to at least sign up to some forums and read. Just by reading posts in forums, you can hear what your market concerns are, straight from consumers. Youกll be able to find what their pains are look particularly for frequent questions that don’t appear to have solutions.

For example, if you sell timeshares, and you join travel communities, you may often hear questions asking for the best times of year to visit a certain region or locale. With this information you could start a section at your site for every listing that tells the cheapest time to travel for that area, the best time of year for good weather, and other special bits of information a traveler might want.

When you’re comfortable enough to begin posting, after watching the conversation for a few days, or perhaps even a week, you might find that new people have questions that you can help them with. By consistently becoming the goto person, you increase your credibility as a knowledgeable expert, and people begin to trust your ability to provide information.

2 Increase Your Siteกs Visibility With More Targeted Links Back to Your Site

Many forums are run by hobbyists who aren’t so much concerned with marking money from their visitors, as having an established community for discourse on certain issues. These forums will often allow you to leave a link to your site in every post. The ones that are open to public viewing for visitors are also frequently spidered by search engines.

If you set up your link correctly, youกll then have topical links back to your own forum. Even if the search engine spiders can’t see these links at forums that can be viewed by registered users only, you will also find that once you become a part of the community, other members will click your link out of curiosity or because they’re looking for something specific that you may have at your site.

Even forums that exist to gain more sales of their own products often allow you to post your link, especially if it isn’t to a competing site. For example, internet marketing forums run by people who sell doityourself SEO products may allow infopreneurs who sell a different type of product, such as an autoresponder service, to post their link freely.

The focus here, at all times, is to help other members, not just to promote your product. Your link is in your signature, so unless someone asks you a specific question, you get far better results from being helpful than you do by posting forum spam that gets deleted anyway.

3 Lurk, Listen and Learn

If youกve been around forums at all, you already know that there are often 8 to ten times more people registered and not posting than there are people who actually visit and participate.

Reading without ever posting is commonly known as กlurkingก. I usually suggest that at least for the first week, you should monitor the community you wish to join in this way, just reading posts, and learning the personality of the forum youกd like to post in this keeps you from committing any faux pas that might have you corrected by another member, or even worse, banned.

Sometimes youกll find a forum that is appropriate to read, but doesn’t seem like the right place for commercial posting. Or you might find that you’re there to learn and not to teach or maybe you just don’t have the time to post as youกd like to. You can still learn a lot by being a lurker.

When lurking in forums, your primary job is to listen (figuratively speaking) and learn. Again, pay attention to questions that come up repeatedly over the course of a month or so. Be on the look out for rumored product or technology developments. Find out who is the resident expert maybe this is the key person for an interview you want to do, or an affiliate program you can join.

The most important thing you can learn from this exercise is what annoyances your market is experiencing. If you sell cat furniture, and you find out that a common complaint is availability in remote markets, maybe you can change your shipping policy to add international ordering and increase the scope of your business.

Anywhere you can fit a solution to a problem can bring you the sales you need. You may find out that you need to change your product, to enhance it, or perhaps to take out features your prospects just aren’t interested in.

This is a good solution when you have the time to visit forums and post or read. As you become more busy, youกll find yourself at the forums less and less as a poster, so this isn’t necessarily a permanent solution. However, if you follow these steps correctly, youกll soon have the traffic to foster more community relations at your own site as well.

Copyright 2005 Tinu AbayomiPaul

About The Author

Tinu is a website promotion specialist who posts free information on a variety of traffic tips in her blog at

This article was posted on April 23

by Tinu AbayomiPaul

Sitting On The Back Porch

Sitting On The Back Porch

by: Cathy Bryant

Yep, thatกs where I wrote this article sitting on the back porch.

Well, thatกs probably inaccurate; actually, the idea for this article came to me while I was sitting on the back porch. I was enjoying my afterlunch coffee along with an unseasonably warm (but delightful) October afternoon, when it occurred to me that I was indulging myself in one of the true luxuries of the workfromhome lifestyle.

I began to flash back as to what it was like working the more traditional 9to5 job, and once again I realized how blessed I was to be able to work from home on MY schedule, not someone elseกs!

Thereกs no denying it Iกm the toughest boss Iกve ever had but even the most compassionate employers have no way of knowing, let alone accommodating, those times when you just simply have to say กSTOP!ก

You know what Iกm talking about youกve been hard at work on your job for weeks, giving your all to your employer, and all at once your mind and body says to you, กIกve got to get out of here!ก Weกve all been there, right? You just want a break, a chance to be by yourself and sort through all the things that are weighing on your mind. Perhaps youกll just sneak outside for a few minutes, take a walk, grab a cup of java… you know it will make you more productive.

Sometimes you can do that…but more often than not, you can’t.

Or you won’t, because you don’t want your supervisor to view you as a กslacker.ก

So you plug away, not able to give your all to your job simply because you’re not able to refresh yourself on YOUR timetable.

No so when you work from home.

Make no mistake; I work very long hours many more than I did at any of my traditional jobs. Sometimes I work as many as 14 hours a day. But when the time comes to take a break, regardless of the hour, I have the freedom to do just that.

And thatกs when I head for the back porch.

About The Author

Cathy Bryant has been marketing online since the last century! Let her show you that an old dog CAN learn new tricks subscribe to her longrunning newsletter, the HomeBizJunction Herald, and learn how you too can become successful from home.

This article was posted on February 13, 2003

by Cathy Bryant

ขSuper Verbsข Really Move Your Copy

ขSuper Verbsข Really Move Your Copy

by: Karon Thackston

Run or hustle? Eat or devour? Move or scurry? You can boost the power of your copy by boosting the quality of verbs you use. Verbs show action, and the way you describe that action can have a dramatic bearing on your readers. Why would you want to fill your copy with complacent words when you can conjure emotions and visual imagery in the hearts and minds of your readers? Sure, กrunก and กhustleก both indicate that someone is moving fast. But กrunก is a dull, ordinary verb while กhustleก evokes definite images in your readerกs mind.

Hadn’t really thought about it? You should! You can choose commonplace verbs like ‘talk,ก กmake,ก and กlike,ก or you can electrify your copy instead with verbs like กchatter,ก กdiscover,ก and กadore.ก

Look at these examples to see what I mean:


Down Comforters Let You Get Warm

When itกs cold outside, get into bed and warm up with our genuine goose down comforters. Thereกs no reason to be cold when you can heat things up instead!


Down Comforters Let You Snuggle

When itกs cold outside, leap into bed and burrow down with our genuine goose down comforters. Thereกs no reason to shiver when you can snuggle instead!

See the difference? The latter paints a more vivid picture of the comforter than the former.

Review this one…


Whether you’re doing aerobics, Pilates, or any other workout, Ziox sneakers will give you the support you need. Specifically made for indoor low and highimpact exercise, Ziox is created to keep you on the path to meeting your fitness goals.


Whether you’re performing an aerobic, Pilates, or other workout, Ziox sneakers will offer you the support you need. Specifically engineered for indoor low and highimpact exercise, Ziox is designed to keep you on the path to accomplishing your fitness goals.

What’s the difference? Why are the ขaftersข so much more powerful than the ขbeforesข? Because compelling verbs were used. Verbs bring the action to your copy. They give the reader (or at least they should give the reader) something to envision. You need Super Verbs to entice your readers. For example, instead of just ขget into bed,ข we say, ขleap into bed.ข Instead of กbeing coldก and กheat things upก we say, กshiveringก and กsnuggle.ก When you read that, you begin to envision what action is taking place in a very specific way.

Where do you find these Super Verbs? Everywhere you look! Here’s a short list. You can also visit free sites like for more.

Verbs vs. Super Verbs

Accent – emphasize, underscore

Break – smash, crush, demolish

Eat – consume, devour, feast

Forgive – pardon, excuse, overlook

Hate – detest, loathe, despise

Imagine – envision, conjure, conceptualize

Improve – enhance, refine, perfect

Jump – leap, lunge, bound

Learn – discover, grasp, comprehend

Like – admire, adore, cherish, delight in

Make – create, engineer, design

Promise – vow, swear

Reveal – manifest, unveil, disclose

Take some time to go beyond the ordinary. Find a few Super Verbs to use in your copy in order to boost excitement and interest in the products/services you write about. That added attention, which Super Verbs bring, can easily correlate to additional sales.

By Karon Thackston © 2004

About The Author

Karon Thackston is a professional copywriter with over 20 years of success. If you’re tired of endlessly searching the ‘Net in hopes of finding the latest copywriting techniques, or if you need an uptodate directory filled with the best ways to learn copywriting, then visit Karonกs directory at today for the widest collection of the most popular copywriting resources available.


Karon Thackston is a professional copywriter with over 20 years of success. If you’re tired of endlessly searching the ‘Net in hopes of finding the latest copywriting techniques. If you need an uptodate directory filled with the best ways to learn copywriting then visit Karonกs directory at Learn Copywriting today for the widest collection of the most popular copywriting resources available.

This article was posted on December 08, 2004

by Karon Thackston

Guidelines for Printing Great Photos at Home

Guidelines for Printing Great Photos at Home

by: Kelly Paal

So you have this great digital camera and you’ve taken lots of great photos. Now what? Well you could go to a store and have them print your images for you, but isn’t that what you did with film? The point of all this great digital technology is that you can print your own photos at home without having to pay someone else to do it. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. It’ll seem like a lot of money at first but spend the money to get a good printer. Six color at least. Ink jets are wonderful for printing snapshots. You won’t need more than that. Also look around at the computer brands that sell computer packages for digital printing, the printer that they recommend is perfect for printing photos at home.

2. Buy some photo editing software. There are lots of brands out there many of them for pros but you can easily find software under one hundred dollars that will have lots more options than you will ever use. Look for software that has automatic settings so that the computer can automatically color correct, auto focus, brighten, or darken, etc. At least until you learn number 3.

3. Learn your equipment. Take the time play with the settings. Don’t try to print perfect photos right away. Most people with a little time and practice can learn to do basic photo special effects. Give yourself the time to learn.

4. There is one place that you are going to have to spend some money and it’s on paper. You can have a great image but unfortunately you cannot skimp on paper. Get the nice thick glossy paper, it’s worth it. I’ve tried the cheaper paper, which is good for test prints, but you need the high quality stuff for good prints.

5. DPI, dots per inch. Depending on your printer and your software you may be able to print up to 1200 dpi which is probably unnecessary for what you’re doing. For up to a 4 by 6 inch print you only need about 300 dpi. Most people cannot see the difference between a 300 dpi an a 600 dpi at 4 by 6 inches. For 5 by 7 or 8 by 10 you can go up to 600 dpi.

These steps will help you on your way to printing great digital photos at home. Remember though make sure that you have fun printing all those memories.

FYI Just so that you have a frame of reference, I’m a professional photographer and I have a six color ink jet that I paid less than $300 for and photo editing software that I paid less than $100. I print my 5 by 7 images for shows at 600 dpi.

About The Author

Copyright 2004 Kelly Paal

Kelly Paal is a Freelance Nature and Landscape Photographer, exhibiting nationally and internationally. Recently she started her own business Kelly Paal Photography ( She has an educational background in photography, business, and commercial art. She enjoys applying graphic design and photography principles to her web design.

This article was posted on August 03, 2004

by Kelly Paal

If You Respect Them, They Will Buy Closing the

If You Respect Them, They Will Buy Closing the Sale

by: Jian Wang

Weกve all had the unfortunate experience of being convinced by a pushy salesperson to buy something we weren’t sure we wanted. You may have really wanted the product, but after being pushed into buying it, you don’t want it anymore. You either return it or you never patronize the store again.

Since you resent the experience, don’t recreate it for others when you are trying to sell. If you didn’t appreciate being pressured and disrespected, no one else will either. When trying to close a sale, you must always respect the opinions and thoughts of the buyer. If all you care about is your payoff, then you will drive customers away. They will be afraid to buy from you, thinking that you will always try and convince them to buy things they don’t want.

Here are some helpful tips to help you close a sale with class:

Be kind and considerate: Don’t try to fool the customer. You will get a lot further if you’re really trying to help them, instead of just helping yourself.

Give them a direct request: You can let them know what you want them to do. Don’t be afraid to ask for the order or sale. The customer will know you are being honest if you tell them what you really want them to do.

Give them two choices: Explain that, on the one hand, if they buy the product, they will be receiving these benefits. Then explain that if they don’t buy, they will be losing out in certain ways. People like to have the pros and cons laid out for them. It helps them make a decision the smart way.

Give them plenty of room to think: Don’t pressure them. As I mentioned above, people resent purchases they were pressured into. Real persuasion doesn’t involve pushiness. The choice belongs to your customers, so let them make it.

We learn at a very early age how to persuade people to do what we want them to. Some of us learn it better than others, but EVERYONE can LEARN to use simple persuasion techniques to make their life better. Often, earning more, finding the perfect mate, being pushed around less, and being happier in life don’t have anything to do with you as a person. It has more to do with knowing a few simple rules of persuasion.

About The Author

Author Jian Wang is a master in the art of persuasion. His ebook, กHypnotic Persuasion: How to Get Anything You Want,ก is a truly inspirational read, filled with the wisdom to help you gain control of your own mind and convince others without resistance. These techniques can be used to improve business, sales, relationships, and your overall wellbeing. For more information, visit Reach Jian at [email protected].

This article was posted on April 28, 2002

by Jian Wang

Learn To Embrace Failure

Learn To Embrace Failure

by: Lisa Saylor

Failure is a must to succeed in business and in life. So often we are told we can not fail, it’s a bad thing. From the time we start to school, till we go to the here after, fail, that 4 letter word is a bad thing. It is almost like a curse. My question is how do we learn and continue to grow if we don’t fail? How do we succeed in business if we don’t fail?

I started my first Home Based Business 2 years ago. I invested over $6000 just for the web site and the 10 mentoring sessions. That was on top of the $250 initial fees for set and a merchant account, that doesn’t include all the little fees (no one expects). What I received for this was an online store, web site, 2000 free useless hits, link exchanges (that I had to pay for and didn’t need to) and oh yes the useless mentoring sessions (that didn’t teach me anything). I worked hard on this site for 6 months (which doesn’t seem like a long time), except they told me I would be able to make back all my invested money in the first 3 months. I made nothing, and eventually lost over at least a $7000.00 before I decided to shut it down. To top it all off the company I went through gave me a hard time about shutting down the site and my merchant account. I had failed miserably. You would have thought that I would have been angry and upset, and initially I was. I received the ขI told you soข looks, the rhetoric 9 out of 10 businesses fail etc. when I told people my business had failed.

But what no one realized is that I had learned so much. Not only did I learn what not to do, I also learned, that regardless of my business ขfailing,ข that I loved the ownership of it and that no matter how many times the business didn’t pan out that I would continue to learn, grow, and to build businesses.

So since then I have looked over other online businesses, done background research, and have started another; that I am happy to say seems to be doing well. By failing, all that did was whet my appetite to do it again. 9 out of 10 businesses fail, but it is the 1 time that it doesn’t fail that I am after. So, when you look at your failures, look at them as a way to succeed, that has given you a wealth of knowledge and that knowledge is what you need to succeed in life and in business.

About The Author

Copyright 2004 Written by Lisa Saylor Author. Lisa has a business site about online business opportunities and articles at and has a online store and business opportunities at

[email protected]

This article was posted on October 14, 2004

by Lisa Saylor

Website Promotion Secret: How To Explode Your Webs

Website Promotion Secret: How To Explode Your Website Sales

by: Ikey Benney, CEO

The secrets on how to send a floodgate of traffics to your website and explode your sales.

Why do hundreds of millions of people from all over the world have websites today which are not making any money for them?

They have tried many different types of website marketing, internet promotions such as search engine optimization and promotion, banner ads, ffa ads, email marketing, link exchanges, ezine ads but failed.

The one problem that all website owners or marketers and businesses have in common is the difficulty in locating the people who are interested in buying their products, programs and services.

Many people who claim to be internet marketing gurus have succeeded in luring people to their seminars where they charge them $1000 or $2000 or even $5000 to disclose their secrets of internet marketing.

But after attending the seminars and trying to implement the so called secrets of success in website marketing, these people have learned a bitter lesson that those so called secrets of website marketing don’t work.

The truth is that there are jealously guarded secrets to succeed in promoting your website so as to explode your sales and get rich.

But I am not going to charge you $1000 or $2000 or $5000 to disclose this secret.

If you’ve been doing different types of website marketing but not generating traffics or sales, there may be a number of reasons why.

First is that you’ve been probably marketing to the wrong customers.

You need to learn how to find targeted customers who really need to buy what you’re selling.

When you market to the right customers who really need your products or services and who are MOTIVATED, you’ll succeed in a big easy way.

The problem today is that most of the people who may need what you’re selling may be difficult to reach through email marketing or on the internet.

Most of the people who really need what you’re selling don’t hang around on the internet.

They may have filters on their email addresses so your email marketing may not reach them.

They probably have very good paying jobs, where they spend 4060 hrs weekly.

When they come back from work, they are too tired to get on the internet to look for whatever they need, so they may not be able to find your website.

But if they are motivated and do get on the internet to search for whatever they need, using a search engine like Google or yahoo or msn, they may get millions of websites in the search result.

If they can’t find you listed among the top ten or twenty websites, they may never know your website exists.

If there are 1 million other people trying to sell the same product or service like you, it means that your chance of being listed among the top ten websites is 10 out of a million.

You’ll be competing with 999,990 other websites to be listed in the top 10.

And even if you succeed in reaching the top ten ranking, you may not remain there too long because there are large companies out there who spend thousands of dollars monthly to be sure to remain listed among the top ten positions.

For the above reasons, 99% of the websites out there can’t make money by depending on search engine marketing or email marketing alone.

Your website may be among the hundreds of millions in cyberspace not making any money for these reasons.

Therefore you may have to do offline marketing in order to reach targeted people who really need what you’re selling.

This depends on what type of products, goods or services you’re marketing.

You must know the difference between marketing and selling.

Selling is when you try to promote whatever you’re selling to everybody, including those who need it and those who don’t.

This is what 99% of businesses try to do and why only 1% succeeds.

Marketing is when you research your product or service in order to know who needs them, where to find them and how to reach them.

Therefore to succeed in your website marketing, you must learn the secrets on how to locate a good mailing list for your product or service.

You must learn the secret on how to use a broker to locate a responsive list of buyers for your product.

You must learn the secret on how to test the mailing list.

You must learn the secret on how to make these prospects open your mails to read about what you’re selling.

You must learn the secret of making more money from your customers list by marketing backend products to them.

You must learn the secret of database marketing which enables you to leverage your customers’ list.

Are you not yet tired of having websites that are not making any money or tired of making nickels and dimes?

Are you not yet tired of all the lousy website marketing secrets from the so called internet gurus (that don’t work)?

Do you have a website?

Do you sell any product, program or service?

Would you like to know the exact ขsecretsข on how to find hundreds of thousands and even millions of buyers for your products and services?

Would you like to get your paws on the exact ขsecretข on how to market any product to hundreds of thousands and even millions of people who really need them?

If you answer yes, I suggest you begin today to target your customers, and stop selling but instead begin marketing.

About The Author

Ikey Benney, CEO

To learn the ขsecretsข on how to locate the right mailing list to market whatever products or services you have, how to test the mailing list, and the secret on how to make your prospects open and read your letter, and the secret on how to market any products or services and get rich please visit and read more about ขVJ’sข ข12Month Millionaire courseข.

Please feel free to copy and use this article at your website, ezine or email it to your friends and please retain the author’s name and his resource box below.

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 20

by Ikey Benney, CEO

Persist Or Perish, The Choice Is Yours: Learn The

Persist Or Perish, The Choice Is Yours: Learn The Rules Of Online Business

by: Arun Pal Singh

Everybody wants quick profits. The phenomenon is more prevalent on the net as compared to offline business. The situation is only worsened by those ever coming awe inspiring success stories where previously ‘a nobody’ made millions overnight. While these stories may invigorate the desire to be rich overnight, there is always ‘the other side’ that is never brought into the picture and never asked too.

Until and unless you are highly gifted or have a knack of making money the quick profits are no more than folklore. If you are new to online business you must first understand the rule of the business before fueling the ever expanding expectation.

The so called overnight success stories just present the tip of iceberg. Firstly very few people achieve that kind of success. Secondly more often than not there is an equivalent amount of hard work which has been put in before the guy became a success.

The person in question might have been on the net for quite some time before he hit the idea that led to profits. Nobody tells this when success stories are written. And surprisingly nobody searches too. But that is the usual case.

Online business is a business after all. One needs to study the market and understand the tools and techniques before he can shoot. Like everything else there is a learning curve. That may be shorter in some cases. It too depends how much time you put in to understand that. And it depends on your background.

One thing is for sure. Nobody can wake up one fine morning, jump into foray of online business and expect windfalls.

No! It will not happen. The chances of this happening are as remote and bleak as your driving a car when you do not know how to drive. You need to learn the thing first. There will be frequent stalls and rough rides before you gain the control. Then you need to learn the traffic maneuvers. But by and by one gains control.

Many magical products have failed before they fell into the competent hands. So when you read a story and get inspired, just pause and think.

Starting an online business is damn easy. In couple of dollars everything from products to website will be yours.

After this comes the difficult part of making the sales.

There are a lot of things you need to know, assimilate and apply before you can bang. Every thing takes time. Here is where the experience counts. If internet is a new world to you then you need to hang on and learn before you can raise your graph to the desired level.

You need to be persistent. You need to be perseverant. You need to learn and apply.

It is much easier to do business on the net than the offline business.

But it is not a cakewalk either.

You need to stay and spend time on the net before you become proficient. The quick profits will not come until you have learned to breathe in the new environment and mastered some of the marketing techniques.

Till that time you should carefully put a lid on your expectation.

After that it is all fun.

Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh

About The Author

Arun Pal Singh is a successful marketer and writer. Visit his website to know more about success in online business. To avail his free Income Course, send an email to [email protected] with subject ‘subscribe’

This article was posted on August 15

by Arun Pal Singh

Must Know Tips I Wish I Had Known 6 Months Ago Abo

Must Know Tips I Wish I Had Known 6 Months Ago About Online Marketing

by: Laurie Meade

1 The importance of a schedule and staying focused. Keeping on task. schedule promotions. Plan and make a task schedule for project ideas.

schedule purchases (don’t buy on impulse, the offer will still be there in a day or so!)

schedule time (remember to schedule time for family members as well :o) schedule breaks from the computer (not just physical breaks, take your mind of your business and have some fun, youกll be more fresh and productive when you go back to work!)

2The importance and value of keeping good records,



Backing Up Files

Affiliate Information



3 Don’t try and run an online business with AOL. I personally have nothing against AOL It is a great service for the computer illiterate newbie. However, once you get the basics down, you can be much more productive with a different ISP. AOL does not allow you to filter email the way it needs to be filtered.

When I was doing my business through AOL, I sometimes would be dealing with over 500 emails a day. No way to send them to different folders as in Outlook Express, MailWasher or many other email programs. Unless they have drastically changed things in Version 8, it is one of the few that doesn’t work with third party email programs. This just leads to wasted time and frustration.

4 Speaking of wasted time.

Get a DSL hook up.

The extra cost is worth it in the matter of time saved. Instantaneous downloads.

Web pages that come in as fast as the click of a mouse.

It means more productive time spent on the computer. More productivity means more money.

5 Learn what a great tool Yahoo can be. I have read good comments and bad, about Yahoo. All I know is from my own experience. When I first started online, I exchanged a review for a copy of FrontPage 2002.

I read where you had to have a domain name for people to take you seriously. I agree. However, I learned that a free site is very beneficial to your business as well. Putting links on a free site at yahoo will bring traffic to your domain name. If you use, it will help you get listed in the Yahoo Directory eventually.

You can start and manage groups easily. I love the convenience of running AutoResponse Plus right at my website. However, having a group to promote articles on Yahoo, makes more sense. Once someone has signed up for one Yahoo Group, it is a simple click of a button to add other groups.

This is where the power of numbers comes in. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel. Jump in and join the success by following those who came before you.

6 Take the time to learn how to use Ebay. Even if your plan doesn’t entail becoming a powerseller, by putting up a few auctions, you can direct traffic to your site and increase sales. You can learn everything you need and more from the ebooks offered at this site:

I had wanted to learn Ebay but kept putting it off. To many other things to do. Because of a planned move, I started researching the ebooks I had about how to go about putting up an auction.

I sold more in one month, July 2002, than I had from Feb. through June, using Ebay. I also received my first affiliate commissions, several of them, from both my geocities and domain name websites that very same month. It was definitely worth the time invested for my business. It can be a great traffic building tool for your business.

For more information on Ebay selling check out these two resources:

7 Don’t be afraid to do a press release. I had read many articles about how they could bring you big traffic. I also read how difficult they were to get read. I worried about too much publicity, invading my privacy.

I researched and studied how to do it, and took the plunge. It worked. The very first time. I got my press released published at

8 Write it down when you think about it. Too often, I have written an article in my mind. Then it never seems to make it to paper. Being a single mom of three, I am busy. I have found by talking into a digital recorder or tape recorder, I can be more productive. Use that waiting time. This article was generated in my mind while waiting at a bus stop with my almost 2 year old. (He was strapped safely in his stroller with a snack, of course :o)

This article promised 7 tips I gave you 8. Below are my bonus tips.

9 Always give more than you promise. Everyone loves freebies. Put something for free on your site. It will generate more traffic. Then incorporate that freebie to generate sales. Writing articles is a great way to do this.

10 Promote free articles. After you have written several on the same topic, you can create a free ebook. Offer it as a tool for webmasters to customize and give away for free. You can offer this customization for free or charge a fee for it. Put affiliate links in your ebook articles to promote backend sales.

To read a great review on a resource for writing articles for promotion, send for my free article review by sending a blank email to

[email protected]

If I had known all these things 6 months ago, my business would be bringing in more sales everyday. Learn from my mistakes so you can profit faster.

About The Author

Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? ‘turn Words Into Trafficก reveals the secrets for using FREE articles to drive Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links… without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here:

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 27, 2003

by Laurie Meade