How a Poster Makes a Box Office Hit
by: Julian Yale
A filmmaker creates a film for different purposes: some for money, others for charity, and others for the fulfillment of their childhood dream that one day, they will be able to create a movie. But there is always one thing common for every given reason making it to the box office.
But what makes all the difference? POSTERS. Advertising your movie through posters will definitely create a major effect to the result of your movie being a boxoffice hit. The reason is that posters attract attention. And attention makes the market respond. Posters are great media tools to share and introduce your film to the public.
A movie poster is not just a standard paper stuck to a board. An effective movie poster uses a totally different, visual language. It is one big showandtell medium. It expresses your points in graphical terms. It avoids visual chaos, with many jagged edges or varioussized boards that distract the viewer. Instead, it guides the viewer by using a visual logic, with a hierarchical structure that emphasizes the main points.
It displays the essential contentthe messagesin the title, main headings and graphics. It indicates the relative importance of elements graphically: each main point is stated in large typeface headings; details are subordinated visually, using smaller typeface. The main headings explain the points, rather than merely stating ‘resultsก and letting the viewer hunt foror worse, inventthe message within.
And the beauty of it all, because of its size, all elements, such as the figure legends, are visible from even four feet away. With larger prints, images are more visible even from miles away.
However, it is a fact that there are those that catch your attention immediately, and still those that do not at all. Thus, having posters does not assure a box office hit. You should remember that there are some principles in making a good poster that sells.
Promoting a movie through posters should always have the marketing objective. Take for example the poster of the 2003 animate movie กFinding Nemoก. Posters like these stir up a lot of attention for the younger audience since they are the target market. It communicates well to the kids and thus encourages the parents to go and watch the movie with their kids. Such is the effect of a poster making it to the box office.
กOcean’s Twelveก, the sequel of the 2001 hit, กOcean’s Elevenก, would not have made it to box office if not for the promotional merchandise like the movie poster. What makes this poster different is the highlight of the actors and actresses involved in the film. This is also a great approach to make the people watch the movie.
Did you ever wonder why the กLord of the Ringsก made it to box office? Aside from the movie trailers being shown on television, posters in movie houses add to heighten the interest of the moviegoers.
Different people react to different situations. Similarly, different people make different reactions to a poster. Your objective should then be to generate attention enough to encourage and tickle your target marketกs curiosity from the posters you have created for your movie. In order for your movie to make it to the box office, your posters should be able to draw attention and interest.
About The Author
Julian Yale
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This article was posted on January 20
by Julian Yale