The Importance Of Having A Mentor

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

by: Larry Denis

When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right business for you. How to get the edge on your competitors? What to do first? How to really make money and escape that 95 job? These are just a few of the confusing questions that face the beginner. If you try to begin without help, you are setting yourself up for failure. Very few can succeed in business without someone to help you and steer you in the right direction. You are indeed like a ship without a captain when you try to start a business alone
Here are a few common mistakes made by ขnewbiesข when they first start a homebased business.
1. Starting a business without knowing who you should be marketing to. Without knowing how to target your market you can spend hours of wasted time and a lot of wasted dollars.
2. Getting into the wrong business, with too much competition supply and not enough demand. If you do not get into a specialized market with high demand and less supply you are setting yourself up for failure and you will never make a decent living.
3. Believing that a free program will make you money, these are some of the biggest scams on the Internet.
4. Joining one business opportunity failing after a month and then joining another and another. This is how many beginners loose tons of money and valuable time.
5. Thinking that money can be made in a short time with no work, this is another pitfall too many ขnewbiesข fall into.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal guidance, somebody who can work with you oneonone? Show you how to start right and save you all that time and money. Somebody who can help you ขcut a pathway through the trees.ข This is where a mentor will help you, and better still a course that comes with mentoring help.
There are very few true mentoring courses, where you can really get oneonone help. Usually you purchase your course and then have to work out the rest. However a mentoring course is different. When you purchase the course you will get oneonone help for your questions and any problems you may have. As you progress through the course your mentor will coach you on any problems you may have and show you how to overcome them. One of the main reasons for new Internet businesses failing is lack of guidance. There is just too much to know and do without someone to help you.
You can see how a mentoring course works and the obvious advantages, compared to trying to work out everything yourself. I speak from experience. When I first started my business, I had no idea what to do and where to go, until I finally stumbled upon a mentor course. After that there was no looking back, I cannot say that I did not make mistakes or come up with problems, but they were nothing that my mentor could not guide me through
Recently I came across a mentoring course that not only offers mentoring help but shows you how to start a very profitable home business, HomeBased Recruiting. Basically it is finding qualified candidates to fill job positions for different businesses, for which you will get a finders fee. When worked correctly, this is a very profitable business and one you can easily make a good living with.
However, as with any successful business, some help is very necessary. Larry Denis’s ขFast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข is the mentoring course that will guide you stepbystep, from start to success, and with his expert mentoring you cannot fail. Larry is a seasoned veteran in this field and very successful at what he does. His course will show you the tips and tricks that top recruiters use to make substantial profits. Find the businesses that are expanding and get ahead of your competition, with the true ขtricks of tradeข known only by experienced recruiters like Larry. Overcome the ขfear of telephoningข by learning how to call people the right way. The training and mentoring you will receive from this course will be your key to building a profitable home business.
A mentor course is your gateway to success. Unlock the business potential within you, and see how you can achieve what you never thought possible, with the help of individual coaching. Experience the satisfaction of starting and building a truly successful business with help and guidance from a mentor.

About The Author

Larry Denis is the successful author of ข Fast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข He is a seasoned homebased recruiter with 8 years of experience in his field for more information on homebased recruiting please visit him at

[email protected]

This article was posted on May 10, 2004

by Larry Denis

The Importance of a Mentor

The Importance of a Mentor

by: Troy Arden

When I first started this long but exciting home business journey I didn’t know which way was up. I had so many questions and absolutely zero answers. Where do I start? More important was how do I start? What to do, how to do it, where to look, what to look for and so forth. To be honest, I was lost.

Then came along my mentor. She helped me every step of the way. I was coached on what to start off with and how to go about doing it. Step by step my mentor tutored me so my business could get off the ground and start rolling. Without her I would be nowhere near where I am today.

My advice to all new home business entrepreneurs is to get a mentor. Things will run a lot smoother and you won’t be left shaking your head.

For information on starting a home business including articles, ebooks and business opportunities please visit:

About The Author

Troy Arden is a succesful home business entrepreneur and can be contacted at

[email protected]

This article was posted on September 07, 2004

by Troy Arden

Stop trying to SELL and Start trying to HELP!

Stop trying to SELL and Start trying to HELP!

by: Corey Bachmeier

A New Mindset to Starting and Building a Home Based Business

One fatal flaw that I see when people begin a network marketing business is that their thoughts often focus on two concepts:

Who can I get to join my business?

Who can I get to buy my products?

Right from the start these people come across as being in a defensive and persuasive mode trying to get people to try their products and join their company. I know because when I first started my business I did the same thing! After a while I found that this method simply did not work, so after extensive research and experimenting I made a decision to change my thought process from a selling perspective to a teaching and educating perspective.

What am I teaching and educating you may ask?

I mentor and teach my team and prospects skills such as:

How to develop time and financial freedom.

How to set goals and achieve them.

How to successfully be the CEO of their own business from home.

How to become a successful business mentor to others.

How to easily spread the word about our company and its products.

You can see how people would be more responsive to what you have to say when they are not being sold something, but rather they are being shown how they will be mentored and helped in building a successful business.

I am going to help you vs. I am going to sell this to you. Which one would you be more comfortable with?

ขI have the vehicle for the success of hundreds and thousands of people worldwide who are looking for something better. I have the ability and tools to educate and mentor people to success that they never dreamed possible.ข

Stop trying to persuade people to join your company, teach them how you will help them succeed with their goals, and by doing so, YOU will be on your way to all of your goals!

About The Author

Do you need someone to mentor you in business success? Corey Bachmeier is looking to work with a group of motivated individuals who are interested in building a successful home based business. For a free introduction to his company check out his web site at:, or he can be contacted by phone at 6123257773.

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 13

by Corey Bachmeier

Do You Really Need A Home Business Mentor?

Do You Really Need A Home Business Mentor?

by: Rebecca Gilbert

Having a mentor can mean the difference between success and failure if you want to have a successful Internet home business.
Many of you have dreamed of owning your own Internet business, and have probably been involved in countless opportunities, and succeeded at none. Many fail on the Internet because they’re unwilling to put their time into it, but many fail because they don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to get started, what opportunities to join, which ones that work, and the main thing is that they don’t know how to promote their business.
The Internet is creating millionaires out of everyday people who have no education and no money to invest, unlike the traditional businesses of today. And although I don’t have exact statistics, I would bet that 95% of these Internet millionaires had a mentor to help them develop a business plan and show them the ropes. The other 5 percent had the persistence and the tenacity of a Bulldog, and more than likely went through many trials and errors.
If your seriously looking for a way to improve your finances, spend more time with your family and enjoy the many perks that a home business can provide, don’t just sign up for any program. Contact the Webmaster and find out how much experience they have, and find out if they are willing to mentor you.
Please don’t waste anyone’s time if your not willing to spend at least 35 hours a week building your business with their help, and please don’t waste anyone’s time if your not willing to spend $20$30 dollars on a website. There is virtually no financial investment to get started on the Internet, but if your not willing to make the small investment for a website, then your really not committed to having a business anyway.
And if you have never built a website before, don’t worry…if you can do minimal things such as type, copy, paste and send an email, you can build a website.
So yes, I believe that with the right mentor, you CAN start up an Internet business and be very successful. Don’t do it for me, do it for yourself and your family.
Best wishes for your future success and prosperity!

About The Author

Rebecca Gilbert has been a successful entrepreneur since 2002, and has helped hundreds of people start and maintain successful home businesses on the Internet. If your looking for a mentor who will guide you step by step, please visit her at:

This article was posted on July 08, 2004

by Rebecca Gilbert

A Mentor Can Make You a Smashing Success!

A Mentor Can Make You a Smashing Success!

by: Kathryn Beach

Thinking about a home business? Suddenly you’re immersed in a whole new language: affiliate programs, residual income, leveraged income, pyramid scams, html, gateway websites. Itกs really not all that difficult, and a mentor can be a trusted guide through the home business labyrinth.

There are only three main ways to work for yourself: sell your own product or service and keep all the profits; buy the rights to sell someone elseกs product and keep all the profits; and sell someone elseกs products and keep a commission. This article is all about the third way, which is affiliate marketing.

Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONE TIME. You sell a membership or a customer places a standing order for monthly shipment of a product and you receive a commission every month thereafter.

Leveraged income is earning money through other peopleกs efforts. We choose to be affiliates because when we sign someone up under us to sell, we profit from their sales too.

There are many reasons why you may be interested in starting your own affiliate home business. Are you having difficulty finding a job? Afraid of being laid off? Worried about your retirement savings? Wanting to stay home to care for a loved one? Wishing you could say goodbye to your boss forever?

Whatever the reason, and whatever your financial situation, a mentor can help you build an online income over time. It won’t happen overnight, and it will take hard work.

How do you know if being your own boss and working on the internet is for you? How do you choose what kind of business to start? Hereกs an article that can help you decide:

A mentor can help you decide if an internet home business is for you. And if you’re new to computers and the internet, she can suggest some great resources for learning the basics:

How do you choose which affiliate programs to join? I only recommend those I have joined myself, and therefore know from the inside out. I made my choices based on products in which I have personal interest, the programsก track records, and recommendations from entrepreneurs I respect. Careful research is the key. Knowing a scam when you see one is helpful:

Once you have signed up for affiliate programs, you may want to start out simply promoting the affiliate gateway websites you are given within each program. Gateway websites are personalized websites given to you by an affiliate program. They are the same for every affiliate, and you are not able to change them in any way. They include code that attributes all sales to you, and they allow for your contact information to be included. A mentor will show you how to promote these websites. Directing visitors to them is how you make your sales.

Eventually you will want your own domain name and website. I unequivocally recommend the PlugIn Profit sites:

and would strongly suggest that you get a personal website right from the start if you can. When you sign up for a PIP site, you also sign up for 5 affiliate income programs, so be sure to check out this free website setup before you sign up for anything else.

When you are the proud owner of your own website, you can add your own product pages, articles, testimonials… you’re only limited by your imagination. A mentor can set you in the right direction and get your business profitable sooner than you might believe possible.

About The Author

Kathryn Beach is a writer and home entrepreneur in Nova Scotia, Canada.

กBuilding my business by helping you build yours.ก

This article was posted on December 11, 2004

by Kathryn Beach

What Is YOUR Excuse For Failing?

What Is YOUR Excuse For Failing?

by: Ewen Chia

Would you intentionally set out to fail?

Itกs hard to believe anyone would, but sometimes we do sabotage ourselves by not wanting to succeed in the first place.

Yes you heard me right, some of us actually think hard of reasons to justify why success isn’t an option we can accept.

And when enough of these reasons surface, we actually program our minds to intentionally fail, justifying these reasons.

I would call these reasons illogical excuses.

The question is simply: ขDo you want to succeed?ข

When we think positively, we tend to kill inertia and move forward with great motivation, aiming for positive results.

Though there’re bound to be setbacks, the experiences learned WILL result in future successes. Don’t end up regretting กif only…ก in your older years, a better phrase would be กat least I triedก.

Starting an online business is unfortunately not as easy as some gurus would have you believe. They’re interested in selling you their packaged solutions of course.

Look, online success is definitely achievable, but youกve to be generous in your positive thinking, effort and maintain a correct successdriven mindset.

I didn’t make money online overnight. It took me almost 3 years of studies, mistakes and good oldfashion action to achieve some level of success.

Look where it got me:

Itกs not a big deal considering how much more others are making. While the above is a screenshot of a good day, $100$200 on average per day is normal:

Now this is important: do I show you these to boast? Hell no, like I said it took three years of sleepless nights, and Iกm STILL learning.

But it goes to show that money CAN be online, and you can do it much faster and better than I did…as long as you get those excuses out of the way!

What do you need to start then?

1. Motivation, Belief And Commitment

The first thing is frankly a change of mindset. Itกs hard to do anything well without motivation, belief and commitment.

Itกs a catch22 situation when things don’t go your way, but a refusal to fail can be a very strong motivator. This will cause you to take ACTION, which is perhaps the most critical factor to success.

Thousands of ordinary people are testament to this fact, a more recent case being William Hung. This guy who acted the fool on American Idol 2 believed in his dreams enough to act…and in doing so he achieved his objective of being famous.

Yes success can become inevitable when you are committed to taking action and achieving results.

2. A Proven System and Mentor

The next crucial element to internet success, and one which many marketers miss, is that of having a proven guide or system to follow.

Having a correct system to guide you is so important that it can reduce at least 60% of mistakes, wasted time and unnecessary heartaches you would otherwise have. Think of it as a shortcut if you would.

But do follow the right system for goodness sake.

Find a mentor who has proven himself beyond a reasonable doubt. Focus at least 50% of your education on this กanchorก mentor while you still learn from others.

A good example of such a mentor with the proven system in place would be someone like Marlon Sanders who I really respect too:

3. Investing In Yourself

Contrary to popular belief, you need to learn and continue to learn everyday. The good news is you can easily get all the education you need if you look hard enough.

Itกs never easy starting out so avoid buying everything that seems to promise the moon. Youกd be burned out before reaching your goals.

Start your education from resources that are f.reely available, for instance the above example of anchor mentors. Or try the search engines, forums, articles, ebooks and reports…the list is almost endless.

Hope you found this article even remotely useful, and before I forget, what I meant to ask you today was…

What is your excuse for failing?

Copyright 2004 Ewen Chia

Ewen Chia is the editor of กWeb Marketing Exposedก: A powerful ezine revealing shockingly simple secrets YOU can use to get massive traffic, subscribers and sales Quickly And Easily! Subscribe now and also receive his new ebook กAutopilot Traffic Streamsก worth $37 absolutely f.ree:

About The Author

Ewen is the editor of กWeb Marketing Exposedก which reveals specific techniques you can use to get more traffic, subscribers and sales to your websites quickly and easily!

This article was posted on March 03, 2004

by Ewen Chia

The Unsung Heroes Of Internet Marketing.

The Unsung Heroes Of Internet Marketing.

by: Tim Spencer

One of the reasons that people fail to earn anything close to a living on the Internet is that they fail to take the time to learn how to do it!

This may sound crazy, but itกs true. People want results yesterday, not tomorrow, not a few months down the line, but yesterday.

But how can you get results if you don’t learn the กhow toกsก of anything in life?

One of the best ways to learn how to market is to find yourself a mentor, a person who has been there and done it, walked the walk and talked the talk.

How do you find a mentor? Simple, read ezine articles, surf web sites and soon you will notice that some names will become very familiar to you. After a while you will get a feel for people integrity, whether what they are telling you is good advise or just a load of hype.

When you feel that a particular person gives you good advise, follow that persons teachings. If the advice is good, two thing will happen:

1) You will have yourself a mentor.

2) You will start making money using their strategies.

Does you mentor need to know you?

No, not really, you just need to follow their teachings.

There may come a point that you may want to contact your mentor directly and introduce yourself. If your mentor has the integrity that you felt they should have, they will respond and hey, a new relationship is born.

Personally, I have been following the teachings of an online marketer for some time now. I visit his web site regularly and he has given me much inspiration. I don’t know him personally, and he doesn’t know me, but he has helped me a lot.

Who is the Sage? His name is John Olson of I กmetก him when I joined FreeNetLeads. I signed up through a person in his downline.

John is one of those unsung heroes, he writes a weekly กsermonก to his FreeNetLeads downline, and expects nothing in return.

He is one of those people who quietly sits in the background making money on the Internet without having to ram his sales message down your throat, like some of the socalled Gurus do.

To me, John is a Guru (Iกm sure he wouldn’t like to be called that though!), as a former doortodoor salesman, John knows how to sell.

John is a lesson to all Internet Marketers. Why? because he isn’t overtly trying to sell anything to his downline, he is just providing good solid marketing advice and inspiration.

And his reward? The knowledge that he is helping people succeed, is his reward.

If this article has taught you nothing else, I hope it has taught you to learn and to help others.

Copyright © Tim Spencer all rights reserved.

About The Author

Tim Spencer is the owner of To receive Johns กsermonsก and to build an UNLIMITED list of Business Opportunity Leads 100% No Cost, No Spam GUARANTEED

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 01, 2004

by Tim Spencer

The Inportance of Having a Mentor

The Inportance of Having a Mentor

by: Larry Denis

When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right business for you. How to get the edge on your competitors? What to do first? How to really make money and escape that 95 job? These are just a few of the confusing questions that face the beginner. If you try to begin without help, you are setting yourself up for failure. Very few can succeed in business without someone to help you and steer you in the right direction. You are indeed like a ship without a captain when you try to start a business alone

Here are a few common mistakes made by ขnewbiesข when they first start a homebased business.

1. Starting a business without knowing who you should be marketing to. Without knowing how to target your market you can spend hours of wasted time and a lot of wasted dollars.

2. Getting into the wrong business, with too much competition/supply and not enough demand. If you do not get into a specialized market with high demand and less supply you are setting yourself up for failure and you will never make a decent living.

3. Believing that a free program will make you money, these are some of the biggest scams on the Internet.

4. Joining one business opportunity failing after a month and then joining another and another. This is how many beginners loose tons of money and valuable time.

5. Thinking that money can be made in a short time with no work, this is another pitfall too many ขnewbiesข fall into.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal guidance, somebody who can work with you oneonone? Show you how to start right and save you all that time and money. Somebody who can help you ขcut a pathway through the trees.ข This is where a mentor will help you, and better still a course that comes with mentoring help.

There are very few true mentoring courses, where you can really get oneonone help. Usually you purchase your course and then have to work out the rest. However a mentoring course is different. When you purchase the course you will get oneonone help for your questions and any problems you may have. As you progress through the course your mentor will coach you on any problems you may have and show you how to overcome them. One of the main reasons for new Internet businesses failing is lack of guidance. There is just too much to know and do without someone to help you.

You can see how a mentoring course works and the obvious advantages, compared to trying to work out everything yourself. I speak from experience. When I first started my business, I had no idea what to do and where to go, until I finally stumbled upon a mentor course. After that there was no looking back, I cannot say that I did not make mistakes or come up with problems, but they were nothing that my mentor could not guide me through

Recently I came across a mentoring course that not only offers mentoring help but shows you how to start a very profitable home business, HomeBased Recruiting. Basically it is finding qualified candidates to fill job positions for different businesses, for which you will get a finders fee. When worked correctly, this is a very profitable business and one you can easily make a good living with.

However, as with any successful business, some help is very necessary. Larry Denis’s ขFast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข is the mentoring course that will guide you stepbystep, from start to success, and with his expert mentoring you cannot fail. Larry is a seasoned veteran in this field and very successful at what he does. His course will show you the tips and tricks that top recruiters use to make substantial profits. Find the businesses that are expanding and get ahead of your competition, with the true ขtricks of tradeข known only by experienced recruiters like Larry. Overcome the ขfear of telephoningข by learning how to call people the right way. The training and mentoring you will receive from this course will be your key to building a profitable home business.

A mentor course is your gateway to success. Unlock the business potential within you, and see how you can achieve what you never thought possible, with the help of individual coaching. Experience the satisfaction of starting and building a truly successful business with help and guidance from a mentor.

About The Author

Larry Denis is the successful author of ข Fast Cash In

HomeBased Recruitingข He is a seasoned homebased

recruiter with 8 years of experience in his field for more

information on homebased recruiting please visit him at

[email protected]

This article was posted on September 06

by Larry Denis