7 Great Email Habits for the Beginning Internet Entrepreneur
by: Michael Turner
If you are just starting out as an Internet entrepreneur then you have a lot to learn about doing business online. One such thing you need to concentrate on is your emailing habits. Email is your way of communicating with people and potential customers, so developing good email habits early on is very important.
Habit #1 Respond Quickly
Always respond as quickly as possible to an email. Don’t respond so quickly that you do not answer the questions or write properly, but respond as fast as you possibly can. One to two days maximum.
Habit #2 Grammar and Spelling
As a beginning Internet entrepreneur you cannot risk losing customers because you can’t write properly or spell. Fortunately, spellchecker and grammar check will help you with this. Be sure to use it with every email.
Habit #3 Appropriate Subject and Format
Make sure the subject heading is filled in and gives the reader some clue as to the content of the email. Then, make sure the format of the email is similar to that of a real business letter. Lastly, don’t forget to keep it short and sweet. When you write a long drawn out email you will lose people’s attention.
Habit #4 Address Recipient
Always address the recipient of the email. You don’t have to start out with Dear Recipient, but their name should definitely be addressed. This gives a more professional look to your email, which is just what you are trying to accomplish as a new Internet entrepreneur.
Habit #5 Provide Contact Information
Always provide your contact information in your email following your signature. This way individuals will be able to visit your website, call you, fax or email you without having to ask you for this information or do any extra research. Make it easy.
Habit #6 Cases
Don’t use all upper case or all lower case. Type correctly, just like you would write. You would never send a business letter in all caps or all lowercase, so don’t send emails this way either. Some people will interpret this as either screaming or whispering, respectively, and some might think it is just unprofessional. Avoid this and type correctly.
Habit #7 Previous Messages
When you respond to someone and are answering their questions be sure to include the previous email so they may see exactly what you are replying to. Frequently, people send emails and when you reply without the previous email attached they have no idea what you are responding to. The best thing is to copy parts of the previous email and paste it in your email with your response. Or be very specific when answering questions, such as restating them, for the convenience of your reader. If not, you will waste your time and theirs and not be perceived as a professional.
About The Author
Michael Turner reveals his foolproof way to increase website traffic in his free 7 part miniseries. Grab it free right now at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/
This article was posted on August 04
by Michael Turner