SEVEN tips on Submitting Your Ezine articles to co

SEVEN tips on Submitting Your Ezine articles to content sites and Publishers.

by: Radhika Venkata

1. Make sublists from Your ezine publishers list:

If you have an ezine publishers list, seperate the list based on the topic of the ezine. Send only specific content to specific ezines. For example if you write ezine articles on self improvement, don’t send it to search engine based ezines. The more specific you choose your ezine publishers, the more chances of getting published.

2. URLs in Your ezine articles:

Always check the urls in your ezine articles. After all, one of the purposes of writing and submitting articles is to get some prospects. Right?

3. Offer กWin and Win Situationก to the publishers:

If you are promoting your product through the ezine article, offer the chance of inserting affiliate link for the publishers. Or provide any free service to them or to their subscribers.

4. Automate the process:

Use some sort of software to automate this submission. So you don’t have to go through each email address and send one by one. Autoresponder that sends Your articles to your ezine publishers at specified intervals of time:

Automatic and targeted submission software:

5. Ezine publishers Instructions:

Some ezine publishers send some specific instructions like short articles, or a link back from your web site etc. Feel free to follow them to get more chances of publishing.

6. Ezine + Online publications:

Some ezine publishers send ezines to their subscribers and also they publish their ezines on their web sites as archives. Tell you what… This is a big plus point for your link popularity and also it brings you visitors all the time.

7. How many and how often to send the ezine articles:

Give a minimum of one month gap to send a second article again to a publisher. Ezine publishers receive many articles every day and following these tips increase your chances of getting published

Well formatted article

Clean subheadings for the articles

Only one article per email

Thank you note for their time

Shouldn’t be like a sales letter

Topic oriented and simple explanations

No spelling errors

No broken Urls

Radhika Venkata (c).

About The Author

Radhika Venkata

Subscribe to กiNet Marketing Ezineก which is completely focused on Internet Marketing. Receive FREE Ebooks with Resale rights!

FREE Ecourse :: 30 days Solid work out to increase your online profits!

This article was posted on October 16, 2004

by Radhika Venkata

10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers

10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers

by: Ken Hill

1. Place testimonials for your ezine on your site.
Your testimonials will help you to increase your circulation by showing your visitors how your ezine has helped your subscribers.
2. Give your visitors the chance to see what your ezine is all about before subscribing.
For instance, you could provide an archive of your past issues on your site or you could make a sample issue available by autoresponder.
3. Write articles.
Your articles will increase your subscriptions by showing people that are unfamiliar with your ezine what kind of valuable content they can expect from you.
Promote your articles by submitting them to article directories, article announcement lists, and also to ezine publishers directly.
4. Swap articles with other ezine publishers and webmasters.
Publish other ezine publishersก articles in your ezine in exchange for those publishers running your articles in their ezines.
This can help you to successfully increase your subs by getting your articles run in targeted ezines on a regular basis.
You can also participate in ad swaps where you post other publishersก or webmasters articles on your site in exchange for them doing the same for you.
In addition, to helping you get more subscribers, these swaps can help you to keep your site updated with new content and increase your search engine rankings by increasing the number of reciprocal links you have.
5. Add bonuses for subscribing to your ezine.
Your bonuses will help you to successfully get more subscribers by giving your visitors an incentive for joining your ezine.
Increase the value your visitors place on your bonuses by adding an honest dollar amount to them, by telling your visitors the benefits they provide, or by telling your visitors how many people have already received them.
6. Swap advertising space with other ezine publishers.
Your ad swaps will give you an excellent way to increase your subscriptions at no cost. When possible, swap your ads for at least three issues in a row to maximize the number of new subscribers you get.
7. Swap ‘thank youก page ads.
Promote other related but non competing ezines on the page your new subscribers are taken to after subscribing to your ezine in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
This will give you a powerful way to continue to increase your subscriptions for as long as the other ezines are published.
8. Swap welcome message ads.
Like your ‘thank youก page ads, this type of swap can give you very good ongoing promotion of your ezine. The main difference is that not everyone that subscribes to your ezine will read your welcome email while all your new subscribers will be directed to your ‘thank youก page.
9. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.
You could recommend another publisherกs ezine within your ezine in your own words in exchange for that publisher doing the same for you.
You could also swap recommendations in your welcome message or on your ‘thank youก page.
In addition, you could run a recommended ezines section in every issue where you recommend a few or several other ezines in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
10. Submit your ezine to ezine announcement lists and ezine directories.
Your submissions will provide you with an easy way to start getting more new subscribers.
Getting your ezine listed in ezine directories can also help you to find more people who would like to purchase advertising in your ezine as well as more publishers who would like to do a joint venture with you.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Would You Like To Publish Your Own Successful Ezine? Get Affordable Email List Hosting at: FREE 30 day trial. For more articles by Ken Hill visit:

This article was posted on July 16, 2004

by Ken Hill

Are Your Articles HighQuality?

Are Your Articles HighQuality?

by: Wendy Betterini

Writing and distributing articles is fast becoming a popular method of website promotion.

However, if your articles are not highquality, you defeat the whole purpose of using articles for promotion. Web publishers are looking for quality information to offer their visitors and subscribers.

As a web publisher myself, I will not use articles that have a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. Per the terms of use, publishers are not allowed to alter articles, even if they have the time or inclination to correct all of the errors. If I come across an article with a lot of mistakes, I bypass it, even if the article itself contains a great message. If the author had taken just a little time to clean it up, it would have been perfectly usable.

While there are benefits to submitting your writing to the article databases alone, the primary goal of submitting articles is to allow other web publishers to use your material, thereby bringing more exposure and traffic to your website. If your articles are sloppy, they will not be used. Here are some general guidelines to writing quality articles:

Use a clear title if you write an article about internet marketing, don’t just title your article กInternet Marketing.ก Be clear about the subject of the article. For example, ‘ten Ways to Increase Your Sales in Internet Marketing.ก Remember, the title is what will grab peopleกs attention and encourage them to click through and read your article.

Proper spelling and grammar take the time to be sure your article has no mistakes. Most web publishers can overlook a typo or two, but they will not use articles that need to be deciphered with a decoder ring! Most word processing software comes with a builtin spelling and grammar check. Take a minute to use it before submitting an article. Be sure you use the proper form of words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Example: ‘there, they’re, and theirก or ‘to, too, and two.ก has an excellent Dictionary of words that sound the same. You can also reference Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. online, for free. This classic reference book details the rules of usage for the English language.

Avoid excessive keyword stuffing yes, I know you want your article to be keywordrich to entice the search engines, but there is definitely such a thing as overkill! I read an article recently where the author used the term, กhomebased online internet businessก over and over and OVER again. Not once did he use the terms, กit, your business, the business,ก etc. As a result, the article was incredibly redundant and monotonous. Sprinkle your keywords throughout the article, but also think of some alternate keyword phrases you could use that would be just as effective. For example, this author could have used phrases like, กhomebusiness owner, entrepreneur, internet marketing, and small business.ก

What is the focus of your article? some articles Iกve read started with one topic and then quickly meandered onto other unrelated topics, never answering the question or solving the problem posed at the beginning of the article. They more closely resembled long, rambling opinion pieces. While those certainly have their uses, most web publishers are looking for an article that helps their readers solve a problem or learn something new. The best way to do this with your articles is to keep it simple. Start by asking a question or posing a problem, and then provide the answer. Don’t veer off onto other subjects in that same article (unless it is a piece that touches on several interconnected topics, in which case you can use bullet points to define them).

Use a clear author bio another article I read recently used no author bio. It simply listed the author name and website address. Put a little more thought into it than that. When I enjoy an article, I want to know something about the author, and what their website has to offer me. I won’t click through to the authorกs website unless something compels me to do so. Tell the readers a little something about yourself. What is your experience and expertise? What does your website have to offer? Why should they click on your link? At the same time, don’t make your bio too long, either. You don’t have to give your entire life story, just a quick overview of who you are and what you do.

Bottom line: You don’t have to be a literary genius to write a good article. Most web publishers are not looking for perfection. However, remember that your articles are representing your business or website. If they are sloppy, riddled with errors and generally poor quality, what does that say about you and your business?

First impressions count! Always strive to put your best image out there, and it will pay off considerably.

About The Author

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer and web designer who has been successfully working from home since 2003. In 2005 she launched, a community and resource center for homebased professionals, and those who aspire to be. Visit today for tools, tips and information on how you can create your own homebased career, or further improve the one you already have!

This article was posted on August 03

by Wendy Betterini

THREE ways You can Use the Ezines to Increase Your

THREE ways You can Use the Ezines to Increase Your Sales

by: Radhika Venkata

***1. FIRST PROMOTIONAL METHOD: Write ezine articles and submit to ezine publishers

Writing ezine articles is one of the three best promotional methods that Iกd ever know. (search engines and free ebooks are other two in my experience). Ofcourse your results may be different.

Collect email addresses of ezine publishers that are willing to receive articles on certain topics.

Search the database on these web sites and collect the email addresses of ezine publishers who are willing to receive your articles. If you have a mailing list manager or autoresponder software, you can import them to your software. Seperate the publishers emails based on the article topics they want to receive.

You can send your article(s) to these publishers at certain interval like a month or two. DON’t forget to include a thankyou note for their time.

***2. SECOND PROMOTIONAL METHOD: Joint ventures with ezine publishers

Follow กWin and winก theory. If ezine publishers get something from the joint venture proposal sure they are gonna agree to your proposal. For example you have an affiliate program for your product, you can ask the ezine publishers to join in your affiliate program and send the advertisement to their subscribers with their affiliate link.

Or publish a free ebook with your product and relevant articles and offer it to subscribers of ezines. So ezine publishers can give away the free ebook to their subscribers (remember, ezine publishers now offering free ebooks to subscribers for signups). So you can use innovative methods to approach ezine publishers.

***3. THIRD PROMOTIONAL METHOD: Buying ezine ad space

Sometimes you sign up for an ezine, publishers offer you free ad that run in one or two issues. Or if you join an ezine coop, you will get to publish some free ads in your ezine inexchange of your free ads. Or you can buy cheap ads like $2 dollar ads. Beleive me. I experimented with all those. Not even got reasonable click through rate.

Few tips in selecting correct ezine for buying ad space: (Afterall you are spending money from your pocket. So spend sometime in researching that ezine)

=Choose the ezine carefully that related to your product.

=Subscribe to that ezine atleast few months. See how the ads are being placed.

=Check the number of subscribers, ad placements, price etc. But remember, It is the click through ratio that is important, not the number of subscribers. Ezine lists with double optin supposed to be with loyal subscribers.

=Always track your results of an advertisement. More on ad tracking

=Check if the ezine is published on the web simultaneously. Because some ezine publishers will send their ezines through emails and also publish them on their web sites. This will be an advantage for you as your ad will be placed on the web and will pull continuous visitors.

=Placement of ads: Top ads certainly pull more results than bottom ones.

=Writing good headline: Writing a good headline is very important to pull the reader in to the ad. No matter where the ad is placed, attractive headline always matters.

About The Author

Radhika Venkata

Subscribe to กiNet Marketing Ezineก which is completely focused on Internet Marketing. Receive FREE Ebooks with Resale rights!

FREE Ecourse :: 30 days Solid work out to increase your online profits!

This article was posted on April 10, 2004

by Radhika Venkata

How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First Time

How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First Time Authors

by: Roger C. Parker

ขIf you want to change your life,ข Harry Beckwith wrote in The Invisible Touch, ขwrite a book.ข But writing a book can also be tremendously frustrating and unrewarding.
Following are the 11 biggest reasons most firsttime authors fail to receive the rewards they are due.
1. Unrealistic expectations. Don’t expect to get rich off your book, even if it’s a success by publishing standards. The vast majority of books fail to earn out their advance.
Instead, develop a personal marketing plan to leverage your career off your book. Instead of trying to make money on the book itself, use your book to open doors, promote your credibility and build relationships with readers.
2. Writing without a contract. Never write a book without a signed contract. Instead, prepare a polished proposal and two sample chapters.
Publishers are increasingly selective about the titles they accept. Often, less than 1 in 20 titles proposed are published. Writing a book that isn’t accepted is not a good use of your time.
3. No agent. You must be represented by a literary agent. Publishers rarely accept unsolicited book proposals. Unsolicited proposals are frequently returned unread or are simply discarded.
The right agent will know exactly which publishers might be interested in your book. Agents can also negotiate terms more effectively than you.
4. Weak titles. Titles sell books. The title of your book is like the headline of an advertisement. The title represents your one and only chance to attract the attention of acquisition editors or bookstore readers.
Successful titles stress the benefits readers will gain from your book. Successful titles arouse curiosity and offer solutions. They often include consonants and alliteration (repeated ‘hard’ sounds like G, K, P or T).
5. Title versus series. Focus on a series of books rather than an individual title. Publishers want concepts that can be expanded into a series rather than individual titles.
6. Going it alone. Successful careers involve a nurturing support group of readers and peers. Your quest should include the support of your friends, other authors, book coaches, readers and others who will help you maintain your enthusiasm while providing ideas, assistance and feedback.
7. ‘Event’ writing. Write a little each day rather than ‘going away’ to write your book. Stress is an author’s biggest enemy. When you attempt marathon writing, you’re putting an unrealistic burden on yourself. ขWhat happens if I come back and my book isn’t written?ข
8. Selfediting. Avoid unnecessary selfediting. It’s far more important to complete the first draft of your book than to agonize over the perfection of every word.
Editors will ensure that grammar is correct and ideas appear in the proper order. But they can’t do anything until you submit the final manuscript.
9. Failure to promote. Publishers are not promoters. Publishers are skilled at editing, manufacturing and distributing books. But they are not set up to give your book the marketing attention it deserves. A single publicist may represent over 100 books!
If you want your book to succeed, you have to promote it as well as write it.
10. Failure to back up and save. Save frequently when writing. Always save before printing. Never turn off your computer without making a copy of your files for offpremises storage. Never end a writing session without printing out a hard copy of the latest version of the chapter you’re writing.
11. Failure to plan future profits. Before writing your book, create a book marketing plan. Book sales should be just the first step in an ongoing relationship with your readers. Your plan should identify opportunities from consulting, newsletters, audio/video recordings, seminars, speeches and yearly updates.
A book can, indeed, change your life. But you must take charge; take a proactive role in promoting and leveraging its success.

About The Author

Roger C. Parker is the $32,000,000 author with over 1.6 million copies in print. Do you make these marketing and design mistakes? Find out at

This article was posted on July 02, 2004

by Roger C. Parker

Should You Hire a Famous Writer or Write Your Own

Should You Hire a Famous Writer or Write Your Own Articles?

by: Bill Platt

Proven and Exceptional ClickThrough Results

Testing has proven again and again that promotional articles generate more clickthrough traffic than standard ezine advertising. And it is much cheaper than standard ezine advertising, even if you are paying someone else to write and distribute your articles for you.

Promotional articles that are distributed with freereprint rights get published regularly in ezines and on websites and the results are longterm. Both publication outlets generate results, although both outlets generate different patterns of traffic to your site.

Creating Content

Either you know that you are capable of writing your own articles or you feel that you might need to hire a ghostwriter to help you with your task.

If you need a ghostwriter to help you create articles to promote your program, there are literally dozens of companies and hundreds of freelance writers out there that can help you complete your task.

Tips for Selecting Your Ghostwriter

One of my clients asked me the other day whether they should use their own inhouse writer to develop their articles or whether they should hire a famous writer to write their articles for them.

That is a good question. It depends on how many articles you will want to have created for you.

If you plan on creating fewer than ten articles, it might make more sense to hire an already famous, professional writer. So long as your famous writer is known for the type of content you want to have created, then your famous writer will help you get a strong running start in that they already have a good reputation in the field you want your articles written.

If your famous writer is not known in your field, then it does not matter whether you use the famous writer, your inhouse writer, or if you create a pen name for a fictional writer.

Gambling on the Long Term

If your intent is to have more than ten articles created, then it is my suggestion that you should either use your inhouse writer using his or her real name or create a pen name for your inhouse writer.

Whether you use the writer*s real name or a pen name, your decision should be made upon your confidence in your inhouse writer. Sure, you can count on their skills or you would not be considering using their work. The real question you must ask yourself is how long you feel that the inhouse writer will remain in your employment.

There is always a chance that your business will be built on the name of someone who goes to another job, taking his or her name recognition with him or her to the other employer. Using your writer*s real name or a pen name is always a gamble. Weigh all of the factors well before making your decision.

If It Were My Business

If I ran a brickandmortar business in a very competitive marketplace where personalities can shine brighter than the home office, then I would strongly consider using my inhouse writer and providing him or her with a fictional pen name. There is no sense in building a name that will go on to promote your competition.

Manifesting the *Power of Seven*

If you have plans to develop more than ten articles for the promotion of your business, then it does not matter if your writer is already famous in your field.

I am sure that you have heard about the *Power of Seven.*

Many research companies have studied the question of how many times a business must be seen before the customer has confidence enough to spend money with the business.

The research has been conclusive. Seven is the magic number. Once a potential customer has heard of a business seven times, the business has rose above the first major hurdle in attracting the potential customer to their business. After a potential customer has heard of a business seven times, then the potential customer is much more likely to trust the business enough to spend their money with the business.

The *Power of Ten* in Publishing

A writer is very much like a business, and a publisher is very much like a customer. The *Power of Seven* plays an important role in getting the writer*s work published.

However, we cannot count on seven promotional articles to bridge the trust gap with the publisher. While publishers will see most of your articles, as they are made available for publication, usually they will not see seven articles in seven distributions.

Publishers are busy people and they do not check for new articles daily. But, publishers do check for new articles regularly as they need to continuously find materials for publication.

The goal is to send out ten articles to get seven articles seen and read by publishers. Once the publisher reads the seventh article, if the quality of the articles had been good, then the publisher will trust the value of the articles created by the writer.

More Figures Concerning Promotional Article Success

Ironically, the fact that the publisher has seen articles by a particular writer seven times is often good enough to get the writer published. The publisher only needs to read one or two good quality articles by the writer to cement the trust they will have in the writer.

Once the publisher has come to the decision that a writer is good and provides information important to their readers, the publisher will always notice the writer*s name as they are browsing for the next article that they will publish.

With my business, I have been distributing articles for my clients since early 2000. Any writer who has permitted me to submit articles for them for the length of six months remains to be one of my clients. Why do you think that is?

I believe it is because six months worth of article submissions whether done weekly, biweekly or monthly has enabled my client*s to bridge the *Power of Seven* with the publishers and webmasters who receive the articles that I distribute.

Some who distribute weekly cross the *Power of Seven* bridge well before the six months is up and they reaped fast rewards for their hyperdistribution schedule.

Publishers & Webmasters Are the Gateways to Buyers

With my service, I am able to get your articles into the mailboxes of more than 12,000 publishers and webmasters looking for good quality content.

If only 25 publishers with an average of 5,000 readers each reprint an article, then 125,000 potential buyers could read the average article. Add to that fact that several of my client*s get published in ezines that reach more than 700,000 readers, and my clients can reach nearly one million buyers with a single article.

The *Power of Seven* Could Make YOU Famous!

I always suggest that if you are doing more than ten articles, you should use your inhouse writer*s name or a fictional pen name. The reason I say this is that after ten articles, you will be strongly on the road to becoming famous yourself. Once the name used to promote your business has become famous, and then your business will continue to reap the rewards for that famous name for years to come.

About The Author

Bill Platt owns Do you need free content for your website or ezine? Our archives deliver more than 700 freereprint articles available for your use. Do you write your own articles? Let us distribute them for you to our network of 12000+ publishers & webmasters

This article was posted on September 27, 2004

by Bill Platt

Benefits to RSS

Benefits to RSS

by: Sharon Housley

RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. Typically, RSS feeds contain news headlines and content summaries. The content summaries contain just enough information without overwhelming the reader with superfluous details. If the reader is interested and wants additional information they can click on the item in the feed, accessing the website which contains additional details. RSS readers aggregate multiple feeds, making it easy for individuals to quickly scan information contained within each feed. Feeds are generally themed, allowing users to optin to feeds that are of interest.

The big benefit to RSS is that individuals optin to content of interest, totally controlling the flow of information that they receive. If the quality of the content in the feed declines, users simply remove the feed from their RSS reader and they will not receive any additional updates from that source. The RSS reader acts as an aggregator, allowing users to view and scan multiple content streams in a timely fashion.

RSS is a great supplemental communication method that does not burden the publisher with maintaining lists or following strict privacy guidelines. RSS feeds are compiled according to the userกs choices, removing any burden that is placed on publishers of email newsletters. Publishers no longer need to be concerned with spam, privacy policies, and age guidelines.

Publishers using RSS as a communication vehicle are able to create keywordrich, themed content, establishing trust, reputation, and ongoing communication with current and prospective customers.

What Kind of Information Can be Delivered in RSS Feeds?

Blogs Feed

Many blogs are catalogued in an RSS feed, with each blog entry summarized as a feed item. This makes it easy for visitors to scan blog posts for items of interest.

Article Feed

Articles are often placed into feeds to alert readers when new articles and content are available. The feed entry is typically an article summary or introduction. Readers can then ascertain if the article is of interest and read further.

Forum Feed

Many forums now have addons that allow participants to receive forum posts via RSS. The RSS feeds often will show the latest discussion topics; if users are interested they simply click to enter the forum to participate in the discussion. As the topic is updated they will see new entries in the RSS feed.

Schedule Feed

Schools, clubs and organizations will often use feeds to communicate meeting times, places and events that might be occurring. The RSS feeds are often used to publicize events, notify the community of schedule changes or meeting agendas.

Discounts / Specials Feed

Retail and online stores have begun using RSS feeds to deliver their latest specials and discounted offers. Some online retailers have taken this a step further, allowing users to create their own feeds based on keywords or phrases.

For example, this service will generate a URL than can be entered into a news reader. The feed is updated each time an item is added to Amazon that meets the specified criteria or keywords Amazon Search Feed

Ego / News Monitoring

Companies or individuals interested in receiving headline news based on a specific brand or keyword can use RSS feeds to monitor news sources.

For example, users can use the following tool to create a feed that will allow them to receive filtered news from Google News. They will only receive items related to a specific keyword or phrase they setup

IndustrySpecific RSS Feed Uses Include:

Technical professionals in specific industries have also developed RSS feeds as way to market, promote or communicate within their specific industries. In many cases, this has expanded their reach and increased communication with current and prospective customers and clients.

RSS feeds can be used by realtors to communicate the time and location for open houses, announce new property listings or promote decreased mortgage rates. Content feeds can also be used by universities to communicate sports scores or event schedules. Computer service professionals can create feeds to notify clients of potential security breaches, virus risks or outbreaks. Ultimately, RSS is molded to meet the communication needs of many sectors. Consider how RSS can benefit your business and supplement your communication needs.

RSS feed creation tool for publishers interested in creating fresh content FeedForAll

About The Author

Sharon Housley manages marketing for NotePage, Inc. and FeedForAll

This article was posted on December 08, 2004

by Sharon Housley

How To Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Artic

How To Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Article Published

by: Tameka Norris

Publishers and webmasters can spend massive amounts of time just trying to gather their articles for publication. The simple process of trying to obtain an article can be frustrating.
The longer it takes for the publisher to acquire your article the easier it is for them to walk away. Some publishers aren’t as determined as others and the simple act of procrastination can lead them to never publishing your article.
The easier it is for a webmaster to obtain your article the better chance you have as an writer to send more traffic to your website.
In the time that they couldกve already copied and pasted an article for publication theyกve spent wasting it away on actually trying to get it.
So how can you make webmasters and publishers job 100% easier and increase your chance of getting your article published?
1) By reducing their effort as much as possible. Eliminate the effort theyกll have to make after they realize they want to publish your article.
2) Offer them the option of acquiring your article right after theyกve read it. Give them the benefit of copying and pasting your article immediately. Provide them with instant gratification. No delays.
3) Do the work for them. Give them the opportunity to be as lazy as they can be. Provide them with a preformatted HTML version of your article so they don’t have to spend the extra time doing it themselves. This option is especially useful for webmasters who publish your articles on their website.
4) Don’t stop there. Not only should you offer them an HTML copy, offer a text copy of your article. This makes it very easy if the publisher of your article is being published in an ezine.
5) Make them love you. Offer them the best of both worlds. Eliminate the need for them to request permission to use your article. At most, the publisher should only have to notify you that they are publishing your article.
Bridge the gap and theyกll be coming back for more:
The less work a publisher has to do the happier they are, and the more articles they can publish.

About The Author

Reduce the workload of publishers. Valuable Content provides text and HTML copies of articles submitted to the website. Writers are encouraged to submit their articles:

[email protected]

This article was posted on July 17, 2004

by Tameka Norris

The Case for Overture to Enter the Mass Contextual

The Case for Overture to Enter the Mass Contextual Advertising Market

by: Dave Lavinsky

Contextual Advertising is, by definition, textbased advertising. As opposed to search engine results which show up when a user types in a specific request, contextual ads appear alongside text on all websites that opt to show them.

The market leader in contextual advertising is Google. Through its AdWords™ program, advertisers can choose to syndicate their ads on relevant websites. On the other side of the equation, website owners can join Google’s AdSense™ program to serve these ads.

Google is not the only company that allows website owners to serve contextual ads. There are a host of others such as and Revenue Pilot that also do this. The problem with using these other firms is that the priceperclick you receive will most likely be less than the price that Google pays you. This is because advertisers generally bid/pay on an auction basis. Since Google has so many bidders, the price that the advertiser pays is greater than they pay on lesser search engines (classic supply/demand economics).

There is one search engine, Overture, which also serves large volumes of advertisers, and as such, has keyword bid prices that are as high as, and often higher than Google’s. While Overture does offer contextual advertising, it has strict limitations which prevent the vast majority of websites from enrolling. Specifically, Overture limits its contextual advertising program to websites generating more than 1 million web searches a month.

Overture clearly is missing out on a huge revenue source by limiting program participants. The rational behind its selectivity is most likely the fact that its contextual advertising program relies heavily on Overtureกs editorial team to avoid poor matches that a technologydependant approach inevitably produces. As an example, according to statements released at the time of the program’s launch by Bill Demas, Overtureกs Senior Vice President, without editorial intervention a story about a person stabbed to death could easily carry knife advertisements.

While Overture is missing out on significant revenues, web publishers are also missing out by Overture’s nonparticipation. This is because, if more web publishers were able to choose between AdSense and Overture’s programs, Google would be forced to become more aggressive with the percentage split that it gives AdSense publishers. While it has been reported that big Google partners such as receive 80% of the revenue per click generated by Google ads, AdSense publishers report figures in the 10% to 50% range.

So, web publishers should really begin pushing Overture to open up its contextual advertising program as web publishers, and potentially Overture/Yahoo!’s shareholders, could reap significant financial benefits.

About The Author

As President of Growthink, Dave Lavinsky has helped the company become one of the premier business plan development firms. Since its inception, Growthink has developed over 200 business plans. Growthink clients have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share. Growthink has become the firm of choice for venture capital firms, angel investors, corporations and entrepreneurs in the know. For more information please visit

This article was posted on February 18

by Dave Lavinsky

Understanding Ezine Publishing!

Understanding Ezine Publishing!

by: Jon Kogan

I can remember my first reaction to word กezineก. What is it? The word กezineก, (pronounced eezeen), is a shortened version of กelectronic zineก, which is a word used to describe short selfpublished กelectronic magazinesก.

Ezines can be emailbased, Webbased, or presented in some other electronic format. However, for the most part, when publishers speak of their กezinesก, they’re usually referring to an email publication.

กEzine publishingก has grown in popularity over the last several years to the point where there are thousands of กezinesก covering virtually every topic under the sun.

Some กezineก gurus have spent years of tedious, zombie Internet surfing and late night fact finding through manual work to compile their personal arsenal of กezineก marketing tools and resource list.

Email publishers produce their กezinesก for a variety of reasons and the following are among the most common goals:

Generating Revenue Generating a profit is one of the most common กezineก publishing goals. The sources of กezineก revenue include advertising, sales of products or services affiliate revenue, and so on. The กezineก serves as a support mechanism for the product or service and adds value to it, which encourages more sales.

Generating Leads Publishing an กezineก is a great way to generate leads with the same pursuits and interests. Important personal and business contacts are made every day between กezineก publishers and their subscribers.

Supporting a Website An กezineก creates an excellent means of driving repeat traffic.

Once youกve determined your goals, for starters, you should plan a publishing strategy that will best enable you to reach those goals. You need to decide on กezineก topic, determine the frequency, issue size and the most importantly, develop the content.

One of the most popular types of กezineก content is the กarticleก. กArticlesก might be of the news, howto, entertaining, or other variety. As an example, since I am in home business, my article content is focused on marketing ideas, useful business building resources, time saving tools, website development and training.

It is highly recommended that you produce at least some of the content yourself. As a publisher, you are in the unique position to be able to create your กezineก unique กpersonalityก. Your subscribers will learn to identify it over time and may come to appreciate your กezineก for precisely that reason. Other popular sources of content include staff or freelance writers, syndicated content, or reprints of articles from other กezineก publishers.

On the other hand, if all of your content is unoriginal and your กezineก offers nothing unique to your subscribers, they will not have much of incentive to read each issue or stay subscribed.

© 2004, Jon Kogan, All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

Jon Kogan is Founder of ZivoMarketing and Editor of Home Business Breakthroughs Ezine!

mailto: [email protected]

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Jon Kogan was born, raised and educated in Ukraine.

Arriving to the USA in 1975 has been able to focus on the area of his expertise in marketing, sales and management in the corporate world.

In 2002, Jon has made a decision to apply real world marketing concepts to the Internet. His goals are to provide training, education and to show that it’s simple and easy to join the ranks of successminded people by choosing to start a home business.

[email protected]

This article was posted on November 22, 2004

by Jon Kogan

Ezines, Ezines Everywhere!

Ezines, Ezines Everywhere!

by: Terri Seymour

There are literally thousands of ezines being published online these days. Sometimes it is hard to know which ones are best for advertising in, reading, subscribing to and so on.

How do we know which ones are good and which ones aren’t? Which ones should we advertise in and what type of advertising is best? How do we know we can trust the publisher?

Answering these questions is not always easy, but there are signs we can look for in an ezine.

Quality Content Quality ezines will contain lots of useful and helpful content. Links, articles, free downloads, marketing and promotion information, helpful tools, etc. are some examples of good content.

Publisher Interaction One thing you want to be aware of is how the publisher interacts with his/her readers. Do they have a section where they ‘talkก to the readers? Are you able to get to know the publisher as well as them showing an interest in getting to know you? An ezine can be a labor of love, but if the publisher does not even take the time to bond with the readers, it might mean that the publisher just wants to make a fast buck!

Limited Ads Look out for ezines that are just a long list of ads. This cheapens the ezine and the quality of advertising. If you are looking for an ezine to advertise in, stick with ezines that contain only about 5 (give or take one or two) ads per issue.

You also want to advertise with a publisher that offers solo ads. Statistically, solo ads are the type of ad that get the most response. Your second choice would be the top sponsor position, which is right at the top of the ezine.

Contact Info I have already seen ezines where I could not even find the publisherกs name, let alone an email address! If someone does not even want you to know their name or email, I hardly think they are going to be there when you need them or take the time to write a quality ezine.

Sales Letter Some publishers will mistakenly use their ezine as just a means of selling their products. They fail to realize that they must build a trusting relationship with their readers rather than just using them to make a quick sale or two. An ezine should be used as a path between publisher and readers, a way to build a relationship of trust and respect.

Consistency Watch for ezines that say published every week and then maybe you get one once or twice a month. If the publisher cannot even deliver an ezine when promised, how can he/she be believed about anything else. Of course, there will be times when we as publishers, for one reason or another cannot get an issue out. A good publisher will either let you know ahead of time or send an explanation as soon as possible. The one you have to watch out for is the one that will send an ezine whenever they feel like it with no consideration for the subscribers.

These are a few of the things to watch for when trying to decide which ezines to advertise in or to give your loyalty as a subscriber.

As you read and look over more ezines, you will see which ones suit your style or your taste, but always keep an eye out for the main points of a good ezine!

I like an ezine with a warm and friendly personality. This, of course would come from the publisher. If the publisher gives the ezine some personality, it makes for much better reading, advertising and enjoyment!

I would just like to recommend a few of my favorite ezines/publishers.

SimpleBiz Ezine Publisher: Livvie Matthews Livvie is a wonderfully warm and funny lady who takes her business seriously and does a great job. She definitely has the personality for a great ezine!

RIM Digest Publisher: Jan TallentDandridge I have known Jan for years and although she is very friendly and easygoing, she is a nononsense professional. She puts her กRIMMERSก above all else.

Ideas By Post Publisher: Alannah Moore I may not have known Alannah as long as some other publishers, but I know her ezine is loaded with tons of great information and resources. Alannah does a great job of putting together a professional ezine. It would be worth your while to take a look.

HomeBizJunction Herald Publisher: Cathy Bryant Cathy has years of experience with ezine publishing and gives her readers what they are looking for, a clean & sharp ezine full of quality content! She is 100% a professional, but makes a great friend as well.

All of these ezines and publishers are an asset to the Internet marketing world and I strongly recommend them. Of course, I am partial to MOE, but the above ezines are excellent also! 😉

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates

Learn to publish and promote your own ezine. mailto:[email protected]

For a complete list of her articles available for reprint please email: mailto:[email protected]

You can contact her at mailto:[email protected]

ATTN: Ezine Publishers, save hours of your valuable time!

[email protected]

This article was posted on December 01, 2002

by Terri Seymour

10 First Rate Tips To Getting More Ezine Subscribe

10 First Rate Tips To Getting More Ezine Subscribers

by: Ken Hill

1. Submit your ezine to ezine directories.

Ezine directories attract people interested in subscribing to ezines that provide them with information about their interests such as marketing, affiliate programs, gardening, or staying healthy.

In addition, ezine directories will help you to find people to buy advertising in your publication as well as other publishers who would like to swap ads or do a joint venture with you.

2. Promote your ezine in your signature file. Include a couple lines of promotion for your ezine in addition to the other information in your sig file.

3. Add a subscription box for your ezine on every page of your site. This will ensure that whatever page your visitors enter your site from, they will be able learn about your ezine and subscribe to your publication.

4. Provide a bonus for subscribing to your ezine such as an ebook, report, tutorial, marketing course, or access to your subscriberกs only membership site.

Mention your bonus when promoting your ezine on your site, in your signature file, and when submitting your publication to ezine directories.

5. Buy classified ads or sponsor ads for your publication in ezines that you are already subscribed to and enjoy reading.

Also search ezine directories for ezines that reach your target market and offer reasonable advertising rates.

6. Swap ads with other ezine publishers. Be specific when asking for your ad swap. Clearly define where you will place the other publisherกs ad and ask the other publisher to place the same ad for you.

Also ask for confirmation of your ad and a copy of the issue your ad will run in, and provide the other publisher with a copy of her ad and a copy of the issue you run her ad in.

To get the most out of your swaps trying swapping ads for at least 3 issues in a row and track your swaps, so that you will be able to pinpoint which ads and ezines give you the best response.

7. Use your articles to promote your ezine. Add a resource box that advertises your ezine to articles that youกve written and run in your ezine or write articles specifically for promoting your ezine.

Next submit your articles to other ezine publishers, to article directories, and to article announcement lists.

8. Use autoresponders to promote your ezine to your visitors. Make sample issues of your ezine available by autoresponder or use your autoresponders to create an archive of all your past issues.

9. Publish testimonials/endorsements for your ezine on your site. If youกve received tons of these for your ezine, use an autoresponder to deliver them to your visitors.

10. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers. You could swap recommendations where the other publisher puts her recommendation of your ezine in her own words while you do the same for her.

You could also publish a recommended ezines section if you wanted to swap recommendations with several other ezines interested in swapping recommendations with each other.

About The Author

Article Copyright by writer, Ken Hill. Save Money With Affordable Email List Hosting! Fast, easy and cost effective email delivery to your lists. Youกll increase your sales while reducing your investment! Get your First 30 Days FREE! Learn more now at:

This article was posted on March 15, 2004

by Ken Hill