Spread Your Ideas and Your Reputation Will Follow

Spread Your Ideas and Your Reputation Will Follow

by: Scott Foreman

As we all know, Internet Marketing growth is all about increasing traffic to your website. Time and again, what’s proven to be the best way to dramatically increase traffic to your website?

You already know that answer. In fact, we’ve talked about it in the last few weeks…

Write original articles!

We won’t rehash the importance of creating unique, helpful content for your visitors. I’ll just assume that you are on the wave of massive traffic that is writing articles.

Now that you’ve written the articles what do you do?

Publish them!

Get your articles out on the web at targeted sites where potential customers will read them and publishers of high traffic web sites will reprint them. Not sure where to begin? Check out our starter list of great sites to publish your articles.


When it comes to most consumer products or services there are three aspects: fast, good, and cheap. Usually, you’ll get two out of three. True to form, our resources listed about are good and they’re free, but they are certainly not fast.

In fact, the article publishing process can be very time consuming if you publish an article one website at a time. If you could save time in this valuable process, certainly you would, right?

If you’re willing to pay a little bit, you can find some great services that will take your article and automatically publish it on multiple websites at once.

You can see our favorite ขmass publishข program here:


Whichever program you choose, make sure that you are using your time wisely. You already know the importance of writing and publishing original articles. Now take the next step of automating that process so that you can spend more time discovering even more lucrative business ideas.

Remember, be good to yourself and never underestimate the power associated with the intensity of your passion.

Copyright 2005 Foreman Enterprises

by Scott Foreman BuildPassiveIncome.com

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This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and websites provided that the information box is kept intact. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: [email protected]

About The Author

Wayne and Scott Foreman are coowners of http://www.buildpassiveincome.com

This Secret Book Made Terry Dean Rich! You Can Get it Free IF you click below now (you won’t believe the simple techniques it reveals that ANYONE can use) http://www.BuildPassiveIncome.com/secret

[email protected]

This article was posted on January 13

by Scott Foreman

Freebies are Worth Every Penny

Freebies are Worth Every Penny

by: Scott Foreman

What’s the best way to make money online?

I know what you’re thinking, ขhe can’t possibly be answering a question that clichéd.ข Actually, you’re right. I’m not offering a definitive position on THE BEST moneymaker, but a really, really good way is also a pretty easy way.

If you’re like me, you get lots of emails and lots of internet marketing offers everyday. If you read every offer and clicked on every link, you’d never be able to live your life.

As a result, you know you have to offer your customers and visitors value or they won’t buy and won’t come back to your site. There are many things that are worth every penny of their cost, but what if there was no cost? What if you consistently gave your customers valuable information and products without charging them? Is that crazy? I don’t think so.

Think about it. If the only time you contact your mailing list is to sell them something, you better have some great products or your customers will get tired of hearing from you pretty quickly. If, however, you gave your customers free information on a repeat basis, you are adding value to your relationship with them. Value added equals trust gained. When trust is gained, the products you promote are more likely to convert to sales.

Where do you get free products? Create original content. Write something original. Research a hot topic. Become an expert on a subject. Does it take work? Yes. Does it take a PhD? No. If you write articles, you can compile similar articles into a mini ebook. If there is a topic in your niche market that is popular, read up on it and offer a summary. Do you have unique knowledge or skills that other people need? Provide answers to people’s questions.

Also, since PDF’s are the most popular way to transmit ebooks now, you’ll need a way to create those documents. For a way to turn standard word processing documents into PDF’s, check out this cool tool:


The next newsletter you send to your list, don’t try to sell anything. Instead, give away something useful. You may not see an immediate impact on traffic and sales, but over the long term, you’re sure to reap the benefits of goodwill.

Remember, be good to yourself and never underestimate the power associated with the intensity of your passion.

Copyright 2005 Foreman Enterprises

by Scott Foreman BuildPassiveIncome.com

[email protected]

We will pay you TWO WAYS to run this article!

First, we will pay you up to $25 for every person who visits our site and purchases a product as a result of you running or posting this article.

PLUS, once you confirm we will give you a FREE DISPLAY AD in our Internet Success Newsletter (thatกs how much we appreciate it)!

Make sure that you get your affiliate ID at:


This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and websites provided that the information box is kept intact. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: [email protected]

About The Author

Wayne and Scott Foreman are coowners of


This Secret Book Made Terry Dean Rich! You Can Get it Free IF you click below now (you won’t believe the simple techniques it reveals that ANYONE can use)


[email protected]

This article was posted on January 10

by Scott Foreman

Looking for Help Writing Google Adwords?

Looking for Help Writing Google Adwords?

by: Scott Foreman

With the holidays in ขfull swing,ข shopping is frenzied and buying is at the high point for the year. With even the most rudimentary business knowledge, you know that fourth quarter of the year is always the strong quarter for retailers. People are buying like crazy and each year, the economy picks up a little more steam and people have a little more disposable income.

As Pay Per Click (PPC) advertisers, we know that we must take advantage of this season. This can be a gold mine of opportunity. Whatever product you may be promoting, people are generally more likely to buy. There are exceptions, of course, but we need to be taking advantage of shoppers’ willingness to purchase items they may not normally purchase.

When writing advertisements for PPC services, there is one technique that tends to get attention. After all, attention is really what we’re after. It’s the merchants’ job to write effective sales copy. It’s the merchants’ job to sell the product. With PPC advertising, our only job is to get the click. That’s it.

So what’s the technique for getting people’s attention? You’ve already seen and fallen ขvictimข to it. Ask questions. You may be reading this because you recognize my name and like my past articles, but more than likely, you were caught by the title. When writing short ads whose sole intent is to get clicks, ask questions that searchers want answered.

If a searcher goes to a search engine and types in ขshoes,ข what ad title would get more attention: ‘Shoes’ or ‘Looking for Shoes?’ Both titles have the requisite keyword there, but one states a fact (rather blandly) and the other answers a question. When it all comes down to it, isn’t that what many searchers want, questions answered? How about this example: ‘Tie a Bowtie’ or ‘How Do I Tie A Bowtie?’ I think you can see the question seems to address the searcher’s concern more thoroughly than the statement.

The next PPC campaign you start, try asking a question in your ad title. If you can also make sure that the product answers that question, you’ve got a powerful combination of eyecatching ad and problem solving product.

Remember, be good to yourself and never underestimate the power associated with the intensity of your passion.

Wishing you Success,

Scott Foreman

[email protected]

Copyright 2004 Foreman Enterprises

We will pay you TWO WAYS to run this article!

First, we will pay you up to $25 for every person who visits our site and purchases a product as a result of you running or posting this article.

PLUS, once you confirm we will give you a FREE DISPLAY AD in our Internet Success Newsletter (thatกs how much we appreciate it)!

Make sure that you get your affiliate ID at: http://www.buildpassiveincome.com/affiliate

This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and websites provided that the information box is kept intact. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: [email protected]

About The Author

Wayne and Scott Foreman are coowners of www.buildpassiveincome.com

This Secret Book Made Terry Dean Rich! You Can Get it Free IF you click below now (you won’t believe the simple techniques it reveals that ANYONE can use)


[email protected]

This article was posted on December 20, 2004

by Scott Foreman

eBooks: With Courage And Patience, We Are Getting

eBooks: With Courage And Patience, We Are Getting There

by: L. Scott Redford

Just how do we make the กeก in ebooks stand for กeasierก? Well, how about this? Letกs scrap the existing digital rights management. Instead everybody in charge of administering DRM would be retrained overnight as digital priests. They would certify ‘trustworthinessก to those seeking to download ebooks.

Before downloads, customers would be visited by digital priests of their respective religious persuasions. With great pomp and circumstance, they would กpledgeก not to forward their books to everybody in the world without compensating the authors and publishers. Break the pledge, and youกd find yourself in purgatory, handcopying old encyclopedias.

Or maybe a totalitarian law would work instead. Firstoffenders guilty of unlawful content reproduction would have to wear a scratchy wool eye patch for one year. For a second crime, the patch would be now a mask. We could set up tollfree hotlines and reward people for spying on their neighbors.

The Real Point

See my real point here? No easy way exists to loosen the DRM gripthis complicated issue can’t be addressed with good oldfashioned guilt and fear. But ebook standards for DRM and formats would help. I am counting on the laws of capitalism, which always prevail. A demand will eventually be met with supply, and Iกm hoping that the right set of standard will break from the pack and simplify the digital content landscape. That will be a blessed day. Microsoft, Adobe and Palm and the others now have their own special technology fee tacked on to the price of ebooks. And that complicates merchandising. We ebook merchants would rather not have multiple cost structures for the same ebook.

Nor do we like consumers to be limited to books published in their chosen format or suffer multiple technologies just to enjoy a story. Nothing is more frustrating than having three different libraries on your handheld and forgetting where your recent fiction resides. I don’t just hear customers complaintsI myself own a handheld.

Villains not

Whoกs to blame? Iกm thinking nobody. Many authors and publishers break out in a cold sweat at just the mention of the word กNapsterก and can you blame them? Their livelihood is at stake. They should, however, strive to better satisfy consumers desire for more content in digital form.

If a publisher has faith in their work, itกs now accepted that expanding to ebook will deliver extra profit and drive hardback sales. Not all understand this. I still hear some authors express misguided fear that ebooks will cannibalize their hardback sales. Publishing is not a zerosum game, howeverand that actually can be good. Ebooks add incremental value to the equation. Granted, companies tasked with encrypting content for them are an easy target, for they create the hoops through which we must jump. But the DRM heavyweights like Microsoft, Adobe and eReader are simply business people satisfying a need with existing technology.

No glass chin

Let there be no mistake, the future is bright for ebookssales are on a steady rise. The industry took a couple of jabs during the Internet correction, but youกll find no glass chin here. More students are beginning to see ebooks as an alternative for those pricey hardback textbooks. The computer savvy are learning the ease in pasting code directly from their favorite Java ebook manual, and thereกs even speculation that men are reading more romance as they no longer fear being seen with a floral book cover. Moreover, the Tablet PC is maturing, and the publishers are slowly but surely putting even more content in digital form. It takes courage, but we’re getting there. Though it is a word often used in excuses, กpatienceก is needed by digital downloaders, me included.

About The Author

Article by L. Scott Redford [email protected]

Scott is the President of Diesel eBooks with over 35,000 popular and professional eBooks organized by 50 categories.

Visit the free download section at http://www.dieselebooks.com

This article was posted on February 01

by L. Scott Redford

If Only There Was Some Forum For The Exchange of I

If Only There Was Some Forum For The Exchange of Ideas

by: Scott Foreman

For those of you over the age of 15 you have a reasonable memory of a time when there was no Internet. I’m just old enough to still be amazed at the ease of obtaining and pure volume of information available online. Not to mention the breadth of topics covered. It’s a rare day indeed when I meet someone who can’t find any information on their niche interest online.

While a huge amount of information exists online, it can be difficult, if not insanely frustrating to find sometimes. There is hope however, especially for those of you brand new to Internet Marketing. While we may lament the amount of competition in this Marketing field, it does provide us with a large number of incredibly knowledgeable professionals. Many of those experts are willing to share the information that they have to any who ask.

Admittedly, most of you already know what I’m about to say. It bears repeating, however, for even the most experienced of veterans, that there is always someone out there who knows more about your question than you. The answer is Internet Forums. For those of you new to the web, forums are just what the name suggests, places to post questions and ideas on a particular topic. Given that most visitors of forums have similar interests, you are most likely going to find someone that can point you in the right direction. It may take a day or two, but if you have the time, forums are great gathering spots for experts and pros alike.

Newbies can gather huge amounts of (mostly accurate) information. Vets can help out their fellow man/woman and even find answers to their own questions. You never know when someone with highly specialized knowledge is lurking in the shadows of the forum waiting to answer your detailed question.

Take advantage of forums to answer questions, meet new people, and just be around likeminded individuals. You will dramatically shorten your learning curve on any subject. When the day comes that you are the expert, remember where you got your start and help out the next guy.

While its not the intent of this article to recommend specific home business forums, please feel free to contact us for some of our favorites. Or you can visit our resources directly at: http://www.marketerschoice.com/app/adtrack.asp?AdID=114085 Remember, be good to yourself and never underestimate the power associated with the intensity of your passion.

Wishing you Success,

Scott Foreman

[email protected]

Copyright 2004 Foreman Enterprises

We will pay you TWO WAYS to run this article!

First, we will pay you up to $25 for every person who visits our site and purchases a product as a result of you running or posting this article.

PLUS, once you confirm we will give you a FREE DISPLAY AD in our Internet Success Newsletter (thatกs how much we appreciate it)!

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This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and websites provided that the information box is kept intact. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: [email protected]

About The Author

Wayne and Scott Foreman are coowners of www.buildpassiveincome.com

This Secret Book Made Terry Dean Rich! You Can Get it Free IF you click below now (you won’t believe the simple techniques it reveals that ANYONE can use)


[email protected]

This article was posted on December 21, 2004

by Scott Foreman