The Only Way To Succeed In MLM

The Only Way To Succeed In MLM

by: Gino Harteel

Let assume you found the perfect mlm business, you did your homework of course, you contacted the head office and the local support, if available, asked some innocent questions and checked how fast and professional they responded.

You also tested your sponsor, finding out, how committed he or she is with the business of your life.

And if everybody passed the test, you finally join the opportunity of lifetime.

Thatกs what I did in 1997. As I am a good talker, I had no problem finding and introducing people to this wonderful opportunity.

I searched around and asked my upline for the perfect way to organize my downline.

To make a long story short, I have come a long way, but let me explain, what IS working very well.

Please review It is a site of my own that I dedicate to new Euro Millions and UK Lotto players, they can become an affiliate and if they find 5 people who join the syndicate lotto, they play for free.

Well, I could register as many people as I could directly under me and receive 20 % commission, this is the first level rewards.

But instead, I transfer the new member to my second level, third level and what do I notice ?

People realize the potential that finally they will play for free and in the second phase, earn a monthly income.

In my own experience, this is the way to conduct your mlm business and youกll succeed !

It is working for me, take my advice and apply it to your own group.

Good luck.

About The Author

Gino Harteel has been involved with mlm since 1997 and has been building downlines in different ways. On you can find out how he has been building his downline with success.

[email protected]

This article was posted on October 19, 2004

by Gino Harteel

You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Be A PC Gamer

You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Be A PC Gamer

by: Nathan Holsing

There is a common misconception that you have to take out a second mortgage on your house if you want to get a computer that will run all of the latest and greatest games. I don’t know who started the rumor that you need to spend $3000 to get a gaming computer. The truth is, if you are smart about it, you can easily afford to get a highend gaming computer. Here are a few simple rules to follow to put a gaming computer within reach.

Rule 1. Never buy the newest technology.

I know we all want to be the guy or girl with the newest toy, but you will never be able to keep up with technology. That topoftheline graphics card that came out today will be old news in just a couple of months and a new one will be released that is กso much betterก. Guess what happens to the price of the new graphics card you just broke the bank on? It dropped by about 50%. If you would have just been patient you could have purchased it for a fraction of the cost.

Rule 2. You only have to keep up with the software.

Rule 2 closely correlates to Rule 1. It usually takes software companies two years, give or take, to develop a new game. During this time there are new technology breakthroughs. If they went back and reengineered the game every time a new processor or a new graphics card came out, the game would never be released. Another important factor is that they want the game to be available to the largest number of consumers. For this reason they do their best to make sure the game can be played on a wide variety of systems. Check out the system requirements for some of the more popular games. A 1.8GHz processor and a Direct X 9 compatible graphics card will run just about everything out there. Granted you might have to turn some of the settings down but it will run it.

Once you reach a certain point the added performance of the new technology is noticeable. For example, the Athlon 64 chip has been out for more than a year, yet there are very few applications that require a 64 bit processor. If you check out benchmarks on the new PCI Express graphics cards you will see that they are running games at 300+ frames per second. When you watch a movie it runs at roughly 60 frames per second. A game will still run relatively smoothly at 20 frames per second. Basically anything over 60 frames per second likely will not be perceived while playing the game. You will only see the difference in your benchmark programs.

Rule 3. Build Your Own Computer

This is important for two reasons. First, you can be assured of better quality components when you pick everything out on your own. When you buy an offtheshelf system, chances are you are getting a big name CPU and everything else is most likely generic. Do you know what motherboard, power supply, or type of RAM you are getting? This of course, is my personal opinion, Iกm not saying every manufacturer builds sub standard machines, but from experience Iกve had greater longevity from the computers Iกve built myself. Iกve also noticed that you will often get little system memory, unless you pay a great deal more for it. You will often get 256MB of RAM with these base system. Windows XP will run, but likely with problems, on 256MB of RAM. It seems to be the most stable with 512MB or more. Other areas they cut costs is by using integrated graphics chips. This saves them having to put in a graphics card, but you will pay the price for it when you try to play a game.

The second reason to build your own computer is that you can cut your costs by stealing parts from your old computer. You can save hundreds of dollars by reusing the drives, case, monitor, keyboard and mouse. Plus, you don’t have to worry about calling a technician to install RAM or a new graphics card because youกll already know how to do it.

How Much Can You Build A Computer For?

I just checked out some pricing and you can build a very nice midrange gaming computer for around $600$700 using an AMD Athlon 64 3000+. If you can steal a DVD drive from your old computer and maybe the case, you can bring the cost down even more. You can build a highend machine for under $1000. The internet is full of useful websites about how to build computers. Look around and youกll find all the information you need. There are several books published about the topic as well. If you follow these simple rules and do a little research you can enjoy all of the best computer games even if you are on a shoestring budget.

About The Author

Nathan Holsing is the editor of a website that provides information regarding building computers, product reviews, and hardware buying guides.

[email protected]

This article was posted on April 13

by Nathan Holsing

How to Backup Windows XP Home Edition

How to Backup Windows XP Home Edition

by: Stephen Bucaro

Your computer cost you from hundreds to thousands of dollars, but the computer itself is not the most valuable part. The data on the hard disk is the most valuable part. How many hours of work did you put into creating that data? One little event, like a power line spike from a lightning strike, and all that work could be lost. Unfortunately, backing up with Windows XP Home Edition is not as simple as it should be.

The first step is to choose a backup device. You might choose a tape drive or a DVD drive, but those devices might require drivers to be installed before you could restore from them. The simplest option is to install a second hard drive in your computer.

The second hard drive doesn’t have to be equal to your main hard drive. You can use an older, smaller hard drive as the backup device, as long as the backup drive has more กFree Spaceก than the main hard drive has กUsed Spaceก.

Install a Second Hard Drive

When installing a second hard drive in your computer, itกs important to configure the drives correctly. Your motherboard should have two ATA (sometimes called IDE) connectors. The primary connector should have a cable with two drive connectors. The end connector should go to your main hard drive, the middle connector can be used for a backup hard drive. The second motherboard ATA connector should go to your CDROM.

On the back of each hard drive is a jumper. The jumper on your main hard drive should be set to the กMasterก position. The jumper on your backup hard drive should be set to กSlaveก position. Most modern computers use กCable Selectก, so you can set both jumpers to the กCable Selectก position. Don’t forget the power connector for the second drive.

When you restart your computer, the second drive should be automatically recognized and be designated with the next drive letter available, usually E: (D: being used for the CDROM drive).

Format the Second Hard Drive

Generally, you will want to reformat the second hard drive after installation to remove any previously installed operating system and to remove any previous file access rights. To format the drive, select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administration Tools | Computer Management. In the กComputer Managementก window, under กStorageก, click on กDisk Managementก.

Right click on the backup diskกs drive letter. In the popup menu, select All Tasks | Format… In the Warning dialog box that appears, click on the กYesก button. In the กFormatก dialog box, in the กFile systemก dropdown list, select NTFS. Click on the กOKก button. Again, in the Warning dialog box that appears, click on the กYesก button.

Install the Backup Utility

Windows XP Home Edition doesn’t install the Backup utility by default. Youกll need to install it manually from your Windows XP CDROM.

1. After inserting the CDROM, open Control Panelกs กAdd or Remove Programsก utility. In the กAdd or Remove Programsก utilityก, click on the กAdd New Programsก button, then click on the กCD or Floppyก button.

2. In the กRun Installation Programก dialog box that appears, navigate to the VALUEAD/MSFT/NTBACKUP folder on the CDROM and select the file NTBACKUP.MSI. Click on the กFinishก button. The Backup utility will be installed.

Perform a Full Backup

To perform a backup, select Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Backup to open the Backup Utility.

Note: If you don’t find Backup listed in System Tools, double click on the file name ntbackup.exe in the Windows\system32 folder.

In the กBackup or Restore Wizardก, click on the กAdvanced Modeก link. In the กBackup Utilityก dialog box, select the กBackupก tab and set the checkbox next to the drive to backup (c:) and set the checkbox next to กSystem Stateก.

In the กBackup media or file nameก text box, enter the path to the file for the backup (example E:\Backup.bkf). Click on the กStart Backupก button.

In the กBackup Job Informationก dialog box that appears, set the radio button next to ‘replace the data on the media with this backupก. Click on the กStart Backupก button. The กbackup Progressก dialog box will appear.

Even when you backup to relatively fast media like hard disk, the process can take 30 minutes or longer depending upon how much data is on the main drive.

When the backup is complete, turn off the computer and remove the data and power cables from the backup drive. It doesn’t make sense to leave the backup drive connected because if the cause of a failure is a power spike, it will take out both drives. Next time you want to backup youกll need to reinstall the cables.

How to Perform a Restore

In the unfortunate event that your computer crashes and you can’t get it back by any other means, youกll need to reinstall Windows XP from the CDROM. (Automated System Recovery is not supported in Windows XP Home Edition.) Youกll need to reinstall the Backup utility. Then youกll need to shut down the computer to install the data and power cables to the backup drive. Restart the computer and use the Backup Utility to restore Windows XP from the backup file.

When using this backup method, itกs important to be careful not to break any pins when you are removing and installing the data cable of the hard drive. And if your computer doesn’t use กcable Selectก, don’t forget to change the jumper on the main hard drive back to กSingleก.

Copyright(C) Bucaro TecHelp

Permission is granted for the below article to forward, reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website, offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as long as no changes are made and the byline, copyright, and the resource box below is included.

About The Author

Stephen Bucaro

To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money on the Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter visit

This article was posted on September 09, 2004

by Stephen Bucaro

Your 30 Second Commercial

Your 30 Second Commercial

by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore

This tip is so simple, that many people weกve talked with never bother using it, but it is highly effective. Prepare a 30 second verbal commercial about what your business offers. This should be 50 words or less, and practice saying it until it becomes second nature. End it with phrases such as กIกd love to have you as a clientก or กIกd like to do business with youก.

For example, my 30 second commercial goes like this: กHi, my name is Chuck DeFiore and Iกm a lease purchase consultant. I can help sellers move their property in 30 days or less, and help buyers get into a home today that they can buy tomorrow. Iกd love to help you with your real estate problem.ก

Although this appears to be a very simplistic approach, your commercial gives the individual you’re talking with a sense of the confidence you feel about providing your service to him or her.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2000

About The Author

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our กhow toก Home Business Solutions Digest, itกs like having your own personal coach: mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on February 17, 2004

by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Implement An Aggressive Linking Strategy

Implement An Aggressive Linking Strategy

by: Syahriansyah

Let me ask you a question… How do you get hundreds, or even thousands of targeted sites to point their traffic directly at your website? There are a few steps that you can take…

Step 1: Research your linking prospects.

Who would you most like a link from? Surf teh Net for a websites that deal directly with your target market and collect the personal contact information for the website owners. You should collect these information:

The websiteกs URL

The address of the web page on that particular site where you would most like a link

The name of the website owner

Their email address

The date you visited their site

A brief description of what site is about

Step 2: Organize your list into table or database.

This is very important. By setting up a simple database right from the start, you will be able to merge the information you have collected into template letters, and keep accurate records of exactly who has linked to you and who hasn’t.

If you have Microsoft Access you can easily set up a tracking form or you might also be able to set up a database table in your word proccessing package.

Step 3: Rate your prospects and divide them into 2 lists.

As you collect information on sites that you would like to solicit links from, be sure that you divide them into two separate lists:

First list. The shortlisted site

Your first lsit should be a list of those sites that you would most like to obtain a link from. They will usually be highly targeted and be a common meeting ground for your Ideal Customer.

second list. Sites of secondary interest

This second list sites will still related to your target market, however they’re either not as focused or they have low traffic counts. While links from secon list sites can still be very valuable, chances are they’re not worth the same amount of time and attention your ShortListed sites are. Your second list will likely be quite large.

Step 4: Write a personal email to your first list.

Once youกve collected the personal contact information of sites that you would most like a link from, you can then sit down and begin writing each individual site owner a request for a link exchange. The letter should include…

A positive comment about their website

A brief description of who you are and why you’re emailing them with an emphasis on the กwinwinก nature of your proposal

Specific details about how a link to your site will benefit their visitors/customers/subscribers

Where on their site your link would be of greates benefit to their clients

A brief discussion about how they can link to you that make it extremely easy

Your contact information

… and anything else you believe might help you to get the link.

Step 5: Write an email to your second list.

When you contact your second list, you should be just focused on making your email personal… the more personal the better.

With that said, because you will have more second list names than first list names, you won’t be able to spend as much time individually crafting each and every email. Your best bet is to develop a template letter that you can กplugก the site information into. This can still come off as very personalized, but you shouldn’t be quite as worried about making it incredibly site specific.

Step 6: Be persistent!

If a site that you really want a link from doesn’t respond to your initial offer, email them back. Tell them how this is a mutually beneficial way to do business. Tell them your market research has shown that your customers have direct interest in a product or service like theirs based on their interests. And remind them again that their customers and subscribers would probably be interested in the information that you provide at your website because itกs going to help them in some way.

Emphasize again thet this is truly a winwin situation for both of you.

Itกs extremely important that every link request you email is personalized. Like Iกve said before, sending a personalized กDear Joeก email as opposed to a generic กDear Friendก or กDear Everyoneก email increases the response by a drastic 64%!

The easiest, most costeffective way I know to personalized กlink exchange requestsก is by using a software called กMailloopก to merge the personal contact information you collected (i.e. email addresses, website titles, URLs, names, dates, etc), into a custom email.

This powerful software can save you literally days of work! If you did this manually, you wouldn’t have time for any aspect of your business!

For more detail information about Mailloop, you can check at:

Copyright 2005 Syahriansyah

About The Author

Syahriansyah is the owner of His website offers an idea for home based businesses. Feel free to check all the guides and articles.

This article was posted on September 14

by Syahriansyah

Email etiquette…

Email etiquette…

by: Richard Grady

When dealing with people/businesses on the Internet, it will benefit you to remember the following tips. They are all based on my own experiences but I am sure they apply to every online business:

1. When replying to emails, include a copy of any previous emails, don’t just send a new one. I can receive 50 emails a day that need a reply and I simply cannot remember every single กconversationก with every single person.

2. If you have a problem/complaint, then of course, email for assistance. But be polite don’t start off with an abusive email (you can send that later on if you don’t get the help you require!).

3. Simple words like กpleaseก and ‘thankyouก take a second to type and mean so much. If you want someone to give you free advice, then use these words you are more likely to get what you want.

4. If someone takes the time to give you free advice, then take the time to thank them. I get emails everyday asking for assistance on all manner of topics selling on eBay, buying from wholesalers, setting up a website etc. I don’t get paid for giving my advice and it is amazing how many people can’t even be bothered to say ‘thankyouก after I have helped them.

5. Allow 24 hours for a response to your email before sending a second one chasing a reply. Not every business has 24 hour email support. For example, I reply to most emails within 2 hours but I do have to sleep and sometimes I even turn my PC off for a few hours!

6. Remember that the email system is not 100% reliable sometimes emails just don’t make it to the recipient. If someone says กI didn’t receive your emailก, they may well be telling the truth, so give them a second chance before losing your cool.

7. And finally, if your enquiry relates to a particular product always include details of which product you are referring to. For example, I sell over 20 different digital products from 7 websites but regularly get emails that simply state กI have paid for my eBook but didn’t get itก. Which eBook? How did you pay? What is your name? When did you buy it? What email address did you use when you made the purchase? Cกmon, gimme a clue!

If you run a web business, I am sure the above points will hit home. If you don’t run a web business, please bear them in mind for when you are dealing with someone that does 🙂

Copyright 2004 Richard Grady

About The Author

Richard Grady has been helping ordinary people earn online since 1998. He writes a free newsletter which is published every two weeks. To subscribe (and claim your free gifts), visit:

This article was posted on December 23, 2004

by Richard Grady