Getting Noticed!

Getting Noticed!

by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore

One of the best ways to get your name out in your local community is to become a sponsor. A few hundred dollars gets your company name on little League caps; a little more, perhaps an ad at a roller rink. Donate money or materials to the local parade or a float. This buys goodwill and is great selfpromotion. If you provide a service donate that. For example, when we operated a word processing business we offered to do resumes for free for those out of work. If you are a hair stylist, offer to cut hair free to senior homes, or for children. If you run a pet related business offer some free products or service. Every business has something they can provide for free,even if it is only your time.

Be sure when you do something of this type to alert the local media. They love talking about what local businesses are doing for the community. However, do this sparingly. Don’t over use it or it loses its effectiveness.

In todayกs business arena setting up a web site is a must. For most businesses you don’t need anything fancy just a couple of pages which includes contact information, location and what your company policies are. For example, some background information on you (associations you belong to, educational background, qualifications). If you have some testimonials, this helps also. If you provide a newsletter, let folks know how they can receive it. You can also provide directions to your business, put specials on your website that you are running for the month, week or any time period you choose.

Brochures are another excellent way to get your name out there. Highlight your businessกs benefits to create copy that sells. Be sure however to make the content interesting and draw the reader in and motivate them to do business with you.

When you combine effective content with an easytoread, eyecatching design, your brochure will become a hardworking partner that will help you win the customers you need to start your company out right.

Another great way to get your name out and to tell your customers what you do is to use a Newsletter. Newsletters can be wonderful tools for communicating with your customers or prospects. Because of their format, they’re often infused with more credibility than traditional brochures. If your newsletter is little more than blatant selfpromotion, however, itกs likely to hit the wastebasket before it hits your targetกs desk.

We have given you a number of ways to get your name out there so start promoting yourself!

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2002

About The Author

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our FREE กhow toก Home Business Solutions Digest, itกs like having your own personal coach: mailto:[email protected]

[email protected]

This article was posted on September 09, 2003

by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Getting Started to Get Started

Getting Started to Get Started

by: Alan Huff

So you want to make it BIG online? You want to start an internet business. You register your domain, sign up with a hosting company, design or pay to have a website designed, go live online, and bingo, the money will soon start rolling in, right? Wrong (unless you have a ‘lucky’ horseshoe  ).
That’s basically how I started my own internet business but, I soon realized that much more is involved if you want to stand a chance at succeeding online. There are no ‘secret’ formulas to success. If you know of one which really works, please send it to me .
You must know how to do business online., and in order to that, you need to learn how. I know you don’t have time to learn, however, if really want to do it right, you’ll take the time.
Do yourself a favor. Before you start an internet business, read articles, ezines, ebooks, etc., written by those who have already made it. Write a marketing plan (sound familiar?), plan your website design and layout and content.
Bottom line; before you start an internet business, learn how to. You don’t have to do it the ‘hard’ way.
Focus on getting started to get started.

About The Author

Alan Huff is the founder and president of

You can contact Alan at [email protected]

This article was posted on July 03, 2004

by Alan Huff

So You Want To Be A Consultant?

So You Want To Be A Consultant?

by: Matt Bacak

Letกs say you have more than 20 years experience in your chosen field. For the sake of this article, letกs say you have been in the nonprofit field for 25 years and are at the very top of your game. And letกs say you’re a bit bored with the humdrum daytoday routine of being an executive director. You love nonprofit sector, but you need more of a challenge and you yearn to help people grow and achieve success in their nonprofit careers. Plus, youกd like to earn a little bit more money and are a bit tired of the board of directors overseeing everything you do.

Perhaps itกs time to go into business for yourself. Perhaps itกs time to become a consultant, a coach, a speaker and trainer. The thought is exciting, albeit a little frightening. You’re current salary is certainly respectable for a person with your skills and experience, and the health insurance and retirement plan are comforting benefits that you don’t want to relinquish. But none of these factors have been able to sufficiently scratch that darned itch that keeps telling you itกs time to start your own nonprofit consulting business.

Going into business for yourself as a consultant, coach, or speaker (or all of the above) requires determination, a little selfsacrifice (in the beginning), and a lot of experience. People hire consultants because they need the expertise of someone who has been there and done that…hundreds of times. There are consultants in literally every career field, and once they become accustomed to the process of generating clientele, they can make over double what they were earning as employees. In fact, recent statistics show that successful and established consultants can make anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 per day.

There is power and prestige in consulting that can rarely be found in management positions, even executive positions. The power comes from calling the shots as a business owner and making sure people know they need you; the prestige comes from being the very best in your field…and making sure people know it.

But thereกs a not so subtle difference in owning your own business and owning your own consulting firm. Lots of people own businesses. My fiancé owns a deli, my father owns a small publishing business, and my mother owns a bakery. But owning your own consulting firm lets people know that you’re the crème de la crème in your field and if they want to rise to the top like you have, theyกll hire you to help them.

Consulting firms, like the one you will soon own, can be anything from a one man show to a large agency boasting senior and junior associates. Most consultants make their day to day income from coaching and mentoring individuals in the field charging anywhere from $300 (for junior level staffers) to $500 (for senior executives) per hour. They also assist clients with organizational development, strategic and financial planning, and a host of other services including workshop facilitation and board and staff retreats. And if they like to speak in front of audiences, many consultants make thousands of dollars simply talking to a crowd for a few hours about their experiences and knowledge.

While itกs not as easy as 123 to quite your job and start making $5,000 a day as a consultant, itกs certainly not as difficult as it looks especially if you’re very very good at what you do and have expertise that few can match. Start off as a moonlighter, which is the term used when someone has a ขday jobข but works on their own business in the evenings. Make a simple business card for yourself and during your lunch hour at work, go to chamber of commerce or rotary meetings where you can network and talk to people about your new consulting practice.

Itกs not too difficult to pick up a small client or two this way, and once you do a good job for them and build confidence in yourself youกll begin to branch out and up. People will hear about you, your phone will start ringing, those simple business cards you handed out at the rotary meetings will change hands and generate bigger clients, and youกll begin to realize that maybe you really can quit that humdrum job and make it big on your very own.

About The Author

Matt Bacak became ก#1 Best Selling Authorก in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s eBiz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets

This article was posted on August 08

by Matt Bacak

I Want to Do an Ezine! Part 1

I Want to Do an Ezine! Part 1

by: Terri Seymour

I have been getting numerous emails lately from people who want to start publishing an ezine, but really don’t know where to start. So, I am going to write this series of articles from start to finish in the hopes of helping some of my associates get started with their own ezine! Please feel free to email me if you have questions about anything stated in these articles.

First of all, what is an ezine? An ezine is simply an electronic magazine or newsletter sent out periodically to a list of Opt In subscribers. Opt In means they have voluntarily signedup to receive your ezine and were not added to the list without their knowledge or permission.

This is one of the reasons an ezine is so valuable to your business. Your subscribers have given their consent to receive announcements, promotions, ads, recommendations, etc. from you!

BUT, let me stress this, you must treat your subscribers with respect, provide valuable and helpful content and be there for them when they want or need you. You do not want to USE them as a mailing list for every ad that comes down the pike.

Ok, to get started, one thing you should do is look over a few successful ezines to get a feel of how they are done. Each publisher will add his/her own style, personality, and soul to their ezine which in turn is what makes it unique and successful.

A few ezines I would recommend are:

Rim Digest at

Simple Biz Ezine at

Ideas By Post at

and also, My Own Ezine at 😉

These ezines are very well written and each publisher has a very distinct style and personality to go along with the useful content.

What you want to do with your ezine is establish a trust relationship with your readers. You want them to get to know you and learn that they can trust you and your recommendations. Be there for them if they have questions, if they need advice, or support, or if they just want to talk with someone who has more experience.

Your ezine is much, much more than an advertisement for your business. It is a bond between you and your readers. Treat it as such!

Ezine publishing can be a very rewarding, fun, challenging and if done right, profitable venture!

In next weekกs article, I will be dealing with layout, design and format and also naming your new ezine.

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates

Learn to publish and promote your own ezine. mailto:[email protected]

For a complete list of my articles available for reprint please email: mailto:[email protected]

ATTN: Ezine Publishers, save hours of your valuable time!

[email protected]

This article was posted on November 1, 2002

by Terri Seymour

Why You Should Learn HTML

Why You Should Learn HTML

by: Debra Hamer

Do you have a website or are you planning on creating a website in the near future? You owe it to yourself to at least learn some basic HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Even if someone else is creating and maintaining your website there are some basics you should know. What if that person is not available and you need to add or make changes to your website? I’ve always believed if you have a business, computer, website, or whatever, you need to know how it works. Don’t depend on someone else. Besides why pay someone else when you can do it yourself free of charge.
In this article I will explain some basic HTML formats for you. Believe me it will come in handy at one point or another. I, myself, have only learned some of the basics and I have been able to add, change, and make corrections on my own website by myself.
When you come across a website you like and would like to use a similar layout or text pattern, look at the page in HTML code. You can do this by clicking on ขViewข at the top of the screen, then choose ขDocument Sourceข or ขSourceข and you can see the page as a HTML document. If you are using AOL then right click on any area on the page without any text or images, then select ขView Sourceข. At first it will look like Greek to you but after learning some basic HTML it will start to make sense.
First you will need a word processor program such as Windows ขNotepadข or any other word processor you might have. You are working with simple text. You will need to save your document using the ขsave asข command and give it an html suffix, ex: Mynewdocument.html or Mynewdocument.htm (you can use either suffix html or htm).
HTML works in a simple, logical format. It reads top to bottom and left to right. What are used to set sections apart like bigger text, smaller text, bold text, underlined text are tags. Tags are commands. If you wanted a line of text to be bold you will place a tag at the point you want the bold text to start and a tag at the end of where you want the bold text to stop.
All tags start with the lessthan sign , always. What is between these signs is the tag or command. You will need to learn what tag does what. Let’s first learn the bold command. The following is an example of making your text bold. The tag for bold is ขBข. You can use uppercase or lowercase, it doesn’t matter. Here is an example:
Note: Due to the HTML codes in the article being formatted and possibly not showing up on the page in normal view I have replaced the signs with the bracket characters [ and ]. Just remember to use the signs and not the [ and ] signs in your document.
This is how it will look in HTML format [B]This text needs to be bold[/B]
Here is how it will look when converted to normal view – This text needs to be bold
Did you notice the slight difference in the ending tag? There is a slash / before the B. That means it is the end tag. Only the text between the start and end tags will be in bold. Now let’s add a twist by putting one of the words in italics.
This is how it will look in HTML format [B] This [I]text[/I] needs to be bold[/B]
Here is how it will look in normal view – This text needs to be bold
There are some tags that are an exception to the rule about having to have a start and end tag. You don’t have to have an end tag when using these tags. Here are some examples.
[HR] this command places a line across the page. HR stands for ขhorizontal referenceข.
[BR] this command breaks the text and jumps to the next line, like the return key.
[P] this command stand for ขparagraphข, it does the same thing as the [BR] command but skips a line.
Every page you create with HTML will need the HTML tag [HTML] which denotes it is an HTML document and the end HTML tag [/HTML] will be at the end of your document. The next tags will be your start Title tag [TITLE] and your end Title tag [/TITLE]. The title of your document will go in between these two tags. The title will show up in the title bar on your browser when you are looking at the page in normal view.
The following are some tags for Headings (there are 6 heading commands) and Font size (there are 12 font size commands):
[H1]This is Heading 1[/H1] – H1 is the largest heading
[H6]This is Heading 6[/H6] H6 is the smallest heading
So, by using H1 through H6 you can change the size of your heading. Same applies to your font size. You will use [font size =ข+1ข] through [font size=ข+12] and don’t forget your end tags!
You may notice that your text always starts at the left of the page. If you want your text to start in the center or to the right you will need to specify where you want your text to start. Here are some examples of aligning text:
[CENTER]Center this Text![/CENTER] your text will be centered on the page.
Center this Text!
To align to the right you need to set the text as a paragraph unto itself by using the [P] tag and adding an attribute to it.
[P ALIGN=ขrightข]Text here will align on the right of the page[/P]
Text here will align on the right of the page
Why did I put an end tag [/p] since the paragraph command does not require an end tag (remember exceptions to the rule?) Anytime you use an attribute tag, as in the above example, you will need to have an end tag, whether you’re using the paragraph command [P] or the return command [BR]. Using the [P] or [BR] command by itself does not require an end tag, but if you are adding an attribute then an end tag must be used.
Adding an image to your page would require the following tag:
[IMG SRC=ขimage.jpgข] you would replace ขimage.jpgข with your own image file. IMG stands for image and SRC stands for source. You’re telling your browser where to find your image file. Your image file could have a gif, jpg, or a bmp association.
Ok now let’s get a little more complicated and create a hyperlink on your document. This creates blue underlined words on the page that someone can click on and go to another location. An example is you’re creating a link to another website.
[A HREF=http://www.profitfromhomebiz.comก]Profit From Home Biz[/A] this is what in looks like in HTML code. Note you are adding a description of the link that will be underlined, see the example below.
Profit From Home Biz – what it looks like in normal view. When someone clicks on this link they would be taken to my website.
This is a very important HTML format for when you need to add links onto your webpage. You may already know or will learn that reciprocal linking is very important in promoting your website and obtaining a higher page rank with the search engines. Sometimes the HTML code is provided for you and all you have to do is ขcopy and pasteข the code into your webpage. Often it is not, so you have to figure out how to put the information into HTML code yourself. Just learning this HTML command has been a timesaver for me.
I hope this article has helped you learn some basic HTML and how it can benefit you. I know, I know there are HTML text editors out there you can use and they can do all of this for you. I have used a couple myself, but I still like to know how to do things on my own. I bet you do too! Sometimes it’s just faster and easier to do it yourself.
I’ve just given you some very basic formats in using HTML, but you can find a lot more resources and information about learning HTML on the internet. Just do a search and I’m sure you will be overwhelmed at what’s out there. To view this article with the correct HTML formats please visit

About The Author

Debra Hamer is the owner of the website where you can find lots of tips, tools and resources for starting your own work at home business. Visit her PlugInProfitSite at to have your own website setup and ready to go within 24 hours, complete with everything you need to start making a profit.

[email protected]

This article was posted on July 30, 2004

by Debra Hamer

Resource Allocation

Resource Allocation

by: Michele Borowsky

So here you are…a business owner. Bravo!

You’ve got a catchy name, you’re equipped with all the right tools, your website is up, and now you’re ready to do business. So you start to network online, join the right groups, check out search engine adwords, subscribe to applicable newsletters for insight, and buy some of the better known marketing gurus books.

Hmmmm, not much is happening.

Okay, so now you begin to check out local networking groups in your community. You may join the Chamber of Commerce, the Elks, the Friars, various business networking groups….. and a little more is happening.

Then you look into trade shows in your area. You need collateral materials to hand out so you create an attractive flyer, perhaps start to mail out some postcards, let all your networking associates know about your trade show booth. Then you work the show…… and a little more begins to happen.

Now you start in earnest a referral program for your existing clientele. You know, if you send me a new client I will give you ____% off your next order.

Hmmm….didn’t get much from that.

So you then conclude that you have to start the process all over again. Work harder. Put in more time. Network more and better.

Okay, all good. But what’s missing? The fact is that regardless of your category of business, you will actually, on average, do business with less than 10% of all those who are aware of your company. That’s it????? Yup.

So what can a business owner do? There’s only so much time in the day. I’m doing all I can.

Yes, you are. But how about using your time to do what it is that you actually do, rather than trying to find people to do it with.

It’s now time to let media start working for you.

The next step for you is to start budgeting all of your resources. Up until now you’ve been using time, the one resource which cannot be created or renewed. Once it’s been used, it’s gone forever.

How about starting to use another resource…!

Do you have an advertising budget? Have you ever even thought about it? Invariably an advertising budget is the one thing which new business owners don’t allocate for, don’t consider, and just can’t bring themselves to spend. And I ask, Why Not??!!??!!

One of the reasons is that you’ve been indoctrinated to believe that successful marketing is a function of mindset, positive, proactive, enthusiastic, etc. All true. And all marketing. Your results to date have been less than explosive. Coming in dribbles rather than a downpour, and, as previously mentioned, your conclusion is to work harder.

What happened to paid for advertising?

How about working wiser for a change? Start to allocate a percent of each sale that you make to your advertising budget. Just like you have a household budget, you need to have a business budget.

And what will an advertising budget do for you? It will enable you to reach thousands of people with your business message, instead of just dozens. Can you imagine??? Thousands of people being aware of your company, thousands of people considering your products or services, thousands of people that you can market your message to. Wow. What a concept.

About The Author

(c) Michele Borowsky

Michele Borowsky is a 20+ year executive veteran in a Media Exposure Management firm and the author of The Mother of All Marketing for Business Owners.

She can be reached at 6024042657 or by emailing: [email protected]

This article was posted on September 25, 2004

by Michele Borowsky

A Perfect Time To Start Your Home Business

A Perfect Time To Start Your Home Business

by: Arun Pal Singh

It was the day that changed course of my life.

As we walked together on that empty road he asked me, ขWhen are you starting with your venture?ข

He was a close friend. I had revealed him often how I would love to start my own online business from home and work towards financial independence.

He knew nothing about internet business. But he always heard me with attention and encouragement.

ขQuite a time has passed since you first mentioned.ข He smiled as I remembered.

ขNext year. Something has come up. I do not think I will be able to do this year.ข I replied.

What he said was never expected, ขIf you do not have time this year and think you will have next year, you will never have the time. Things are not going to change much tomorrow than they are today. If you want to do it then do it now.

As he parted after a long discussion he gave the final blow, ขThere will be no perfect time any day. If you postpone, it will fizzle out.ข

Often I receive emails of people who ask when they should start their business. I have passed through same kind of phase. I will repeat the advice my friend gave me.


Yes! Now is the right time for anything.

When we dream about a venture, knowingly or subconsciously we attach a state of perfection with that dream. It is a human habit. When mind dreams it does with perfection.

But reality is different. You might already have prior engagements that won’t leave you with perfect state of conditions to pursue your dreams. Shall you wait so that things become better? Well! The conditions did not improve in my case and as I see now they never become perfect.

A dream has to pass through congested reality before it could be realized.

Start now. The chaos which you face today would be present tomorrow also. These are the most frequent questions that trouble the mind of a potential starter.

# Where do I get extra time required?

Squeeze it. You do not need much of a time to work on the net. In case of business on the net, it is pretty manageable with small editing of your time management.

# What if I do not have resources?

Well! You need to search for what you can do. Cut down dispensable expenses like movies or eating out. Borrow if you can. If you are sincere enough you will find a way.

# I do not have a perfect plan.

Okay. Start with imperfect one that you have formulated. You can modify it along the way if you need. Start now. There is plenty to learn in the way. You cannot learn all before you start. And read this carefully. Nobody starts with perfect plan. Things shape up as you walk the path.

Action is what separates achievers from dreamers.

It is very easy to dream. There is no cost involved, no hindrance of any kind to stop the mind. Dreaming is the first step towards any endeavor. But dream must be followed by action to realize that dream.

If it is not followed by action a dream has got no meaning. World is full of wasted ideas and talents. Don’t let that happen to you.

Act now. Do not think tomorrow it will become better.

Tomorrow the things will be same.

Now is perfect time.

Now you have the right finances.

Now you have the right knowledge to start.

Catch a dream. Make a plan and กJust do it.ก

Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh

About The Author

Arun Pal Singh, a successful marketer and writer offers a unique and duplicable business opportunity at To avail his free Income Course, send an email to [email protected] with subject ‘subscribe’.

This article was posted on April 09

by Arun Pal Singh

Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy

Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy

by: Hirini Reedy

Many internet entrepreneurs need to often stop and reflect on their results. A bit like an engineer checking your energy circuits. Finding where the most flow and resistance occurs. Replenishing your batteries so that you have more energy to input into your internet marketing. So take some time now to rest and ask the question, กwhat is my energy level right now?ก If your eyes, neck and brain ache then it is time to replenish your batteries. Get up, walk and stretch your body. Yet what if you are feeling disillusioned? Spending long hours on the internet but still lacking results. You write great salescopy but still no sales. You need to look at the energy vibrations you are subconsciously sending out.

Here are some ways to input more energy into your internet marketing efforts.

1. Get Rid Of The Mosquito Mind

The mosquito mind is the annoying negative mindset that we all have. It whines and bites when we are uncertain, scared and frustrated. Being bitten once by a mosquito is OK. Same with a negative thought. Yet being bitten all night by a mosquito makes you grumpy and tired. Same with continual negative thinking. It drains you and makes you grumpy. So it is time to swat that annoying mosquito and rub on repellent. So when you feel a negative thought start to bite, just give your forehead a good slap. It will help get rid of the whining negative thought.

2. Reverse The Energy Polarity.

We can transform negative actions by reversing their polarity. Find their positive equivalents. Everything in nature has a negative and positive polarity that creates both balance and flow. Find the positive equivalents in your life negatives. Here is an example based around two work negatives relating to a struggling internet entrepreneur.


My desk is a mess and I cannot find important documents. I stress out.

Positive Reversal

My work space is organised with a good filing system that I enjoy using.


Worried about paying bills, always struggling to keep ahead.

Positive Reversal.

My bills are easily paid on time. I enjoy peace of mind.

By adding these positives together, we start to create a positive energy flow around workspace and money. For example, Positive1 + Positive2 = กa organised workspace with a good filing system I enjoy using. My bills are easily paid on time. I enjoy peace of mindก. This looks more exciting then focusing on the negative equivalents. This positive statement forms part of your new desired outcome. It adds voltage to your energy levels.

3. Programme Your Subconscious With Positive Outcomes.

Get very clear on your desired outcome first. Describe it. Picture it. Fill in the details. Then instruct your subconscious mind to find ways to manifest this desired outcome. For example: กMy desired outcome is to have an organised workspace with a good filing system I enjoy. My bills are easily paid on time and I enjoy peace of mind. Subconscious mind, find me ways to fulfil this desire. Thank youก. Then just carry on with the rest of your day. Your mind will start to work behind the scenes to fulfil your order.

So start making a list of all your negatives. Find their positive equivalents. Then start to create business changes based around these positives. Become the change you desire.

Copyright 2005 Hirini Reedy

About The Author

Hirini Reedy is a native author, civil engineer, retired military officer, martial arts black belt, NLP master practitioner and internet entrepreneur. He uses native wisdom combined with modern psychology to create SIMPLE solutions. Visit

This article was posted on March 19

by Hirini Reedy

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

The Importance Of Having A Mentor

by: Larry Denis

When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right business for you. How to get the edge on your competitors? What to do first? How to really make money and escape that 95 job? These are just a few of the confusing questions that face the beginner. If you try to begin without help, you are setting yourself up for failure. Very few can succeed in business without someone to help you and steer you in the right direction. You are indeed like a ship without a captain when you try to start a business alone
Here are a few common mistakes made by ขnewbiesข when they first start a homebased business.
1. Starting a business without knowing who you should be marketing to. Without knowing how to target your market you can spend hours of wasted time and a lot of wasted dollars.
2. Getting into the wrong business, with too much competition supply and not enough demand. If you do not get into a specialized market with high demand and less supply you are setting yourself up for failure and you will never make a decent living.
3. Believing that a free program will make you money, these are some of the biggest scams on the Internet.
4. Joining one business opportunity failing after a month and then joining another and another. This is how many beginners loose tons of money and valuable time.
5. Thinking that money can be made in a short time with no work, this is another pitfall too many ขnewbiesข fall into.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal guidance, somebody who can work with you oneonone? Show you how to start right and save you all that time and money. Somebody who can help you ขcut a pathway through the trees.ข This is where a mentor will help you, and better still a course that comes with mentoring help.
There are very few true mentoring courses, where you can really get oneonone help. Usually you purchase your course and then have to work out the rest. However a mentoring course is different. When you purchase the course you will get oneonone help for your questions and any problems you may have. As you progress through the course your mentor will coach you on any problems you may have and show you how to overcome them. One of the main reasons for new Internet businesses failing is lack of guidance. There is just too much to know and do without someone to help you.
You can see how a mentoring course works and the obvious advantages, compared to trying to work out everything yourself. I speak from experience. When I first started my business, I had no idea what to do and where to go, until I finally stumbled upon a mentor course. After that there was no looking back, I cannot say that I did not make mistakes or come up with problems, but they were nothing that my mentor could not guide me through
Recently I came across a mentoring course that not only offers mentoring help but shows you how to start a very profitable home business, HomeBased Recruiting. Basically it is finding qualified candidates to fill job positions for different businesses, for which you will get a finders fee. When worked correctly, this is a very profitable business and one you can easily make a good living with.
However, as with any successful business, some help is very necessary. Larry Denis’s ขFast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข is the mentoring course that will guide you stepbystep, from start to success, and with his expert mentoring you cannot fail. Larry is a seasoned veteran in this field and very successful at what he does. His course will show you the tips and tricks that top recruiters use to make substantial profits. Find the businesses that are expanding and get ahead of your competition, with the true ขtricks of tradeข known only by experienced recruiters like Larry. Overcome the ขfear of telephoningข by learning how to call people the right way. The training and mentoring you will receive from this course will be your key to building a profitable home business.
A mentor course is your gateway to success. Unlock the business potential within you, and see how you can achieve what you never thought possible, with the help of individual coaching. Experience the satisfaction of starting and building a truly successful business with help and guidance from a mentor.

About The Author

Larry Denis is the successful author of ข Fast Cash In HomeBased Recruitingข He is a seasoned homebased recruiter with 8 years of experience in his field for more information on homebased recruiting please visit him at

[email protected]

This article was posted on May 10, 2004

by Larry Denis

How to Build Your Ezine List

How to Build Your Ezine List

by: Stacey Morris

How to Increase Your Ezine Subscriber List

Opt In

Out of respect to your mailing list, and the CANSPAM laws, only mail your ezine to those who have requested it, or optedin. Even if you have compiled a list of contacts, prospects, and clients that is 2000 strong, you can’t just start entering them on your list.

So how do you access your current list of ezine addresses?

Start With Your Friends

I’m using ขfriendsข liberally here, to mean all contacts with whom you’re on a first name basis, and who recognize you apart from your business card.

1.Send out an email announcing the launch of your ezine.

Make it simple, 2 paragraphs.

Make it lowhype. These are your friends—they don’t need a sales pitch, but they do need to know why they should join. So…

Make it benefitoriented. What’s in it for your reader? Does the ezine address specific problems of a target market? If it’s a general ขgood lifeข ezine, how is it unique? What makes it different from the thousands of other ezines like it?

Include a sample issue, or your launch issue.

Give crystalclear directions on how to sign up for future copies, and make it clear that your reader will be missing out on this great information if they don’t go to the site and sign up.

2. Develop a free report to give to all new subscribers.

The report could be a document, a short lesson series, an audio of a class or seminar you’ve given, a workbook of some kind, a top ten tips sheet, or a checklist related to your market.

Emphasize the report—not the ezine.

This report should be perceived as valuable enough to subscribe.

Make it less than ten pages. Don’t spend more than a few hours on this.

Develop a short salescopy of 23 paragraphs outlining why this report is so valuable.

3. Make it easy to sign up.

Your business card should have the address of the webpage with the ezine information.

Every page of your website should have an ezine signup box.

Develop a website page or even a website devoted just to your ezine.

Mention your ezine at every networking event you attend.

Every time you give a talk, have a signup sheet available for anyone who wants to sign up.

Use your emailSIG file to advertise your ezine, and place a link to the signup box.

4. Get your articles out there.

At the end of each article, put a blurb at the bottom giving permission to anyone to use the article, as long as they give you attribution.

Subscribe to a article distribution service that will send out your articles automatically to dozens of article databases.

Offer to exchange articles with a colleague who also has a ezine. Guest articles can be very effective.

If you belong to any discussion lists, let other forum members know that your site is a valuable resource.

Offer a free subscription to members of organizations related to your industry. The newsletter editor can place a notice of your site and ezine.

This article is not intended to address the technical issues involved in setting up an ezine. If this is a new area for you, you’re welcome to contact me for more information on resources and nextsteps. If you are able to update your own website, you may just want to sign up for a basic email distribution program (listserve) once you have over 50 subscribers. Until then, Microsoft Outlook or another email manager is the easiest way to start.

Copyright 2005 Stacey Morris

About The Author

Stacey Morris, Focus Coach

Download ก12 Steps to a Profitable Websiteก at

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 08

by Stacey Morris

Are You SURE You Want To Start Your Own Business?

Are You SURE You Want To Start Your Own Business? Part Two of a Series

by: Charles and Holly Egner

Why, exactly, do you want to go into business for yourself?

Is it because you cannot stand the thought of working for an uptight, demanding, and perfectly dreadful boss?

Is it because you cannot bear the thought of going through another downsizing or restructuring, knowing that your job could be on the line?

Is it because you want to be your own boss, call your own shots, or see more up side in your earning potential, with the possibility of financial selfsufficiency?

These are all good reasons for wanting to go into business. In fact, studies have shown that many entrepreneurs get their start due to some lifealtering experience such as losing a job or finally walking away from a deadend job or a demoralizing work environment.

It is amazing how creative, resourceful, and innovative you can be when, finally, you reach the edge and find yourself in a survival situation professionally. In times like this, the entrepreneurial spirit comes alive and you figure out that you can simply do it on your own.

Does dissatisfaction alone in some area of your life constitute reason enough to venture into business and the life of entrepreneurship? Many potential entrepreneurs get to this bridge and never cross because they do not know how to discover and unleash the entrepreneur within himself or herself.

Many people resist giving credence to their entrepreneurial tendencies no matter what the circumstances, ignoring the potential for selfexpression, independence and the fulfillment of their dreams. Herein resides the real tragedy. Many people experience paralysis from fear of the unknown and fear of failure. Consequently, they never pursue entrepreneurship and the potential freedom that it can bring to their lives.

Although entrepreneurship appears to offer many advantages for personal and professional growth and accomplishment, why is it that so many new entrepreneurs fail? In fact, studies have shown us that out of every 100 entrepreneurs who start their own businesses, 14 will succeed and a whopping 86 will fail in the first five years. The odds, so to speak, are stacked against you as a nascent entrepreneur. Therefore, if you are contemplating starting your own business you should take it very seriously.

The two biggest reasons people fail in a new business are:

they don’t know what they are doing, and

their business is undercapitalized.

When we say they don’t know what they are doing, we mean they literally don’t know what they are doing in terms of running a business day in and day out. It also makes perfect sense that a new business might be undercapitalized (not having enough working capital to run the business). In fact, many new entrepreneurs, who don’t know what they are doing have a hard time finding either equity or debt capital for the reason that lending institutions and savvy investors typically do not like to give money to people who don’t know what they are doing in business.

In order to improve your chances of beating the odds, what is important is that you educate yourself about business development. There certainly is enough information out there on how to start and run a small business. For instance, if you go to and type in a search for books on กEntrepreneurshipกก alone, you will have over 21,000 book choices. Nevertheless, where does one start in deciding what to read, who to listen to, and what to implement?

In the more than 55 years of combined experience in the world of business that my wife and I have had, and working with hundreds of hopeful entrepreneurs, we discovered four basic stages to business development that every entrepreneur must go through to enhance their chances for business success.





Most entrepreneurs, especially the 86 that fail, usually skip one or more of these essential stages of business development and find themselves in a heap of trouble before they know it. Typically, a new entrepreneur will get and idea (envision) and go straight to market (build). They simply unknowingly skip the ‘reflectก and กcreateก stages, and charge into business with an กifIworkhardenoughก attitude everything will be all right.

Well, statistically we know that not everything is all right and it does not work.

About The Author

Charles and Holly Egner are veteran entrepreneurs. They have trained, coached, and mentored hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs. Their last entrepreneurial venture sold for just under $400 million in 1999. was founded to help promising entrepreneurs to build the business of their dreams. For their free Life Strategy Planning Teleseminar, visit today.

This article was posted on November 04, 2004

by Charles and Holly Egner

3 Simple Ways to Start Your Home Based Internet Bu

3 Simple Ways to Start Your Home Based Internet Business Right Now

by: Andrea Hayhurst

So, youกve finally decided to take that giant leap of faith and start your very own home based internet business. Youกve decided that itกs finally time to step up to the plate and claim your share of all those internet riches you keep hearing about. Only problem is, now that youกve finally made your decision, it seems like a pretty daunting task deciding what to do next. Using the term กinformation overloadก to describe the problem seems like a huge understatement.

Well, if you’re really serious about starting your own home based internet business, the next step really doesn’t have to be that difficult at all. There are 3 relatively simple ways to start making an online income and one of them is sure to fit your particular idea of what it is you would like to do. So, just relax, take a deep breath, and peruse the following list until you find something that strikes the right cord.

1Join One or Several Affiliate Programs

This is probably one of the easiest and quickest ways to get started making money online. The internet is full of products that have affiliate programs you can join and most of them pay generous commissions. When you join an affiliate program, you are simply making an agreement with the owner of a product that you will receive a commision in exchange for referring a prospect to that personกs product (usually a sales page that you have sent the prospect to via your affiliate link) if that prospect ends up making a purchase.

Start by choosing a product or service that you’re interested in and then visit some of the websites which have achieved top rankings for the keywords which describe that topic. You’re sure to find the top affiliate programs for that industry relatively quickly. Or, try visiting one of the many affiliate program directories (you can find them quickly enough in Google) and scan their listings and recommendations until you find something that appeals to you.

This is a good one for newbies since you don’t even need your own website to get started. You will, however, need to learn how to use the pay per clicks so you can get some targeted traffic to your affiliate link. Once you start generating some income from the pay per clicks, you can then start reinvesting some of your profits and get yourself set up with your own website. By that time the prospect of getting set up with your own website won’t seem so daunting.

2Join a Residual Income Program

Residual income programs are somewhat similiar to affiliate programs in that you typically get paid for referring a prospect to the programกs website if that prospect decides to make a purchase. However, the difference lies in the fact that with these programs you also have the opportunity to earn a monthly recurring income if the prospect you refer becomes a paying member of the residual income opportunity program. For example, I belong to one of these programs myself. If a prospect comes to my website and clicks on a link which takes them to the sales page for the product and they buy, then I get a commission. However, if that prospect also decides to become a member of the residual income opportunity program, then I get a check every month as long as that prospect remains a member of that program.

People tend to be skeptical of these programs and get them confused with pyramid schemes. The way to tell if one of these programs is a pyramid scheme is to simply determine if the company in question offers a real honest to goodness product or service. If so, it cannot be classified as a pyramid scheme and you should be okay. Don’t be scared off by the fact that you will most likely have to pay a monthly fee to participate in the residual income opportunity. If you can build a downline for yourself in one of these programs, the monthly fee will be negligible compared to the potential residual income you could earn. Alot of these programs will provide you with your own cookie cutter website, which is okay if you are just getting started. Again, use the pay per clicks to start generating some traffic and then work on getting your own site up so you can start to build your own opt in list.

3Sell a Hard Good or Downloadable Infoproduct

Okay, okay, I know this one doesn’t sound so simple or easy, but to be honest, itกs really not as hard as it might first appear. Selling a hard good entails offering a real physical product (like fishing poles, for instance) for sale in your own online retail store. If this idea really appeals to you, go for it. Brainstorm some products you would enjoy selling, then do some keyword research in Wordtracker to develop a targeted niche within that market (deep sea fishing poles?).

After that, you can use a drop ship source directory or the search engines to find manufacturers or distributors who will drop ship the merchandise for you (meaning they ship it directly to the customer and you don’t have to carry any inventory). Then go to Ebay or Yahoo and sign up for one of their stores. I know from personal experience that Yahoo has some merchant hosting packages that are great and super easy to use. Theyกll even provide you with a shopping cart feature and help get you set up with a merchant account (so you can accept credit cards). Plus, youกll get some traffic already built in since millions of people are using their shopping directory to browse for products every day.

As for the website itself, don’t worry. Most hosting companies today have some type of site builidng solution available for those customers who wouldn’t know an html code from a java script. Believe me folks, if I, a completely technically useless and html challenged technophobe can do this, ANYONE can.

Now, as to the infoproduct. By the way, I mean YOUR OWN infoproduct. Everyone on the web and their mother will tell you that this is the best way to make the really big bucks online. Write about something you know and/or love. The topic of internet marketing seems to have been way overdone. Unless, of course, you are a true expert on some niche internet marketing subject, then definitely do it. Just don’t do it because everyone else is.

As for the actual writing, you don’t even have to do that if you really don’t want to. You can check out a site like and post your project and have writers bid on completing the project for you! And there are so many easy to use PDF ebook creators available that formatting the book should pose no technical challenge whatsoever. Set up a simple little one sales page website with a link for payment processing, optimize the site for the engines, use the pay per clicks, find some JV partners, and you’re in the money!

By the way, I know of some guys who have about 10 or 15 of these little mini sites set up selling little reports on niche topics and raking in an average of $2,000 a month from each site. And they’re incredibly easy to set up and practically run on autopilot once you do!

Well, there you have it. Just a few relatively simple ways to get you started on the way to raking in YOUR share of the internet gold mine!

About The Author

Andrea Hayhurst is an internet marketing professional and publishes กHow to Succeed Onlineก, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you`re looking for the top rated home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from a friend in the business, come by and grab a free subscription today at

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 07, 2004

by Andrea Hayhurst