How To Crank Out Killer Web Copy That Sucks In Money Like Crazy! Part 1
by: Dan Lok
Do you have writer’s block?
Do you have trouble staring at a blank piece of paper and don’t know how to get started?
You’re NOT alone.
Believe me, I know how tough it is to sit down and create killer copy from scratch, especially if you’re green. There are times in my life when my mind is completely frozen and I can’t write squat.
Therefore, I’ve dug around in my Bags of Tricks and come up with 11 battletested ad themes that will help you blast through your writer’s block and crank out brilliant, cashproducing copy in no time flat!
Plus… I’ll give you suggestions on how to adapt these concepts to your own business for maximum effectiveness!
Problem, Magic Solve
This is one of the marketing professionกs oldest and probably most widely used ad themes. It has three distinct sections: you state the problem (usually a pain your target market is experiencing), you stir up the problem, and then you offer your stuff as a solution for the problem.
Here’s a great example…
Case Study #1 Craig Proctor’s Real Estate Success System
กHow You Can Make Well Over $ 100,000.00 Per Year As A Real Estate Agent Working Less Than 40 Hours A Week…. Have A Top Income AND A Life….. And NEVER Have To Make A Call You Dread Or Waste Your Time With Unrealistic Sellers Or Insincere Buyers, Ever Again.ก
The Problem: Most real estate agents are frustrated with the income they’re taking home. They’re working their butts off and they’re totally burnt out. They hate cold calling. And they want to work less and make more.
The Solution: If you buy Craig’s stuff, you’ll never have to make a cold call again. You’ll have dozens of highly qualified prospects calling you. You’ll be able to take weekends off. You’ll be able to get out from under the ridiculous workload. Most importantly, you’ll finally be able to make a 6figure income as a real estate agent.
The Lesson: Most people are looking for a quick fix. John Carlton put it this way: กMost guys would like to eat a MAGIC pill, go to bed, and wakeup in the morning with a beautiful spouse and a million bucks in their bank account.ข
Always keep that in mind when you write. The quicker and easier you can make it for ‘em, the better. (And if you know where to find that magic pill, PLEASE give me a call!)
Tell Me A Good Story, and I’ll Give You My Money.
Remember when you were a little kid? What was your favorite thing? That’s right. You asked your mom, ขRead me a bedtime story.ข
Stories sell. People love to hear a story. A story paints a picture in the mind of the reader/consumer. A GOOD story can communicate your message subliminally, by stimulating thoughts and emotions. And the BEST stories remove the skepticism and barriers that can prevent sales.
Here’s a fantastic ‘tell me a storyก headline example:
Case Study #2 – Grandma Ruby’s Magic Pain Relief Cream
How An 82YearOld Great Grandma From Iowa Accidentally Discovered An Amazing Secret That Will Almost Instantly Erase Your Back And Joint Pain!
The ad goes on talking about how a little grayhaired, 82yearold great grandma named Ruby Zimmerman from remote farming town in Iowa was mixing up a batch of moisturizing cream from her kitchen table… and how she accidentally stumbled upon a formula that ends chronic joint and back pain. And so on.
Does your product or service have an interesting story?
กIกve Got A Secretข
Pssst. Hey, come here…closer. You wanna hear a really juicy secret?
You’re probably leaning in to this newsletter right now, ready to กget the secret.ก The desire to know is a powerful force. Itกs led to the word กsecretsก being WAY over used, but that is why it is used.
People are nosy as hell and they love to feel กin the know.ก Everyone gets a kick out feeling like an insider and getting special treatment because of their กsecretก knowledge.
If youกve got something, don’t FLAUNT IT…TAUNT with it. Make it appealing, alluring, and most of all TOP SECRET…and youกll make the sale.
Check this out…
Case Study #3 GuyGetsGirl™ Guide
ขDiscover How To PickUp Beautiful Women So Easily, and So Fast, You’ll Have THREE Dates By The End Of This Weekend… And a Girlfriend (if YOU want one) Soon After!ข
Uncover Powerful Insider Secrets That Will Skyrocket Your Sex Life And Make Wonderful Women Beg You To Date Them – Even If You’re Bald, Fat Or Ugly!
Pretty intriguing, huh? Every Mr. Wrong has dreamed of being Mr. Right and has probably wondered กWhat do THEY have that I don’t?ก
If you can identify an information pocket and then create the กdesire to know,ก in your prospects, you won’t have to overcome any objections they may have…theyกll do that themselves!
Put Your BIG Money Where You BIG Mouth Is Guarantees
If you’re selling stuff that delivers overthetop, measurable results that your customers can see, touch, smell, feel, or count… then you’re in a position to use this amazinglyeffective concept.
Case Study #4 – Marlon Sanders’ Amazing Formula
Your Products Sell Like Crazy Or TripleYourMoneyBack!
Discover the Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy!
ขOh no, Dan. I can’t offer a guarantee. What if people rip me off?ข
You chicken…or should I say กChicken Little.ก The sky isn’t falling!
Listen closely: People WILL rip you off no matter what you do. It’s part of the business. It doesn’t matter what the hell you do, some morons will use your product, return it, and ask for a refund. Period.
You can’t protect yourself from the กbad guys,ก but you can let the กgood guysก know that you’re a กwhite hat,ก too. When you offer a guarantee that you will reach into your own pocket to กmake things rightก… you will flip a lot more customers who would never otherwise consider trying your stuff. That’s because your guarantee has nudged them over the dividing line between ‘trustก and กNo Trust.ก
Think about it: do you seriously give a damn if making a handful of refunds will bring you an EXTRA onehundred more sales? Do the math. Calculate your numbers and you’ll know if this concept will work for you.
ขWhat’s New, Pussycat?ข
Most of us are interested in news of some kind. Thatกs why weกve got newspapers, magazines, and 24hour news channels. And why do we buy ขnewsข papers and watch television ขnewsข everyday? Because new discoveries fascinate us…especially, news that is related to our individual preferences, biases, and personal interests.
Press releases are the most common application for the news headline, but they can also work in many other areas.
Case Study #5 – The AntiAging Super Serum
Amazing AntiWrinkle Breakthrough!
ขDoctors Are Shocked By New 30 Second FaceLiftInABottle That Turns Back The Clock 10 Years In Only 60 Daysข
ขRecent Discovery Reverses Aging Beats WrinkleReducing Retinol By 150% It Surpasses Botox (While Being Safer)… And You’ll Save A Small Fortune! Read The Astonishing Story Belowข
You get the idea?
If you have news to share a new product or a new use for an old product, for example be sure to ขinstallข that news into your headline in a big way.
See you in Part 2.
Dan Lok
Copyright 2005 Quick Turn Marketing International, Ltd.
About The Author
Dan Lok is known as ‘the Worldกs #1 Website Conversion Expertก, with a proven track record of selling over $25.7 million dollars of merchandise and services. Dan has resuscitated copy that was previously in กcritical conditionก and helped his clients to double and triple their conversion rates… some as much as 417%!!! More than 200 websites have been กLokedก and loaded for Internet action. Go to:
This article was posted on April 20, 2005
by Dan Lok