10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers

10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers

by: Ken Hill

1. Place testimonials for your ezine on your site.
Your testimonials will help you to increase your circulation by showing your visitors how your ezine has helped your subscribers.
2. Give your visitors the chance to see what your ezine is all about before subscribing.
For instance, you could provide an archive of your past issues on your site or you could make a sample issue available by autoresponder.
3. Write articles.
Your articles will increase your subscriptions by showing people that are unfamiliar with your ezine what kind of valuable content they can expect from you.
Promote your articles by submitting them to article directories, article announcement lists, and also to ezine publishers directly.
4. Swap articles with other ezine publishers and webmasters.
Publish other ezine publishersก articles in your ezine in exchange for those publishers running your articles in their ezines.
This can help you to successfully increase your subs by getting your articles run in targeted ezines on a regular basis.
You can also participate in ad swaps where you post other publishersก or webmasters articles on your site in exchange for them doing the same for you.
In addition, to helping you get more subscribers, these swaps can help you to keep your site updated with new content and increase your search engine rankings by increasing the number of reciprocal links you have.
5. Add bonuses for subscribing to your ezine.
Your bonuses will help you to successfully get more subscribers by giving your visitors an incentive for joining your ezine.
Increase the value your visitors place on your bonuses by adding an honest dollar amount to them, by telling your visitors the benefits they provide, or by telling your visitors how many people have already received them.
6. Swap advertising space with other ezine publishers.
Your ad swaps will give you an excellent way to increase your subscriptions at no cost. When possible, swap your ads for at least three issues in a row to maximize the number of new subscribers you get.
7. Swap ‘thank youก page ads.
Promote other related but non competing ezines on the page your new subscribers are taken to after subscribing to your ezine in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
This will give you a powerful way to continue to increase your subscriptions for as long as the other ezines are published.
8. Swap welcome message ads.
Like your ‘thank youก page ads, this type of swap can give you very good ongoing promotion of your ezine. The main difference is that not everyone that subscribes to your ezine will read your welcome email while all your new subscribers will be directed to your ‘thank youก page.
9. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.
You could recommend another publisherกs ezine within your ezine in your own words in exchange for that publisher doing the same for you.
You could also swap recommendations in your welcome message or on your ‘thank youก page.
In addition, you could run a recommended ezines section in every issue where you recommend a few or several other ezines in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
10. Submit your ezine to ezine announcement lists and ezine directories.
Your submissions will provide you with an easy way to start getting more new subscribers.
Getting your ezine listed in ezine directories can also help you to find more people who would like to purchase advertising in your ezine as well as more publishers who would like to do a joint venture with you.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Would You Like To Publish Your Own Successful Ezine? Get Affordable Email List Hosting at: http://www.netpromarketer.com/sf.html FREE 30 day trial. For more articles by Ken Hill visit: http://www.netpromarketer.com

This article was posted on July 16, 2004

by Ken Hill

Swap Magic For Slim Playstation 2

Swap Magic For Slim Playstation 2

by: Jeromy

Recently my Japanese PS2 that I got way back at the Japan launch died on me. Seeing as I need to have a machine that plays Japanese PS2 games I went looking around at prices for a new one and unfortunately found the price tags to be in the $180 range. With that in mind I set out to find a more cost effective method of playing import games. I’ve always been fond of tinkering with my consoles which is evidenced by my blue see through modified Dreamcast and the mod switch on the side of my Gamecube, so I looked around at the current PS2 mod options since I already own a Slim US PS2.

I’m absolutely terrible at soldering and I’m not a fan of the PS2 modchip scene seeing as it’s rampant with piracy so I didn’t want to install a modchip. After searching a bit I came across the Swap Magic product. It looked interesting but upon further inspection I realized that it required opening up the console to install. I looked a little further and found a new version of the product which required zero modification to the console. This looked to be the solution to my problems. Luckily I had the PS2 version it supported, the Slim PS2, so I took the plunge and ordered it up from ModChip.Com.

Then I got to play the waiting game. I waited for weeks for this thing to be delivered before I finally gave up on it. I also tried many times to find and email the staff of this website store but their support email is so well hidden, if existent, on their website that I could never find it. So with one scam under my belt I looked for a more reliable store. I found that store at modchipstore.com. It took less than three days to arrive and the product was in perfect condition. With the import enabler in hand, I set out to play some Japanese PS2 games on my US Slim PS2.

The kit comes with a CD, for CD based games, a DVD, for DVD based games, and three small plastic parts which are to be inserted into crevices under the popup cover of the Slim PS2. There were no instructions included in the package so I headed over to the website in search of directions but came up with only a dead link. After about a half hour of searching the web I finally found a PDF with instructions that were very detailed and contained great pictures of the installation process. With instructions in hand, so to speak, I give the installation a try.

The first thing I had to do is install the three small plastic pieces. The first plastic piece required that it be pushed into a small hole. My fingers alone didn’t do the job so I had to grab a screw driver and shove it into position. After quite a bit of fiddling, it finally stayed in place. The next piece had to be slid in between a latch of some sort and was somewhat difficult to make stay in place. The third piece slipped into place easily. With all the plastic pieces installed the physical work was done. Unfortunately I dropped the PS2 after this and all the pieces flew out. I tracked them all down, reinstalled them, and was ready to go once again.

When all the plastic pieces are in place the next step is to go ahead and boot up the swap CD or DVD. The game I was testing with was a CD so I popped in the swap CD and turned on the PS2. With the plastic bits in place you don’t have to keep the flip top closed, so I left it open. A flash screen appears followed by a second screen that allows you to adjust the video mode. If you are using a US PS2 set the video mode to NTSC and not the default ขNormalข mode otherwise it won’t boot the game you’re trying to play.


Next the swap CD or DVD will stop spinning and you’re ready to swap in your import PS2 game. With the import game placed in the PS2 all you have to do execute the load command from the menu on screen and the game will start up spinning and load. Once I had the game loaded it played and looked perfect. Another big plus is that you don’t have to buy another memory card just for import games due to the fact that you can save all different regions of save games on one memory card.

Swap Magic for Slim PS2 has allowed me to play import PS2 games for a fraction of the price of a new Japanese PS2 and I have to say it works great. I have yet to come across a game that doesn’t work using this product. That said, it’s not something for the lazy out there as it does require swapping discs every time you want to play a game. So if you’re short on cash and already have a USA or PAL Slim PS2 then get this product but if not and you have the cash go ahead and grab a Japanese PS2.


* Relatively Easy Install

* Low price


* Requires Some Effort

* Requires A Slim PS2

Overall Score


About The Author

Jeromy is the webmaster of http://www.gamebrink.com/ GameBrink.Com Import Video Game Compare.

This article was posted on September 05

by Jeromy

10 First Rate Tips To Getting More Ezine Subscribe

10 First Rate Tips To Getting More Ezine Subscribers

by: Ken Hill

1. Submit your ezine to ezine directories.

Ezine directories attract people interested in subscribing to ezines that provide them with information about their interests such as marketing, affiliate programs, gardening, or staying healthy.

In addition, ezine directories will help you to find people to buy advertising in your publication as well as other publishers who would like to swap ads or do a joint venture with you.

2. Promote your ezine in your signature file. Include a couple lines of promotion for your ezine in addition to the other information in your sig file.

3. Add a subscription box for your ezine on every page of your site. This will ensure that whatever page your visitors enter your site from, they will be able learn about your ezine and subscribe to your publication.

4. Provide a bonus for subscribing to your ezine such as an ebook, report, tutorial, marketing course, or access to your subscriberกs only membership site.

Mention your bonus when promoting your ezine on your site, in your signature file, and when submitting your publication to ezine directories.

5. Buy classified ads or sponsor ads for your publication in ezines that you are already subscribed to and enjoy reading.

Also search ezine directories for ezines that reach your target market and offer reasonable advertising rates.

6. Swap ads with other ezine publishers. Be specific when asking for your ad swap. Clearly define where you will place the other publisherกs ad and ask the other publisher to place the same ad for you.

Also ask for confirmation of your ad and a copy of the issue your ad will run in, and provide the other publisher with a copy of her ad and a copy of the issue you run her ad in.

To get the most out of your swaps trying swapping ads for at least 3 issues in a row and track your swaps, so that you will be able to pinpoint which ads and ezines give you the best response.

7. Use your articles to promote your ezine. Add a resource box that advertises your ezine to articles that youกve written and run in your ezine or write articles specifically for promoting your ezine.

Next submit your articles to other ezine publishers, to article directories, and to article announcement lists.

8. Use autoresponders to promote your ezine to your visitors. Make sample issues of your ezine available by autoresponder or use your autoresponders to create an archive of all your past issues.

9. Publish testimonials/endorsements for your ezine on your site. If youกve received tons of these for your ezine, use an autoresponder to deliver them to your visitors.

10. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers. You could swap recommendations where the other publisher puts her recommendation of your ezine in her own words while you do the same for her.

You could also publish a recommended ezines section if you wanted to swap recommendations with several other ezines interested in swapping recommendations with each other.

About The Author

Article Copyright by writer, Ken Hill. Save Money With Affordable Email List Hosting! Fast, easy and cost effective email delivery to your lists. Youกll increase your sales while reducing your investment! Get your First 30 Days FREE! Learn more now at: http://www.scstats.com/r.cfm?i=5343

This article was posted on March 15, 2004

by Ken Hill

10 Valuable Tips For Ezine Publishers

10 Valuable Tips For Ezine Publishers

by: Ken Hill

1. Write your own articles.

Your articles will give you an effective way to build up your status as an expert by sharing your tips and advice with your readers.

Your articles will also help you to effectively promote your business through your resource box at the end of your articles.

Use your articles to get more subscribers by submitting them to article directories and announcement lists with a resource box that promotes your ezine.

2. Recommend the products of affiliate programs youกve joined to your subscriber base.

If youกve earned the trust of your subscribers your recommendations will help you to successfully increase your commissions.

Only recommend products you can honestly vouch for and that you believe can meet your subscribersก needs.

3. Swap ads with other ezine publishers.

You could swap an ad for your ezine or for your business with another ezine publisher in exchange for publishing her ad in your ezine.

Try to swap ads for multiple issues and track your ads so that youกll know which ezines are the best ones to continue swapping ads with.

4. Swap ‘thank youก page ads with other ezine publishers.

Promote other ezines on the page your new subscribers are taken to after filling out a form or subscription box to join your ezine in exchange for those publishers promoting your ezine on their ‘thank youก pages.

In addition to swapping ads on this page, you can also swap recommendations with other ezine publishers to get even more powerful promotion from your ‘thank youก page swaps.

5. Publish testimonials.

Post testimonials for your ezine on your site as well as testimonials for your products within your ezine.

6. Provide a sample issue or an archive of your past issues on your site.

This will help you to increase your subscriptions by showing your visitors what your ezine has to offer them.

7. Encourage reader participation.

You could run contests, have your readers send in their tips, or have an ask the editor section where you answer questions sent in from your subscribers.

You could also ask your readers to send in their articles for publication in your ezine.

8. Occasionally send out a special solo mailing to your subscribers that tells them about your sale, discount, or subscriber only special.

9. Promote your ezine in your signature file. Use your signature file in your emails to your visitors and clients that email you with their questions and also in your posts to moderated discussion lists and forums.

10. Promote your ezine on every page of your site.

You never know what page your visitors might enter your site from. Promoting your ezine on every page ensures that your visitors will know about your ezine and that theyกll be able to easily subscribe to your publication.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Do You Publish an Ezine? Want more subscribers? Put your ezine promotion on autopilot with this must have ezine promotional tool. Over 1600+ places to promote your ezine. Learn more now at: http://netpromarketer.com/ea.html

This article was posted on October 01, 2004

by Ken Hill

10 Choice Ways To Give Your Subscriptions A Boost

10 Choice Ways To Give Your Subscriptions A Boost

by: Ken Hill

1. Swap an ad.

Use ads that youกve tested and that have proven to be effective in getting you more subscriptions.

Youกll be able to get a greater response from your ads because youกve already fine tuned them before swapping.

2. Write articles.

Youกll be able to get more new ezine subscribers that enjoy your writing and that are interested in the topics you write about.

3. Swap an article.

You could swap exclusive articles, or you could swap one of your reprint articles if you don’t have the time write a new exclusive article.

4. Swap a ‘thank youก page recommendation.

Youกll be able to successfully get more new subscribers through the other ezine publisherกs recommendation of your ezine.

Only recommend ezines that offer valuable content to their subscribers. You don’t want to start off on the wrong foot by recommending something that is subpar.

5. Swap a recommendation in your welcome message.

Swap your recommendation with a publisher that offers a bonus, and delivers it in her welcome message.

Her new subscribers will be looking for her bonus in her welcome email, giving her recommendation of your ezine more exposure.

6. Swap an ebook ad or recommendation.

In addition to getting more subscribers, if the ebooks are brandable you can both earn money by offering each othersก ebooks.

7. Promote your ezine on the back of your business cards.

Youกll be able to let your ‘real worldก customers and prospects know about your ezine.

Youกll also be able to get more new sign ups from the networking events that you attend throughout the year.

8. Include an ad for your ezine in your catalogs and brochures.

Youกll be able to let your customers on your mailing list know about your ezine.

Youกll also be able to get more new subscribers that have proven themselves to be interested in your products by requesting your catalog or brochure.

9. Publish testimonials for your ezine.

Increase your subscriptions by posting testimonials on your site that share the benefits of joining your ezine.

10. Purchase ezine advertising.

Youกll be able to get your ad for your ezine in front of people interested in what your ezine has to offer.

Purchasing ezine advertising is also a very good choice if you don’t have enough subscribers yet to begin swapping ads.

About The Author

Article by Ken Hill. Are You Struggling To Get More New Subscribers? Want to increase your subscriptions fast? Now you can with amazing, breakthrough software that makes promoting your ezine a snap! Get the details now at: http://www.netpromarketer.com/ezine_announce.html.

This article was posted on February 02

by Ken Hill

Link Popularity for a Successful Website: How (Not

Link Popularity for a Successful Website: How (Not) to Go About Getting It

by: Kai Virihaur

A classic way of getting seen and noticed on the web is to make sure your site is linked to as many other sites as possible. The strategy of linkexchange has been so overused and abused that search engines are now wary of it and may penalize sites that are linking to กlink farmsก, or to any other sites with nonrelevant content.

This is the way it should be. We all want our web browsing experience to be smooth and pleasant. We don’t want to get frustrated by stumbling over irrelevant content while following links between sites. On the other hand, webmasters all want more traffic to their sites, and get frustrated when they don’t get it. There are two types of benefits from having many links to your website:

Get improved ranking by the search engines if you are popular, you are probably worth a visit

People (not just search bots) actually follow the links and find your site!

If done properly, link popularity improvement is an extremely important strategy to make your website successful. Broadly speaking, you can achieve this in a number of ways:

The classic link exchange (link swap) method; two webmasters agree to swap links

You pay to get incoming links from highranking websites

By writing articles and getting them posted on other websites; including a link to your own site

By getting your articles published in Ezines, with links back to your site

You participate in online forums, where a link to your site may be included with each post

You start a blog/RSS feed, and get it spread to many subscribers!

All these methods involve work, in varying amounts. Method #2. costs you money, the rest may be essentially nocost. Method #4. will probably not contribute to search engine ranking, but may give you droves of targeted visitors.

The problem with method #1. is that itกs tedious. But you can get software that may automate it by helping you find link partners and manage your link collection. I am aware of these software tools:

ARELIS I have tested this tool, and it seems very promising. It goes out and searches for link exchange partners according to different search methods which you specify. For me, looking for incoming links at sites similar to my own gave the best results. The program then quickly returned many relevant sites. Next, it helps you contact webmasters and keeps the link collection neatly organized. It also creates the link pages.

Zeus A bit similar to ARELIS, but I find it much clumsier. The only way it can search for link candidate sites is thru a list of 100+ search phrases. In my hands, this method produced very low quality results. At the time of writing, I am trying to get a refund from the company that sells Zeus. They seem very reluctant to honour their moneyback guarantee. Buyer beware!

Links Manager This program does not go out and search for link partner sites; it only handles swap requests and organizes the link collection. I have not tested it myself.

When building a link swap strategy, note that the search engines are getting increasingly sophisticated in judging the quality of your links. Some things to remember:

Outbound links ONLY to quality sites with content relevant to your site; never กlink farmก type sites

Make sure the sites that you link to have not been penalized. This would affect you also!

Incoming links that are placed on the same page as 100:s of other links won’t help you; their value gets กdilutedก

The anchor text in the incoming links is very important. It should contain relevant keywords; but all links should not have identical text this looks artificial in the virtual eyes of the search bots

If you follow these guidelines, I believe link swap can still be an important strategy for building a successful web presence.

Conclusion: Link popularity improvement, if you do it the proper way, is still of enormous importance for a successful website. But if done the wrong way, it may backfire. If you want to try the classic link swap method, I recommend using ARELIS ( www.axandra.com ) to make it less tedious.

About The Author

Kai Virihaur is a researcher, web developer, and artist. He runs The Hosting Finder ( www.thehostingfinder.com ), a web hosting directory featuring articles and RSS feeds on web development, website promotion, and online marketing.

This article may be used freely as long as this resouce box, with intact hyperlink, is included.

This article was posted on December 21, 2004

by Kai Virihaur

10 PowerPacked Promotion Strategies

10 PowerPacked Promotion Strategies

by: Terri Seymour

There are many ways to creatively and affordably promote your online business. I have tried all of the following and they worked very well for me.

Joint Ventures Participating in joint ventures with fellow publishers can be a very profitable experience. This could be anything from a group pop under window to advertising each otherกs ezines in your welcome letter. I also know a lot of people have had some results with signature buddies, where you would swap ads, so to speak, in each otherกs email sigtag.




Writing Articles Extremely effective method of building your reputation and your business. Writing articles is not hard, just stick with what you know and do not think you have to use big words to impress anyone. People are just looking for understandable articles with helpful info and useful resources. Write as if you were talking to a friend.

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Submit your articles here:

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Ad Swaps Swapping ads, or running another publisherกs ad in exchange for him/her running yours, is a very popular method of promotion. There are hundreds of thousands of ezines on the net and most of the publishers are willing to swap ads. When writing to a fellow publisher, be sure to include a link to a sample issue of your ezine. Introduce yourself and let them know how you know about their ezine. Tell them about your ezine and suggest a possible swap. There are publishers who will even swap solo ads which is a great opportunity!




Discussion Lists Participating in discussion groups can get you established as an expert in your field as well as build your reputation as one who is there when needed. This can bring you subscribers, customers and clients. Always follow each groupกs guidelines for posting and treat everyone with respect and courtesy.

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Message Boards Similar to discussion groups. Find a few quality boards and visit regularly. Participate and help whenever possible by offering your experience, advice, expertise or support. Always follow the rules.


Fr~e Ecourses Compile a series of articles and turn them into a mini ecourse. Give step by step info and provide helpful resources to compliment said info. Always provide links to your website, ezine and any products that are applicable. You also want to have your email on every page so it is very easy to contact you. Assemble your course on a fr~e autoresponder and start offering it to your subs, visitors and submit it to fellow webmasters for distribution. Example: mailto:[email protected]

Fr~e Ebooks Creating an ebook is not hard. You can simply compile several articles that you or other people have written. Provide tips, resources and information. Offer your ebook to webmasters, ebook directories and ezine publishers for distribution.


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Fr~e Directories There are hundreds of fr~e ezine, business, and website directories all over the net. Take some time each day or week and submit your heart out! The more places you get listed, the more exposure you get.







Link Exchanges Similar to ad swaps only you are listing other links on your website in exchange for your link being listed on their website. Set up a special set of pages with different categories for link exchanges.


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AutoResponders Autoresponders are used to mail out followups to ezine subscribers, requests for more information, orders, article requests, etc. Effective followups can raise your sales substantially.





If you consistently use some or all of these methods, your business is sure to grow. They have been very productive for me and can be for you as well. If you have any questions about the methods I have talked about, please feel fr~e to contact me. 😉

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com

Learn to publish and promote your own ezine. mailto:[email protected]

Signup for the FR~E MOE Ezine Publishing Ecourse mailto:[email protected]

You can contact Terri at mailto:[email protected]

This article was posted on February 22, 2003

by Terri Seymour

I Want to Do an Ezine! Part 4

I Want to Do an Ezine! Part 4

by: Terri Seymour

I Want to Do an Ezine! Part 4 How Do I Promote? Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour

Now that you have your ezine named, designed, formatted and ready to go, who do you send it to??

To get subscribers, you need to promote your new ezine. There are several ways to do this that are effective and free. Included in these are:

Ad Swaps

Writing Articles

Announcement Lists

Networking on Discussion Lists and Message Boards


Joint Ventures with Fellow Publishers

PopUnder Window

Submitting to Directories

Link Exchanging

Some of these methods take a lot of time, so what you want to do is work out a system and get on a regular schedule to save time.

Ad Swaps You will need a few subscribers before you can participate in ad swaps. Ad swapping is simply running another publisherกs ad in your ezine and in return he/she will run your ad in their ezine. Most publishers will participate in ad swaps, however there are a few that are quite fussy about the number of subscribers you have. In my experience, I have only run a cross a few who will not swap with the smaller ezines.

To find fellow publishers to swap with, you an read other ezines. The publisher will very often have his swap request in his ezine. There are also ezine swap lists, ezines, and directories. Below are a few to help you get started:






To find more places, simply go to google.com or your favorite search engine and do a search for ad swaps.

Writing Articles This has to be one of the most powerful methods of promoting yourself and your ezine/website. Writing quality articles gets you established as an authority and people will begin to trust you and believe in what you say. Do Not Abuse This Trust!

Publishers and Webmasters all over the web will publish your articles and you will begin making a name for yourself. There are a few things to remember when writing an article.

Do not make the article a sales letter. You want to provide helpful, real information that the reader can actually use. You can put your business info in the resource box at the end of the article.

Provide the links/email so the reader can go directly to the resource and utilize it and the instructions you provided.

Add your own personal experiences where applicable. People are interested and do benefit from others who have กBeen There, Done Thatก! 😉

Provide basic, real information that can be easily understood and utilized. People are not interested in big college words, they want useful information!

Follow these guidelines and you should be able to write quality, helpful, publishable articles. After you have written your article, you will need to submit it. Here area few places to get you started:

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Announcement Lists This is not the most power packed method but for a few minutes work each day it does bring in some subscribers. Subscribe to some lists, get your system set up and send away. I have my announcement for each list saved in a folder on my desktop ready to just click and send. I also keep note of the date each announcement is to be sent so I know exactly which ones go out on which day. Each day it takes me about 5 minutes to send out my announcements. Get started with these lists:

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In the next part of the series, I will discuss networking with discussion lists and message boards and also joint ventures with other publishers. Until then, please feel free to email if you have any questions about this or any other article. Good luck to you and see you next week. 😉

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com

Learn to publish and promote your own ezine. mailto:[email protected]

For a complete list of my articles available for reprint please email: mailto:[email protected]

ATTN: Ezine Publishers, save hours of your valuable time! http://wetrack.it/eza/af.cgi?710

[email protected]

This article was posted on November 1, 2002

by Terri Seymour

7 Power Packed Tips To Increase Your Ezine Publish

7 Power Packed Tips To Increase Your Ezine Publishing Success

by: Ken Hill

1. Use autoresponders to publish and promote your ezine.

Autoresponders with a broadcast feature are a low cost way to begin publishing your own mailing lists including your own text based, HTML or web based ezine that increases your sales.

Your autoresponders can also be used to successfully promote your ezine by delivering sample issues of your ezine to your visitors, or you could use your autoresponders to create an archive of all your past issues.

In addition your autoresponders can be used to effectively get more subscribers to your publication by delivering a bonus for subscribing to your publication such as an email course or multipart report.

2. Swap ads with other ezine publishers.

Swapping ads can be time consuming to set up but can prove to be well worth the effort as you will be able to get very targeted promotion of your ezine at no cost to you.

To get the best results from your ad swaps try to swap ads for at least 3 issues in a row as repetition will increase the number of subscribers you get.

Also track your ad swaps so that you will be able to tell exactly which ezines give you the best response and which ad copy gives you the best results.

3. Swap ‘thank youก page ads with other ezine publishers.

Use the page your subscribers are taken to after subscribing to your ezine to advertise other ezines in exchange for those ezines doing the same for you.

This can provide you with profitable ongoing promotion of your ezine for as long as the other ezines continue to be published.

When picking ezines to swap with, select ezines that offer related, complimentary content but not ezines that compete directly with you.

4. Swap welcome message ads with other ezine publishers.

This works much in the same way as swapping ‘thank youก page ads. The main difference is that not everyone that subscribes to your ezine will read your welcome email.

However, this type of swap is much easier to set up with other ezine publishers than a ‘thank youก page swap and will still provide you with good, long term promotion of your ezine.

5. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.

Swapping recommendations with another ezine publisher who has the trust and respect of her subscribers can be very effective in increasing your subscriptions.

Keeping this in mind, be careful when choosing ezines to recommend. Make sure they are ezines that you can honestly vouch for because recommending an ezine that isn’t up to par can cost you the trust of your subscribers.

To create your recommendation swap, you could recommend the other publisherกs ezine in your own words while she does the same for you.

In addition, you could create a recommended ezine section, if you have several other ezines you would like to swap recommendations with.

6. Write articles.

You could write กhow toก articles that show your readers step by step how to do something, or you could write articles that provide your readers with a valuable list of tips.

You can also write articles that focus on a current hot topic, or you could conduct interviews and provide these to your subscribers as highly informative articles.

In addition, to helping you to increase your subscribersก trust in you, your articles can also help you to get more subscriptions to your publication.

Add a resource box to your articles that advertises your ezine and then submit your articles to other ezine publishers, article announcement lists, and to article directories.

Also post your articles on your site and let your visitors (as well as your subscribers within your ezine) know that they can reprint your articles in their ezines or on their websites.

7. Swap articles with other ezine publishers.

You could swap an article that you have available for reprint in other ezines while publishing an article that the other publisher has available for reprint in other ezines.

This can provide both of you with excellent promotion of your ezines, but runs the risk of lowering the value of your content if that publisherกs article is published in lots of other ezines.

To get around this, you could create a swap where you write an article to run exclusively in another publisherกs ezine while that publisher writes an article to be published exclusively in your ezine.

This will help you to successfully gain more subscribers while providing your subscribers with content that can’t be found anywhere else.

In addition, you can create an article swap where both you and the other publisher exchange articles that will be first run in each otherกs publications and afterwards allowed to be reprinted in other ezines, on websites, etc.

About The Author

Article Copyright by writer, Ken Hill. Save Money With Affordable Email List Hosting! Fast, easy and cost effective email delivery to your lists. Youกll increase your sales while reducing your investment! Get your First 30 Days FREE! Learn more now at: http://www.scstats.com/r.cfm?i=5343

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 11, 2004

by Ken Hill

10 Terrific Ways To Enlarge Your Subscriber Base

10 Terrific Ways To Enlarge Your Subscriber Base

by: Ken Hill

1. Create a unique selling proposition (USP).
Developing a USP for your ezine will make your ezine more attractive to your niche audience and help your ezine to stand apart from other competing ezines.
Comprise your USP from a single, compelling benefit that people will get from subscribing to your ezine.
Your benefit should be something that only your ezine offers or that other competing ezines fail to stress in their promotions.
Once youกve created your USP, integrate it into all of your promotions for your ezine.
2. Swap ads with other ezine publishers.
You could swap sponsor, feature, classified or solo ads with other ezine publishers.
Choose related but non competing ezines to swap ads with and track your ad swaps so that youกll know exactly which ezines are best to continue swapping with.
3. Swap ‘thank youก page ads with other ezine publishers.
Advertise other ezines on the page your new subscribers are taken to after joining your ezine in exchange for those publishers doing the same for you.
This will give you very strong promotion of your ezine for as long as the other ezines continue to be published.
4. Write articles.
Your articles will help you to successfully increase your subscriptions by getting your ezine promoted in relevant ezines and on high traffic sites.
Promote your articles by submitting them to article directories, article announcement lists and also to other ezine publishers.
5. Swap articles with other ezine publishers.
You could run another publisherกs article in your ezine in exchange for her publishing your article in her ezine.
This could be articles already run in other ezines, articles to run exclusively in each othersก ezines, or articles to be first run in each othersก ezines.
You could also post another publisherกs article on your site in exchange for her posting your article on her site to gain more new subscribers.
6. Provide an ebook that youกve written or that is a compilation of your articles as a bonus for subscribing to your ezine.
Your ebook will not only help you to get more subscribers but can also help you to effectively promote your business, get more traffic to your site, and promote your affiliate programs to your new subscribers.
7. Post testimonials for your ezine on your site. Ask for subscriber feedback within your ezine to garner more of these from your readers.
8. Provide an archive of your past issues on your site.
Your archive will help you to convert more of your visitors into subscribers by showing them what they will get from their subscription to your ezine.
9. Make sample issues available by autoresponder.
Like your archive your sample issues can increase your subscriptions by giving your visitors a look at the type of quality articles, tips, and resources your ezine will provide to them.
10. Use your signature file to promote your ezine.
Use your sig file in your day to day emails to your clients, friends, and visitors who email you.
Also use your signature file to get more new subscribers when posting your advice and tips in moderated discussion lists and forums.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Do You Publish an Ezine? Want more subscribers? Put your ezine promotion on autopilot. Over 1600+ places to promote your ezine. Find out more at: http://netpromarketer.com/ea.html For more articles by Ken Hill visit: http://netpromarketer.com

This article was posted on July 30, 2004

by Ken Hill

10 Effective Ways To Gain More New Ezine Subscribe

10 Effective Ways To Gain More New Ezine Subscribers

by: Ken Hill

1. Swap ads with other ezine publishers.

Swap sponsor, feature, classified or solo ads with publishers who have subscribers targeted to be interested in what your ezine covers.

This will provide both you and the other publisher with a terrific way to get more subscriptions at no cost.

When choosing ezines to swap ads with, pick ezines that offer content that your new subscribers would be interested in, but not ezines that compete directly with you.

2. Write articles.

Your articles will give you a powerful way to get more new subscribers through your resource box at the end of your articles.

Submit your articles to article directories, article announcement lists and also to ezine publishers looking for articles to run in their ezines.

You could also create a list that announces when youกve written a new article or articles to get more publishers to run your articles on a regular basis.

3. Create an ebook compilation of your articles and use it as a bonus for subscribing to your publication.

Multiply the number of subscriptions you get from your ebook by letting other ezine publishers use it as a bonus for subscribing to their ezines.

You can also let people rebrand your ebook with a link to their site or ezine to get more people to offer your ebook as a bonus or on their sites.

4. Swap recommendations with other ezine publishers.

You could recommend another publisherกs ezine in your own words to your subscriber base in exchange for her doing the same for you.

You could also run a recommended ezines section in each issue or recommend other publishersก ezines on your ‘thank youก page or in your welcome message in exchange for the same to get long term promotion of your ezine.

5. Submit your ezine to ezine directories.

Your submissions will get your ezine noticed by people interested in the topic your ezine covers.

Submitting your ezine to ezine directories can also help you find more advertisers for your ezine and also other publishers who would like to participate in joint ventures with you.

6. Use ezine announcement lists to promote your ezine.

Many ezine announcement lists allow you to post ads for your ezine on a weekly or monthly basis giving you an easy way to successfully promote your ezine on an ongoing basis.

7. Make a sample issue available on your site or by autoresponder.

Your sample issue will increase your subscriptions by providing your visitors with a taste of the quality content to be found in your ezine.

8. Use your signature file to promote your ezine.

Add a signature file that promotes your ezine to your outgoing emails and also to your posts to discussion lists or online forums.

9. Purchase advertising in other ezines.

Run your ad in ezines that you enjoy and reach your target audience or search ezine directories for ezines that offer good advertising rates.

Place your ad for at least three issues in a row as repetition will help you get the most new subscribers from your ads.

10. Place f~ree ads in other ezines.

Many ezine publishers allow their subscribers to place a f~ree ad on a weekly, monthly or per issue basis as a benefit to subscribing to their publications.

Track your f~ree ads so that youกll know which ad copy produces the greatest results and which ezines would be good choices to pay for advertising in or swap ads with.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Do You Publish an Ezine? Want more subscribers? Put your ezine promotion on autopilot with this must have ezine promotional tool. Over 1600+ places to promote your ezine. Find out more now at: http://netpromarketer.com/ea.html

This article was posted on August 19, 2004

by Ken Hill