You Need To Treat Your Website Like An Employee

You Need To Treat Your Website Like An Employee Hereกs 5 Ways To Do It

by: Mike Cheney

People often come to me in a state of crisis and say their website isn’t working. Usually they’re in a cold sweat:
กMike, give me some practical things I can do to get more sales from my website!ก
You want practical advice? Stop treating your website like an object in your business and start treating it like an employee. Most businesses treat their website like a physical item in their business such as a filing cabinet for example. Just take Mr. Smith from ABC Ltd.:
กEveryone else has got a filing cabinet so I thought weกd better get one. Iกm not very interested in cabinets myself but people seem to think they get you more customers. It looks quite neat though I made sure my face is on the front of it.ก
Very good. How much business do you get from it?
กBusiness? Oh I don’t know I haven’t even looked at it for a year or so. Itกs been a waste of money. We paid a company to build it and it doesn’t work.ก
Right, I see. Have you updated it regularly and promoted it extensively?
กWhat? No it went live and that was it, nothingกs happened. I thought the phone would be ringing off the hook. Come and have a look at it anyway, itกs over here in the corner gathering dust.ก
So here they are:
5 Ways To Treat Your Website Like An Employee And Make More Money As A Result
Treat your website like one of your employees and it will start to behave like one.
1. Look after your employees give them the attention they deserve, pay them well and don’t neglect their needs
2. Make sure your employees look the part first impressions count: scuffed shoes and scruffy clothes won’t bring in the business
3. Give them mobility buy them a company car so they can get out into the world and sell for you, they won’t sell much stuck in one place and not being found
4. Keep them informed give them the latest information on the focus of your company, new services, new sales scripts, latest changes to the way you do business etc.
5. Introduce them to everyone don’t let your employee feel like they’re on the sidelines of your business, separate to everyone else they need to be a fully integrated part of your business, not an afterthought bolted on at the last minute
Mike Cheney

About The Author

You can get free access to lots more of my articles plus a Free Bonus Special Report กHow To Turn Your Website Into A Customer Magnetก worth a value of £47 ($85) here:

This article was posted on May 11, 2004

by Mike Cheney