A Crash Course on Graphic Philosophy 101

A Crash Course on Graphic Philosophy 101

by: Lala C. Ballatan

Novice and professional graphic designers, we are aware that you know the basic principles of graphic philosophy. But then, as workers of art – though digital and graphic art already borders in commercial arts, there’s no harm in continuously improving our craft through constant study and practice, is there? Really great graphic designers I know have come to their status because of painstaking application and study of their past works.

We’ll review the theoretical concepts of graphics and graphic forms as a foundation on how we have to go about our graphic designs. To begin with, a graphic form is the shape that embodies a certain idea. We can take a tree and use it as an example. How many ways can we depict a tree? We can depict by a photo of a tree, or the silhouette of a tree, or even its outline. By having these forms that represent a tree, we are therefore conveying the idea of a tree.

A word of caution, though, the effectiveness of which the idea is communicated depends upon many levels of context.

The abstraction of an idea into a flat space, to make it a graphic form, is an integral part of Graphic Design. Usually, the goal is to communicate the idea as clearly as possible. So why not depict the apple as close to reality as possible with a photo? This clearly depicts an apple and leaves no room for misinterpretation. So why not use photos of everything?

The idea is usually not as simple as just an apple. The graphic form is merely a component of an entire design. In a design of a poster for example, the existence of multiple forms and large amounts of text can compete with one another for the reader’s attention. To increase readability, graphic forms are usually simplified into basic shapes, and flattened into a limited amount of color. They are made to work with type more harmoniously and further refined to convey the layers of information with clarity.

The concept of contrast also defines the graphic form of an idea. In a field of 10 squares and 1 triangle, the form that will be noticed is the triangle. A design placed on a wall, on a billboard, or on the internet, are usually lost in a field of other designs. In order to help define your idea over the others, forms that contrast those around it are effective. Basic factors such as typeface, color, scale, and form are elements that can easily help get a design noticed.

The representation of an idea goes beyond its place on the page or its place on a wall. There is the larger context to consider the audience. The ability of the audience to interpret your design is based on the ability of the audience to understand the forms in which an idea is embodied. Preferences of form, and the ability to understand form, can change by age group, location, and through time. We all understand the representation of dollars by a symbol: $. Though symbols universally communicate, they are become ordinary by usage. As the audience becomes visually educated and aware of these forms, the visual language of graphic design expands. However, the evolution of forms must also take place in order to keep interest.

In the overall scheme of things, fresh ideas and interesting graphic forms have always been able to attract attention. New ways of representation strike curiosity. But the goal is to communicate and the form is part and parcel of visual communication.

About The Author

Lala C. Ballatan is a 26 yearold Communication Arts graduate, with a major in Journalism. Right after graduating last 1999, she worked for one year as a clerk then became a Research, Publication and Documentation Program Director at a nongovernment organization, which focuses on the rights, interests and welfare of workers for about four years.

Book reading has always been her greatest passion mysteries, horrors, psychothrillers, historical documentaries and classics. She got hooked into it way back when she was but a shy kid.

Her writing prowess began as early as she was 10 years old in girlish diaries. With writing, she felt freedom – to express her viewpoints and assert it, to bring out all concerns imagined and observed, to bear witness.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit http://www.graphicdesignsunlimited.com

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 29

by Lala C. Ballatan

Children in the Home Business Environment

Children in the Home Business Environment

by: Stone Evans

Operating a home business is seldom easy and interruptions come in all shapes, sizes and forms.

Between the family, friends and neighbors who call or come by, and the telemarketers who insist on ringing your number off the hook, getting through the workday can be a real challenge.

When you introduce children into the home office environment, your productivity and patience can be seriously tested.

For example, right now my threeyear old daughter is pulling on my shirt and begging me to read her a story. Clearly, Im in the middle of something important here, but how can I say no to those eyes? Ill be right back…

Ok, that wasnt so bad was it? Shes happy, Im happy (having bonded with my daughter) and now Im back to continue my conversation with you 🙂 Whats the lesson here? Flexibility is a major key to balancing your home business priorities with your familys needs.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that maintaining a deep level of concentration on work in a home business for long periods of time is next to impossible. Naptime does offer some reprieve, but any break from the kids is usually short lived.

Even with older children, summertime introduces new challenges with kids running in and out of the house all throughout the day.

I would like to share with you some of the tips I have discovered to help manage your home office with children in your midst. Since children of different ages pose different challenges, I will present my tips in terms of age groups.


We will look at older children first since they pose the least challenge to our work productivity.

Children, who are old enough to understand the idea of schedules and chores, are old enough to understand the needs of your home business. Explain to your children that you do your work at home so that you can be near them when they need you. But also be sure they understand that you must do your work so that you will have the money necessary to keep your house, feed the family and to provide them with money for entertainment.

Once your children understand the necessity of your work, then outline a work schedule and explain it to them. Do make sure they understand that emergencies are definitely an acceptable reason to interrupt your work. Then make sure they understand that between hours x and y, you will be doing work and then hold them to respecting your schedule.


Infants will never understand your needs for work. But fortunately, babies do well under a schedule or routine. Instead of expecting your child to work around your schedule, schedule your work around the needs of your baby.

It is simple. Babies eat, sleep and poop. Sometimes they play. Fortunately, babies sleep more than they do anything else.

Naptime offers the best advantage for getting your work done. Get your baby into a routine of eat, sleep and play, and you will experience unexpected levels of productivity.


If you have a toddler running around the house while you are operating your home business, then you may find that your hair turning gray or disappearing altogether. But, gray hair is a sign of character, right. 😉

I am venturing to guess that the person who devised the door lock for the inside of the house did so because he had toddlers in his own home. Inside door locks should only be utilized when you are making that important phone call and your toddler is screaming for your attention. At all other times, your door should remain unlocked with your door open.

Develop a routine with your children for meal times, naptimes, and play times. Work these times into your work schedule and adhere to them. If you fail to keep appointments with your children, your children will have less respect for your work and do more to prevent you from the completion of your work.

Don’t be afraid to let your children sit in your lap while you are working. It helps them to feel wanted and it helps them to be a part of your daily life. There are times when it is okay for them to be sitting in your lap while you work, and at other times you need them out of your lap. Don’t be afraid to tell them to get down and go play or read a book so that you can resume your work.

Permit your children to have their toys in your office. Often they will sit contently and play while you work. Just knowing you are near is enough to keep them happy.

Be prepared to take an hourly break to deal with your toddler. Try to do potty breaks at your hourly break and to do drink refills. This can help your child grow into a routine that will work well with your home business. At each break, spend a few minutes with your child giving hugs and kisses and talking with your child about what he or she wants to talk about.

Toddlers don’t always do well with the routine, so be prepared to take a few minutes when needed to give the attention that your child so desperately needs in the moment.


I hope these tips serve to help you in the challenge of operating a successful home business.

My home business permits me to fulfill my financial obligations *AND* see my children grow up. I would never contemplate trading my home business for another kind of business. Even with the added challenges of dealing with toddlers in my home office, the upsides far outweigh the downsides.

Growing my own home business with children around has definitely given me a new respect for all people who successfully run a home business with kids in the work environment. I tip my hat to you… You deserve it!

About The Author

Stone Evans owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything youกll ever need to start, run and grow a home based business at: http://www.HomeBusiness.com

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 19, 2004

by Stone Evans

Ordering Commercial Printing For Your Company Can

Ordering Commercial Printing For Your Company Can Be Indimidating

by: Robert Kennedy

กI went to see a printer today to get my companyกs stationery printed. They ask too many questions, I can’t answer!ก I feel kinda dumb.

How many times have you felt this way? Itกs kind of like going to the auto garage for a tune up and being told you need a new 02 sensor, your syncro mesh gear has a tooth missing and so on. You know you have to get it done but who can you trust to give you the best quality, price and service. There is a reason why I include all three กquality, price and serviceก

In the 80กs and early 90กs it used to be กquality, price and serviceก…pick 2. These days, with the internet as a resource, buyers and sellers alike can truly benefit from forming bonding relationships with their print and design firm of choice. Location is no longer an issue. In fact, I will bet money you can always find what appears, to be better than what you are getting. It can be overwhelming and too much information, which may lead to a regretful purchase. Neither the buyer or the reputable seller desire this result.

Here are a few tips on what you should figure out before you talk to your printer:

1) Decide how many inks colors you are going to print in. Here are a few links that will help you understand this:

Pantone color chart in RGB and html; http://www.weprintcolor.com/pantone_RGB_convert.htm

Convert from RGB color to CMYK color;


Explain CMYK, RGB and Pantone Color; http://www.weprintcolor.com/pop_ups/Templ_modificatons_full.htm

2) Have a pretty good idea of the paper and texture of the paper you would like to use. Learn some ‘buzz words’ in your conversions with the printers you speak to. Here is a list of printing terms commonly used by people in the printing industry;


3) Have a general idea of the quantities you would like to purchase. If you’re not sure don’t be afraid to ask your printer to provide a quotation on several different quantities. In printing, the more you order the cheaper the per unit cost is. Here are a couple of examples of this:

Business Cards;




4) Will you provide a ‘print ready’ digital file? When I say ‘print ready’, it is important that you understand this. Many printers will attempt to print from a ‘none print ready’ file. This will sometimes lead to undesirable results. Here is a couple of links to help you with this:

Free digital file inspection; http://www.weprintcolor.com/upload.htm

Specifications for sending files; http://www.weprintcolor.com/SendingFiles.htm

Once you have gathered education with the terms us printers use you will understand , more clearly, what you are getting for your money. You will also appear more educated in your future purchases.The moral of my story? Buyers need to be more armed with knowledge to make an educated purchase and sellers need to be sharp, knowledgeable and willing to share this knowledge…Everybody wins.

About The Author

Robert is an online leader in graphic design and print. Online since 1999, Robert has spearheaded the success of http://www.weprintcolor.com by providing the finest online graphic design system on the web.

This article was posted on December 13, 2004

by Robert Kennedy

When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money…

When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money…

by: Grannyกs Mettle

So how do you know when your graphic designer costs you financially and emotionally?

When a file is not prepared correctly… When you go to press and have your media material produced in prints, and find out that the file was built incorrectly, then thatกs the time when your graphic designer will cost you money.

Many prepress operators have complained about having to correct graphic designers work. To have a file prepared incorrectly can have drastic financial and emotional consequences to the owner. The time needed to rectify the problem can cause major delays and additional expense. This is due to the graphic designerกs understanding that his job is done when he produces the design that you require.

It is therefore necessary for a graphic designer to understand the basic principle of what you see on screen may not be the same when it comes off the press. A designer should know how to correctly build a bleed; check that the panels fold correctly; and that color separation is well understood. The list goes on an on. If these issues are not properly addressed, the customer will most likely pay for additional costs because a print house or service provider will definitely charge extra for fixing the problem.

When no press check is done… Not only that the customer would be paying dearly, he or she will also suffer emotionally when no press check is done. The job would definitely come out less or even worse than what the owner is expecting. The customer will be left with the frustration of having no alternative but to accept additional job for the revision of the graphic designerกs output. This is particularly stressful and definitely teethgrinding when it is a lastminute job for a presentation or a trade show. The customer is left with nothing.

When your graphic designer make more than a few major mistakes… Especially with regards to a website, a designer must be able to understand that it is not just optimizing images or putting text on a page and uploading it to a remote site. The graphic designer must understand how search engine optimization and basic HTML work. If not, well, the website may just be something for the drawing boards. And that would be another expense for the customer because he or she has to go back and redesign another website.

So when times like these do occur, and your graphic designer cost you much money and emotional stress, itกs time for you to hit the high road and look for another. There are a lot of people working as graphic designers for the web and print. Many of them are well trained and understand what it takes to create a great and working media material. You just have to discern and look a little further for the designer that will give you your moneyกs worth.

About The Author

Grannyกs Mettle is a 30something, professional web content writer. She has created various web content on a diverse range of topics, which includes digital printing topics, medical news, as well as legal issues. Her articles are composed of reviews, suggestions, tips and more for the printing and designing industry.

Her thoughts on writing: กWriting gives me pleasure… pleasure and excitement that you have created something to share with others. And with the wide world of the Internet, it gives me great satisfaction that my articles reach more people in the quickest time you could imagine.ก

On her spare time, she loves to stay at home, reading books on just about any topic she fancies, cooking a great meal, and taking care of her husband and kids.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit http://www.graphicdesignsunlimited.com

[email protected]

This article was posted on March 28

by Grannyกs Mettle

Voice Mail That Sells

Voice Mail That Sells

by: Kelley Robertson

As a business owner, I receive my share of sales calls in a given month. More often than not, I’m away from my desk or out of the office which means I end up listening to the messages instead of speaking directly with the sales person. Here are a few of the common mistakes I notice and how you can correct them.

Mistake #1 – The message lacks focus or clarity. You are more likely to receive voice mail today than actually connect with the person you are trying to contact. That means you must be prepared to leave a clear, concise message. Business people are too busy to listen to a lengthy message that is not focused and you lose credibility if you cannot state your objective without rambling. The average executive in an organization receives dozens of calls every day and many of them are from sales people trying to sell a product or service. If you ramble on, your prospect will probably press delete without listening to the entire message. Keep the message brief and to the point. Plan what you are going to say BEFORE you call so you are prepared.

Mistake #2 – The message is difficult to understand. A sales person recently left me a message and he spoke so quickly that I did not understand most of his message. I knew it had something to do with the Internet and getting top placement in search engines but I couldn’t decipher his company name and most of his message was unintelligible.

If you have an accent, recognize the fact that some people may find it more difficult to understand you. That means you may have to repeat yourself or slow down in order to be understood. This also applies if you have an unusual name. Make it easy for people to understand you.

Mistake #3 – Phone numbers are rattled off at lightening speed which makes it next to impossible to write them down. Most sales people state their telephone number too quickly. A general rule of thumb is to actually write down your own number as you state it in your message. This may sound simple but I’m sure you have had to listen to some messages more than once in order to capture the telephone number. Once again, you must make it easy for the person you are contacting to understand your message. If they have to replay the message several times they will seldom call you back.

Mistake #4 – The message does not compel me to return the call. ขHi, it’s Bob from Human Resources Plus and I’d like to talk to you about your recent merger. We specialize in helping businesses like yours manage the process more effectively.ข A message like this does not compel me to call you back.

To stand out from your competition, leave a message that offers some form of benefit to your prospect or customer. For example, ขHi Mrs. Smith, it’s Bob Jones from Human Resources Plus calling. Most companies who undertake a merger experience a significant reduction in employee morale. One way to improve this is to communicate regularly with your team and keep them updated on the progress of the merger. Learn additional strategies by calling me at…ข

I recommend crafting a variety of different messages and offering a different benefit each time you call. Use case studies and tell your prospect about specific results some of your clients have achieved. Make your prospect want to return your call.

Mistake #5 – The message is too generic. Too many sales people try to sell their product or service to anyone who will buy it. Personalize your message by indicating that you know something about your prospect’s business and/or industry. Make references to specific challenges they face and give an example of how your product or service can help them. Remember to use your prospect’s name, particularly at the beginning and at the end of the message.

Voice mail is a vital tool in today’s business world. How you utilize this tool greatly affects your sales results and, in my experience, the majority of people fail to use it properly. Make sure your message is easy to understand and keep it brief. Enunciate your words clearly and spell out your name if necessary. Slow down your rate of speech. State your telephone number slowly so I can write it down without listening to your message three or four times. Give me a compelling reason to call you back. Lastly, adapt your message to my specific business. Personalize it and use my name.

If you want to cut through the clutter and stand out from your competition you must make your voice mail messages work for you.

About The Author

© Copyright 2004, Kelley Robertson. All rights reserved.

Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of ขStop, Ask & Listen – Proven sales techniques to turn browsers into buyers.ข Visit his website at www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com and receive a FREE copy of ข100 Ways to Increase Your Salesข by subscribing to his 59Second Tip, a free weekly ezine.

This article was posted on November 15, 2004

by Kelley Robertson

Tips For Developing An Effective Questionnaire

Tips For Developing An Effective Questionnaire

by: Nick Hill

Developing the questionnaire is undoubtedly the most important part of conducting a survey. The quality of the questions will determine the quality of the results and the effectiveness of your survey. Here are 12 tips for developing an effective questionnaire.
1. Write a good introduction The beginning of your survey should have an introduction of the survey. It should state your objective in a way that grabs the attention of potential respondents and encourages them to take the survey. Also, since it is easy for online survey respondents to abandon your survey, you should include instructions on how to complete the survey and an estimate of how much time it will take.
2. Ask questions that provide the information you need Always keep your objective and the information that you need to gather to achieve it in mind while asking the questions. Also, it is best to avoid the temptation to gather กextraก bits of information that are กnice to knowก but irrelevant to your objective.
3. Ask important questions first, demographic questions last Since it is very easy for online survey respondents to abandon your survey, always ask the important questions first and the demograhic questions last.
4. Organize the questions in logical groups Always organize the questions in logical groups. It makes it easier for your respondents to understand and answer the questions, thus increasing the quality of the results.
5. Use plain, easy to understand language The most effective surveys always use plain, easy to understand language. Using unclear or ambiguous language will give you misleading results. So test your survey thoroughly to ensure that it is indeed easy to understand.
6. Avoid technical terms, jargon, and acronyms If you use technical terms, jargon, and acronyms, your respondents might not understand them, get frustrated, and abandon your survey. So strictly avoid them.
7. Use even number of responses Whenever possible, use even number of responses for multiple choice questions. That way the respondents have to give a positive or a negative opinion, they can’t give a กneutralก answer.
8. Randomize the responses Whenever it makes sense, randomize the order in which responses are displayed. This removes กorder biasก from the responses.
9. Avoid unnecessary graphics and embedded components Although it might be tempting to use graphics and embedded components, their use increases the time it takes to download and display your survey. So use them only when it is absolutely necessary and certainly don’t overdo it.
10. Be sensitive to the feelings of your respondents Always be sensitive to the feelings of your respondents. If you offend them, they might abandon your survey. So test your survey to ensure that it is not offending to any group of people.
11. Thank the respondents Your respondents spend the time to take your survey. So never forget to thank them for completing the survey.
12. Keep it short As a general rule, keep your survey short, simple, and to the point.
© Web Based Survey Software (http://www.webbasedsurveysoftware.org) 2004

About The Author

This article has been copyrighted and has been reprinted with the permission of Web Based Survey Software (http://www.webbasedsurveysoftware.org). If you want to reprint this article, please send an email to [email protected] to inform us and we will grant you the permission. But please ensure that this message appears at the end of the article and proper credits are given.

[email protected]

This article was posted on June 24, 2004

by Nick Hill

How to Prepare Your Project before You Order Websi

How to Prepare Your Project before You Order Website Design

by: Oleg Lazarenko

Are you serious about get this website done fast and clear and want to make money with your website? Then you will absolutely need some good web design agency to build the website of your dream and that it the aim, right?
Web design studios may be local and virtual. Local studio may be your choice if you live in a big city and you know at least couple of web designers across the road. It is much easier for you to use their services then to chat on ICQ with sales managers or try to explain them your project by phone. But wait! Virtual Design Studios give you ultimate choice between quality and price. You may search the Internet to get the best quote. There are thousands good companies from all over the world waiting for your order and the more choices you have the better for your business.
Let’s face it: people who come to web design agencies fall into two categories in most cases: the first one is people who have little or no knowledge about Internet development and came because they want professionals to help them.
The second one is users who could make some money online, they usually good informed and know a lot of things about web design, promotion, link building, search engine optimization etc, but they also know that professionals can and will do design better. That’s the point of web design agencies: we make tools for online business: clean and quality, original and unique.
If you belong to second category so you probably had some experience in site building and know what you can expect form web design companies but I believe following text may be useful even for you as my advices will help to reduce production time and design efforts and finally total project cost.
If you never had a chance to build your website I strongly recommend to read this article. It may be your guide in the world of professional web design.
Now let’s see how you can make life easier to your web design company. You can think: if I pay the money it is not my problem how to get the best website but that will be wrong attitude: the better YOU understand what you need the easier and faster it can be achieved by designers.
First of all you need to sit down, take a peace of paper and take some notes:
The first thing you will have to deal with has nothing to do with the web design itself, itกs more related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide:
1) What is the topic of your future website?
2) What is the goal of the site you are making?
3) What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence. All the time you will have to remember: only if you clearly understand what you need you will be able to explain this to web Design Company
4) Write a good description of you goals, aims and themes. Write how you are going to achieve them. When I say ขgood descriptionข I mean really good, so that somebody, how knows nothing about your project could understand what you need and what you want. Web designers can not read your minds, so do not even test them. They simply cannot do that. I may recommend to give your description to somebody you trust but who does not involved in your company and knows nothing about your project. Ask your wife or your best friend, if they understand everything that will give you the idea that description was done correctly.
5) Search for competitor’s websites and note good ideas they implement on their websites. Let design company know what you like and what you do not like. Ask them not to copy the stuff from competitor’s websites but to create something better. I’m sure designers will come with something unique and beautiful if they will only know that you accept it.
These are the main points you have to be aware before starting order website design from web design studio. These tips will help you to save tones of money and efforts. Select Design Company wisely and as I said before: the better you understand what you need the easier it will be explain to designers.
You may reprint this tutorial for free as long as the content, About the Author sections and all links remain unchanged.
Thanks for reading.

About The Author

Oleg Lazarenko

Production manager of Metamorphosis Website Design Studio Custom design, Website Templates, Web design Articles and Tutorials.

This article was posted on June 30, 2004

by Oleg Lazarenko

Why Great Companies Survey: Martian Logic!

Why Great Companies Survey: Martian Logic!

by: Harald Anderson

If an alien civilization from Mars was planning a friendly takeover of our planet they would seek to make sure they understood our way of life and our way of thought.

The only way they could accomplish their objective would be by asking questions which they could genuinely understand and then plan a strategy accordingly. Although this idea may seem outlandish, in my humble opinion, it is also what separates the great companies on our planet from the Wannabe’s.

The greatest RISK in marketing lies in dealing with OPINION instead of fact. Stated another way, risk and the threat of loss is rooted in the idea that you think you already know the answer.

In my 25+ years in sales and marketing I have learned one very powerful truth that distinguishes the superstars from the amateurs. The great salespeople and marketers understand the power that lays within questions. The amateurs think they know all of the answers. Show me a great salesperson and I will show you an individual who knows and understand the power of questions. Show me a poor salesperson and I will show you an individual who has yet to understand that fact. Show me a great company and I will hypothesize that they have an incredible dialogue established with their customers.

How about you? Do you feel you know the answers to your customers most pressing problems, or are you genuinely in communication with them and listening to what they say?

I have seen salespeople blossom into superstars when they learned to ask questions. Likewise, I have seen companies turn from run of the mill endeavors to powerful marketing machines when they too learned to harvest the information from the questions which they ask. Questions are the only tools that permit us to genuinely understand problems our customers have. Questions are also the vehicles we use to establish our focus to resolve those problems. Stated another way, questions are a goldmine of valuable market information. The answers to the questions within surveys provide a roadmap for fulfilling our customers most pressing needs and desires.

We have a huge investment in what we have come to know. However, what we have come to know often has nothing to do with what we need to know to be successful. This is one of the key reasons why surveying of our customers is so important. A good survey will eliminate opinion and establish some factual evidence. Also, we are often so indoctrinated with what we think we know that we cannot see what ขisข occurring. This is the main reason we survey.

There have been thousands and thousands of books written on the importance of surveying. I will attempt to summarize the best ones here with a one simple acronym which I created.

S – Successfully

U – Understanding

R – Relevant

V – Values

E – Enhances

Y – Yield

A survey gives us the opportunity to understand and take that understanding and apply it to creating a higher return on our investment. When we successfully understand our customers relevant values we can then create the solutions that will permit us to enhance our yield. A good survey allows us to be in communication with our marketplace.

The great companies have learned that customers will not tell you how you are doing unless you ask them. Asking your customers about what they like and want offers the best information to learn from mistakes and cultivate unique opportunities.

Great companies survey. Wannabes think they already know. Want to succeed in a big way, all you have to do is ASK… then shut up long enough to recognize that the answer that is coming at you has กGOLDMINEก written all over it!

Be careful what you agree with!

Copyright 2004 Harald Anderson

About The Author

Harald Anderson is the cofounder of Artinspires.com a leading online gallery of Motivational Posters and Inspirational Posters. ขWhen Art Inspires, Dreams Become Realities. His goal in life is to become the kind of person that his dog already thinks he is. http://www.artinspires.com

This article was posted on October 19, 2004

by Harald Anderson

You Can’t Just Build A Website And Hope It Works!

You Can’t Just Build A Website And Hope It Works!

by: Peter Simmons

Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. Youกd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this approach, or rather lack of approach, is still widespread on the internet. Businesses still dont seem to understand what the internet can do to benefit them and their customers. They just dont get it.

This is not a new criticism, people have been saying it for years. Notice i used the word people, because thats exactly who suffers. You, me and the millions of people like us who are visiting those sites during our virtual travels. Many of these businesses do actually have great products and services to offer us, its just that they havent put the effort in to find out what we, their customers want. They havent bothered to find out about us, about our needs, about our wishes. They have other more pressing priorities it seems. So they just present them to us any old way and hope we dont notice or are too stupid to notice. Dont they understand they are losing sales, customers, repeat customers, referrals and more?

Whether your business has a whole team working on your website or just you, its going to take some effort and commitment to get to a point where your website is satisfying your customers. A website where you have a direct conversation with your visiting potential customers. A conversation where they feel you are talking directly to them. A conversation where they feel you understand them. You understand their needs and wishes like no other business has done before. In short, a place where you connect with your customers and they connect with you. A place where you are entirely focused on them, NOT on you. Not on your products, not on your credentials or ego, not on anything else about you.

For example, instead of just detailing information about your products, present your information in a way that is valuable to them. Of course, they will want to know what your product does and some key information about how it works, etc. But present it to them so that they know instantly and precisely how they benefit from it: How much money they will save with it. How much time they will save with it. How it will make their life better. How it will make their life easier, etc.

Focusing wholeheartedly on your customers is not easy, it takes time, motivation, commitment and innovation. Which i suspect is ultimately why it doesnt always get done. Dont let this happen to your site. Do it well and you will see the results. But be sure about it, youกve got to take on the responsibility to do as much as you possibly can if you want to see those golden results. Ensure your customers visit is a positive one that will stay fresh in their mind for some time.

How can you tell how well your site is doing? Answer the following questions to get an indication:

Do you regularly promote your website to carefully targeted customers?

Do you know exactly how your customers benefit from your website?

Are you getting the sales figures and incomes you want?

Are you getting new customers regularly?

Do you get regular positive customer feedback?

Do you get regular positive website feedback?

Can you describe your customer and their needs and wants easily?

Are you regularly looking at ways to improve your site and products for your customers?

Does the text on your site speak to an individual person?

Is it easy to contact you via the site?

Generally, the more questions you answered yes to, the more successful your website can be. You should of course aim for 90100% (910 yesกs). Lower than 90% (9 yesกs) indicates that you need to improve.

One of the great things about the internet, unlike other more traditional media, is its ability to be updated immediately. You can change anything on your website at anytime and as often as you like. Use it to experiment with offers and products. Experiment with the way you present them to find out what works and what doesnt. Use this great feature to improve your site for the better. Better for your customer that is.


Listen to your customers.

Dont be too precious about your site content and products.

Dont become too attached to anything on your site. Change or remove it if it doesnt work.

Ask for honest feedback.

See the bigger picture.

Good luck!

About The Author

Need to get your business online? contact me now to find out how you can do it for less mailto:[email protected] You can see more of my articles to help you get results online at www.dynamiq.co.uk/ezine.

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 28, 2002

by Peter Simmons

Who Says the Customer is Always Right?

Who Says the Customer is Always Right?

by: Diane Hughes

We all know the old adage, ‘the Customer is Always Right.ก If you are an online business owner or offline for that matter, you are on both sides of the subject almost everyday.

Before I started my online business, I was just on one side… the customer. I wholeheartedly believed in the above adage and never questioned it at all. In fact, I would get rather perturbed at ANY business owner, manager, or supervisor that would disagree with any complaint I had.

When I started my own online business back in 1997, I slowly began to learn the กother side.ก

My business products are all downloadable. If your business includes downloaded material, you know where Iกm going with this one. I get NUMEROUS complaints EVERYDAY about usernames and passwords not working, corrupt downloads, and the big one… กI can’t open the download.ก Now I always reply in a very helpful gesture, but my first question is always, กAre you entering the username and password exactly as shown?ก This seems to be one of the กbiggiesก with newbies. They do not understand กcasesensitiveก heck they don’t even know what that means!

But it doesn’t matter HOW simple I make the instructions and overall download process, I STILL get these everyday. I am accused of being a กscammerก at least 4 5 times a week… and thatกs on a GOOD week! :o)

The whole point of the above example is NOT that customers are wrong thatกs not the problem at all. Many of them are very new to the internet and sadly, they do not read through the directions most of the time. I have found that I basically have to put myself back into the กnewbieก frame of mind as hard as that is to do! I don’t remember NOT knowing how to download, enter casesensitive passwords, etc.

You MUST try to understand that customer… at the point of contact, whether by email or phone, they have probably sat there for HOURS trying to figure it out. They are irritated, angry, and theyกve pretty much decided at that point that you scammed them.

Yes, itกs irritating getting these กdumbก questions and emails even when you have them broken down so simply in the instructions. But face it, you’re going to get them and you will get them often as more and more climb on the กweb wagon.ก

When I get a very insulting email (yes, I HAVE been called the กBword,ก the กMFword,ก and recently a new one that I have never heard before… it was quite disgusting), I do not answer it immediately. I let my initial anger subside. When I can read through it and giggle… itกs time to answer. I find that 80 90% of the time, the customer is VERY embarrassed of their initial email by the time I have helped them courteously through their problems.

I had to learn this process through time. Believe me… I am a VERY sensitive person and I used to take these to heart. It HURT! I had to revert back to my กcustomer sideก as well as the กnewbieก frame of mind and do my best to understand the personกs anger.

One angry customer can lead to thousands if not millions in lost business revenue! Especially on the internet. That one customer tells one friend who in turn tells another and so on a so forth. You COULD get a real กpsychoก customer that decides to start a website all about YOUR company and YOUR poor service or product.

Watch that one spread like a virus! :o)

On the other hand, exercise great customer service (get those emails answered within 24 hours, folks) and watch the *praise* of your company spread! I guarantee that you just GAINED thousands in sales!

MOST importantly remember these three things:




You are NOTHING without them. Treat them like gold and you will RECEIVE gold in return!

Copyright 2004 Diane Hughes

About The Author

Diane C. Hughes * ProBizTips.com

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>> http://madmarketer.com/diane

This article was posted on April 20, 2004

by Diane Hughes