How 7 Articles Made Me $4,800…

How 7 Articles Made Me $4,800…

by: Anik Singal

Itกs a strategy that the top marketers have been using for years and years now they even tell us to do it, but most of us are just too lazy! Well, I crawled out of bed and decided to test the strategy and was absolutely blown away!

Over the course of two months, I wrote a total of 7 articles that I published in a few places (Iกll show you where in a minute). Then, I got sick as a dog and was in and out of the hospital.

Guess what? During the time I was sick and not working, my articles went to work for me it was amazing. In just a few weeks I sold about 20 memberships to, and am still selling till this very moment.

Over the course of a year those 20 memberships are going to earn me about $4,800 in profits. Can you believe that? Here is exactly what I did…

I wrote an article of around 500700 words on any topic related to internet marketing ranging from กHow to use solo adsก to กHow to get approved for Google Adsense.ก Now, you’re asking, well how do I write articles?

How to Write Killer Articles

Headline The most important to get someone to even read the article.

Introduction To hook the reader



Resource Box The second most important to generate traffic


Focus the most on the headline, introduction and the resource box. Your headline needs to be catchy and needs to make a promise the person should know exactly what they will get after reading your article.


Once they’re reading your article you need to hook them to read the whole thing, thatกs the only way they will read your resource box.

Resource Box

This is where you tell them something about yourself and then make an offer to get them excited enough to click a link and visit your website. For the best response, send them to a page where you can offer a free course.

Why Should You Use Articles

Iกm going to cut through the chase and get to the point, you use articles for various reasons they do more for you than you can imagine here are just a few:



Brand yourself

Brand your website

Free incoming links to your site

Become known as an expert…

Bottom line, NOTHING bad can ever come of writing articles only good. That basically means that you have no excuse to not write articles to promote yourself.

Where To Post Your Articles

There are many places that you can start promoting your articles, here are a few:

Submit them to ezine publishers

Submit them to article directories

Submit them to websites

Now, all of this can be very timeconsuming unless you develop a system to help you. I use 3 different automated systems to help me: A service called, a software called Ezine Announcer and I also submit directly to ezines who accept articles.

If you want to learn exactly where to get these resources and how I use them, please visit we did an entire case study on this topic in February.

The bottom line is that you want your article to get out as much as possible. However, once itกs out, you never need to worry about it again! It will continue to promote for you for years to come without you ever having to manage it.

Final Strategy You Should Use

I really recommend directing your resource box traffic directly to an optin page. Start building your list with this strategy and you can profit for a long time to come. Think of the infinite profit potential if you build a list!

Final Note

Do not expect this strategy to pay off in a day, a week or even a month. If you really want to use this strategy then be ready to be at it for months. Put in some work now and you will profit from it for years to come.

Copyright 2005 Anik Singal

About The Author

This article has been authored by Anik Singal, the founder of

If you want to learn more about how to use articles to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website, please signup for our FREE course at:

This article was posted on February 18

by Anik Singal

Getting The Most From Your Customers

Getting The Most From Your Customers

by: Dan Brown

Business on the Net is a fast paced proposition. Net entrepreneurs are looking for the edge that will take their business to the next level. Who doesn’t want more business, right? Hereกs a simple yet POWERFUL idea for increasing your income.

As business people we look at many propositions that will help us take that next, much desired growth step. We hear that we must กbrandก ourselves and be easy to do business with. The list of ideas goes on and on.


Many people overlook how hard (and expensive) it is to create a new customer. Yet, we focus most of our time and energy in just this area, thinking that if we just could get more customers we would achieve our goals. But what about getting more OUT OF your customers?

If you have been around for a while you have a customer list. That list is GOLD. Please understand that I am NOT talking about renting out your customer list of email addresses. What I AM talking about it approaching those customers, who know you and trust you already, with a totally new and different product.

Why should we limit ourselves to selling only one type of product or service when by adding an additional item to our current offerings we can TAKE ADVANTAGE of the relationship that exists now? Will your customers resent this move? Not if you do it with some style.


One of the keys is to choose a product or service that COMPLIMENTS what you already do. Whatever your product or service is, think through what your customer is likely to buy based upon purchasing your product.

If you sell shoes, someone is going to sell them socks and it might as well be you. Not only will you increase your revenue but you will encounter less sales resistance and show your customers that you are thinking of them.

Another method is to choose a product or service that CONTRASTS what you sell now. If you normally sell a business related product come back at them with a personal product. Why should they NOT buy it from you? You have proven yourself as honest and dependable; now cash in on that hard work.


One final word. Your customers decided to trust you when they bought what you sell. Capitalize on those good feelings and ask them for their feedback on what you have in mind. This is by far the most powerful, yet virtually free, market research available in the land. Use it wisely and your EXISTING CUSTOMERS will tell you both what they want to buy and when they want to buy it.

All you have to do then is step up, fill the need, and go to the bank.

About The Author

Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with The Paid Surveys Report, introducing a very successful paid surveys database.

This article was posted on August 13, 2004

by Dan Brown

All Successful Entrepreneurs Have This

All Successful Entrepreneurs Have This

by: John Baker

All successful entrepreneurs have this one thing in common!(TIME INVESTED) Everyone wants to have wealth, enjoy life, and be able to retire at an early age! To do this you must first work hard at a business plan over a few years. You start your business at the bottom and work your way up. You have to have a plan so you can stay focused on the Big Picture.

This is where the most important element comes in, Patience! You must have Patience or you will lose focus on the Big Picture. There will be times when things go wrong and things look dark, but if you stay focused and have Patience you will have success!

Some great people have said กYou must learn to fail before you can succeed!ก The term กfailก can only pertain to the low and dark times, because you cannot fail unless you Quit. If you have Patience and stay focused on your long term plan you will succeed.

People see ads and hype where successful entrepreneurs have made thousands of dollars in 24 hours. This may be true, but they have been in business more than 24 hours! They have built their business over a period of time, and have been through some low and dark times to get where they are at today. All successful entrepreneurs have invested in there share of time. So you can be successful to if you start with a good business plan, and stick to it through the highs and the lows. You must have Patience and not lose site of your Goals!

You will also have to work your plan, but what is the alternative? Working hard for someone elseกs business plan! You cannot create wealth trading hours for dollars. You must put in your share of time! If you start today, in a year your business will be one year old! In another year it will be two years old. If you do Nothing, You will still be Two Years Older!

This article may be reprinted providing it is published in itกs entirety, including the authorกs bio and hyperlink to the URL below.

About The Author

John Baker, is the editor of BestHomeBusinesseNews. A newsletter dedicated to supporting the home business entrepreneur. If you’re looking for some of the best home business opportunities, tools, thoughts, ideas, and support from a dependable source, come by, visit,and grab a FREE subscription today at: or email your questions to: mailto:[email protected]

This article was posted on April 12, 2004

by John Baker