10 Instant Benefits Of Submitting Your Articles To

10 Instant Benefits Of Submitting Your Articles To Ezines

by: Ahmad Supaat

One of the biggest problems that most online business owners face is how to promote and generate targeted traffic to their website. An easy way you can boost your online presence is by writing and submitting articles to Ezines.

Here are 10 benefits of submitting your articles to ezines:

#1. You will gain recognition and instantly brand your website, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. By including your resource box with your name, business name, web site address and email address you will gain valuable free advertising.

#2. You will be seen as an expert in your field. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you stand out against your competition. Most people simply don’t want to write, or don’t know how.

#3. Your article might also appear on the publisherกs web site. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure and increase your link popularity.

#4. You will improve your search engine rankings when your article getกs published by many ezine publishers. This will create many links pointing to your website.

#5. You can put your own article into a web page on your website, with the right keywords in the meta tags and text. This will create content to attract search engines and help to boost your search ranking.

#6. You could also allow ezine publishers to publish your articles in their free ebooks. Since people give them away, your advertising and exposure could multiply virally all over the internet.

#7. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to free article content directories. Theyกll allow their visitors to republish your article. This will increase the exposure of your article to thousands of people.

#8. You could do a swap with another ezine publisher to get your article guaranteed to run in an ezine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your ezine if, in exchange, they run yours in their ezine. Itกs a win/win situation.

#9. You might earn extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars, since you are seen as an expert. This is another way to boost your income.

#10. You will begin to gain peopleกs trust. If they read your article and like it, they will be less hesitant to buy your product or service. Then, you will be able to see an increase in your profits.

If you want to increase the visibility of your website and get more visitors then start writing your articles and submit them to EZines.

About The Author

Ahmad Supaat will help you setup your own moneymaking web site PLUS your own prewritten Ezineinabox! Get your copy of 30 Days to Internet Success. Sign up for the FREE Home Biz Tips Ezine at [email protected], or http://www.HomeBusinessEdge.com.

This article was posted on January 24

by Ahmad Supaat

The Power of Personality

The Power of Personality

by: Terri Seymour

Owning an online business and publishing an ezine can be very frustrating, AND rewarding! There can be 100กs or even 1000กs of websites and/or ezines that are almost exactly like yours. What can you do to make your online business stand out from the rest?

The number one answer to this question is add your own personality to your business and in your ezine.

I subscribe to probably over 100 ezines and most of these I do not even read. The ones that I like to read are the ones that contain some personality. I like to know that there is an actual person that I can identify with or get in touch with if I have any questions.

You are the main thing that makes your business unique! Use this to your advantage.

* Connect with your readers. This is the whole purpose of your ezine. By doing the following, you will make that very important connection.

* Let them get to know you. Have a section in your ezine where you talk to your readers and open up to them. I am not talking about pouring out all your personal problems to them, but share the part of yourself that makes you who you are. Share little tidbits of your life so they know that you are a real person and they can connect with you.

* Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. This is one that unfortunately some people forget these days. This one goes both ways for readers and publishers. You have to remember we are all in this together, so let us treat each other as we would want to be treated. Yes, the Golden Rule, which I believe in strongly!!

* Be as helpful as you can. Offer your expertise, advice and support whenever possible. Learn to understand what your readers/customers want and need. This will help form a strong bond.

* Let your passion and spirit come through. This is very important also. By letting your love for your work shine through, you will be กcontagiousก! Your readers will get caught up in it and they will become passionate as well.

* Include some original content. Always write some of your own content so there is a part of your ezine that is in no other ezine. If you write your own articles, (yes, you should) this will help give your ezine its own identity. Subscribers will look forward to reading each issue because of the original material. If you are not ready to write articles, even writing a short editorial or introduction to each issue will make a big difference in originality.

* Build Yourself to Build Your Business In essence, you need to build yourself and your reputation in order to build your business. Show your readers that you are someone who knows what they are doing and that you can help them succeed as well. You want to prove that you are dependable, trustworthy, capable and definitely unique!

Publishing an ezine might be simple, but creating a unique, powerful, and personalitypacked connection with your subscribers is a bit harder and much more effective!

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com

Learn to publish and promote your own ezine. mailto:[email protected]

For a complete list of my articles available for reprint please email: mailto:[email protected]

ATTN: Ezine Publishers, save hours of your valuable time! http://wetrack.it/eza/af.cgi?710

[email protected]

This article was posted on November 1, 2002

by Terri Seymour

Getting Prospects – Keeping Customers

Getting Prospects – Keeping Customers

by: Julie Martin

Does it seem like your customer base is drying up into a trickle? It can be very difficult to attract new customers and keep them. We will explore several ways to go after new clientele and keep them coming back for more.

Purchasing Leads

This is an option that can strike fear into the heart of even the most seasoned Internet businessperson. You need to find new customers, but it is worth the risk of getting a list that is possibly outdated, or worse, full of customers who consider you a ruthless spammer? If you decide to purchase leads, make sure that the company who is providing them is a reputable, solid company that utilizes double optin features for its lists.

Mailing lists are similar traps for Internet businesses. It is not worth the money spent on acquiring new leads if all the potential customers do is hit their delete button.

The climate for email advertising is not conducive to effective sales right now. You would be best served, again, by purchasing a list that is compiled through double optin and targeted to a specific customer base.

Pay Per Click Advertising

This is a method of advertising for text and graphic ads that ensures you will only have to pay for the customers who actually click to go to your site. This is a great method of cost effective prospect gathering, but you will need to research the companies carefully before starting your ad campaign. There are several shady companies out there who will overcharge and under distribute your ad.

Ezine and Mailing List Prospects

An easy way to find new customers is to join one of the millions of electronic magazines that cover almost as many subjects. You can find one that is suited to your products and join. Take part in the discussion and quietly advertise your products through informative articles, or tasteful subject lines. Remember, nothing turns off potential customers more quickly than a hard sell or a see through ad campaign. Most ezines will not tolerate this, so check with the list manager or guidelines before you start advertising this way.

Keeping Customers

Now that you’ve collected a completely new batch of customers, how do plan to keep them? This can be the tricky part in running a successful business. A large percentage of your revenue can come from satisfied customers who not only keep coming back to you, but tell their friends about your store as well. Word of mouth advertising is priceless and it is important to make sure that it is positive word of mouth!

Maintaining customer relationships is one of the keys to repeat business. A casual followup email or an informative ezine that contains information on new products are great ways to stay in touch with your customers. You can also offer special discounts for returning clients and price breaks after they purchase a certain, set amount from you.

Providing what your clients need is another way to guarantee that they will come to you in the future. Try putting up a brief survey on your website to collect information on products they would like to see in your store, or areas that could use improvement.

A happy customer is one that will return. As they go through the process of purchasing an item from you, make sure that it is simple, and enjoyable for them. If you have to wade through ten pages to buy one simple item, chances are, you will go somewhere else in the future where the process is more streamlined.

Excellent customer service is the best way to keep customers happy. Try to answer all emails and inquiries promptly. Remember their names and what they like so that they feel that you actively care about them as a client. If there is a problem with an order, try to go above and beyond to make it right. The results will most likely be a customer who forgot all about the trouble they were caused and focused instead on your exemplary service and commitment.

About The Author

Julie Martin is the publisher of ขThe Iscaweb eZineข a weekly eZine dedicated to increasing your online profits, no matter what you are selling. Julie also uses the ขPlugInProfitข system to GREAT effect!

To subscribe to the eZine, or to learn more about the PlugInProfit system visit: http://www.iscaweb.com

This article was posted on August 16

by Julie Martin

A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines

A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines

by: Edward Green

I am going to let you in on a secret? The successful entrepreneurs are not successful because they know things that you don’t know. They are successful because they TEST every advertising campaign they embark on first before they start spending กbigก money on effective forms of newsletter and ezine ads.

Ezine Ads

Placing ezine ads is one of the most effective form of advertising on the Internet today purely because you can advertise/market exactly to your target groups.

But if you don’t know which of your headlines, your benefits and your offers are the ones that will make you money, you will probably not even be able to get the money back that you have to spend on your ezine ads.

8 Easy Steps To More Effective Headlines

To be capable of determining the most effective adverts, you need a system. I will show you one system how it can be easily done. Of course, there are literally thousands of different systems that could do the task as well. But if you want to analysis without spending too much money, then my way of testing will be an invaluable help for you.

The structure Consists Of 8 Easy Steps :

1.) Write down the benefits of your product and contemplate the advantages for your target group, not yourself. A bit of brainstorming is required here to see which ones immediately come to mind.

2.) Turn them into a set of 10 different headlines. If you sell an ebook about Dog Training and one of your ebooks benefits is that even first time dog owners can understand how to do it, then tell them about it in the headline

e.g. :

กA StepByStep Guide Teaches You Everything You Need To Know About Training Your Dog If You Can Read, You Can Implement A Quick and Easy Dog Training Routine ! ก

3.) Write 23 different versions of your ad copy. Focus on one or two other essential benefits. Get the reader curious and excited about your offer. Your aim is to make the prospect click on your link !

4.) Create a few different tracking links (that lead to your sales letter) for each ezine you want to submit your ad to. You must be able to decide exactly which ads and more importantly headlines are successful, and where the responses are coming from or you will be shooting in the dark.

You can use these 2 free services for this : http://www.hyperlinktracker.com/ and http://www.linkcounter.com/ they are both outstanding free services.

5.) Use one and the same headline for all your free ezine ad sub missions and send out your free ezine ads to at least 10 ezines.

There are plenty of free well established ezines which give you free subscriber ads if you join their mailing list. You need publications with at least 1000 subscribers for a decent test of your ad.

6.) Look for the ezines with the most number of clicks. Only choose the most successful ezines. Now send 10 different headlines to be published in the next issue and one and the same ad copy to these ezines.

7.) By now, you should be familiar with which headlines work and you can change over to paid forms of ezine advertising in the knowledge that the ad you use with give it your best shot. Order Top Sponsor Ads and Solos in ezines with high circulation 10000 + subscribers.

If you get an acceptable amount of clicks but little sales, try changing your copy in the body of the ad and maybe your price as well. Is it too cheap or too expensive. Selling cheap don’t work.

You can find out if you :

8.) TEST, TEST and, you guessed it : TEST…!

About The Author

Edward Green is the owner and operator of a successful online business. Ed has over 15 years in corporate business operations which include guerrilla marketing skills, customer service and Professional networking capabilities.


You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your web site as long as the byline is included and the article is included in itกs entirety. I also ask that you activate any html links found in the article and in the byline. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to: [email protected]

This article was posted on March 14

by Edward Green