Advertising doesn’t cost…it pays!

Advertising doesn’t cost…it pays!

by: Robert Kennedy

Well this has been a busy day. I am truly fatigued. So I may cut my writings today short, but not cheap. We set a sales record today and entered more new printing orders than any other day since our inception in 1989. Today was a banner day…great.

What I want to write about today was advertising…

When should I advertise?

How should I advertise?

How much of a budget should I allow?

These are the three BASIC questions each business needs to answer before listing in any advertising campaign, online or offline. I will address each of these points very briefly in a matter of opinion.

When should I advertise? When you’re busy. Many businesses make the mistake of advertising when they are not busy. This will often lead to the ‘feast or famine’ result. The time to advertise is always. If you need to start somewhere advertise when you are busy and watch the peeks and valleys level out.

How often should I advertise? Repetition is good, it helps create brand awareness. Find the venue that works best for you and stick with it. Keep flow charts running so you can calculate return. Advertising, done properly doesn’t cost…it pays.

How much of a budget should I allow? This answer usually comes from your business plan. Work your plan and plan your work. If you come in under budget and achieved or exceed projected results put the funds into growth of your business.

Here are a few free tips that may help you:

Tip 1

Do me a favor. The next time you are shopping at your local WalMart, Home Depot or Tops, create a third eye for ADVERTISING. Walk the isles you would normally walk and buy the items you would normally buy. At the same time, keep your third eye opened. You will begin to recognize some common factors. Signage colors, placement of merchandise, free sample booths or aroma of baked goods. Allow these corporate giants to show you some advertising psychology that has proven success and apply these concepts in your world.

Helpful Links

Psychology of color

What do you see?

How does color affect your mood?

Tip 2

If you are an online business, exposure to search engines is becoming increasing difficult. Search engines are where most websites receive visitors from. Once your website is completed and ready for business submit it to search engines, guides and directories. Especially the more prominent ones such as Google, Yahoo, MSN. You may even want to consider a paid listing at Yahoo. Google offers AdWords and AdSense, great programs. AdSense offers you revenue opportunities fir running text ads on your site. Every time the ads get clicked Google will pay you. On the other side there is AdWords. AdWords offer you an opportunity to advertise your product offerings in the text ads that appear on there search pages. In both cases all you need to do is apply:



How to make money with AdSense

Tip 3

Design and print quality marketing material. So many businesses try to cut costs in the wrong areas, when it comes down to your image don’t cheap out. Also do not forget to print your website address all of your company’s printing and marketing material. It would surprise you the amount of times I see this being overlooked. Keep all of your expensive, high quality printing brief in content and more about image. Why, you might ask? Unfortunately, in my business I have seen my share of wasted printed matter because someone didn’t proof read the properly, product information changed or prices changed. Display all of this information on your website, changes are far easier and cheaper to implement.

Helpful links:

Full Color Business Cards with Free Coating

The importance of Logo Branding

Download Business Templates

Well that’s about it for me today, I’m on my way to Walmart.

About The Author

Robert is the marketing director of a leading online printing and design firm Robert believes in an educated customer and has created a personal blog, online to help achieve this goal. Learn commercial printing and design tips from the pros

This article was posted on December 14, 2004

by Robert Kennedy

Are You The Boss Or The Employee Of Your Business?

Are You The Boss Or The Employee Of Your Business?

by: Henry Gold

I remember when I was working, back in 1996, I was a totally lazy person. If my boss ordered me to do something, I listened to what he said, but in my heart, I kept complaining that I needed to find a new job with a better employer.

All I thought about was getting a better job, with better pay, in a better environment.

However, I never thought about it from my bosses point of view, untill I became my own boss.


Here is what I remembered about him…

He said กHenry, you need to be able to expand your boundary, if you would like to become very successful.ก

กI see you have great potential, but you lack ambition to get to where you want to go.ก


I remembered that he was always busy talking to clients, busy improving the store condition, and busy organizing work for the employees.

He was also busy reminding me to finish my work on time. He set deadlines and expected me to meet them each and every time.

I could feel that whenever he failed to meet a deadline he was very frustrated and disappointed with his own performance.

Once we finalised a project he would treat us to dinner. However, the next day, he would start a new project again without even slowing down.

Working with him, lead me to understand that his success was based on discipline and hard work, not just a type of luck that everybody is hoping for.

Here is how I started…

As you may have noticed, I started my Internet business in 1999.

During that time, I kept finding many good leaders in Internet marketing. I joined one opportunity after the other.

But nothing worked at all 🙁

I joined several M.ultiLevelMarketing programs which I failed at, and even lost over $10,000 calling up leads as I had been taught on the teleconference. When I saw one guy earning $10,000 in 3 days, I joined his bizopportunity. When I failed to produce any results, I found what I thought was a better business opportunity.

Failure after failure, I almost gave up the idea of socalled กw.ork at home opportunitiesก. I began to think that may be Internet business was not for me.

It brought me to the point where I was thinking about my past employers, who had taught me how to be disciplined and how to push my limits.

I was thinking about the real reason why I had failed. It was not because it didn’t work, but because I hadn’t developed my own principles for becoming successful.

Surely it is in everyoneกs own interest to become successful. Every bizop owner says he will help you to become #1 seller by promoting his programs.

Think about it seriously, does he really care about how you feel when you fail. Does he care about how miserable you become when you fail instead of reaching your goal?

The truth is กNO ONE WILL CAREก.

The truth is, he has got thousands of people he has to take care of right now. He is too busy finishing his work to ask you กAre you ok?ก


Being the boss means…., you need to:

1. Face every obstacle that comes your way. 2. Accept the truth. No one can help you except yourself. 3. Take responsiblity to change the quality of your life. 4. Be disciplined and learn from the mistakes along the way. 5. Finish every task on time.


I frequently suffer from lack of sleep and food, but I enjoy it because I keep thinking about the end result, the end of this month, next month, 1 year from now, or even 5 years from now.

But unsucessful people keep worrying about their future by saying,ก What if it doesn’t work, what would they say?ก

The truth is, กNO ONE WILL CAREก.

Henry, how can I become a true leader?

Be yourself. Imagine the end result, and use other peopleกs knowledge to create your own result.

I found out that if I kept joining business opportunities, I would create an OK income, however, instead of just being the seller, I would like to be the owner.

It means that instead of helping him to sell his products, you learn how to become him by helping others to sell your own products.

For example:

Ask yourself: Who is more powerful?

The one who uses the computer or the one who built the computer?

The one who uses Microsoft word or the one who built Microsoft word?

Itกs obvious, the answer will be the builder, not the user. Itกs obvious that the owner of the bizop is powerful, not the seller.

Henry, how can I become the builder?

When you start your own Internet business, don’t just promote affiliate programs, but open your own Estore with your own unique purpose.

Once you have built it up, use the business opportunity or other similiar program as a plugin opportunity.

Thatกs the only way you can become very successful online.

Another important thing is: Learn as much as possible from people who are the leaders in this field. One of the best ways, is to purchase their courses, books, audio, or even to participate in their seminars.

With the combination of leadership inside you and your willingness to expand your limits, you will definitely become a leader in the industry of your choice.

This is what I call 100% success rate.

Closing note: Many people who send me emails on a daily basis are totally negative about their current work situation as well as their current financial situation.

Your willingness to change the present by pushing your limits, is the only way you can become very successful online.

Remember: If you keep expecting that somebody will rescue you, or one day you will win $1,000,000 from lottery or gambling, you will NEVER become successful.

Take charge of your life by changing your habits. Instead of feeling depressed about life, you should concentrate on finding a solution to the problem.

Your life will definitely become very successful.

Copyright 2004 Henry Gold

About The Author

Henry Gold is recognized as one of the most successful WorkAtHome expert. Visit: for free articles on Internet Marketing, Free Ebook, software, animation, and more. Too busy to visit? Subscribe to his Free weekly Egoldnetter Marketing: mailto:[email protected]

This article was posted on April 11, 2004

by Henry Gold

Are You Busy Living or Dying?

Are You Busy Living or Dying?

by: Esther Smith

If you are not busy living, then you must be busy dying. Most of us do this subconsciously and are unaware of which side of this equation we reside on. It must follow then that if you have lots of money, you are probably busy living and living well. Everybody wants more money. But is it the money itself or is it the freedom it buys? Lots of money = lots of freedom.

On the opposite side are the people busy dying. It must follow then that their income falls short of the mark. They cannot meet their obligations, their debts are growing, and there is more month at the end of their money. Yet fuel prices, housing costs, taxes, even groceries keep rising. How do you budget an inadequate income? So they add on a parttime job to make up the deficit. Lack of money = lack of freedom.

In one month alone, nearly 400,000 people went to Search Engines for ขself helpข.

1,324,817 for help with depression

910,029 for help coping with divorce

355,077 for help with anxiety

276,647 for help with an addiction

131,850 for help with anger management

73,183 for help with panic attacks

So, how do we correct this? More money is the only solution and there are many ways to do this. For most, it is not how much they earn but how much they are able to keep. This is the single most important difference between becoming wealthy and staying poor. Spending more than we earn leads to certain financial disaster, yet most people do just that.

The poorest people would never think to buy knowledge or invest in their greatest asset – their brain. Certainly the easiest way to gather financial knowledge is through educational publications on the subject. Yet the ones who desperately need this knowledge almost never read it. They think poor and so do nothing to change it.

All too often we entertain the thought that there may be a shortcut to wealth. We dream about winning a lottery, or investing in a popular trade, or jumping into an Internet wonderbusiness that promises you a license to print money – (been there, done that).

I’m sure by now you think I’m going to come up with the perfect solution to this problem and I wish that were even possible. But I’ll offer my two cents for what it’s worth. Let’s start a new generation with one parent staying home with the kids. Like the old days we seniors like to say. And it doesn’t always have to be the athomemom; plenty of dads can fill this need and do a superb job; I happen to know a couple of them first hand.

We live in a new millennium where dotcom millionaires are made every day. So I will make earning a living online my solution, because it is the only way a parent can stay at home without fracturing the family budget. And I’m not talking about paid surveys, stuffing envelopes, secretshopper, or (godforbid) telemarketing! Usually this is too little, too late.

To realistically run a business from your home, you must set aside some funds for startup costs. Free is swell, but in the end it will not pay the bills. Compared to a brick and mortar business $1000$2000 is not unreasonable. Currently, a McDonald franchise goes for 3.5 million! And what good are profits if you are imprisoned by your business. There is no freedom in the food business (been there done that too).

You will need some tools to run your business proficiently. Don’t start out with a handicap like some onearmed paperhanger. You will need everything going for you if you are to succeed. Properly equipped, you will appear to be a serious business person but more importantly, you will feel like one.

Start with a domain name, a hosting company and unlimited phone service. A lot of your time will be in conference and followup calls. You will need a tollfree number if you want prospects to contact you – most will pass on a long distance call. You should automate your business as much as possible because you will be splitting your time between home and office duties. A Lead service and Autoresponder would be beneficial. A secluded place for your new business would be ideal and should be labeled ขofflimitsข during your scheduled worktime.

Working at home can be challenging if you don’t have discipline. You have to resist morning TV shows and learn to say ‘no’ until friends and relatives realize that you do have a job with a schedule to keep. A structured day is almost mandatory, especially with small children. It does get easier when they are in school. Your day can match school hours and the many campoptions can eat up the summer months. And oh yes, you will be able to afford it by then.

So the next step is to search for the perfect homebusiness. Personally, I like independent sales so I don’t have to share my profits with several upliners. I also like residual income to be the larger part of my earnings. What is residual income? It’s when income continues to flow automatically as a result of your efforts months ago. It takes no further effort on your part and rewards you generously.

Put high priority on a company’s product. If you’ve never claimed to be a 5star sales person, you will need a superior product at an irresistible price. But once you discover what works you will stop doing what doesn’t, and never look back.

© 2005 Esther Smith

Reprint Permission Granted

About The Author

Esther Smith publishes a syndicated Newsletter every Sunday: [email protected]?subject=subscribe. More articles by Smith here:

She is a proud member of the Profit Masters Team – the power and simplicity of this business earns $3k $5k weekly in a very short time. Creating wealth is fun if there is no struggle attached to it, and this team shows you how.

[email protected]

This article was posted on August 16

by Esther Smith